Dominion Strategy Forum

Miscellaneous => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fabian on April 07, 2012, 06:08:16 am

Title: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Fabian on April 07, 2012, 06:08:16 am
I'm normally not one to start useless attention whoring threads, but I figure the off-topic section isn't exactly overrun by crappy threads, or indeed any threads, so maybe there's room for one anyway?

I've been making some piano videos in the last few months, covering some songs I like. I'm hoping to get back into it and making some new ones in the near future, and I thought I'd share them with you!

Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Piano Cover) ( - this one is a lot older than the others, but it's become popular (~42k views yo!) so I'm probably doing something right :)

Disney - Beauty and the Beast (Piano Cover) (

And, if you're brave enough to listen to my singing:

Elton John - Your Song (Piano & Song Cover) ( - I probably like this one the most of my singing videos, I think it's pretty decent actually.

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (Piano & Song Cover) ( - First piece of singing I ever recorded, was pretty scary to upload :) The song is awesome btw, I don't care what anyone tells me!

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Piano & Song Cover) ( - The singing is too challenging for me probably, but I think the second half turned out great. Still, it should probably have been a do-over since the first half is kinda sloppy. Oh well :) Plus the piano playing is totally sweet imo.

Elton John - Talking Old Soldiers (Piano & Song Cover) ( - Huge bonus points if you know this song! I think this cover is pretty ok, but it's not like anyone knows the song anyway :)

I hope you find something you like, any comments/praise/criticism/bashing/etc are very welcome :)
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Lekkit on April 07, 2012, 07:27:11 am
I would actually never had guessed you played the piano. The thing that really caught my attention is that you sound a lot like Tom Lehrer.  Keep it up!
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Geronimoo on April 07, 2012, 08:15:22 am
That's terrible..... ;D

Here's me playing Bach (own arrangement of very well known tune. The synch is a little off):

If you're more into Steve Vai:

I bet a lot of Dominion players are into music (since most are also into maths). And like Donald X I'm a Zappa fanatic.
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Fabian on April 07, 2012, 08:24:39 am
Lekkit, I must admit I had never heard the name Tom Lehrer, but after youtubinging him and watching (parts of) some 50 minute clip of his, a) he's totally awesome and b) do I actually sound like that? :)

Geronimoo, thanks buddy!
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Geronimoo on April 07, 2012, 08:29:39 am
I'm not really into piano and certainly not Elton John, but you play it well and 43k views is nice.

Can you do Bach? I love Gould's interpretations (although I prefer the harpsichord for Bach's music).
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Fabian on April 07, 2012, 08:35:42 am
Geronimoo, I haven't really played classical music since I stopped going to a real teacher at age 11-12, but I could play these two pieces well (and still can play them to like 70-80% from muscle memory):

* second piece redacted due to me not finding it :)
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Lekkit on April 07, 2012, 09:02:04 am
I thought you might like him, and yes, I think there's something similar when you sing.
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Arya Stark on April 07, 2012, 08:08:28 pm
Love the Beauty and the Beast song, not a fan of the Elton stuff   ;)
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: jotheonah on April 07, 2012, 10:09:54 pm
Glooble and I have some guitar stuff up ... But I should check with him before I put it up here probably.
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: jotheonah on April 07, 2012, 10:11:39 pm
Fabian, your playing is great and I dig your song selections, too.
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: CoheedandCambria on April 16, 2012, 12:03:01 pm
Man geronimoo that vai cover was amazing.. I just started playing guitar and I hope to one day play like you can.

Also Fabian I enjoyed both non vocal songs (not enough time to listen to the others).. piano looks really tough, are you constantly thinking of what you are going to do next or do you just zone out and let your hands work their magic?
Title: Re: In this thread Fabian plays the piano and occasionally sings
Post by: Fabian on April 17, 2012, 03:37:49 pm
It's mostly the zone out/magic thing, especially so for songs I've played a fair amount already. Lots of muscle memory involved there, I can literally play through a whole song while my mind is on other things and not really realizing I've played it until I'm done, sometimes. The result of a lot of practicing :)