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Messages - moomoo

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Innovation General Discussion / Re: Tournament! (results thread)
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:52:23 pm »
moomoo 4 - ipofanes 0

 : (achievements)
E : (achievements)
EF : (score)
EFC : (Shigeru Miyamoto!)

The first game was super close -- we were basically trading scoring and special achievements back and forth until I finally managed to snag age 8 to win the split 6-5.  A well timed Enterprise allowed me to steal levels [ letting me achieve the higher ages ] in what otherwise was starting to look fairly bleak for me.

Early scoring in the second game let me grab and keep an achievement lead in an otherwise unremarkable game.

Despite the best efforts of a shared Ice Skates, my Math then Stethoscope then Bifocals+Photography let me tech all the way up to 10 while ipofanes was still at level 3.  I was able to empty the 10s with GPS to win with a minor score advantage.

I definitely did not deserve to win the last game, but I jumped from 6 to 10 with Measurement, and managed to get Shigeru Miyamoto when ipofanes achieved his next-to-last achievement.  He provided my only clock, giving me the special condition win.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Tournament! (results thread)
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:17:39 am »
qdread 2 - moomoo 2

: moomoo by achievements
E : moomoo by score
EF : qdread by achievements
EFC : qdread by Radio Telescope

Game 1: a Masonry Monument followed by quick scoring from Clothing and Agriculture gives the early age achievements before teching can go anywhere, in large part due to unlucky Math draws
Game 2: Slide Rule techs up quickly [ delayed a bit by a Construction threat ], and despite some last minute heroics from Piano manages to empty the 10s just in time
Game 3: A surprise Heritage / Empire combination from the forecast ends what was otherwise a neck and neck game trading score achievements
Game 4: That pesky Piano!  Sharing it gave both Radio Telescope and Catherine the Great, two great tastes that taste great together.

Aside from the first, each game was probably one turn from going the other way.  I should wear a biosensor and plot my heart rate over the course of the games.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Online Innovation
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:41:57 pm »
Bug report: The piles on the left hand side of the screen don't get updated until the end of the action, even if something happens to them before then.

This is relevant e.g. with Physics:  Let's say there were 3 cards in the 6 pile when your opponent dogmas and shares Physics.  You draw those three, which happen to have a duplicate and so you have to return all your cards, which includes some other 6's.  You look at the display, which still shows 3 cards in the 6 pile, so you return cards at random, not ensuring that the first 3 cards you return have a duplicate for your opponent to draw.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DA is out on androminion!
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:32:49 am »
The bug tracker can be found at:

The Fortress, Sir Martin, Graverobber, Tournament, and German translations bugs have all been recently fixed, and will come out in the next release. 

Incidentally, the code is open source, so thanks should go to the many contributors working hard on improving the project.  I've been rather slacking on Androminion of late -- this pesky business of writing a thesis keeps getting in the way.

If you're a coder and want to help, we'd love to have you on board --there are still a number of other open bugs and feature requests that could use attention!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Riddle I came up, but have no solution of
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:30:59 pm »
This sort of reminds me of this problem [ to which I have yet to come up with a solution ]:

"Consider an isolated group of n students. They wish to assign themselves unique student numbers from 1 to n (no repetitions!) in such a way that each student will know his own student number, but each student should have no information about any other student's number."
[ further details / clarifications in the pdf ]

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