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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fixing Dominion
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:04:20 pm »
If they work for us, then who cares what you think.  Get over yourself.
If you don't care what we think, then why did you bother posting?

The thing is, the people who posted here are trying to be helpful and show you why they do/don't think your changes will make Dominion a better game, because by posting, you implicitly asked for them to do that.  If you're going to ignore their advice anyway, then there wasn't much point in posting this thread.

Anyway, most of the card you mentioned are weak, but not so much so that they need changing.  I think it would be disappointing if you found a game where a normal Bureaucrat could have been awesome for whatever reason, but everyone is getting them anyway because gaining Silver to hand is so good.  And there are some minor variants you could make that probably wouldn't hurt the game at all, but if you buff all the weak cards until they're not weak, then you just get a new batch of weak cards that get ignored.  Maybe that makes for an interesting metagame, if that's what you're going for, but I can understand why the general consensus of the people here think it's a bad idea.  It's impossible to perfectly balance all the cards in the game, you might as well just settle for DXV's attempt.

I care to change the cards and would like input on how to do it.  The suggestion that changing the cards is pointless because they have a niche use doesn't help the overall goal to make these weaker cards viable as non-niche-only cards.

Regardless of anyone's opinion on whether or not to make the changes, it's going to happen as we feel the need to compensate for stale kingdoms with several of these cards.  I care about everyone's opinion on how to better these cards, which is why I posted.  Telling me I need to learn how to play better isn't really going to fix any of the issues at hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fixing Dominion
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:44:51 pm »
I think my playgroup will go ahead and make minor tweaks to several of these cards despite most of the replies stating to otherwise leave them unchanged.

What a shock!

To put it a bit more gently -- it's quite possible that the reason you (forthemame) think that these cards are too weak is because of group think.

Actually, I just find it funny/sad when somebody's like, "What do you think of these changes?" Then the community is like, "Those changes are bad!" Then the person almost always says, "I'm going to make these changes anyway!"

My point is, if you're just posting to get vindication, rather than looking for actual critiques, don't bother posting.

Regardless of what you think, the cards simply aren't being bought and used effectively when I play online and in person.  I'm going to change the cards I play with a bit to help with that when I play in person.  If they work for us, then who cares what you think.  Get over yourself.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fixing Dominion
« on: July 09, 2013, 03:14:28 pm »
The only card I would change is Scout. I would give it +$1. Most of these these suggestions are just you not being willing to get better with these cards. Not all cards should be powerhouses. Many of the cards you name are very cool as niche/support cards.

Just as an example, your Vagrant change would eliminate Mystic/Vagrant, one of Dark Ages' coolest combos.

These cards can still be niche/support cards, but some of these tweaks will let them be used in kingdoms that aren't otherwise suited to allow for them to be used effectively.  Saying you have to get better with the cards is like saying you have to be a better driver with your Pinto when racing in Formula 1.  There's limits to these cards, and pushing their usefulness baseline up, they become more viable without being too strong.

The Vagrant change (et al) is just me thinking out loud; I haven't playtested these to see the impact.  I'll refine things a bit first.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fixing Dominion
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:43:12 pm »
I'm surprised so many people feel these cards don't need any tweaking.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but I've played many many games online and in person and many / most of the ones I list seem to be rarely used.  It seems like there's only 1 or 2 winning strategies on most random kingdom combinations, and I've noticed these cards seem to be the culprits as they're rarely purchased consistently.

It'll take a lot of playtesting to fully balance, but I think my playgroup will go ahead and make minor tweaks to several of these cards despite most of the replies stating to otherwise leave them unchanged.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fixing Dominion
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:00:07 am »
Now that all the official cards have been released, I decided to re-evaluate the existing cards that I felt needed a change to make them more viable options.  As we all know, every card can be quite strong given the perfect kingdom, but the number of times Chancellor makes any sense to buy is few and far between.

I want to make subtle improvements to these weaker cards without changing their core functionality or cost.

This is just a first pass at some changes, so any and all input would be welcome.  We'll probably be rolling out these changes in our home games to see how they play out and adjust them as need be.

Pearl Diver - +1 Card; +1 Action
Look at the bottom card of your deck.  You may put it on top of your deck or discard pile.

Allows you to discard bad cards so that Pearl Diver doesn't become useless as soon as it hits an Estate.

Throne Room - You may choose an Action card in your hand. Play it twice.

Added "may" a la King's Court.

Transmute - +1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. If it is an… Action card, gain a Duchy; Treasure card, gain a Transmute; Victory card, gain a Gold.
+1 Buy when you buy this card.

Adding an action seems to really help overhaul this slow trasher.  Also allows you to buy an additional card when you initially buy the card so that you don't have to get upset next time you end up with $5 and your only Potion.

Bureaucrat - Gain a silver card; put it in your hand or on top of your deck. Each other player reveals a Victory card from his hand and puts it on his deck (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards).

The gained Silver can go in your hand if you'd prefer.  Adds a little bit of flexibility.

Counting House
- You may discard the top 5 cards from your deck.  Look through your discard pile, reveal any number of Copper cards from it, and put them into your hand.

Allowing you to discard 5 cards first helps a tad bit with drawing this card without a discard pile to look through.

Moat - +2 Cards;  +$1
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.

This still probably isn't enough to make Moat playable when there's no attack cards in the kingdom, but at least it's something.

Chancellor - +$2
If you have any cards in your deck, you may place the top card in your discard pile.  Repeat until you wish to stop or you no longer have any cards in your discard pile.

If you're good at tracking cards, you can weed through enough crap until you know there's a better mix of cards left in your deck, or simply keep going until you force a reshuffle anyway.

Coppersmith - You may gain a Copper putting it in your hand.  Copper produces an extra $1 this turn.

Adds an extra $2 in the event you really need it.

Duchess - +$2
Each player (including you) looks at the top card of his deck, and discards it or puts it back, your choice.

In games using this, when you gain a Duchy, you may gain a Duchess.

Lets the Duchess player make the decision, a la Spy.

Spy - +1 Card; +1 Action
Each player (including you) reveals the top card of his deck and either discards it, puts in on the bottom of his deck, or puts it back, your choice.

Speaking of Spy, you can now put the card on the bottom of their deck in the event you wish to play multiple Spy's and don't want to get stuck looking at the same bad card on top of their deck.

Tribute - The player to your left reveals then discards the top 2 cards of his deck. For each card revealed, if it is an… Action Card; +2 Actions; Treasure Card; +$2; Victory Card; +2 Cards.

Removed the differently named card criteria.

Lookout - +1 Action
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Put one on top of your deck.  You may trash one of them.  Discard the rest.

Removed the mandatory trashing.  Too many Gold, Province, Province plays burned me.

Navigator - +$2
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. Either put them back on top of your deck in any order, or put one on top of your deck and discard the rest.

Putting the best one card on your deck seems like a nice bump in usefulness.

Woodcutter - +$2;  +1 Buy or +1 Card

Slightly more flexible with the +1 Card option.

Vagrant - +1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it’s a Victory card, Curse, Ruins, or Shelter, put it into your hand, otherwise you may discard it.
+1 Card;

Lets you sift through your deck a little easier.  The +1 Card at the end makes it a much different card.

Here's the rest of the cards I feel need an update, but I need more time to figure out what needs to be changed.

Scout - There's a huge thread on this.  +1 Card is an easy fix, but there's plenty of other interesting fixes available.  I'm not sure what's best at this point.

Contraband - Perhaps make it worth $1 if you don't want your opponent to choose what you can't buy?

Or maybe add the option to trash it for +$3 and +1 Buy to avoid the opponent restriction.

Cache - No idea yet.  Originally was thinking of a way to add them to your next hand, but a 7 card hand would probably be too strong.
Rats - Maybe when you trash it, you get +2 Cards instead of just 1?

Feast - Originally I thought of changing the gained card cost to "up to $6", but that may be too strong?

Explorer - Maybe add +1 Action, or how about you get 1 Gold for each Province revealed?

Adventurer - Maybe add +1 Action?  I have no idea how to make this $6 card playable.  This is the only card I really want to change the cost on.

Secret Chamber - No idea yet.  Hard card to tweak.

Develop - No idea yet.

Mandarin - No idea yet.  Weird card to tweak.

Saboteur - No idea yet.

Thoughts on any of the above changes?

Rules Questions / Jester & Harem
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:19:42 am »
Jester that hits a Harem = opponent gets a curse, right?  No choice in getting a copy of it?

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