Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Variants and Fan Cards => Topic started by: Wolphmaniac on March 01, 2012, 10:51:15 pm

Title: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 01, 2012, 10:51:15 pm
Hey everyone.  After reading the amazing Fan Card Creation Guide, I decided to have a go.  Any and all feedback is appreciated.  I hope you enjoy...

Dominion - Jurisdiction!

Lead (Treasure) ($0) 
When you trash this, gain a gold.

Bailiff (Action) ($2)
+1 Card, + 1 Action
Trash a card from your hand.

Clerk ($3) (Victory - Reaction)
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, you are not affected by that Attack.

Defendant (Action – Reaction) ($3)
Draw a card, then trash a card from your hand.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, you are not affected by that Attack.

Witness (Action) ($3)
- All other players reveal their hand.  You may gain a copy of a card that any opponent is holding that is not a victory card. 

Prosecutor (Action – Attack) ($4)
- Name a card that is not a victory card.  Then, each player reveals their hand.  If they reveal any copies of that card, they must discard one of them immediately.

Oath (Action) ($4)
+1 card, +1 action
Name a card.  Reveal the top card of your deck.  If it is the named card, put it into your hand and you may gain a copy of it and you may trash a card from your hand. 

Warden (Action-Attack) ($4)
+1 card
You may reveal up to 2 curses from your hand and return them to the supply.  If you don’t reveal any curses, then each other player gains a curse.
Jury (Action - Attack) ($5)
All players reveal the top card of their deck.  You decide whether the other players should discard the revealed card or put it into their hand.  If they put it into their hand, you gain a copy of the card on your deck.  You may then decide on your revealed card.  You may either put it back on your deck, discard it, or trash it. 

Precinct (Victory) ($5)
- Plus one victory point for every three victory cards in your deck, counting this, rounding down.

Robin Hood (Action – Attack) ($5)
+1 buy
All other players reveal their hand.  You may immediately steal any card from the hand of whichever player holds the highest total value in Gold, Silver, and Copper.  Place this card into your hand.  (If more than one player are tied for the highest value in their hand, you must steal from the player closest to your left.)   

Jurisdiction (Action – Victory)($6)
+1 Card, +1 Action

Courthouse (Action – Victory) ($6)
Choose 2: +1 card, + 2 Actions, +$2
1 VP

Trial (Action) ($6)
+1 Action
Draw two cards.  You may either put them both into your hand or discard them both.  If you discard both, +1 card and +$1.

Attorney ($7) (Action-Reaction-Duration)
+1 Action, +$1
Attorney stays in play until the start of your next turn.  If you have an Attorney in play, when any player plays a gold or platinum, you may gain one of the same.

While Attorney is in play, you may gain a copy of any treasure that an opponent gains.  If you do, put it on top of your deck.

While Attorney is in play, when another player plays an attack card, you are not affected by that attack.

Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: J.Co. on March 02, 2012, 12:48:55 am
-I like the concept of sifting trashers, like Bailiff. I suppose that would weaken curse-giving attacks at least a little bit.

-Lead would give great value to purchasing +buy cards early in the game. Since it's a treasure, I bet there'd be cool interactions with Loan, too.

-Prosecutor sounds interesting! Almost like a pseudo-defense card. It would be a great way to try and avoid getting hit with a certain attack card. Or if you know one person is building a particular strategy, you could try to sabotage it.

-If Robin Hood got played multiple times in one round, that would suck for someone who had the highest value and had something other than money stolen. I don't think I'd like that card, anyway.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: dondon151 on March 02, 2012, 12:54:35 am
Robin Hood already exists as a card!
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: LastFootnote on March 02, 2012, 02:30:58 am
Lead (Treasure) ($0) 
When you trash this, gain a gold.

Interesting. You'd obviously never buy it without trashing options. When there are good options, the $0 price tag makes it too easy to load up on them very quickly. These two factors make the card too swingy, in my opinion. It should probably cost $2 and do something when played. It doesn't even necessarily have to generate coins; it could do something like allow you to discard the top cards of your deck.

Bailiff (Action) ($2)
+1 Card, + 1 Action
Trash a card from your hand.

Hmmm, seems OK to me. You'd probably usually want one unless you're rushing Gardens, but that can be said for Chapel as well. If there are issues with the card, they'll come out in playtesting. If I had to guess, I'd say that $2 might be too cheap.

Clerk ($3) (Victory - Reaction)
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, you are not affected by that Attack.

I don't think I'd ever buy this. Moat is a bad idea often enough, and at least it does something for you when played (+2 cards). The dead card in hand is almost never going to be worth the Reaction effect in the early game, and you might as well just buy Estates late game.

Also, reusing existing reaction effects isn't very interesting. It's not forbidden or anything, but you used Moat's reaction effect on all three of your Reaction cards.

Defendant (Action – Reaction) ($3)
Draw a card, then trash a card from your hand.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, you are not affected by that Attack.

Meh. I guess I might buy this in a heavy cursing game where better Curse-trashing options weren't available. That's about it, though. Without cursing attacks, the reaction effect won't be worth buying the card for. Without the reaction effect, it's just an incredibly weak and slow way to trash cards.

Witness (Action) ($3)
- All other players reveal their hand.  You may gain a copy of a card that any opponent is holding that is not a victory card. 

This...seems way too powerful. It scales as the game goes on, which is nice, but compare it to other gainers at the same price. It's pretty clearly superior to Workshop and Smugglers most of the time. It also gets way more powerful as there are more players in the game. If I were you, I'd limit it to the player on your left and cost it at $5, maybe $4.

Prosecutor (Action – Attack) ($4)
- Name a card that is not a victory card.  Then, each player reveals their hand.  If they reveal any copies of that card, they must discard one of them immediately.

Stupid powerful. If played in succession, it can wipe out players' turns quite easily. The funny part is that, after you play it once, you know all the cards in your opponents' hands, ensuring that all future plays will be devastating. King's Court/Prosecutor would be a game killer.

Oath (Action) ($4)
+1 card, +1 action
Name a card.  Reveal the top card of your deck.  If it is the named card, put it into your hand and you may gain a copy of it and you may trash a card from your hand. 

My gut tells me that this is too powerful, at least for $4. It's also very swingy. If you happen to have a Province on your deck, you can duplicate it.

Warden (Action-Attack) ($4)
+1 card
You may reveal up to 2 curses from your hand and return them to the supply.  If you don’t reveal any curses, then each other player gains a curse.

I'm trying to decide if the ability to return Curses to the supply is really worth putting on a cursing card. You'd almost certainly never use it if there were still Curses left to give out. If you do return Curses, it's very likely that you'll be getting at least one of them back during your opponents' turns. I think I'd rather use my actions on other cards at that point in the game.

Jury (Action - Attack) ($5)
All players reveal the top card of their deck.  You decide whether the other players should discard the revealed card or put it into their hand.  If they put it into their hand, you gain a copy of the card on your deck.  You may then decide on your revealed card.  You may either put it back on your deck, discard it, or trash it. 

This is a cool idea. You might need to playtest and balance it, but I like it. You'll probably want to reword the text a bit, but the effect is very interesting.

Precinct (Victory) ($5)
- Plus one victory point for every three victory cards in your deck, counting this, rounding down.

In my opinion, it's too close to Silk Road to be interesting, even though the two cards probably play quite differently.

Robin Hood (Action – Attack) ($5)
+1 buy
All other players reveal their hand.  You may immediately steal any card from the hand of whichever player holds the highest total value in Gold, Silver, and Copper.  Place this card into your hand.  (If more than one player are tied for the highest value in their hand, you must steal from the player closest to your left.)   

Too powerful. Any card that allows you to steal a Province (or Colony) from an opponent is right out. The fact that this only targets one opponent is also a turn-off, even if you can't choose which.

Jurisdiction (Action – Victory)($6)
+1 Card, +1 Action

Not really interesting. At the point you'd want this, you're probably willing to buy Duchies for $6 anyway. If you have $6, buy this. If not, buy a Duchy. There's rarely going to be any strategy to buying or playing the card.

Courthouse (Action – Victory) ($6)
Choose 2: +1 card, + 2 Actions, +$2
1 VP

Hard to say if this is balanced. It's similar to Nobles, obviously, but it might play differently enough to be interesting. Merits playtesting for sure.

Trial (Action) ($6)
+1 Action
Draw two cards.  You may either put them both into your hand or discard them both.  If you discard both, +1 card and +$1.

Seems OK at first blush, I guess. Strange Laboratory/Peddler hybrid.

Attorney ($7) (Action-Reaction-Duration)
+1 Action, +$1
Attorney stays in play until the start of your next turn.  If you have an Attorney in play, when any player plays a gold or platinum, you may gain one of the same.

While Attorney is in play, you may gain a copy of any treasure that an opponent gains.  If you do, put it on top of your deck.

While Attorney is in play, when another player plays an attack card, you are not affected by that attack.

This seems way too powerful. For every Treasure card your opponents gain, you gain a copy that you probably get to play before they can play theirs? Also, you get bonus Gold for each one an opponent plays? Silliness. On a side note, this doesn't need to be a Reaction card, but that's a secondary concern compared to how incredibly broken this card looks.

Anyway, that's my reaction. Sorry if I was a little harsh but I hope it helped at least a bit.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 02, 2012, 10:27:42 am
Nono that's fine footnote.  I appreciate the feedback.  Everything you say makes sense.  I know Attorney is ridiculous...I think I just wanted to do something ridiculous  :)  The rest of the feedback makes sense.  Some of the cards definitely need some mitigation on their swinginess i.e. no gaining victory cards.  I'm glad that at least a few of them got the "interesting" nod  8)  You definitely have a strong feel for how things will play, much stronger than me.  I'm still working on that, but just the act of writing the deck was a great exercise for me in understanding the nature of cards.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: petrie911 on March 02, 2012, 12:49:57 pm
Prosecutor can be made more reasonable by restricting it to "each player with at least 5 cards in his hand".  Also, I don't see why you can't name a Victory card.

That said, targeted discard is really strong, and attacks that do nothing for you aren't common.  I'd say give it a small vanilla bonus and bump it up to $5.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 02, 2012, 02:43:23 pm
Prosecutor can be made more reasonable by restricting it to "each player with at least 5 cards in his hand".  Also, I don't see why you can't name a Victory card.
Good suggestion.  Also, that wording is left over from a previous draft of the card.  It doesn't need to be there, you're right.

That said, targeted discard is really strong, and attacks that do nothing for you aren't common.  I'd say give it a small vanilla bonus and bump it up to $5.

How about this:

Prosecutor (Action – Attack) ($5)
+2 cards
- Name a card.  Then, each player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals their hand.  If they reveal any copies of that card, they must discard one of them immediately.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 02, 2012, 02:46:53 pm
And this:

Witness (Action) ($4)
- The player to your left reveals his hand.  You may gain a copy of a card that he is holding that is not a victory card. 
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 02, 2012, 02:48:05 pm
And this:

Warden (Action-Attack) ($4)
+2 cards
You may reveal up to 2 curses from your hand and trash them.  If you don’t reveal any curses, then each other player gains a curse.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Wolphmaniac on March 02, 2012, 02:52:32 pm
And this:

Jury (Action - Attack) ($5)
All other players reveal the top card of their deck.  You decide whether the other players should discard the revealed card or put it into their hand.  If they put it into their hand, you may gain a copy of the card on your deck if it is not a victory card.

(I took out the part about your own card because it was too much.  I also added the no-gaining-victory clause.  I think this card balances well because you can significantly improve yourself for the long term by gaining power cards but you must do so at a reasonable short-term cost of empowering the opponent's hand.)
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Ozle on March 02, 2012, 02:54:31 pm
And this:

Warden (Action-Attack) ($4)
+2 cards
You may reveal up to 2 curses from your hand and trash them.  If you don’t reveal any curses, then each other player gains a curse.

I would think this would need to be $5, the +2 cards is a good thing on it. Without curses in your hand its exactly the same as a witch, but it also has the chance to trash them (which I dont think makes it worse) Big jump from $4 to $5
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: eHalcyon on March 02, 2012, 03:12:21 pm
And this:

Warden (Action-Attack) ($4)
+2 cards
You may reveal up to 2 curses from your hand and trash them.  If you don’t reveal any curses, then each other player gains a curse.

I would think this would need to be $5, the +2 cards is a good thing on it. Without curses in your hand its exactly the same as a witch, but it also has the chance to trash them (which I dont think makes it worse) Big jump from $4 to $5

Wouldn't it need to be more than $5?  As it is currently phrased, it is strictly superior to Witch since you can either play it as Witch or use it to trash Curses.  The fix would be that you MUST reveal your hand and can only curse if you yourself have no Curses.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: Ozle on March 02, 2012, 03:19:55 pm
Good point, I read it as a MUST rather than as you point out a choice. (But I believe that MUST  is the intended implementation)
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: KuulGryphun on March 03, 2012, 02:18:21 am
Quote from: Wolphmaniac
Attorney ($7) (Action-Reaction-Duration)
+1 Action, +$1
Attorney stays in play until the start of your next turn.  If you have an Attorney in play, when any player plays a gold or platinum, you may gain one of the same.

While Attorney is in play, you may gain a copy of any treasure that an opponent gains.  If you do, put it on top of your deck.

While Attorney is in play, when another player plays an attack card, you are not affected by that attack.
If two players have Attorney in play, whenever either one (or any other player) gains or plays a gold or platinum, those two players will immediately alternate gaining that treasure until the pile is empty.
Title: Re: Fan Expansion: Dominion - Jurisdiction
Post by: eHalcyon on March 03, 2012, 02:23:58 am
Quote from: Wolphmaniac
Attorney ($7) (Action-Reaction-Duration)
+1 Action, +$1
Attorney stays in play until the start of your next turn.  If you have an Attorney in play, when any player plays a gold or platinum, you may gain one of the same.

While Attorney is in play, you may gain a copy of any treasure that an opponent gains.  If you do, put it on top of your deck.

While Attorney is in play, when another player plays an attack card, you are not affected by that attack.
If two players have Attorney in play, whenever either one (or any other player) gains or plays a gold or platinum, those two players will immediately alternate gaining that treasure until the pile is empty.

Well, that's what attorneys do.