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Messages - sammyt628

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BGG Store Tournament / Re: BGG Store Tournament Bracket - Round 1
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:52:22 pm »
Beyond Awesome (3) defeats sammyt628 (1)

Game One:
(log missing)
We both missed the log for the first game, oops! BA went first here. Key cards were Monument and Stables--he got two and a Farming Village which he was able to collide a few times and I just got one, and that proved to be the difference. He won this one. BA 1 - sammyt628 0.

Game Two:
As BA said, this was the most interesting game (though that's not saying that much :P). My plan was actually always Duke--I wasn't sure the Province was the right call and in hindsight I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Still not sure that Duke is viable here anyway, honestly. BA 1 - sammyt628 1.

Game Three:
I went Remake into an Oasis/Lab/Conspirator engine, and he went Envoy/BM. I disagree that this was an obvious BM board--sure I didn't have +buy, but I didn't build up past getting one Province per turn. And anyway, I'd tend to avoid a BM mirror going second. Additionally, I'll note that we forgot to use the point tracker this game, and I am godawful at remembering points--I completely forgot that I'd trashed my Estates (d'oh!)--otherwise I wouldn't have ended, obviously. BA 2 - sammyt628 1.

Game Four:
I hate Apprentice, I'd like that on the record. Anyway, yeah, I was similarly torn between Moneylender and Apprentice opening on $5, still not sure which is better. Was generally aiming for the same thing as BA, but I idiotically trash my Herbalist to Apprentice--I do not remember my reasoning, and I do not care to remember it. That was the difference, I think--I think other than that my Apprentice play was reasonable. BA 3 - sammyt628 1.

Anyway, yeah, good job BA--it was nice playing with you.

Edited to add match score updates after each report.

Game Reports / Re: Most effective misclick ever
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:21:59 am »
Yeah, my plan from the get-go was pretty similar to his. I just figured that after buying a Ship, I'd lose out on the mirror anyway, so what the hell, let's go for it. I in no way should have won this game :P

Game Reports / Most effective misclick ever
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:51:56 pm »

Turn 2 I meant to buy a Bureaucrat, whoops! Decided to commit.

Of course I got lucky, hitting his Loans, Cache, and Bank, but I'm not sure what he was thinking going BM so there a worse buy against Pirate Ship than Cache?

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