Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Dominion General Discussion => Topic started by: Orange on May 16, 2016, 09:10:51 pm

Title: Card Name Themes
Post by: Orange on May 16, 2016, 09:10:51 pm
I suspect something like this may have been done before, but I failed to find it search.  Somebody noted a theme where a few cards with similar names do similar things.  I wondered how many more themes are out there that I haven't recognized.  Here's what I have so far, with (?) marking those that are a bit of a stretch:

Church (trashing):  Chapel, Bishop, Altar, Temple, Tomb (?)

Town (+2 actions):  Village, Shanty Town, Mining Village, Native Village, Fishing Village, University (?), Worker's Village, City, Farming Village, Hamlet, Border Village, Inn (?), Fortress (?), Bandit Camp, Plaza (?), Port (?), Lost City, City Quarter, Bustling Village, Villa

Sellers (a little of everything):  Market, Grand Market, Peddler, Market Square, Farmers' Market

Horror (cards back on the deck):  Ghost Ship, Haunted Woods, Haunted Castle

Royal Settings (repeated actions):  Throne Room, King's Court, Procession, Crown, Royal Carriage

Travel (discounts):  Bridge, Highway, Bridge Troll, Ferry

Witch (curses):  Witch, Young Witch, Sea Hag, Swamp Hag

Iron (cantrip + variable bonus):  Ironworks, Ironmonger

Real Estate (victory cards):  pretty much all the victory cards except Harem, Nobles, and Dame Josephine)

Storage Rooms (discard/sifters): Cellar, Vault, Warehouse, Catacombs, Stables, Storeroom, Dungeon, Secret Chamber

Wisemen/Wisewomen (sifters): Sage, Scrying Pool, Apothecary, Cartographer, Jack of All Trades, Spy, Navigator, Oracle

Diplomacy (draw + benefit to/involvement of others): Council Room, Embassy, Envoy, Advisor?

Trade (Silver): Trading Post, Trader, Trade

Wilderness (Draw): Hunting Grounds, Ranger, Scout, Guide?, Pathfinding

Blacksmithing (Draw): Smithy, Royal Blacksmith

What have I missed?  What have I mis-categorized?

Edited to update the input from others.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: LostPhoenix on May 16, 2016, 09:13:32 pm
Horror: Haunted Castle
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: yuma on May 16, 2016, 10:09:37 pm
Storage Rooms (discard/sifters): Cellar, Vault, Warehouse, Catacombs, Stables, Storeroom, Dungeon.

Wisemen/Wisewomen (sifters): Sage, Scrying Pool, Apothecary, Cartographer, Jack of All Trades, Spy, Navigator, Oracle, Guide + Archivist (rinkworks' semi-official fan card)

Poor people w/o money or getting money: Poor House, Alms, Miser, Cutpurse, Noble Brigand, Beggar
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: singletee on May 16, 2016, 10:17:47 pm
Storage Rooms (discard/sifters): Cellar, Vault, Warehouse, Catacombs, Stables, Storeroom, Dungeon.

+ Secret Chamber
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: michaeljb on May 16, 2016, 10:23:03 pm
Storage Rooms (discard/sifters): Cellar, Vault, Warehouse, Catacombs, Stables, Storeroom, Dungeon.

+ Secret Chamber

+ Tunnel's on-discard ability relates to this

Adding on to the OP:

Royal Settings (repeated actions): Royal Carriage

Roadways (discounts): Ferry

Other categories:

Diplomacy (draw + benefit to/involvement of others): Council Room, Embassy, Envoy, Advisor?

Something with trading and Silver: Trading Post, Trader, Trade

Wilderness draw: Hunting Grounds, Ranger, Scout, Guide?, Pathfinding

Blacksmithing for draw: Smithy, Royal Blacksmith
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: DG on May 16, 2016, 10:53:43 pm
You missed the whole remodel, upgrade, expand line.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: wachsmuth on May 16, 2016, 10:58:03 pm
Animals that attract their friends: Rats, Magpie

Industry (straight-forward gainers): Workshop, Ironworks, Armory

Wilderness draw: Hunting Grounds, Ranger, Scout, Guide?, Pathfinding

+ Journeyman, maybe Expedition and Caravan?
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Orange on May 16, 2016, 10:59:04 pm
You missed the whole remodel, upgrade, expand line.

This is one I considered, but those names are just so descriptive in and of themselves.  Remake too.  Maybe it belongs on the list though, not sure.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: pedroluchini on May 17, 2016, 04:30:18 am
Wilderness draw: Hunting Grounds, Ranger, Scout, Guide?, Pathfinding
+ Journeyman, maybe Expedition and Caravan?

FYI, the "journey" in Journeyman does not mean "travel". Rather, it comes from French "journée" = "day", i.e., a worker whose pay is based on a daily rate.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: theJester on May 17, 2016, 04:42:41 am
Great thread :)

Bullies (discard down to 3): Militia, Goons
Prophets (some kind of attack): Soothsayer, Oracle, Fortune Teller
Bandits (gain a treasure): Thief, Noble Brigand, Bandit Camp, Pirate Ship
Merchants/sellers (give +buy): Spice Merchant, Wine Merchant, Horse Traders, Herbalist, Merchant Guild (but not Trader or Merchant Ship)
Poor wanderers (cantrip+bonus): Ironmonger, Junk Dealer, Urchin, Vagrant
Army (attacks): Militia, Soldier, Marauder, Margrave, Pillage, Knights
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Accatitippi on May 17, 2016, 09:07:52 am
Markets used to be cantrip +Buys, and that was cute, (ruined Market being a cute exception). Then Farmers' Market came and ruined everything.
Still, rather than "Sellers - a bit of everything", I'd say that there are two thematical groups of cards providing +Buy:
Workers and Commerce.
Workers are woodcutter and worker's village and I suspect there might be one or two more. I think these are a relic from the time when Buys were called Builds.
Most +Buy cards refer to commerce in some way.
All flavors of Markets (black is virtual), Haggler (virtual +Buy), Wine Merchants, Fair and travelling Fair...
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: yuma on May 17, 2016, 09:10:56 am
Witch (curses):  Witch, Young Witch, Sea Hag, Swamp Hag

You can add Familiar to this list as well as a Familiar is often thought of a spirit under the control of a witch or a form that a witch takes.

Scientific (Non-terminal Draw): Laboratory, Apprentice, Alchemist, Menegerie, Expedidition.

Diplomacy (draw + benefit to/involvement of others): Council Room, Embassy, Envoy, Advisor?

Dont forget Governor! And Messenger doesn't draw, but fits into the benefit to others with Diplomacy theme.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Marcory on May 17, 2016, 09:19:49 am
Scavenger, Pearl Diver, and Hunting Party "search" for things in your deck or discard pile.

Forager might fit into the 'Poor' category, in that he sells junk for a profit. Ditto Junk Dealer.

Also, Ambassador gives gifts to people, even if they may not want them.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Accatitippi on May 17, 2016, 09:25:57 am
Also, this might just be due to the fact that Intrigue pushed hard for both at the same time, but there are a few cards in the "choose one" family that either represent nobles or servants at your service.
These include Minion, Steward, Pawn, Nobles, Squire, Trusty Steed (kinda), Count, Baron (kinda) and the most notable exceptions are Amulet, Duke and maybe Hamlet, I guess.

This makes me think of: Duke and Duchess care about Duchies. Count gains them. Nobles are victory themselves, and Baron loves his Estates. So, nobilty and land seem to still be tigtly linked in the Dominion world.
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Davio on May 17, 2016, 09:32:17 am
Village, its most prominent member: Villa(ge)
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: yuma on May 17, 2016, 09:36:57 am
Burecrautic cards (aren't very good): Chancellor, Bureacrat, Counting House, Taxman
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: Accatitippi on May 17, 2016, 10:02:00 am
Also, spoiler alert, fasten your seatbelts and cardiopathics beware:
Potion-cost cards are all supernatural.

For instance, I'm often amazed about how my University can somewhat function, defying all expectations (and common sense).
Title: Re: Card Name Themes
Post by: yuma on May 17, 2016, 12:18:45 pm
Physical Objects (treasure or help get more treasure): Treasure Map, P-Stone, Talisman, Royal Seal, Bag of Gold, Diadem, Fool's Gold, Cache, Contraband, Counterfit, Spoils, Masterpiece, Coin of the Realm, Amulet, Relic, Rocks, Stash, Crown, Capital, Fortune, Hoard, Ill Gotten Gains

Gear appears to be the only physical object that doesn't have something to do with money. Death Cart to... but that appears to be more the idea of the profession than the actual cart. And Royal Carriage is more of a place than an actual object but I guess all buildings are physical objects, so I guess it should be non-building physical objects.

Party Cards (Cost 5 or care about 5): Feast, Festival, Horn of Plenty, Storyteller, Wine Merchant, Ball