Dominion Strategy Forum

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Topic started by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 07:31:30 pm

Title: Two Rooms and a Boom II (cancelled)
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 07:31:30 pm
Rules & Roles:

Two Rooms and a Boom is a party game for 6+ people of all ages. Lying encouraged.

In Two Rooms and a Boom, a social deduction, hidden roles game, there are two teams: the Red Team and the Blue Team. The Blue Team has a President. The Red Team has a Bomber. Players are equally distributed between two rooms (separate playing areas). The game consists of 5 timed rounds. At the end of each round, some players will be traded into opposing rooms. If the Red Team’s Bomber is in the same room as the President at the end of the game, then the Red Team wins. Otherwise the Blue Team wins.
BGG description

This will be the second PBF Two Rooms and a Boom (or, 2R1B for short) on F:DS. This game will try to be slightly more exciting and complex than the first, but still simple enough for new players to join. I suggest reading the rules link above to understand how the game works.

Important PBF changes

Bold Text: The use of bold text is reserved for game actions. If you feel you must emphasise a point, use underline, larger text or something else.

Voting: Because of the asymetrical nature of PBF, some changes are needed (or at least desired) to make the voting work more smoothly. This is how room leaders will be elected: Anyone may bold a vote for a person, including themselves e.g. Vote Tables. If a person ever gets a majority of votes, they become leader (if there was already a leader, they take leadership. If there was no leader, they become the first leader). You may remove your vote my bolding Unvote or anything similar, and may change your vote as many times as you like.

If no leader is elected in a room by the end of R1, then plurality rule decides the first leader (the person with the most votes). If this still doesn't give a unique winner, then the first among those tied to have received a vote from someone else becomes leader. If it is still tied at that point something has gone seriously wrong the first person to have voted for themselves becomes leader.

Whispering: In 2R1B you're allowed to quietly talk to other players. In PBF, this is done through whispering. As everyone can see you whispering to someone else, you must post in the thread Whisper X when you whisper to someone. After posting this message, send them a PM via the forums. Your Whispers may be any length, but you are limited to 5 whispers per day (this is to keep the time pressure up, and avoid penalising people heavily in different time zones who can't take part in a back-and-forth whisper conversation). You may whisper to multiple people at once, e.g. Whisper Tables, theory - if you do this, you must send them both the same PM, and it counts as only one of your whispers.

Revealing: You may publicly reveal either your colour, or your role, by putting them in bold, e.g. I am red or I am the Blue President. You must tell the truth if doing this. You may also privately reveal your role to someone - colour or full role. Like with Whispering, people see this happen - you should post Private full reveal to Tables or Private colour reveal to Tables when you want to do this, then send them a PM with your role (this is NOT a whisper in itself, but if you add any content to the PM, it would be, and you should also post that you're whispering that person). Finally, you can Co-reveal or co-colour reveal. If you wish to do this the other person must of course agree to it - you should bold the offer, e.g. Offer colour reveal to Tables. You can remove this offer later (but not after they accept it), by posting something like Revoke co-reveal offer with Tables. If someone makes an offer to you, accept it similarly, e.g. Accept co-colour reveal with theory.

Deadlines & Rooms: Each room will have a Quicktopic, which only the people in that room will have access to. Each round will last 24 hours. Ideally, the leader should have sent me a PM with the people he wants to send BEFORE the deadline. After this time, the room will be locked, and new rooms created. I'm thinking of setting the deadline time as around 10pm GMT (that's 2-5pm in the US, 11pm in Europe) - I think this is probably the best time for the majority of players. I can adjust a little either way though. I will also likely start on Sunday evening, meaning if we stick to schedule, the game will go through until Friday evening.

I think that's everything important.

Roles: Currently TBD. If there's anything important for these PBF wise, I'll add this here. It will depend on player count, but currently likely roles are:
President/Bomber (obviously)

Many others that seem easy enough for PBF are possibles, such as Agent, Informer, Mayor, Amnesiac, and the Moby/Ahab/Wife/Mistress block.

Current signups (5):
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Ozle on April 15, 2013, 07:32:15 pm
Happy to set up rooms and send out initial PM's once your ready
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: liopoil on April 15, 2013, 07:33:40 pm
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Grujah on April 15, 2013, 07:49:23 pm
/in if it has more roles/will be more chaotic/engaging that first.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: liopoil on April 15, 2013, 07:58:23 pm
yeah... maybe no vanillas?
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 08:09:33 pm
Happy to set up rooms and send out initial PM's once your ready

I think it might help to have a full mod - especially for the end of rounds.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 08:10:03 pm
/in if it has more roles/will be more chaotic/engaging that first.
yeah... maybe no vanillas?

Maybe not no vanillas, but hopefully it will be more chaotic, yes.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: ashersky on April 15, 2013, 08:12:20 pm
Happy to set up rooms and send out initial PM's once your ready

I think it might help to have a full mod - especially for the end of rounds.

I think who's getting sent needs to not be announced in thread.  If I was running a room, I'd wait to see who the other room was sending before finalizing my decision.

So yes, the mod needs to do that sort of stuff.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: mail-mi on April 15, 2013, 08:17:36 pm
/innnnnnn read the rules looks AWESOME!
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Twistedarcher on April 15, 2013, 08:24:59 pm
I think I want to sit out a game and see how this runs. But I'm happy to be a full mod if one is needed.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: EFHW on April 15, 2013, 11:19:59 pm
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Archetype on April 15, 2013, 11:29:54 pm
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 11:34:09 pm
I think I'll aim for a start on Sunday evening. I might start things off a little earlier than 10pm (like, 6pm) because 10pm might clash with church (well, pub after).

So that's Sunday 6pm-ish for GMT, which is 10am-1pm in the US. But I expect the deadline to slip a little each day.

Edit: Twisted Archer: I appreciate the offer. I'm also interested in seeing how a game goes from the sidelines, but if you want I'll make you an informed observer.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Jimmmmm on April 15, 2013, 11:44:36 pm
/in. Strongly suggest adding Neutral roles.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 15, 2013, 11:52:03 pm
/in. Strongly suggest adding Neutral roles.

Noted. There's a few groups that have been considered - probably one of: Ahab/Moby/Wife/Mistress, Amnesiac, Intern/Victim, Hot potato, and I'd also consider adding Rival/Survivor/Intern/Victim or Sniper/Target/Decoy to those options.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Twistedarcher on April 15, 2013, 11:59:42 pm
Ah, I had assumed you wanted to play again. Informed observer it is, then, unless more numbers are desperately needed.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Ozle on April 16, 2013, 02:12:42 am
Happy to set up rooms and send out initial PM's once your ready

I think it might help to have a full mod - especially for the end of rounds.

No problemmo.

Although it was pretty boring to spectate I felt.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 21, 2013, 04:19:55 pm
Well we don't have enough people to start today, so I'll say this: If we get to at least 8, I'll start next Sunday evening (GMT), otherwise I won't do the game.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Grujah on April 21, 2013, 09:08:03 pm
I'm for having a pool of roles that won't all be used (i.e. semi-open setup).
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (more roles, open for signups inc. new players)
Post by: Tables on April 27, 2013, 08:26:48 pm
I don't think there's quite enough interest for this to work out well. I'm gonna call the game and cancel it, rather than running something utterly mediocre.
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (cancelled)
Post by: liopoil on April 27, 2013, 08:28:09 pm
why not just leave this open? We have 6, 7 if tables plays...
Title: Re: Two Rooms and a Boom II (cancelled)
Post by: Tables on April 28, 2013, 11:54:04 am
It's been almost 2 weeks. I think that's long enough that people who have signed up might be unavailable if I did try to start. If interest builds up again, I can always re-open signups.