Dominion Strategy Forum

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Non-Mafia Game Threads => Topic started by: mith on December 06, 2012, 07:16:15 pm

Title: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: mith on December 06, 2012, 07:16:15 pm
Another popular one from the Grey Labyrinth, though I don't know where it originates.

In Sheep, each player submits 5 answers for each of 10 categories. The goal is to give what you think will be popular answers amongst the other players. Your score for each answer is the number of players (counting yourself) who submit that answer, unless you submit a "Black Sheep" (no one else submitted it) in which case you get nothing. The answers can range from examples of the category ("Eagle" or "Larry" for Bird), to components of the category ("Beak"), to various forms of word association ("Lady" or "Burred"). Answers should not, however, include the category or a part of the category; for example, if the category is Cards, don't submit "Playing Cards", but "Playing" is fine.

Outside research is fine, but no collusion.

I will be lenient with alternate spellings/misspellings, capitalization, and abbreviation. Any other differences will be considered as two different answers. You can hedge if you aren't sure which version others will go for (i.e. for Zen Master you could submit both "Coach Jackson" and "Phil Jackson", and these will be treated as two separate and distinct answers, despite being the same person), though it's not usually wise.

Please submit your answers as follows:

"1. [Category] - [Answer], [Answer], [Answer], [Answer], [Answer]
2. etc."


1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Adam
3. Adjective
4. Ambassador
5. Anatomy
6. Ancient
7. Answer
8. Anti
9. Astronomy
10. Athlete

Deadline is one week from this post.

Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 06, 2012, 07:48:01 pm
Entry sent by PM, though I used semi-colons between answers rather than commas.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: mith on December 06, 2012, 07:51:58 pm
I'm not as particular about format on this one... >_>
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: Galzria on December 06, 2012, 08:24:00 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: Axxle on December 06, 2012, 08:27:11 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: Tables on December 06, 2012, 09:16:45 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: shraeye on December 06, 2012, 09:36:05 pm
ok cool, i play.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: cayvie on December 06, 2012, 09:56:09 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game)
Post by: Dsell on December 06, 2012, 09:58:41 pm
In, working on submissions now.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 6/?)
Post by: Eevee on December 07, 2012, 02:10:03 am
I think I'll suck, but I want to try!
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 6/?)
Post by: Kuildeous on December 07, 2012, 08:30:02 am
It's like the Match Game!

I'm /in. Time to write up my submissions.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 07, 2012, 01:39:22 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: Axxle on December 07, 2012, 01:40:40 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
Then you lose! Woo!!! \o/
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 07, 2012, 04:59:52 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
This is the approach I took the first and only time I played Dixit.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: Eevee on December 07, 2012, 05:02:38 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
Sounds like it could mess the game for others.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: cayvie on December 07, 2012, 05:30:49 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
Sounds like it could mess the game for others.

not really, most likely it'll be just like you didn't submit an entry at all. you'll get zero points and not affect anyone else's score.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 07, 2012, 05:36:23 pm
What if I play with the intent to have NO matches with anyone, but with answers that still make sense for the categories?
Sounds like it could mess the game for others.

not really, most likely it'll be just like you didn't submit an entry at all. you'll get zero points and not affect anyone else's score.
I don't know, this is a pretty eclectic group.  Even designed "misses" might match something, as long as the answers do conform to the category given.  Though I suppose it depends on the kingdom category and the number of entries.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: mith on December 07, 2012, 07:26:00 pm
Good spread of scores so far, interested to see how they change with more players...
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: Galzria on December 07, 2012, 07:28:46 pm
I'm petty confident in some categories, but think I'm way off the mark in others.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 10/?)
Post by: Schneau on December 07, 2012, 09:00:59 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 11/?)
Post by: mith on December 10, 2012, 12:10:23 pm
Three days left to enter...
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 11/?)
Post by: Grujah on December 10, 2012, 03:41:28 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 11/?)
Post by: Jorbles on December 10, 2012, 06:13:41 pm
I have submitted!
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 13/?)
Post by: mith on December 12, 2012, 12:20:37 pm
One more day...
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 14/?)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 12, 2012, 05:20:14 pm
OK, submitted.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: jotheonah on December 13, 2012, 10:45:10 am
So this evening is the deadline?

Want to give us any hints about how similar the answers have been, mith?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: mith on December 13, 2012, 02:21:33 pm
Yeah, it may be late tonight or early tomorrow before I am able to get results up, so if someone gets a submission in before I'm ready that's fine. Easy enough to add someone to the spreadsheet.

No hints. :P
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 13, 2012, 02:35:23 pm
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: Dsell on December 13, 2012, 02:37:52 pm
That sheep meme is basically my favorite thing ever.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: theory on December 13, 2012, 02:40:15 pm
Isn't this basically Family Feud?

Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 13, 2012, 02:48:12 pm
That sheep meme is basically my favorite thing ever.
Voltgloss's quote that is now in Jotheonah's signature is basically my favorite thing ever.  I'm still laughing.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 13, 2012, 03:01:05 pm
That sheep meme is basically my favorite thing ever.
Voltgloss's quote that is now in Jotheonah's signature is basically my favorite thing ever.  I'm still laughing.

OK, now I have to go turn signatures on.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 13, 2012, 03:02:02 pm
That sheep meme is basically my favorite thing ever.
Voltgloss's quote that is now in Jotheonah's signature is basically my favorite thing ever.  I'm still laughing.

OK, now I have to go turn signatures on.
Meaning you have to flip a switch that lets you see them? Or you have to put one in your profile?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 13, 2012, 03:02:14 pm
Aaaand, I am honored, joth.  :)
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 13, 2012, 03:02:39 pm
That sheep meme is basically my favorite thing ever.
Voltgloss's quote that is now in Jotheonah's signature is basically my favorite thing ever.  I'm still laughing.

OK, now I have to go turn signatures on.
Meaning you have to flip a switch that lets you see them, or you have to put one in your profile?

I meant the former, but now I'll just have to do the latter.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 13, 2012, 03:07:00 pm
Aaaand, I am honored, joth.  :)
I hope you take this the right way Volt:  Not only did it make me laugh (and then laugh again when Joth PM'ed me the applicable context), but it made me want more of your brain, and your prose.

Cue violins.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - 15/?)
Post by: jotheonah on December 13, 2012, 03:59:07 pm
@Volt - it was just a hilarious bit of absurdity
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Closed!)
Post by: mith on December 13, 2012, 07:52:23 pm
Ok, I'm closing submissions as I have all the results in my spreadsheet. Now I just need to make them pretty... which will have to wait for a while...

Teaser stat:

Combined scores for each category:
1. 502
2. 540
3. 346
4. 333
5. 334
6. 374
7. 409
8. 267
9. 370
10. 156
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Closed!)
Post by: Eevee on December 13, 2012, 07:53:26 pm
Seems to be about in line with what I was expecting. Will you get the results for us today still?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Closed!)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 13, 2012, 08:04:58 pm
There were more matches for Adjective than for Athlete?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Closed!)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 13, 2012, 08:05:54 pm
These are NOT my submissions (but they could have been):

1. Abraham Lincoln - vampire hunter, car, top hat, United States, slavery
2. Adam - Takezo Kensei (, regeneration, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (, cyborg, villain
3. Adjective - splendiferous, gossamer, phantasmagorical, antediluvian, amaranthine
4. Ambassador - nation, country, diplomat, immunity, commonwealth
5. Anatomy - arm, leg, heart, brain, tongue
6. Ancient - Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, dust, your mom
7. Answer - yes, no, likely, maybe, ask again later
8. Anti - Uncle, establishment, protest, gravity, thetical
9. Astronomy - astrology, Virgo, Aries, sparsile, twinkle
10. Athlete - foot, fungus, perspiration, endurance, sponsorship
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: mith on December 14, 2012, 12:07:52 am
Ok, I haven't finished formatting the Answers sheet, but here are the results:

Congrats, Dsell!
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: cayvie on December 14, 2012, 12:12:04 am
woohoo, i won anatomy
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Kuildeous on December 14, 2012, 12:12:55 am
I suck at being a sheep.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 14, 2012, 12:17:23 am
I did not hedge my bets with Adam and did decent.

I did horrible with Ancient.

I was second for Answer.

Tied for second on Astronomy.

Did pretty bad for Athlete, but most people did (and wow Galz failed that one).

Tough game.  I wonder how my non-answers would have fared. :P
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Galzria on December 14, 2012, 12:29:29 am
Since points are out, here are my personal responses. I failed big in some categories, and did pretty awful in the rest:

1. Abraham Lincoln: President, Assassinated, Gettysburg Address, Ford's Theater, Civil War

2. Adam: Eve, Levine, Sandler, West, Lambert

3. Adjective: Verb, Noun, Description, Grammer, Modifier

4. Ambassador: Huntsman, Estate Tennis, Diplomat, Emissary, Envoy

5. Anatomy: To Cut Up, Human Body, Doctor, Surgeon, Disect

6. Ancient: History, Artifact, Egypt, Civilizations, Chronos

7. Answer: 42, Question, Respond, Solution, Correct Reply

8. Anti: Against, Opposed, Not, Negative, Virus

9. Astronomy: Stars, Galaxy, Space, Universe, Study of Celestial Objects

10. Athlete: Competitor, Strength, Spirit, Perseverance, Determination
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Galzria on December 14, 2012, 12:31:24 am
Although I just realized that my phone auto-corrected Dominion to Huntsman (lolhow?) For Ambassador. Oh well.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Axxle on December 14, 2012, 12:32:06 am
Although I just realized that my phone auto-corrected Dominion to Huntsman (lolhow?) For Ambassador. Oh well.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Galzria on December 14, 2012, 12:36:15 am
Although I just realized that my phone auto-corrected Dominion to Huntsman (lolhow?) For Ambassador. Oh well.

It's probably too used to writing the name for work reports. I've accidentally sent in minor things with various f.DS names in them because you guys are all saved in my phones dictionary of recognized words. Occasionally I miss an auto-correct. (Which is, incidentally, why I rarely do work related articles from my phone). Luckily our editors usually email me back with "......".
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Kuildeous on December 14, 2012, 12:40:47 am
I'm the only one to say Adam-12?

Get off my lawn.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: cayvie on December 14, 2012, 02:40:20 am
here were mine

1. President, Slavery, Civil War, John Wilkes Booth, Penny
2. Eve, Ant, Apple, Sandler, Smith
3. Adverb, Part of Speech, Describe, Word, Language
4. Dominion, Seaside, Attack, Estate, Masquerade
5. Grey's, Skeleton, Human, Body, Medicine
6. Old, Tomb, History, B.C., Civilization
7. Key, Question, Correct, Test, Riddle
8. War, Christ, Slavery, Matter, Pasto
9. Star, Telescope, Constellation, Astrology, Moon
10. Olympic, Sports, Track and Field, Professional, Foot
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 07:43:05 am
I'm the only one to say Adam-12?

Get off my lawn.
Am I the only one to say Adam Horton?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Dsell on December 14, 2012, 07:48:17 am
I won, woo! Without winning any categories. :o
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Schneau on December 14, 2012, 08:23:31 am
Yay tied for 3rd!

For those of you who haven't seen, everyone's answers are on the second and third sheets, so you don't have to post your answers here.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 11:05:08 am
I did, like, really badly. Let's play again!
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 11:15:30 am
I did, like, really badly. Let's play again!
Hey man, you didn't come in LAST.
Though to be honest, my brain is wired so differently than most I would never expect to win.

My major disappointment was a really small thing.  For anatomy, I put four anatomical position words (inferior, superior, distal, proximal) and then misspelled the title of Gray's (the book).  Apparently, television (or Miranda Bailey) has commandeered my internal Dewey Decimal System.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: theory on December 14, 2012, 11:15:47 am
I think the results are a little off.  For example, I put in "Jordan" for Athlete, and others put in "Michael Jordan".  Or does that not count?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 11:25:18 am
I did, like, really badly. Let's play again!
Hey man, you didn't come in LAST.
Though to be honest, my brain is wired so differently than most I would never expect to win.

My major disappointment was a really small thing.  For anatomy, I put four anatomical position words (inferior, superior, distal, proximal) and then misspelled the title of Gray's (the book).  Apparently, television (or Miranda Bailey) has commandeered my internal Dewey Decimal System.

I think I spelled it wrong too!

I was thinking how could you make the opposite version of this game, but I can't think of any way that it wouldn't be broken by people simply submitting completely unrelated words.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: theory on December 14, 2012, 11:27:49 am
I was thinking how could you make the opposite version of this game, but I can't think of any way that it wouldn't be broken by people simply submitting completely unrelated words.

With n players, you score n-x points for each submission, where x = number of ppl that share your submission, BUT if x = 0, you score 0 points.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 11:31:31 am
like DiXit, sort of
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Kuildeous on December 14, 2012, 12:08:33 pm
I think a Dixit-scoring variant would be interesting.

It challenges you to come up with something just obscure enough to be away from the center but not too obscure.

That could lead to some interesting groupthink. Sure, word X may seem too obvious, but EVERYONE is going to avoid that word, so maybe you should pick it anyway and hope that someone else does too.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Schneau on December 14, 2012, 12:12:40 pm
I think the results are a little off.  For example, I put in "Jordan" for Athlete, and others put in "Michael Jordan".  Or does that not count?

Also, is "sport" not "sports"?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: mith on December 14, 2012, 12:17:31 pm
Quote from: The Rules
I will be lenient with alternate spellings/misspellings, capitalization, and abbreviation. Any other differences will be considered as two different answers. You can hedge if you aren't sure which version others will go for (i.e. for Zen Master you could submit both "Coach Jackson" and "Phil Jackson", and these will be treated as two separate and distinct answers, despite being the same person), though it's not usually wise.

That said, I'll count sport and sports as the same because of North America vs. elsewhere differences (since the intent could be more "alternate spelling" rather than singular vs. plural).
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 12:39:27 pm
I can't believe I'm the only one whose mind went "Stargate" for Ancient.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 14, 2012, 12:41:53 pm
We're the only forum in existence that has "estate" and "tennis" as sheepy answers for Ambassador  :)

Who's my friend who also put "Disestablishmentarianism" in response to "Anti?"
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: theory on December 14, 2012, 01:37:49 pm
Quote from: The Rules
I will be lenient with alternate spellings/misspellings, capitalization, and abbreviation. Any other differences will be considered as two different answers. You can hedge if you aren't sure which version others will go for (i.e. for Zen Master you could submit both "Coach Jackson" and "Phil Jackson", and these will be treated as two separate and distinct answers, despite being the same person), though it's not usually wise.

That said, I'll count sport and sports as the same because of North America vs. elsewhere differences (since the intent could be more "alternate spelling" rather than singular vs. plural).

Oh blah.  I skimmed that section and thought your example meant that "Coach Jackson" and "Phil Jackson" would be equivalent.  My fault.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 02:12:17 pm
I can't believe I'm the only one whose mind went "Stargate" for Ancient.
I was grateful someone else put Age.  Who's the other bourbon drinker?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 02:13:07 pm
We're the only forum in existence that has "estate" and "tennis" as sheepy answers for Ambassador  :)

Who's my friend who also put "Disestablishmentarianism" in response to "Anti?"
That would be me.  I told you I wanted more of your brain.

Should we finally twinclaim?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 02:14:56 pm
These were mine:

1. Abraham Lincoln - President; Debate; Gettysburg Address; Emancipation Proclamation; John Wilkes Booth
2. Adam - Eve; Levine; Sandler; Horton; Garden of Eden
3. Adjective - Modifier; Adverb; Fast; Comparative; Slow
4. Ambassador - Madeline Albright; Henry Kissinger; J. Chistopher Stevens; Consul; Diplomat
5. Anatomy - Grey's; Superior; Inferior; Distal; Proximal
6. Ancient - Age; Mariner; Times; Lands; History
7. Answer - Daily Double; Right; Wrong; Man; Me This
8. Anti - War; Semitic; Clockwise; Aging; Dis-establishmentarianism
9. Astronomy - Hubble; Carl Sagan; Light years; Constellation; Stars
10. Athlete - Michael Vick; Peyton Manning; Lebron James; Tom Brady; Michael Jordan
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: mith on December 14, 2012, 02:34:38 pm
Top Scores/Max Available:
1. theory (43/43)
2. Schneau (41/42)
3. Tables (34/36)
4. Jorbles (30/32)
5. cayvie (29/32)
6. Axxle (39/39)
7. Axxle/Tables (33/36)
8. Axxle (28/29)
9. Schneau (31/35)
10. Jorbles (22/26)
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Schneau on December 14, 2012, 02:38:00 pm
Top Scores/Max Available:
1. theory (43/43)
2. Schneau (41/42)
3. Tables (34/36)
4. Jorbles (30/32)
5. cayvie (29/32)
6. Axxle (39/39)
7. Axxle/Tables (33/36)
8. Axxle (28/29)
9. Schneau (31/35)
10. Jorbles (22/26)

Dsell didn't win a single category, but managed to get close enough each time to win!
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Voltgloss on December 14, 2012, 02:45:56 pm
Lol, SFS.

My answers:

1. Abraham Lincoln - Beard, Civil War, Gettysburg, John Wilkes Booth, President
2. Adam - Eve, Apple, Garden, Serpent, Eden
3. Adjective - Adverb, Scummy, Town, Quick, Grammar
4. Ambassador - Copper, Estate, Curse, Seaside, Tennis
5. Anatomy - Gray's, Organs, Operation, Body, Doctor
6. Ancient - Tomb, Wonder, Egypt, Rome, Greece
7. Answer - Question, True, False, Claim, Flip
8. Anti - Disestablishmentarianism, Town, Pro, Dote, Against
9. Astronomy - Telescope, Star, Sun, Moon, Constellation
10. Athlete - Runner, Olympics, Swimmer, Cyclist, Gymnast
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 14, 2012, 03:44:51 pm
1. Abraham Lincoln - President, penny, honest, beard, emancipation
2. Adam - Eve, man, apple, sin, Genesis
3. Adjective - descriptive, grammar, noun, happy, sad
4. Ambassador - Action, Attack, Dominion, Seaside, junker
5. Anatomy - body, biology, medicine, science, study
6. Ancient - old, archaic, outdated, primeval, bygone
7. Answer - question, 42, ask, query, doubt
8. Anti - against, opposite, opposed, negative, pro
9. Astronomy - space, planets, stars, universe, NASA
10. Athlete - sports, football, baseball, basketball, soccer

Somewhat surprised that slavery > emancipation.  Also can't believe I didn't drop in "Estate, Tennis" for Amb.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 03:49:03 pm
1. Abraham Lincoln - Hat, Beard, Emancipation, Vampire Slayer, Saved the Union
2. Adam - Eve, H, First, Madame, Eden
3. Adjective - Describe, before, mad lib, adverb, red
4. Ambassador - Supply, Double, Dominion, dignitary, diplomat
5. Anatomy - Grey's, physiology, inside, surgery, frog
6. Ancient - Stargate, old, artifact, archeology, rune
7. Answer - Right, wrong, bubble, number 2 pencil, question
8. Anti - matter, poker, uncle, dote, time
9. Astronomy - stars, space, dark matter, tower, Copernicus
10. Athlete - run, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, strong, Olympics
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Grujah on December 14, 2012, 06:08:11 pm
1. Abraham Lincoln
Top hat
John Wilkes Booth
President (if this is not acceptable answer due to "category" rule, I will put Steampunk instead )

2. Adam

3. Adjective

4. Ambassador

5. Anatomy

6. Ancient

7. Answer

8. Anti

9. Astronomy

10. Athlete
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Schneau on December 14, 2012, 06:18:22 pm
For those of you who haven't seen, everyone's answers are on the second and third sheets, so you don't have to post your answers here.

Why is everyone posting their lists? They're all right here (
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Axxle on December 14, 2012, 06:28:25 pm
Adam: Mythbusters 0

for shame.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 14, 2012, 09:54:49 pm
Joth - for Adam, did your H mean the f.DS poster?
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 11:49:14 pm
yes. I'm afraid I had Resistance V on the brain.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 14, 2012, 11:51:02 pm
Also, a little surprised that no one else in this crowd said 'poker' for 'anti' (ante)
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: eHalcyon on December 15, 2012, 02:08:30 pm
Also, a little surprised that no one else in this crowd said 'poker' for 'anti' (ante)

Those are different words! You could also put down Uncle...
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: jotheonah on December 15, 2012, 03:01:44 pm
i did...
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: SwitchedFromStarcraft on December 15, 2012, 07:11:29 pm
Also, a little surprised that no one else in this crowd said 'poker' for 'anti' (ante)

Those are different words! You could also put down Uncle...
or bellum
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Axxle on December 15, 2012, 07:51:35 pm
Also, a little surprised that no one else in this crowd said 'poker' for 'anti' (ante)

Those are different words! You could also put down Uncle...
or bellum
or Samberg
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Jorbles on December 17, 2012, 11:42:19 am
Curse you dsell! I was so close! I am really proud of you guys for all putting 42 down for answer.
Title: Re: Sheep Game A (a Single Submission Game - Results!)
Post by: Dsell on December 17, 2012, 01:33:01 pm
Hehe! It WAS really close. I'm surprised that I won!

And duh, 42 was like the first thing I thought of when I saw the category. :P