Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Dominion General Discussion => Topic started by: Morgrim7 on March 07, 2013, 03:55:04 am

Title: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Morgrim7 on March 07, 2013, 03:55:04 am
...what's gonna happen to f.ds?
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: werothegreat on March 07, 2013, 08:42:54 am
...what's gonna happen to f.ds?

...we'll still keep talking?
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: WinterSpartan on March 07, 2013, 09:13:38 am
Forum Games will still exist; therefore the community will still exist.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Jimmmmm on March 07, 2013, 09:15:27 am
This board will exist for 4 reasons:

1) Remembering how good iso was.
2) Hoping iso comes back.
3) Talking about why we don't play on Goko.
4) Playing Mafia and various other games.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Jimmmmm on March 07, 2013, 09:15:53 am
Oh, and we'll still be finding edge cases and making memes.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Awaclus on March 07, 2013, 11:28:40 am
Oh, and we'll still be finding edge cases and making memes.
In the reverse order.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Dsell on March 07, 2013, 11:30:23 am
We will still be trying to guess the D1000.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: enfynet on March 07, 2013, 11:55:03 am
This board will exist for 4 reasons:

1) Remembering how good iso was.
2) Hoping iso comes back.
3) Talking about why we don't play on Goko.
4) Playing Mafia and various other games.
Well now I feel useless here...
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: eliegel34 on March 07, 2013, 12:15:13 pm
After the release of Guilds, we can figuring out how to empty supply in 3 turns.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Kirian on March 07, 2013, 03:16:10 pm
I imagine people will have rules questions, strategy thoughts, interesting game reports, and tournaments for at least the next few years.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Avalanchian on March 07, 2013, 03:56:56 pm
As long as people are playing and enjoying dominion, they will want to talk about it. You just need to look at the game reports forum for a while to see that even strong players are seeking help and opinions on their losses and showing off exciting and interesting games. The game is too varied, too deep and too surprising for conversation about it to simply cease.

On top of that the community seems really strong, helpful and inclusive. I've only been here a month, but have spent the time amazed by how great the atmosphere is here compared to many other online forums I've posted on. I feel free to post my opinions and questions, and many of the members here seem patient, helpful and just as curious about my problems as I am. It seems unlikely that the community will die just because there aren't expansions coming out every six to twelve months.

I think the bigger question is what will happen when Isotropic goes down. I've not really played there, but I wonder how many people will be switching to Goko when Iso goes down. Will those people that stop playing online dominion just fade away from the forum?
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Jimmmmm on March 07, 2013, 04:11:53 pm
I think the bigger question is what will happen when Isotropic goes down. I've not really played there, but I wonder how many people will be switching to Goko when Iso goes down. Will those people that stop playing online dominion just fade away from the forum?

I think a lot of people will, unfortunately.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: ConMan on March 07, 2013, 05:08:18 pm
Oh, and we'll still be finding edge cases and making memes.
In the reverse order.
Depending on the board.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Beyond Awesome on March 07, 2013, 05:38:17 pm
My hope is that new players continue to find this website. I think Dominion is still growing and at a fast pace. The game is not even 5 years old. I remember Settlers. Even at 10 years, the game hadn't caught on with the mainstream. It as only in the last 5 years that Settlers has really taken off and become a mainstream game that now lots of people know about. I feel that Dominion right now is further along in popularity at under 5 years than Settlers was at 10 years.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: liopoil on March 07, 2013, 05:41:36 pm
settlers was my gateway game to the rest of boardgaming, and that was around 7 years ago or something I think. I only got into dominion less than a year ago. So I agree that dominion is growing, but I seem to remember settlers as one of the most popular games and one that lots of people started with.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Beyond Awesome on March 07, 2013, 05:45:22 pm
settlers was my gateway game to the rest of boardgaming, and that was around 7 years ago or something I think. I only got into dominion less than a year ago. So I agree that dominion is growing, but I seem to remember settlers as one of the most popular games and one that lots of people started with.

Settlers is one of the most popular games, but at 5 years old, it was nowhere near as big as Dominion. I don't even think Settlers at 10 years of age was as big as Dominion now. Settlers turns 18 this year, so if you got into it 7 years ago, that was around its 10 year mark.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: liopoil on March 07, 2013, 05:55:52 pm
well you said it only became a mainstream game about 5 years ago...
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Beyond Awesome on March 07, 2013, 06:28:16 pm
well you said it only became a mainstream game about 5 years ago...

I said it wasn't quite mainstream yet at 10 years of age. It was close to being mainstream in 2005, but I don't feel it was there just yet. I would say 5 years ago Settlers did become mainstream or around the 10 year mark. But, that is just my observation and opinion, of course.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: werothegreat on March 07, 2013, 10:58:08 pm
My hope is that new players continue to find this website. I think Dominion is still growing and at a fast pace. The game is not even 5 years old. I remember Settlers. Even at 10 years, the game hadn't caught on with the mainstream. It as only in the last 5 years that Settlers has really taken off and become a mainstream game that now lots of people know about. I feel that Dominion right now is further along in popularity at under 5 years than Settlers was at 10 years.

That's because Dominion is a better game than Settlers...
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Piemaster on March 08, 2013, 12:58:55 am
Probably not really fair to compare the life-cycle of Settlers and Dominion, because 'geek stuff' generally has become a lot more popular in the last ten years.  There was a time where mentioning you were into trading card games or RPGs or science fiction or whatever was social suicide, but now it seems to be a lot more acceptable.  I'm not sure your DCI rating is ever going to be a pick-up line per se, but I know the popularity of stuff like Big Bang Theory and Vampire films has brought a lot of previously uber-geeky stuff into mainstream acceptability.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: eHalcyon on March 08, 2013, 01:09:16 am
I know the popularity of stuff like Big Bang Theory and Vampire films has brought a lot of previously uber-geeky stuff into mainstream acceptability.

BBT isn't really representative of geeky stuff.  And vampires are geeky?  I mean, I suppose the fantasy aspect could make that true, but the recent popular vampire stuff has been, what, Twilight?  That's not geeky. :P
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Piemaster on March 08, 2013, 03:21:34 am
BBT isn't really representative of geeky stuff.

Not the main themes of the show, no, but it contains a lot of authentic geek material in it that are sort of 'legitimised' by being on a mainstream TV show.  I know I have watched the show with people and explained references to stuff like Settlers of Catan, Schrodinger's Cat and Will Wheaton and they have been interested and find it kind of cool that I know this stuff and want to know more, rather than it being sad and nerdy like it would be considered before.

And vampires are geeky?  I mean, I suppose the fantasy aspect could make that true, but the recent popular vampire stuff has been, what, Twilight?  That's not geeky. :P

Exactly, it's not geeky.  Which means people who play Vampire: The Masquerade, or watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer who would have been considered geeks before are now far more mainstream-acceptable as Vampires are considered 'cool'.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: eHalcyon on March 08, 2013, 04:57:54 am
BBT isn't really representative of geeky stuff.

Not the main themes of the show, no, but it contains a lot of authentic geek material in it that are sort of 'legitimised' by being on a mainstream TV show.  I know I have watched the show with people and explained references to stuff like Settlers of Catan, Schrodinger's Cat and Will Wheaton and they have been interested and find it kind of cool that I know this stuff and want to know more, rather than it being sad and nerdy like it would be considered before.

And vampires are geeky?  I mean, I suppose the fantasy aspect could make that true, but the recent popular vampire stuff has been, what, Twilight?  That's not geeky. :P

Exactly, it's not geeky.  Which means people who play Vampire: The Masquerade, or watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer who would have been considered geeks before are now far more mainstream-acceptable as Vampires are considered 'cool'.

Huh, I guess Buffy would be considered geeky.  Touche.

I wouldn't say Twilight is cool though. ;)

On TBBT, my comment was more referring to its treatment of geeky subject matter and geeks in general.  I've seen a lot of criticism about the show, and it's certainly easy to find on Google.  One of the best posts I've seen on the matter is this one on Tumblr (  YMMV, of course.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: DStu on March 08, 2013, 05:18:51 am
Also, Settlers was mainstream from the beginning in Germany, actually I have maybe not played Settlers for 10 years.
better mem myself before I get hipstered...
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Piemaster on March 08, 2013, 06:17:19 am
On TBBT, my comment was more referring to its treatment of geeky subject matter and geeks in general.  I've seen a lot of criticism about the show, and it's certainly easy to find on Google.  One of the best posts I've seen on the matter is this one on Tumblr (  YMMV, of course.

I think TBBT certainly has its flaws (my personal pet peeve is the rather unrealistic characterisation), but I think that blog post you linked has far more of them.  He seems to want things both ways.  He wants the show to be aimed at a 'mainstream' audience (as opposed to what it identifies as geek shows like Veronica Mars, Buffy and F&G), but then complains about the things in the show that actually allow it to do so.  Of course the majority of people watching will identify with Penny more than the four guys and Amy - that's the idea.  Every sitcom essentially follows this same format.  You'll have a cast of characters who are eccentric in various ways and then the 'straight character' through which the viewer observes their world and their interactions with ordinary people.  That's what allows shows like this to appeal to a mainstream audience in the first place.

He never says it out loud, but the author seems to be deeply uncomfortable with the show because it highlights, and ridicules many of the things that he is himself insecure about.  When me and my (geek) friends watch TBBT, we laugh when the show makes fun of various aspects of geek culture.  We are all in our mid 30s and long ago lost any of the social embarrassment associated with being geeks.  Maybe it's because he is young (he says he is still at university) and the memories of getting bullied at school for being 'different' are still fresh.  Maybe I would have felt the same 15 years ago.  He seems to be wanting a show where somehow geeks were portrayed in a realistic yet wholly positive light, as if that would somehow make him feel better about who he is and make society understand him better.  Rather than a necessity, he seems to think it something of a betrayal that a show about geeks dares to make fun of them.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Ozle on March 08, 2013, 07:20:56 am
Forum Games will still exist; therefore the community will still exist.

Except it wont.

Been through this in other boards, if Dominion goes away then attracting new visitors to this board will become harder and harder, and people who gradually drift away will not be replaced.

Unless Theory shifted the message board away to just being a forum games community, which seems unlikely. or that Innovation becomes a major game in the market and has an extra depth of strategy to be discussed then I think it will slow down and gradually drift away.

How long that will take, no idea.Hopefully ages
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: pinkymadigan on March 08, 2013, 09:22:01 am
Forum Games will still exist; therefore the community will still exist.

Except it wont.

Been through this in other boards, if Dominion goes away then attracting new visitors to this board will become harder and harder, and people who gradually drift away will not be replaced.

Not necessarily. I was a early user in the first incarnation of the RPGMaker Pavilion, and they are still alive and kicking a good 12 or so years later, despite no one going there for RPGMaker related topics anymore. It's just a group of semi-like minded people who continue to post in the free forum because they've been doing that for the last decade.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: gryph202 on March 08, 2013, 10:42:22 am
Forum Games will still exist; therefore the community will still exist.

Except it wont.

Been through this in other boards, if Dominion goes away then attracting new visitors to this board will become harder and harder, and people who gradually drift away will not be replaced.

Unless Theory shifted the message board away to just being a forum games community, which seems unlikely. or that Innovation becomes a major game in the market and has an extra depth of strategy to be discussed then I think it will slow down and gradually drift away.

How long that will take, no idea.Hopefully ages

Dominion isn't going away.  The Isotropic implementation of Dominion is going away.  I would share your concerns if I no longer had any interest whatsoever in playing Dominion in any format, but that is simply not the case.  I may even play on Goko from time to time without spending actual money.  I definitely intend to purchase Guilds for tabletop play.  As much as I normally hate trying to predict the future, I just don't think that Isotropic and f.ds were the only things propping up the Dominion community.  Dominion had to be a good product first.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Ozle on March 08, 2013, 12:26:02 pm
Hmm, yeah thats a very good point.

I have come to think of Isotropic AS Dominion.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: michaeljb on March 08, 2013, 05:26:43 pm
One of the best posts I've seen on the matter is this one on Tumblr (  YMMV, of course.

Quote from: that article
nerd culture was cool and mainstream television wanted a piece of the pie (or should that be pi?).

Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Kirian on March 08, 2013, 06:07:59 pm
On TBBT, my comment was more referring to its treatment of geeky subject matter and geeks in general.  I've seen a lot of criticism about the show, and it's certainly easy to find on Google.  One of the best posts I've seen on the matter is this one on Tumblr (  YMMV, of course.

I think TBBT certainly has its flaws (my personal pet peeve is the rather unrealistic characterisation), but I think that blog post you linked has far more of them.  He seems to want things both ways.  He wants the show to be aimed at a 'mainstream' audience (as opposed to what it identifies as geek shows like Veronica Mars, Buffy and F&G), but then complains about the things in the show that actually allow it to do so.  Of course the majority of people watching will identify with Penny more than the four guys and Amy - that's the idea.  Every sitcom essentially follows this same format.  You'll have a cast of characters who are eccentric in various ways and then the 'straight character' through which the viewer observes their world and their interactions with ordinary people.  That's what allows shows like this to appeal to a mainstream audience in the first place.

He never says it out loud, but the author seems to be deeply uncomfortable with the show because it highlights, and ridicules many of the things that he is himself insecure about.  When me and my (geek) friends watch TBBT, we laugh when the show makes fun of various aspects of geek culture.  We are all in our mid 30s and long ago lost any of the social embarrassment associated with being geeks.  Maybe it's because he is young (he says he is still at university) and the memories of getting bullied at school for being 'different' are still fresh.  Maybe I would have felt the same 15 years ago.  He seems to be wanting a show where somehow geeks were portrayed in a realistic yet wholly positive light, as if that would somehow make him feel better about who he is and make society understand him better.  Rather than a necessity, he seems to think it something of a betrayal that a show about geeks dares to make fun of them.

I don't watch much TV, but I've seen enough of TBBT to strongly dislike it--not because it makes fun of geeks/nerds, but because its premise is making fun of geeks/nerds.  I mean, you have to poke fun at everyone, it's a sitcom.  But without the making fun of geeks/nerds aspect, there is literally no show.

In addition, the portrayal in TBBT is... beyond over the top.  I mean, your average nerd/geek looks a lot more like me than the guys on TBBT.  They've taken the extremes and are making fun of the whole spectrum of geeks/nerds by focusing on the extremes, despite the extremes not being what the average nerd/geek would likely wish to represent them.

Now I could play the victim card here; this sort of misrepresentation of women, minorities, etc. happens all the time and is pretty awful.  The difference here is that nerds run the world ([/url) so, you know, make fun of us if you want.  Just don't complain when we don't come to fix your computer.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Ozle on March 08, 2013, 06:13:52 pm
Series 1 and 2 of Big Bang Theory was good, the jokes were intelligent and funny.

Recently its rubbish, its friends with a bit of science talk thrown in as an afterthought. Yawwwwn.
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: ashersky on March 08, 2013, 10:21:09 pm
Series 1 and 2 of Big Bang Theory was good, the jokes were intelligent and funny.

Recently its rubbish, its friends with a bit of science talk thrown in as an afterthought. Yawwwwn.

Big Bang Theory is the Blossom sequel thing?
Title: Re: After the release of Guilds...
Post by: Piemaster on March 10, 2013, 11:41:49 am
In addition, the portrayal in TBBT is... beyond over the top.  I mean, your average nerd/geek looks a lot more like me than the guys on TBBT.  They've taken the extremes and are making fun of the whole spectrum of geeks/nerds by focusing on the extremes, despite the extremes not being what the
average nerd/geek would likely wish to represent them.

I agree the characters aren't the greatest, that's my biggest personal peeve with the show.  Howard is a rather strange character all round and Raj just seems like a non-character really, while Sheldon is obviously an extreme persona by design.  Leonard is vaguely realistic, but he reminds me of the geeks down the years I have really hated.  I think part of the problem is that they have tried to create characters that embrace all the quirks of several different kinds of geeks (science geeks, gamer geeks, sci-fi geeks, computer geeks etc) all at once.

But at the end of the day you don't get to choose who represents you in Sitcoms.  That's why they are sitcoms and not documentaries.  I doubt politicians like their caricatures in The Thick of It, or doctors in Scrubs, or IT Professionals in The IT Crowd.  While TBBT does make fun of geeks, I don't think it is done in a malicious or insensitive way.  And you can tell from a lot of the themes in the show that they have done their research on a lot of things, even if those things make us geeks look at ourselves and acknowledge things about ourselves and our peers that maybe we would not like.