Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Variants and Fan Cards => Topic started by: IlstrawberrySeed on October 20, 2022, 08:26:32 pm

Title: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: IlstrawberrySeed on October 20, 2022, 08:26:32 pm
Sorry for the delay.

Create a card with the single type by NoMoreFun. Cards with the single type have only one copy, aren’t in the kingdom, and nor do they count towards empty piles. Once purchased, each time played, they must have the possibility to switch owners. Wether it always happens or is a mini game the current owner can win, a player gains it from play, or it returns to the supply.

Some examples

Cantrip +coffer, left player games. On buy or trash, topdeck. (2)
+2 cards. Each player trashes any number of cards from hand, starting with player from left. Whoever trashes the most gains this. Each other player gains a curse. (3)
+2 cards.  +2 actions.  +2 Buys.  +(2).   At the start of your next turn, if this is in play, gain a curse. While in play, other players may buy this (as if in the supply). (4)
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: emtzalex on October 20, 2022, 10:05:09 pm
This is Week 46. Week 45 was the last contest ( You can click on "Modify" in the top-right corner of the original post, and change the Subject line at the top.

Also, NoMoreFun's OP about Single cards is here (

Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: BryGuy on October 21, 2022, 02:11:50 pm
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: BryGuy on October 21, 2022, 02:36:27 pm
Here is a single card for the Kingdom.

Here are the two other associated cards:
( (

So 1 White Tigers could allow you to upgrade four cards. I made these while thinking about how Horse is like a one trick pony and how i wanted to get more from it. My version is not a Singleton as i modified White Tiger for this contest.

For $3 you get 1 White Tigers, 2 Wiley Coyotes, and 4 Wild Raccoons.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: segura on October 21, 2022, 03:34:08 pm
This chained pile is extremely weak and significantly weaker than Encampment which gets its net effect of +1 Action and +1 Card immediately instead of spread over two cards and features the option to not be a one-shot. This is not compensated for by the effect of Raccoon which is fairly weak (far weaker than Upgrade).

So yeah, this could cost $2 and still be underwhelming.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: IlstrawberrySeed on October 21, 2022, 05:31:33 pm
There can be no wild raccoons in play without the effect of a way.

The “spread outness” is slightly compensated by the fact that you can get +3 cards +2 actions (across the cards).

If I understand the intent, a frazing similar to “at the end of turn, if you haven’t returned any Wiley Coyotes…” and “at the start of cleanup, if you haven’t returned any wild raccoons…”
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: emtzalex on October 21, 2022, 06:47:22 pm
My Submission:

Grand Heist • $7 • Night - Single
+8 Coffers
Return this to the Supply. Take the Marque.

You can’t buy this if you're the player with the Marque.


Marque • Artifact
After playing an Attack, discard a card. When you play Grand Heist, first trash another card you have in play that the player to your left chooses.

My submission is Grand Heist (with the Artifact Marque). It's a Night - Single card with a relative high cost and a massive payoff (8 Coffers!!!). While the reward of pulling off such a heist is huge, so is the blowback. Playing the card makes you take Marque, and Artifact meant to keep you in line. You can't buy Grand Heist, you have to discard if you play an Attack, and if you gain GH another way, playing it will cost you a card you have in play. This effect remains unless and until another play gains and plays GH, getting the Marque for themselves.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 45: Singletons
Post by: Erick648 on October 21, 2022, 08:14:38 pm
Here's my entry:
$0 Night - Duration - Single
Now and at the start of each of your turns until you lose this: Trash a card from your hand.
Until then, when any other player gains a Treasure on their turn, they gain this.

When you gain this, play it.
Guess who's coming to visit?  You'll probably be happy to see him when you have junk you want to unload, but once you've thinned a bit, you may find he's overstayed his welcome.  Not to worry, though, because he'll off for greener pastures as quick as you can say, "Did you hear that the neighbors just got some new Silver?"

It took me a while to find a good wording, but I eventually found something that I think is reasonably easy to understand and consistent with published cards.  The on-gain ability lets you play it when you buy it (or gain it with Workshop, etc.) to make it a reasonable purchase (cf. Bonfire), and also makes you play it when you trigger its transfer ability even if you don't want to.

I considered not giving it any of the basic "When do I play this?" types (Action, Treasure, and Night) because it won't normally be in your hand, but I didn't want to render it unplayable in edge cases (e.g., Exiling it from the Supply with Camel Train).  I chose to make it a Night card because it fit the flavor better than the Treasure type and making it an Action would let you break the effect with Ways and might create some other edge cases.  There aren't many cards that specifically do things to Night cards, so that seemed a bit safer.  The transfer ability is limited to the gaining player's turn to prevent excessive interruptions---I wouldn't want him taking a tour of the table every time someone chooses Governor's Gold-and-Silver option, especially if the Kingdom has on-trash effects that might set off a chain reaction with each visit.

As a bonus, here's an outtake that I rejected as too wacky (maybe it would work for a special, less serious set):
White Elephant
$3 Action - Reaction - Single

When another player would gain an Action card, you may set this aside to gain that card instead of them. If you do, they gain this card.

My first thought was for a Bottle Imp, but it's impossible to get the penalty right, especially in a 2-player game where any penalty to the owner is an equally massive benefit to the other player.  For it to work, it would probably have to be a new sort of card that's only used in games with 5-6 players.  I also briefly tried a milder design based on the Greater Fool Theory (, but I couldn't get it to work right.  Here are the ideas I had if you're curious:
Bottle Imp
$2 Action - Victory{?} - Single
+1 Action
Gain a card costing up to $6 to your hand.
Then each other player may gain this to their hand. {They'd do this in turn order with later players not getting a chance if earlier players do, similar to when you play Young Witch with only one Curse left in the Supply.}

When scoring, {insert some massive penalty}.
Tulip Bulbs
$0* Treasure - Single
Each other player may gain this from your play area by taking (Debt) equal to its current cost. If any player does, you get +$1 per $1 it costs, then add a token to the Tulip mat. {Again, other players would get the opportunity to take this from you in turn order, and later players couldn't take it once it's been taken. The Tulip mat would be a shared tracking mat like the one Trade Route used.}

This card costs $1 per token on the Tulip mat.

EDIT: Fixed the image links.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: Xen3k on October 21, 2022, 08:49:36 pm

Kindly Benefactor - $5
Action - Single
+1 Action
Each other player reveals their hand. The player with the fewest Victory cards in hand gains this (the player closest to your left wins ties).

A cheap non-terminal +$3 that positively interacts with Throne Rooms and cards that care about Action cards. Will skip over players with Green in hand, so there is randomness to early game and incentive to reduce green in hand later on. Feedback welcome.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: emtzalex on October 28, 2022, 12:42:41 pm
IlstrawberrySeed: It's been a little more than a week since the contest was posted. Perhaps you might think about posting a 24-hour warning.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: NoMoreFun on October 29, 2022, 12:34:54 am
Since it was my mechanic, not sure whether I'm eligible or not, but I'll post it anyway.

Bear Market
Action/Single - $0
+1 Buy
When you gain this, if it's your buy phase, gain a Gold per differently named other card you gained in it.

Sometimes you buy a bad card because it's the only +buy in the kingdom. I've taken that to its logical conclusion.
If it isn't the only +buy, then it can be a good source of $ like Commerce if you are willing to act first.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: IlstrawberrySeed on October 30, 2022, 01:55:06 pm
Sorry I missed the mark, so here it is.

24 hours reamaning.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: IlstrawberrySeed on November 01, 2022, 07:09:50 pm

White tiger “Traveler.” Previously I mentioned it could do +3 cards, but misspoke. I like the idea of a suedo-traveler, but the wording is off (if _ at cleanup _, rather than after cleanup, if _, then _.) Also, the raccoon says “otherwise, (2)” without a +(2), if that is what it means, then it is decently powerful being a double pedler after the first. Assuming there are ten of them, it is too strong of a capstone. You can make 4 of these each turn or every other turn, with only the first one disappearing. And only if you don’t exchange for one of the trashed racoons. I have to say 6/10.

Grand Hiest. An interesting effect. I like it, but would prefer to have the trashing at the end of turn, because otherwise it might be the only card in play. Also, I think it should have an anti-cost reducer Claus, but that is difficult.

Freeloader. This is an interesting concept, but I think it would kill BM, and an engine cannot use it as trashing against BM. Also, night makes the most sense, but I would have preferred none of the playable types due my dabbling in cards with no types (that you wouldn’t know about, so it doesn’t effect score).

White Elephant. (Not an entry) I like it, and think it fits well. I wish it had an element of chance or something like “Each other player may discard a card at once. All such players gain a copy of each discarded card.”
This would have got a 8/10, due to your preface about a non-serious set. Otherwise, 5/10.

Kindly Benifactor. Tough turn 1 buy unless you get donate T2. 8/10

Xen3K wins with Kindly Benifactor, and emtzalex is runner up with grand heist.
Title: Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 46: Singletons
Post by: Xen3k on November 01, 2022, 08:51:21 pm
Hey! Thanks for running the challenge and judging. Appreciate the win! I'll work on getting something up within a day or so.