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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Game Selection
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:52:40 am »
You can decline games with automatch? I guess I'll just keep on not using it then :P

I play random games, and the only benefit I can see for me in automatch (vs. just proposing to people as they enter the lobby) is if it could force a random game without the possibility of declining it. I really wish there were some way to do that on isotropic, like "we agree to play a randomly drawn game no matter what. now pick the cards." I've never declined an isotropic game based on the cards drawn, and if somebody else declines because of the cards I won't play a different game with them. I'm not interested in playing Dominion with constructed sets--and even if you decline one game in a hundred because you don't like that set, you're simply not playing random games--I'd prefer to learn how to take whatever board comes at me.

If that's not how other folks have fun playing, that's fine for them.

This is how I prefer to play, but I do use automatch because I find it that much easier to find games. In my experience, not that many people are declining auto-match games based on the board. Most people instantly accept and those that decline normally decline every game against me (I think they don't want to play against somebody significantly higher ranked than them). I would love an option that forced an auto-accept, though.

1) King's Court. I really hate the variance of this card. Often times both players will buy this early with their first 7 before their deck is tuned, and the result of drawing the KC with your best action on the next reshuffle can be the difference between winning and losing right there.

2) Familiar. Cements first player advantage and the correct "answer" to an opponent going familiar on most boards is to try and beat him to it, which turns the game into a coinflip. You really can't win when the curses split 7-3 which happens way more than it should with a familiar race.

3) Tournament. Turns the game into a one-dimensional race for provinces, and puts way too much emphasis on mid-game shuffle luck.

I'm really surprised at how much people are hating on Possession. I think it is a lot more narrow than people are crediting it, not very good in most decks. I only buy it in about 10% of my games, and the games where I buy it or have it played against me are some of the most interesting games I can remember. In a province game, I'm never going potion just for possession unless there is ambassador on the board or masquerade in my opponent's deck. The game is too fast and every possession you buy is a province you are forgoing if the potion had been a silver instead, not to mention all of the times you draw your potion without $6 and have a dead card. The presence of the card in somebody's deck adds a lot of interesting complexity, and the most common complaint raised with Posession thus far should actually be directed at King's Court.

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