Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Tournaments and Events => Topic started by: XD9 on February 21, 2016, 03:15:01 am

Title: Bracket tourney
Post by: XD9 on February 21, 2016, 03:15:01 am
Wondering if anyone has ever tried a bracket tourney march madness style for a dominion league.  Would also be cool to have each division leader in the dominion league do a playoff. 
Title: Re: Bracket tourney
Post by: 2.71828..... on February 21, 2016, 03:59:35 am
There were a lot of different ideas thrown around and a lot of discussion ( as to what the league would look like when it was originally forming.

Other tournaments such as GokoDom  ( f.ds Championships ( have all been organized as well that are different formats than the league. 

In the end it is really a matter of organization and interest.  Running a large-scale tournament or league takes a lot of time and effort (Kirian, Stef, and others can attest to that), and so those types of tournaments happen infrequently. 

But basically, yes.  Tournaments have been run in a bracket style tourney before.  Having each division leader do a playoff was discussed at one point I think, but rejected.  I don't remember the reason exactly but I agree with not running a system like that.  In my opinion it would cause way too much delay starting the next season.