Dominion Strategy Forum

Archive => Archive => Innovation General Discussion => Topic started by: werothegreat on March 09, 2013, 12:22:57 am

Title: Color/Icon significance?
Post by: werothegreat on March 09, 2013, 12:22:57 am
I've been trying to piece together if the colors or icons are meant to represent anything in particular, but given how very, very, very abstract this game is, I'm having trouble.  I mean, I can see that Lightbulbs are supposed to be science, Crowns are supposed to be Government, but from there it just seems arbitrary, particularly the placing of different cards in each color.  It just seems like they were all dumped into colors with more thought to game balance than thematics.  Am I wrong?  Has anyone divined a significance?  Is there an official one?
Title: Re: Color/Icon significance?
Post by: dougz on March 09, 2013, 01:36:30 am
Castles are "authority", crowns (which are really coins with a crown on them) are "prosperity", leaves are "health", light bulbs are "concept", factories are "industry", and clocks are "efficiency".

There was a thread on this somewhere.
Title: Re: Color/Icon significance?
Post by: theory on March 09, 2013, 09:12:27 am
Certain colors are associated with certain icons.  Reds have a lot of factories on them; Blues have a lot of light bulbs on them; Yellows have a lot of leaves.
Title: Re: Color/Icon significance?
Post by: yaron on March 09, 2013, 11:29:16 am
Colors are usually related to theme, rather than mechanic.  Icons can be related to both.

Blue - science.
Green - economics, transportation.
Red - military, industry.
Purple - culture.
Yellow - "quality of life" (food, health, etc.).