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Messages - Mad Dog

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Goko Dominion Online / Some goko n00b questions from an isotropic vet
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:56:36 am »
Hey all,

Ok, so I finally moved over to Goko, what with isotropic closing and all. I don't mind paying for stuff; it's just a shame Goko's offering is currently, to me, inferior to the free one, but it's still fun, and hopefully will improve just as isotropic did over the years.

A couple of questions:
- What's the best way to feed things back to the Goko people? I'm sure they're trying to make something that the community likes (and will hence pay for) and their support seems responsive. I also note there has been some engagement on this board. If I have constructive suggestions for them what's the best channel?

- The one thing that I miss most about Iso is the point tracker. I am terrible at counting those odd estates,  especially when various interface issues make it tricky to see what happened with your opponents hand. Are there any third party ways to track points yet, or inbuilt point tracker in the offing.

Apologies if these are already answered elsewhere; I couldn't find much with a brief search.

2012 / Re: Gardens Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:13:36 pm »
Mad Dog beat silent revenge 4:3

I'm afraid I didn't grab logs, being something of a n00b to this. Maybe silent revenge will post them.

It was a very close and well fought match.

I can't remember all the details, which is a shame as there were some good games.

The first game I edged but can't remember the details. I may have done it by going for an extra expand to force an extra duchy at the end.

One game silent revenge got to the grand markets before I did and laid waste to em also using menageries to good effect.

The third last match featured tournament; silent revenge IIRC got to the followers first and edged it.

The second last match I actually used explorer for possibly the first time ever in what was effectively a big money game and came back to 3:3.

The decider had both black market and ill gotten gains. I edged the IGG rush 6-4 if I remember rightly, starting black market silver to silent revenge's black market beaurocrat then went bagging duchies while silent revenge grabbed a couple of apprentices. I managed to clear the duchy pile while spamming my hand with copper to edge a very close and well fought match.

Apologies re the logs which I hope I'll do better with next time.

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