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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Sasha's Cards (2018 revision)
« on: February 06, 2018, 11:07:04 pm »
I really like the comparison here of Bath House to Forager. Perhaps it is a bit strong. Would moving the +$1 to being a choice that competes with the trashing effect work? "Choose one: Trash a card from your hand; trash 3 cards from your hand, or +$1"

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Sasha's Cards (2018 revision)
« on: February 06, 2018, 05:01:48 pm »
Note that Missionary's reaction is very similar to it being a Copper. Which means that it is actually almost as dead as Chapel in the late-game; at least you would really want to also trash it if you could. It does have some neat interactions with gainers that Copper doesn't; but the majority of the time it's just a Copper.

Comparing Panacea to Alchemist makes it look really strong. It costs less the same, and does so much more.

I can agree here, the reaction part may look/be a little lackluster. I still generally want to keep the concept the same though, but I feel bumping the reaction to a Silver's worth of benefit is too much for a $2 card.

Panacea and Alchemist are the obvious comparison to make, since one of Panacea's modes is Alchemist without the topdeck. I feel like the topdeck has added better chaining consistency than the trashing in most engines, but I should test this in particularly kingdoms where both are available. If it ends up being the case that panacea is almost strictly better, the Laboratory mode may be tweaked.

Variants and Fan Cards / Sasha's Cards (2018 revision)
« on: February 06, 2018, 03:07:40 am »
Revisiting my cards from past years. Haven't had the time to make these into images myself, and only 2 already had them (set-design contest cards). Hoping that as I've gotten to be a better player (currently level 55 on my cards have also improved.Let me know what you think! Cards will have a score /10, but this is to indicate how much testing they have gotten, not how strong they are.

Panacea - Action - $3+P
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card;
OR +1 Buy, +$1;
OR trash a card from your hand.

This was the only Potion-costing card I've designed that's ever survived. As the name implies, it's a cure-all. The card fits in every deck, which alone is pretty boring, but it's mainly for the purpose of giving a board that has difficult engine potential a strong fixer. Trash early, Lab midgame, Market when you start to cash out. 10/10 playtesting, this card is locked in.

Missionary - Action/Reaction - $2
Trash up to 2 cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard this. If you do, instead gain a card costing exactly $1 more.

Yes, this is supposed to say "would gain". This is to make its interactions as understandable as possible (on-gain effects don't happen if you replace the card using missionary, because you never gained the card, you only would have gained it. Unlike the stupid Skulk/Changeling interaction on Dominion online). Anyways, this card feels pretty nice. It's a worse chapel that isn't nearly as dead as chapel later in the game. You can also use it as a pseudo-moat against some cursers/junkers, or a way to smooth out your trash-for-benefits/gainers. 7/10, seems like the final version, but hasn't been played enough to see if it's fun.

Merchant Village - Action/Reaction - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When any player gains a victory, you may set this aside. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand. At the start of your next turn, return this to your hand.

Originally named "Abandoned Village", the name changed to be more thematic. It seems counterintuitive, since villages are usually engine parts, and you don't want too much treasure cluttering yours up. Typically, you want to use this reaction waaay later in the game. It says ANY player, so if you draw it dead, you can use the reaction to get a sweet setup for next turn. It's a Horse Traders+Village baby was had in the Hinterlands. 6/10, the reaction wording and conditions may change slightly, but it overall feels like a good $4 Village.

Assassin - Action/Attack - $5
You may put your deck into your discard pile.
Each other player gains a curse.

Simple formula of "$2-3 cost terminal effect + cursing attack = $5 cost" works here. Chancellor was slightly weak at $3, but this works a little bit better in that you get a higher reward for cycling your deck often because the card itself is also a payoff for constantly reshuffling. Cursing attacks can make for some painful games though, but it seems like the "power" creep of trashing is keeping them in check, so I'm not too worried about this card being unfun (Mountebank is the king there). 6/10, this is probably the final iteration, but it's hard to get people to test with cursers.

Bath House - Action - $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash 1 or 3 cards from your hand.

One of the first cards I designed. I wanted to make a $4 cost trasher, and a nonterminal trasher, but I felt like a cantrip trasher would be uninteresting without something else (Panacea), so I combined the two ideas and this card hasn't changed at all. The "1 or 3" condition is something I'm rather proud of, since it tends to matter a reasonable amount of the time, and is honestly just rather fun to play with. 8/10, probably locked in besides maybe the name.

Prospector - $5
Trash a card from your hand.
Choose one: +$2;
OR Draw up to 5 cards in hand.

Draw up to X was something I was trying to solve for a while, and I seem to really like trashing and choices. I feel like those both add another amount of skill to Dominion as opposed to just draw luck. This card is a very powerful engine piece, but on par with other $5 cost cards. Individually, its two modes are slightly weaker, but in combination with other cards, and the fact that it gives you a choice, this card feels very correctly costed. 7/10.

Castle Archer - $4
+1 Buy
You may discard a card. If you do, draw 2 cards. If the discarded card was a Treasure, +1 (vp)

The current iteration of "Archer" from my first few versions. Originally it was draw 2 discard 1 with no (vp) bonus. The draw was moved to be after an optional discard, but the card felt too weak for $4 and too strong for $3. The (vp) clause rewards you for discarding treasure (basically, if you discard copper it negates the +$1, and that otherwise felt pretty terrible). It's worth noting that this doesn't increase your hand size at all, so engine-ing with this requires a bit of finesse. 2/10, current version is mostly untested.

Collector - $3
+1 Buy
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it does not share a type with any other card revealed this way, set it aside and repeat this process. Otherwise, discard it.
Put the set aside cards into your hand.

First new card here, this was my attempt at a Cornucopia-style card. It's worth noting that with night cards, it can potentially draw up to 5 cards (I believe, unless you count weird things like Hovel). 1/10, untested.

Gambler - $3
+3 Cards
When you discard this from play, take 2(debt), then you may pay off (debt).

Wanted to make a card called Gambler without actually making rng any worse. This is my first attempt at a solution. 2/10.

Fact or Fiction - $4
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. The player to your left separates those cards into 2 piles. Put one pile into your hand and discard the rest.
You may trash this. If you do, +2 Actions.

These last few cards are just ports of MtG cards. I added the little clause at the end to make it feel less weak, however it could be completely unnecessary. 1/10.

Brainstorm - $4
+3 Cards
+1 Action
Put 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck.

Just like the MtG version, the first one is extremely strong, the next ones give you way less to work with (unless you shuffle). Does not increase hand size. 1/10.

I'm open to hear any suggestions! Does a card need better wording, or does it just suck?

Dominion Articles / Re: Turbo-Treasure-Map Combo: Plan+Engineer
« on: January 30, 2018, 08:37:55 pm »
The main problem with a TM rush is that the Treasure Maps actively antisynergize - each time you activate a pair you make the next pair much harder to connect. You could do this sort of thing with two or three or four TM’s for an okay BM strategy on a board with just nothing else going on, but you’ll have trouble on a lot of real boards with better Plan targets.

Realistically, you only care about connect once or twice, then you can trash the rest as you draw them. The point is that it makes getting the first activation extremely fast, and gives good odds on a second activation as well. 8 Golds straight into buying Provinces can end the game very fast, especially when Plan has thinned the Coppers and Estates from your deck.

What’s a best case?
T1 Plan
T2 Treasure Map (remember, only 5/12 odds you can even do this)
T5 Collide, Buy Silver I guess
T6 Province???

You now have a 13 card deck with 4 Golds, 1 TM, 1 Province, 7 Copper. Basically if you miss Province you, Buy one more treasure map and hope for a T9 or T10 collision? Let’s say you get one more Province one more Tmap, and T9 you get the collision, which is super low odds. Then you can potentially get Province 5 at T12-13.

That’s... comparable to the average case for Gear BM, for the absolute best case here. Leaves a bit to be desired?

You don't buy Treasure Map... the whole point of the combo is using Engineer.

Dominion Articles / Re: Turbo-Treasure-Map Combo: Plan+Engineer
« on: January 30, 2018, 05:38:40 pm »
The main problem with a TM rush is that the Treasure Maps actively antisynergize - each time you activate a pair you make the next pair much harder to connect. You could do this sort of thing with two or three or four TM’s for an okay BM strategy on a board with just nothing else going on, but you’ll have trouble on a lot of real boards with better Plan targets.

Realistically, you only care about connect once or twice, then you can trash the rest as you draw them. The point is that it makes getting the first activation extremely fast, and gives good odds on a second activation as well. 8 Golds straight into buying Provinces can end the game very fast, especially when Plan has thinned the Coppers and Estates from your deck.

Dominion Articles / Turbo-Treasure-Map Combo: Plan+Engineer
« on: January 30, 2018, 01:48:36 am »
Open Plan, naming Engineer.
Buy Engineers, trashing coppers and estates.
Trash Engineers when you play them for 2x Treasure Maps.

This combo is super smooth because you can put 6x Treasure Maps in your deck by the third shuffle, and Engineer allows you to have really smooth early buys, While Plan simply enables incredible consistency to land the Treasure Maps together.

No, you get a ton of cantrips and sacrifice the stonemasons. You can usually have some powerful terminals in the deck as well. This is more consistent than villages because it thins your deck out super fast first.

I found out this combo/engine for the first time today, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has tried it as well. This is my first time posting to the forums in a VERY long time, I'm trying to climb back to top 100 again.

So the premise of this engine is that you can use sacrifice early to eat all your estates and copper, and then start cannibalizing your deck to rush provinces (I was able to get 5 by turn 14 when I tried).

So, how do you actually do this without running out of things to trash-for-benefit? Stonemason. Think of stonemason as simply adding 3 cards to eat to your deck with one buy. It almost doesn't matter what they are, but having simple cantrips are probably the best, because they allow you to draw the right cards more often.

The execution is roughly as follows: open Sacrifice/Silver, get a second sacrifice, then start buying up a ton of stonemason overpay actions as soon as you're down to only 2-4 cards left from your starting deck. The only real important part is to make sure you have enough $ in your deck to hit province if you draw your whole deck. You don't need more, so prioritize getting the engine to run smoothly.

I'm unsure how well this combo will work with which cantrips, but Chariot Race seems like the best option, followed by stuff like hamlet, market square, and possibly even oasis.

Wealthy Village is ridiculously overtuned. My personal fave was dividends as a simple but strong $7

Overtuned? I have never seen that word before. What does that mean?

Eh it's being given too much to compensate for its weakness [multiple copies = expensive village]. It should be toned down, or cost 5

Wealthy Village is ridiculously overtuned. My personal fave was dividends as a simple but strong $7

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: The Contest Set Card List
« on: June 23, 2016, 10:49:09 pm »
I really like the art you got for my cards! I might try printing these now, once I figure out how I want to do that.
If you sleeve your cards, then my method works quite well. I print on my home printer using photo paper.  The images come out nice and crisp on the paper even though they are thinner than normal cards.  The sleeves help hide the thinness.

I've had the older sets for years and never sleeved them, so honestly I'm just gonna buy new copies of every set and sleeve them all, then I'll do this.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: The Contest Set Card List
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:51:26 pm »
I got a little board and decided to finish create cards for all of the cards still lacking an image.  All are High Resolution 696 x 1074 pixels. Hopefully I didn't make too many errors. Please let me know if you find any.

All full high Resolution cards can be downloaded here:

 I also created a new Card for Canal with new art since I used its picture for Barge. I also clarified the wording (but not function) of the card slightly while maintaining Polk5440's intent. Barge uses the image from the old Canal card. It was impossible to find an acceptable painting of a barge, as other's have noted.

Amulet is not complete. I don't have a template for a large $3 coin or the top $3 coins. If anyone has acceptable images for these coins I would be more than willing to finish it up.

Soothsayer needs to be renamed since "Soothsayer" is used in dark ages. I suggest "Clairvoyant". Thoughts?

Mountain Pass does not use the coin icons in its text and needs to have a new card created. I'd be willing to create a new card if I had access to the original picture used in the card.

I think we should consider adding a matching Set Icon to the lower right corner of each of the cards just like the official dominion expansions. I'd be willing to add said set Icons, clean up and create High Resolution Cards for any of the previously posted cards If someone would send me the original pictures used in them.

And thanks ringworks and others for all your extraordinary effort put into this project. It is greatly appreciated. I apologize for the huge preview images. I was unsure how to post smaller preview images.

I really like the art you got for my cards! I might try printing these now, once I figure out how I want to do that.

I feel like the duration of harbourmaster is too strong for $3, partial mulligans are insanely powerful. Though, I can see the justification, because that also has diminishing returns.

Prawn shop is just both hilarious, and actually a decently fun looking card. Imagine chaining these every turn.

I've enjoyed participating in these contests, but unfortunately have mostly only been able to throw old cards into it. I'm rusty as hell, gotta admit.

I have 3 cards I think would do well for this contest, but I submitted my choice in hopes of using the others in future contests. Good luck to everyone!

Small nitpick on Hoarder: what about potion cost cards? $2P costs neither more nor less than $3. It may be a pain in the ass, but you may have to reword it.

Not gonna rattle off strategy stuff, because i think that's against the rules, but the cost is definitely right.

I guess since a few people would like it to be mentioned here, I would. it's already a card I've posted before anyway.

It's Archer, supposed to cost $4. makes a HUGE difference.

Uh, my card was posted with the wrong price, and i think that may have an impact on the voting.

this seems like a lot to squeeze into a card without each effect being weak on its own [like JoaT] or being high cost. That's not to say it can't be cool, but it should fill a role as a card rather than just be a complex jumble of mechanics.

Going to refrain from voting for a set i havent played, but it was interesting to try my hand.

I'm gonna submit a card even though I haven't played with Adventures yet. Let's see how good my theorycrafting is.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Plague (Fan Expansion for Dominion)
« on: August 14, 2015, 11:03:04 pm »
Is there a link to a downloadable PDF for printing? I'd love to try these out!!  Thank you!

wow, the three year resurrection. didn't think I'd see one.

Hearthstone / Re: Dominion vs. Hearthstone shorthand is f-ing me up
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:20:23 pm »
you think Dominion + hS is bad? Add MtG lingo to the mix. I've described HS cards using MtG keywords like doublestrike and haste.

General Discussion / Re: Magic: the Gathering
« on: August 08, 2015, 10:17:12 pm »
Actually FNM left a bad feeling in my mouth, so maybe I won't be playing magic anymore. 

I was slowly building a budget red deck that didn't use any token cards or token enablers, since I knew the token cards like Goblin Rabblemaster and Mana Confluence were expensive.  So I was specifically picking out a strategy that would be mutually exclusive with that: Using Abbot of Keral Keep and Mardu Scout instead of Dragon Fodder and Atarka's Command, and Exquisite Firecraft instead of Goblin Rabblemaster.  I was having an easy time trading for the cards I needed 1 or 2 at a time each week at FNM, in between games, trading away strong rares from other colors.

But then this past weekend, a deck using Abbot of Keral Keep and Exquisite Firecraft won the pro tour, so the price of those cards shot up.  I already had the Abbots, but just needed one or two more Firecrafts for my deck to be cohesive.  It's not just that the Firecrafts are expensive now, I have lots of black, blue, green, and white cards with real value in my binder.  It's that no one has them available now, they traded them immediately to friends who were building copycat decks.

tl;dr, even when I was trying as hard as possible to build the cheapest quasicompetitive deck I could, meta shifts made it less cheap.  Which might mean I'm a good deckbuilder for designing something with some similarity to what won the Pro Tour, but all I get for that is a kick in the butt.

I would really wish one of those LCGs would take off, like Netrunner. I like everything about Netrunner except for all the mechanics of the actual game, which is kind of an issue.

that left you salty? I mean, you predicted a card, that's pretty cool, even if it makes one card hard to get. If you're having trouble getting cards, just scrounge up $15 and go infinite in drafts. It's slow, but it's how I got/traded for my GRu Dragons deck.

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