Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Game Reports => Topic started by: boot on June 21, 2011, 07:40:29 pm

Title: Opponent's deck reduced to 10 cards, permanently pinned
Post by: boot on June 21, 2011, 07:40:29 pm
Today I played a two-player game, prominently featuring king's court, bishop, saboteur, and bazaar. I started off just using bishop to trim my deck, but then I realized the potential of KC + sab. I slowly reduced my hand to 2 KC, 2 sabs, a bishop, and a bazaar plus a little bit of stuff to trash with the bishop. There were also wishing wells, which allowed me to trash actual cards for vp, while still drawing my entire deck. At worst, I had a 50% chance of getting the WW guess right.

For my opponent, being subjected to 6 sab attacks a turn was rough. It would take all his decent cards, and drop them way down. If he was lucky, he would hold his colony or province in his hand where it was safe, but the next turn would destroy it. Eventually, all his cards were reduced to estates, the only 2 cost card in the game.

The game ended with me having 57 victory tokens, and my opponent having 13 tokens and 7 estates. It ended on piles (estates, duchies, and bazaars). I had no green cards, earning an achievement. My opponents final deck?

10 cards, made up of 3 copper and 7 estates, worse than what he started with.

Game on Isotropic:
Title: Re: Opponent's deck reduced to 10 cards, permanently pinned
Post by: Taco Lobster on June 21, 2011, 08:10:58 pm
Nice!  I went with the kc-saboteur strategy once, but didn't have the good sense you displayed in also getting victory points.  I lost the game 3-2 (it was 3-1, but I bought an estate the last turn when I realized that my saboteuring had emptied 3 piles and I only had 1 VP).