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Tournaments and Events / Re: Yet to be organized Dutch tournament
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:46:10 am »

I stumbled upon this topic and I signed into this forum so I could post this comment. In this comment I want to provide the point of view from a casual dominion player.

Let me introduce myself quickly. I am a board game enthousiast. I play a lot of games a little and some games a lot, I also am a boardgame designer and I've set up a local gaming group in the Rotterdam area that caters to board gamers of all kinds of sorts. As such I have a lot of experience with the various motivations people have to play and enjoy board games.

Dominion is one of my favorite games and as such I play it regularly. Sometimes in person and sometimes online. I even read a strategy post every once in a while to amuse myself. However, If I’ve played more than 150 games altogether it is a lot. It is safe to say I am not as fanatic as most of the posters on this forum.    

About the tournament. I think it is important to decide first what kind of tournament it should be. If you really want it to be a casual tournament, or if the competitive element is more important. Some specific goals could be:
-   Participants can play as much games as possible in a day
-   Participants play against people of similar skill most of the time
-   Large variety in setups (different sets, different player counts 2p/3p/4p)
-   Less experienced players get a great introduction in all the facets of the game
-   Getting the opportunity to meet other dominion players
-   Having a climax for the tournament (a finals round)
-   Participants can see the best players in action
-   Determining who is the best (most skillful) player of the day

These goals can be conflicting, so you must prioritize them. The order above represents my personal preference. As you can see I prefer a really more casual tournament. I would set it up in a way that is similar to what happens on the isotropic server, except that the games are played in real live.

That is:
-   Participants report at the organization desk and get a name tag and (login)
-   Organisation randomly pairs opponents that are available for playing (randomly choose 2p/3p/ 4p)
-   Whenever a game is finished, report the results
-   When you finished a game, report yourself as 'ready to play again' in the ‘waiting room’
-   ...or take a break if you require it  :)
-   Sets are determined randomly per game/table by the organization
-   This should be done in a practical way to avoid losing precious playing time (maybe prepare them on portable serving trays that can be put straight onto the playing table)
-   Rating is determined by ELO-style computer algorithm and is shown on a display to anyone
-   Pairings should be manipulated to favour setup with participants of similar rating
-   If you like a climatic finish, the tournament may end with a finals round for the best x players.

What do you think of this?

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