Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Puzzles and Challenges => Topic started by: Watno on July 28, 2013, 10:01:06 am

Title: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Watno on July 28, 2013, 10:01:06 am

How many can you get?

I got 180/240. (should have been 181, but Mercenary is misspelled)
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Awaclus on July 28, 2013, 11:45:27 am
It got too intensive and I had to give up at 41 seconds left. 206/240, screenshot attached.

EDIT: Though it's worth mentioning that I took a quick glimpse of the answers in order to find out how Mercenary was misspelled. Probably would've been worse if not for that.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: MarkowKette on July 28, 2013, 12:16:44 pm
175/240 in the second attempt.

Well i had 163 at first try and thought i can do much better :P
Well i cant!
And there were about 20 cards that i had in first but then forgot in second one :)

I realized that most of the cards i didnt name were ones i almoast never buy(quite obvious)
or cards that i nearly always have to buy but dont really like(Rebuild, JoaT,Mountebank)
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: liopoil on July 28, 2013, 12:23:00 pm
173 on first try, haven't tried again yet. I feel like I can do a lot better. I forgot a lot of cards that I really should have remembered, like rebuild, ambassador, masquerade, and black market.

It was also really interesting to see which expansions I forgot the most. I missed a grand total of 9 in base set, cornucopia, alchemy, promo, base cards, prosperity, and guilds COMBINED. Forgot a lot in intrigue, dark ages, seaside, and hinterlands, missing at least 10 in each.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: qmech on July 28, 2013, 01:24:50 pm
174 here.  It's interesting to see how close the scores are.  Hinterlands had my biggest gaps, as well as Dark Ages (so many Knights).
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Kirian on July 28, 2013, 01:31:12 pm
I'm embarrassed to have only gotten 160...

But I figured out what my least favorite expansion was!  I got a whopping 9 cards from Intrigue.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Powerman on July 28, 2013, 01:34:31 pm
I'm embarrassed to have only gotten 160...

But I figured out what my least favorite expansion was!  I got a whopping 9 cards from Intrigue.

That's basically the exact same as me.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Tables on July 28, 2013, 01:38:09 pm
176, which I didn't think was too good, but seems to compare okay with others here. Missed a lot of intrigue, and a LOT of Dark Ages, but got all but one of the cards in all of the small expansion together - breaking apart by expansion seems to help me a lot.

Most frequently named cards I missed were Throne Room, Library (despite getting Ruined Library...)  then Bishop, most frequently missed cards I named were Storeroom, Plaza, Dame Natalie. Having seen Mercenary was misspelt I was able to get it.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Davio on July 28, 2013, 01:41:59 pm
187 on the first go, satisfied, although it pains me I didn't get all Alchemy cards (missed University), nor all the knights.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Mic Qsenoch on July 28, 2013, 01:46:15 pm
I got somewhere in the 170s. While taking it, I thought at one point "Ok, let's get all the Lab variants: Hunting Party, Stables ..." and then when I finished I had missed Laboratory.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: HiveMindEmulator on July 28, 2013, 01:52:08 pm
182. Feel kind of stupid about some of the ones I missed, but it's hard thinking of things in any organized way. For instance, when I'm thinking of the Remodels, when I get to Butcher, I go to the coin token ones and never finish the Remodels. I also still couldn't name all the Knights if you asked me to and I just looked at the answers...
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Polk5440 on July 28, 2013, 03:00:13 pm
147..... I suck at spelling. And typing. Maurader Murauder Muruder Marader. What the heck? I didn't actually get to Marauder in time.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: philosophyguy on July 28, 2013, 05:07:28 pm
181. It's amazing how easy it is to overlook cards that you know.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: scott_pilgrim on July 28, 2013, 05:22:39 pm
I got 180/240. (should have been 181, but Mercenary is misspelled)
Exactly the same result for me.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: liopoil on July 28, 2013, 05:28:30 pm
well, I wasted a lot of time today. I tried this SEVEN times.

first attempt: 173
second attempt: 206
third attempt: 218
fourth attempt: 229
fifth attempt: 231
sixth attempt: 234
seventh attempt: 240!!

the stats page says I'm the first person to get them all :)
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: blueblimp on July 28, 2013, 06:04:27 pm
192. I feel like this would be easier if I played more IRL... online it's not obvious which cards go with which expansion. When I got stuck I'd try to go by card theme (such as, what are all the coin token cards in Guilds?) but that didn't always work (I couldn't remember all four $5 duration cards in Seaside... forgot Merchant Ship :().
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: MarkowKette on July 28, 2013, 07:06:33 pm
inspired by liopoil i gave it a 3rd try and managed to hit 215 now.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: AJD on July 28, 2013, 09:06:17 pm
Woo, 190 first go.

Missed eight each in Intrigue and Hinterlands (not that many good subcategories like "remember all the Durations" in Seaside) and 17 in Dark Ages (too new and big to think about in an organized way).

The highest-ranked ones I missed were Festival and Grand Market; the lowest-ranked ones I got were Sage and Junk Dealer.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2013, 09:29:42 pm
Plaza and Apothecary were only 2 I was missing from guilds/alchemy.

Worst was Seaside, I missed 12 (same as on Dark Ages, which has knights).

179 + "Mercenery".

Highest miss: Cellar.
Lowers hit: BoM.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: dondon151 on July 28, 2013, 09:33:33 pm
I actually got 8/10 knights, but did the worst in Dark Ages because I've played with the expansion a grand total of like, 8 times.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: SirPeebles on July 28, 2013, 09:35:25 pm
186.  I got all of Guilds aside from Advisor.  Someone ought to make a meme of him or something to help me remember.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: heron on July 28, 2013, 09:41:43 pm
[Too lazy to actually make meme]

Advisor Art: "Psst... Advisor isn't a dominion card."
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Watno on July 28, 2013, 09:49:45 pm

Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: StrongRhino on July 28, 2013, 10:43:30 pm
[Too lazy to actually make meme]

Advisor Art: "Psst... Advisor isn't a dominion card."
True. It's actually the servent of Stef, who has been using him for years to give bad advice to others who revere him, thus keeping him at the top by stunting others.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: gman314 on July 29, 2013, 12:46:06 pm

Got all the knights except Sir Bailey, got all of Cornucopia except for Farming Village, and all of Guilds except Advisor. Had pretty big gaps in Intrigue and Seaside.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Asper on July 29, 2013, 04:23:31 pm
180. I forgot that Horse Traders are plural and became desperate when "Horse Trader" didn't work. Also misspelled Embassy. I didn't even have a chance to get frustrated over the correct writing of Mercenary not being accepted, because i forgot what the english word for "Söldner" was in the first place. The only sets that had no gaps were Alchemy, the promos and the basics, equal gaps around everywhere else.

Forgot to name famous cards like Lab, Masquerade and Jack of all Trades, interestingly.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: gman314 on July 29, 2013, 04:50:02 pm
Got 204 this time! Really surprised that I forgot such cards as Grand Market, Bridge, and Rebuild. Oh well.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: AJD on July 29, 2013, 07:37:41 pm
Woo, up to 215 my second go! This time I missed Tournament somehow, even though I got all the Prizes.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Powerman on July 29, 2013, 08:49:38 pm
Heh, 14 of the 15 least gotten are from Dark Ages...
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: SCSN on July 29, 2013, 08:52:32 pm
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: eHalcyon on July 29, 2013, 09:58:23 pm
185/240 (186 if I count Mercenary, which I remembered mostly because you guys talked about the spelling mistake)

I forgot Village, Market, Mine (even though I got all the ruins).  The only sets I got fully were Guilds and Promo (and basic cards).  I did get all the knights.  The last one was Sir Martin, which I remembered as cheap +Buy knight and was stuck on for a few seconds.  I got it by remembering Tables. :P

I missed Poor House... I guess I didn't look at the cost hints as much as I should have.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Tables on July 30, 2013, 09:49:17 am
I did get all the knights.  The last one was Sir Martin, which I remembered as cheap +Buy knight and was stuck on for a few seconds.

I am disappoint.

I got it by remembering Tables. :P

All is forgiven
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: GendoIkari on July 30, 2013, 03:18:17 pm
I managed to complete this quiz before Dark Ages was out.. I think it only gave 15 minutes back then.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: AJD on July 31, 2013, 11:58:01 am
I got it by remembering Tables. :P

All is forgiven

You may discard a Reasure. If you do, +3 Ards and +1 Ction.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: GendoIkari on August 01, 2013, 05:40:49 pm
175, then 199, then 209.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: markusin on August 03, 2013, 11:55:51 am
I got 181 on my first try. I was doing fine until there was about 5 minutes left, at which point I was guessing 2 cards a minute. The sets that really gave me trouble were Seaside, Hinterlands, and Dark Ages. But I got all the knights, and figured out how mercenary was spelled ("mercenery"? what the hell!). I think I'll try this again very soon.

[Too lazy to actually make meme]

Advisor Art: "Psst... Advisor isn't a dominion card."
Damn, I must have talked to this guy without remembering it, because Advisor was the only Guilds card I missed.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: markusin on August 03, 2013, 11:58:55 am
Also, did anyone else get thrown off when they tried to write Counting house and it captured Count or when you tried to write Trade Route and it captured Trader? The thing ignores spaces.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Awaclus on August 03, 2013, 12:02:25 pm
Also, did anyone else get thrown off when they tried to write Counting house and it captured Count or when you tried to write Trade Route and it captured Trader? The thing ignores spaces.
1) Yes 2) No
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: markusin on August 03, 2013, 01:50:26 pm
Well, it took me 5 tries to get them all.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Wolphmaniac on August 05, 2013, 07:46:46 pm
While you're here, try out my two Dominion Sporcle quizzes!

Dominion A-Z Blitz ( (2 minutes to name one card per letter of the alphabet)

Dominion Super Quiz ( (Name a card that...)

Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: StrongRhino on August 05, 2013, 08:28:54 pm
Got 10 on my first A-Z blitz
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: sudgy on August 05, 2013, 09:48:45 pm
While you're here, try out my two Dominion Sporcle quizzes!

Dominion A-Z Blitz ( (2 minutes to name one card per letter of the alphabet)

Dominion Super Quiz ( (Name a card that...)


Quick random quiz: What is the max score for A-Z Blitz without looking anything up?
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: scott_pilgrim on August 05, 2013, 10:29:42 pm
On the A-Z quiz, you shouldn't have it require that you choose which letter you are answering for.  Obviously, if I'm typing an answer that starts with J, then I want to enter it into the J slot.  Having it require me to choose which spot I'm putting it into just adds some frantic clicking, which feels out of place.

Nice quizzes though.  Both could be updated to include Guilds (and DA for the super quiz).
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: gman314 on August 06, 2013, 12:14:49 am
Got all but J and K in the blitz quiz, and got all the cards in the super quiz. Both were pretty fun!
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Wolphmaniac on August 06, 2013, 12:43:18 am
On the A-Z quiz, you shouldn't have it require that you choose which letter you are answering for.  Obviously, if I'm typing an answer that starts with J, then I want to enter it into the J slot.  Having it require me to choose which spot I'm putting it into just adds some frantic clicking, which feels out of place.

Nice quizzes though.  Both could be updated to include Guilds (and DA for the super quiz).

Thanks everyone, glad you enjoy!  The A-Z is way too easy without the one-letter-at-a-time requirement.  The difficulty is where it should be (just check the stats). 

I'm updating the quizzes for DA and Guilds soon!
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Robz888 on August 06, 2013, 01:12:44 am
201 on my first attempt. Not bad, I guess. Missed Scout, though. Per usual.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: eHalcyon on August 06, 2013, 02:52:04 am
While you're here, try out my two Dominion Sporcle quizzes!

Dominion A-Z Blitz ( (2 minutes to name one card per letter of the alphabet)

Dominion Super Quiz ( (Name a card that...)


Nitpick -- "Promo" is not really a card set.

The only ones I missed were card with only 3 letters in name and card with highest win rate on CR.

I did pretty poorly on the A-Z quiz.  I forgot to record what I got.  I think it was about half.  In my defense, I spent like 10 seconds trying to get "Advisor" to work.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Awaclus on August 06, 2013, 09:13:53 am
I didn't realize you can type the cards in the A-Z Blitz in any order, I was doing it by the alphabetical order.  ;D I think I had something like 40 or 50 seconds left by the time I finished it, K was really hard.

I had no idea what "Card that is an entire category unto itself?" meant, but luckily it became apparent when I was trying out different answers for lowest win rate with (my third guess for it was correct). Couldn't get highest win rate with or lowest avg turns, they both should've been obvious but I didn't remember those cards existed.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: StrongRhino on August 06, 2013, 04:54:41 pm
On mobile A-Z it makes you do them in order. Next try I got 14.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: eHalcyon on August 06, 2013, 05:04:49 pm
Oh, one more nitpick: Possession can technically also allow you to play a second consecutive turn.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: gman314 on August 06, 2013, 06:11:37 pm
To be specific, your own Possession doesn't actually give you a second consecutive turn. However, the Possession of the player to your right puts you in a position of taking two consecutive turns. It's just that one of them is completely controlled by the player to your right.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Awaclus on August 06, 2013, 10:21:41 pm
To be specific, your own Possession doesn't actually give you a second consecutive turn. However, the Possession of the player to your right puts you in a position of taking two consecutive turns. It's just that one of them is completely controlled by the player to your right.
Yeah, therefore, what eHalcyon was saying was true.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Wolphmaniac on August 07, 2013, 10:26:09 am
Oh, one more nitpick: Possession can technically also allow you to play a second consecutive turn.
You're right, if you're the one being possessed.  I'll update that.

I understand the nitpick that "Promotional isn't a card set".  But I like having it on the quiz, and with five cards all under the "Promotional" umbrella, it's also easy to make a case that Promotional is a set of cards, they're just sold one at a time and not in boxes.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: philosophyguy on August 07, 2013, 11:54:54 am
I keep getting in the 180-190 range. It's sad which cards I miss: this time I forgot Rats and Sea Hag, last time it was Ambassador and Pirate Ship. You'd think some of these iconic cards would be easy to remember.

But, I am consistently getting all the Knights.

Best sets: Alchemy, Promo, Guilds, and Prosperity. Worst: Intrigue, Hinterlands.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: markusin on August 07, 2013, 07:59:31 pm
I got a perfect score on the A-Z blitz the first try. Around 80% of the cards I named came from Dark Ages.

I only missed one on the super quiz; "Card that is an entire category unto itself" is the one I missed.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Asper on August 08, 2013, 11:13:18 am
Some other things are lacking in the Super Quiz, specifically cards from Dark Ages and Guilds:

Edit: Sorry, i missed it declared that DA and Guilds where not included in the quiz. So consider this post a help on how the answers would have to be expanded if DA and Guilds were included:

"Card Set" - Add Dark Ages and Guilds
"Victory card worth variable victory points?" - Add Feodum
"Card which can put a curse into the opponent's deck before their first reshuffle?" - Technically, this is any curser, provided your opponent only buys Mandarins...
"Card that can add 12 or more cards into your hand at once?" - Add Madman
"Card that makes you verbally name a card?" - Add Mystic
"Card that makes your opponent verbally name a card?" - Add Advisor
"Action card that gives +$3?" - Not actually necessary, but Poor House and Death Cart might be considered cards that give +3$ (as they give more - 4$ and 5$)
"Action card with 4 different action options?" - The same way, one could argue this should include Count (which gives 6 options)
"Attack card that specifically attacks the opponent's treasure?" - While they don't trash them, one could argue that Cutpurse and Taxman should be allowed here
"Attack card that can trash an opponent's victory cards?" - Add Rogue and Knights
"Treasure card that costs $0 and is not copper?" - Add Spoils
"At most, a Copper can be worth how many $? (Allowing King's Court)" - As noted by eHalcyon, this becomes insanely high. With DA and Guilds allowed, i would kill this question. Procession allows playing all Processions, playing all Coppersmith twice, trashing all Coppersmith and all Processions but one. Playing cards like Rogue and Graverobber, one may get some of them back from the trash, then repeat. Somehow, one will run out of Processions or Graverobbers/Rogues, but of course Processing these is also possible. at the end, whatever you did with KC can be done to play all Coppersmiths again.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: eHalcyon on August 08, 2013, 11:16:39 am
The quiz does state up front what sets were excluded.

If you include DA, the Copper value question is way more difficult.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Asper on August 08, 2013, 11:26:41 am
The quiz does state up front what sets were excluded.

If you include DA, the Copper value question is way more difficult.

Missed that. Ooops...

I think the Copper Question is hard enough allready. Seriously, i was just typing in random numbers anyway. It's not like it's something you should actually know by heart.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: eHalcyon on August 08, 2013, 11:46:56 am
The quiz does state up front what sets were excluded.

If you include DA, the Copper value question is way more difficult.

Missed that. Ooops...

I think the Copper Question is hard enough allready. Seriously, i was just typing in random numbers anyway. It's not like it's something you should actually know by heart.

It's pretty easy to calculate though. Basically how many Coppersmiths can you play in one turn. But it gets way confusing with Procession and Graverobber/Rogue.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: ChocophileBenj on August 08, 2013, 01:02:50 pm
Wooow, I used to dream about having a listing game like this.
I have 196/240, here are the missing ones :

BASE Feast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTRIGUE Shanty Town -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEASIDE Pearl Diver ; Lookout ; Smugglers ; Navigator ; Salvager ; Treasure Map ; Bazar ; Explorer -------
PROSPERITY Bishop ; Monument ; City ; Counting House ; Vault -----------------------------------------
HINTERLANDS Develop ; Jack of all trades ; Nomad camp ; Spice Merchant ; Cartographer ; Inn ; Mandarin
ALCHEMY none ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORNUCOPIA Remake ; Tournament -------------------------------------------------------------------
DARK AGES Vagrant ; Hermit ; Storeroom ; Armory ; Fortress ; Ironmonger ; Procession ; Rats ; Scavenger ; Wandering Minstrel ;
MORE DA & EVEN MORE DA Catacombs ; Count ; Rogue ; Rebuild ; Counterfeit ; Sir Bailey ; Sir Martin ; Mercenery
GUILDS : Advisor ; Baker -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROMO : none -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BASIC : none -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A few comments about how I found them :
There are a few ones I thought I had put but I didn't, such as Baker and Rogue.
There is one I didn't know how to write it : Mercenery, which I used to write "Mercenary" because... I'm French !
And fortunately there is alphabetical order !!!
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Asper on August 08, 2013, 01:09:57 pm
There is one I didn't know how to write it : Mercenery, which I used to write "Mercenary" because... I'm French !

You did that right, the quiz does it wrong.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: gman314 on August 08, 2013, 03:52:26 pm
Some other things are lacking in the Super Quiz, specifically cards from Dark Ages and Guilds:

Edit: Sorry, i missed it declared that DA and Guilds where not included in the quiz. So consider this post a help on how the answers would have to be expanded if DA and Guilds were included:

"Card Set" - Add Dark Ages and Guilds
"Victory card worth variable victory points?" - Add Feodum
"Card which can put a curse into the opponent's deck before their first reshuffle?" - Technically, this is any curser, provided your opponent only buys Mandarins...
"Card that can add 12 or more cards into your hand at once?" - Add Madman
"Card that makes you verbally name a card?" - Add Mystic and Doctor
"Card that makes your opponent verbally name a card?" - Add Advisor
"Action card that gives +$3?" - Not actually necessary, but Poor House and Death Cart might be considered cards that give +3$ (as they give more - 4$ and 5$) Maybe Harvest should be added? It can give +$3. But then you'd have to add Salvager. Count should be added here too.
"Action card with 4 different action options?" - The same way, one could argue this should include Count (which gives 6 options) Actually, it gives 9 options
"Attack card that specifically attacks the opponent's treasure?" - While they don't trash them, one could argue that Cutpurse and Taxman should be allowed here
"Attack card that can trash an opponent's victory cards?" - Add Rogue and Knights
"Treasure card that costs $0 and is not copper?" - Add Spoils
"At most, a Copper can be worth how many $? (Allowing King's Court)" - As noted by eHalcyon, this becomes insanely high. With DA and Guilds allowed, i would kill this question. Procession allows playing all Processions, playing all Coppersmith twice, trashing all Coppersmith and all Processions but one. Playing cards like Rogue and Graverobber, one may get some of them back from the trash, then repeat. Somehow, one will run out of Processions or Graverobbers/Rogues, but of course Processing these is also possible. at the end, whatever you did with KC can be done to play all Coppersmiths again.

Some edits in Bold.
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: achmed_sender on August 09, 2013, 08:39:17 am
"Card that makes you verbally name a card?" - Add Mystic and Doctor

And Journeyman
Title: Re: How many Dominion cards can you name in 20 minutes? Sporcle
Post by: Watno on August 09, 2013, 08:44:24 am
and Rebuild