Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Dominion General Discussion => Topic started by: werothegreat on February 16, 2013, 08:18:40 pm

Title: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 16, 2013, 08:18:40 pm
Over the past couple months I've played and recorded 99 pro games on Goko.  Given the happenstance of our decimal counting system, I'd like to do something moderately special for video #100.  Any ideas?  People I should play?  Who do you want to see kick my ass at Dominion on YouTube?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: thirtyseven on February 16, 2013, 10:41:30 pm
Donald X.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Beyond Awesome on February 17, 2013, 12:10:25 am
If you can get Donald X. to play you that would be pretty sweet.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 17, 2013, 11:06:23 pm
Donald for certain.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 18, 2013, 01:15:47 am
I dunno, I somehow feel like it would be presumptuous to ask.  It's not like we've corresponded.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: enfynet on February 18, 2013, 01:48:55 am
There is the interview with Donald X topic... you could ask?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 18, 2013, 08:30:15 am
if AdamH could do it, so can you.

Now, get yourself together man! Prepare for him to go for first turn Curse, just to screw with you, and win anyways.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: LastFootnote on February 18, 2013, 09:18:52 am
I dunno, I somehow feel like it would be presumptuous to ask.  It's not like we've corresponded.

I agree with this. If him playing a game with AdamH is going to lead to mobs of people asking to play games with him, I think he's going to regret doing it in the first place. I don't want to put words in his mouth; that's just my guess.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: AdamH on February 18, 2013, 12:14:12 pm
I asked him to play a game with me fully expecting to be told no, mostly because everybody would then want to play him. It just so happened that he was around at a time where I could drop what I was doing and get on iso to play him at his convenience. The read I got from him was that he plays on Goko at night frequently and he certainly wouldn't mind games with anyone at that point, whether scheduled or not. Perhaps you can just ask when he'll be on and meet him there? I doubt he would mind playing everyone in the world on F.DS as long as it didn't cost him any extra time out of his life. It could only be a good thing to have his army of raving fanboys putting up videos gushing about how awesome Donald X. and his games are, right?

I'd say you have absolutely nothing to lose by shooting him a PM and asking when he'll be on next.

If the kingdom has Swindler in it, though, watch out. He's a BEAST with that card! Buy as many Crossroads as you want, you'll never see one in your hand!
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 18, 2013, 12:24:23 pm
" It could only be a good thing to have his army of raving fanboys putting up videos gushing about how awesome Donald X. and his games are, right? "

I was going to give you some respect for this post just now, then I realized that would be contradicting how I feel about this sentence. (which made me laugh out loud)
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Ozle on February 18, 2013, 02:24:19 pm
I log on as Donald P sometimes, will I do? Hehe
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 18, 2013, 02:25:54 pm
Nope. If you were Donald X. II that might do... but you're not.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 18, 2013, 05:45:31 pm
Well, Ozle, we could do a series.  If you're interested in helping pop my triple digit cherry, let me know here.

That is, say if you want to play a recorded game with me.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: AdamH on February 18, 2013, 06:09:30 pm
I'll play some with you. Hey, that reminds me...
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 18, 2013, 06:26:18 pm
I think I'll start doing this tonight after dinner.  You game, AdamH?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: thirtyseven on February 18, 2013, 06:28:17 pm
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 18, 2013, 06:54:13 pm
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D
You sir, are a mad man when it comes to getting respect for funny posts  ;D
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: mameluke on February 18, 2013, 07:46:09 pm
I'm interested, too.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 18, 2013, 08:17:25 pm
I'm going to be in the Outpost room.  Anyone who's interested, head over.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 18, 2013, 10:57:52 pm
Played some games with Donald X.  Check 'em.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Morgrim7 on February 19, 2013, 12:01:13 am
Why isnt this in the youtube section?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Titandrake on February 19, 2013, 03:30:48 am
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Avalanchian on February 19, 2013, 06:39:01 am
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.

My first thought was also the Erdos number. My DX number is 2 then!  8)
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 19, 2013, 07:29:01 am
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.

My first thought was also the Erdos number. My DX number is 2 then!  8)

You seriously thought of Erdos number before Bacon number?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Avalanchian on February 19, 2013, 07:46:42 am
I hadn't even thought of Bacon number until you mentioned it here.

I'm not even any good at mathematics - I'm just that nerdy.

*Buries head in hands*
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 19, 2013, 03:31:56 pm
What about the Chicken number?
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: ^_^_^_^ on February 19, 2013, 06:03:51 pm
Hey.... watching the vids now... you couldn't have called me a funny 'that pointy dude' or a slightly confused 'guy with a weird name' but went for boring and lame 'carrots and underscores' I will never understand you wero... never. (Also, your vod playlist is so out of order.... -_-')

If you didn't want the 102 vod, don't read the below!


edit: You sir... are immature.
edit2: Badumbadumbadumba.... <~ Should be the new music played during Dominion games :P
edit3: Wait... working on the railroad... while playing Dominion.... and you fail to understand that Dominion intentionally plays badly in Dominion to have fun...
edit4: Read the Wishing Well guide if you hate Wishing Well. The guide to Wishing Well will teach you how to Wish Well.
edit5: LOL No U @ Stable Moments.
edit6: Dude.... is your voice OK? :p
edit7: Mountebank OP

Oh, and your voice... not the best singing :/
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: werothegreat on February 19, 2013, 08:59:18 pm
I intentionally sing bad there.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: mameluke on February 19, 2013, 09:15:58 pm
that's what they all say
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: SirPeebles on February 19, 2013, 10:38:16 pm
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.

My first thought was also the Erdos number. My DX number is 2 then!  8)

You seriously thought of Erdos number before Bacon number?

I certainly did, but then I'm a vegan mathematician, so I suppose I'm biased.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: eHalcyon on February 19, 2013, 10:48:08 pm
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.

My first thought was also the Erdos number. My DX number is 2 then!  8)

You seriously thought of Erdos number before Bacon number?

I certainly did, but then I'm a vegan mathematician, so I suppose I'm biased.

Headline: Vegans Eschew Bacon, Love Wordplay

...secondary pun with "eschew" totally intended.
Title: Re: My 100th video
Post by: Avalanchian on February 20, 2013, 05:59:38 am
This is working out well... if you can't play with Donald X., you can at least play with someone who's played with Donald X. ;D

And so began the first documentation of the Donald X. number, where Donald X. has a DX number of 0 and everyone else has a DX number of k + 1, where k is the smallest DX number of a person he/she has played Dominion with.

My first thought was also the Erdos number. My DX number is 2 then!  8)

You seriously thought of Erdos number before Bacon number?

I certainly did, but then I'm a vegan mathematician, so I suppose I'm biased.

Yeah, as a fellow vegan I tend not to follow things to do with bacon. not even Kevin Bacon...