Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Variants and Fan Cards => Topic started by: jackelfrink on August 04, 2013, 10:52:24 am

Title: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: jackelfrink on August 04, 2013, 10:52:24 am
NOTE: I put this thread into 'Variants and Fan Cards' because I think it is the best match. Mods, please move if this does not seem to fit.

Im getting a box of the replacement base cards meaning I will have extra cards now that are sleeved where I can print custom cards to tuck in front. Many of the fan-created sets seem interesting but I was piratically interested in the 'outtakes' cards that were posted in and would like to print some of those. (Balcony and Cemetery looked especially interesting.)

However, many of the cards are just slight variations of cards thast did make it into the game, or are cards that dont offer up anything new or interesting. They just show how the wording changed over time, like 'mill', or are just dull vanilla cards that dont do anything new that is not on some other card, like 'prince'. Printing these wouldn't add any new or interesting mechanics or play to the game.

If you were to print cards from 'Dominion: Outtakes' what cards would you do? (I have randomizers backs to do 9 piles.)

Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: sudgy on August 04, 2013, 11:22:38 am
I personally wouldn't worry about them, they weren't in the game because they didn't work.  You can do what you want, but it might not be a good idea...
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: Awaclus on August 04, 2013, 11:47:00 am
I personally wouldn't worry about them, they weren't in the game because they didn't work
or because another card was better and there wasn't enough slots for all of them.
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: LastFootnote on August 04, 2013, 11:56:41 am
I agree with Sudgy, but if I had to print some, I'd print the ones Donald said worked, but didn't make it into sets because they didn't fit or weren't super exciting.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. Discard a card. +3 Cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
+2 Actions. +1 Card per differently named card you have in play, then discard that many cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash this. Gain two cards each costing up to $4.

When you gain this, put your deck into your discard pile.

There are a few examples.
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: eHalcyon on August 04, 2013, 06:48:05 pm
I probably wouldn't print any of them either.  Most of the outtakes are broken/poor versions of existing cards, others are just flat out broken.  The few that would actually work (some that LFN pointed out) were not printed because they are boring.

I recommend actually printing some fan cards and playtesting them, seeing which ones you like.  Just print plain text.  If there are cards that do not work so well, you can report your results to the card creator so hopefully they can fix it up, and best of all you can print a different fan card to try that one out.

The Mini-Set Design Contest ( has some interesting cards.  Only half of them have images right now (including the two cards here ( that have not been added to the OP). 
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: SCSN on August 04, 2013, 08:56:22 pm
Dungeon actually looks really cool and not at all boring.
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: Just a Rube on August 04, 2013, 09:03:46 pm
As I recall, the objection to Dungeon was that it was too similar to Masquerade, and he liked Masquerade better.
Title: Re: What cards should I print from Dominion: Outtakes?
Post by: AJD on August 05, 2013, 01:02:51 am
My thinking about Dungeon is this: It was probably a mistake for Donald to cut Dungeon from the base set; there are certainly a few cards in the base set that seem expendable (Donald has mentioned Feast, for instance), whereas I feel like the base set could use a trasher that's more flexible than Moneylender but less intense than Chapel. If the Dominion base set had been published with Dungeon and not Feast, it probably would have been a better game at the time.

But, now that there are 180 other Dominion cards out there, including not only Masquerade but also Steward and Remake and Forager and Lookout and Junk Dealer, I don't feel like adding Dungeon now would really add very much to the overall game.

That said, Dungeon seems like a perfectly fine card, and if you're looking for cards to add just for the sake of adding them, it seems like a decent choice.