Dominion Strategy Forum

Dominion => Dominion General Discussion => Topic started by: silverspawn on February 23, 2014, 11:23:14 pm

Title: hermit/feodum
Post by: silverspawn on February 23, 2014, 11:23:14 pm
so, i just had this game where i tried a hermit/feodum strategy, and halfway through i realised that i had no idea how to play it correctly. i have found this thread: but that's not really what I'm looking for... I neither think what the TE OP says is correct, nor does it answer all questions.

the obvious idea is that hermit can gain silvers, while also trash your estates, junk from attacks and your feodums for the silver gain. but there are several strategical questions like:

-> when do you gain hermit, when do you gain silver?
-> when and how to end the game?
-> do you get a madman if you don't get to $3 this turn? do you get one even if you don't?
-> how many feodums do you want to trash? you have pretty much total control about this, because you can trash from the discard pile.

my thoughts so far:
trashing: trashing one feodum gains you three silvers, which (ignoring their impact on money density, since you just need $3 per turn anyway) just means that all feodums have +1 VP, but you have one less feodum. so it's worth it if you have more feodums than each feodum is worth, because

n*n > (n+x)*(n-x) if x<n

in other words:

{{number of feodums}} > {{number of silvers}}/3

where both numbers are what you'll have in your deck at the end of the game, not what you have at the moment.

so, it's difficult to make general statements here, because it depends on lots of things. but it's easy to figure out: count silvers, count feodums, use formula. you can trash from your discard pile, so you can correct it pretty easily. not the hard part.

what to gain: so, the way i see it, you want to buy one $3/4 card every turn, and play one hermit every turn. both goals should be equally important, since both of you give you +1 card, but having $3 (and sometimes $4) should be a lot easier to accomplish, so you probably want to get lots of hermits, since you have a good chance to have 3$ even with 2 of them on your hand. so... maybe one hermit per 4 cards in your deck? or 1/3,5? not sure, are there any simulations for this?

madmen: my first thought was that, if you make a madman, you trade one/two (depending on whether you have $3 this turn) silvers (assuming hermit and silver are worth the same) for one madman, which means you need to buy something worth two/three silvers in your madman turn (assuming just one buy). but that's incorrect, because you can play 2 hermits in your madman turn. so, if we simplify with

card you want to gain = silver


... make madman (lose buy, lose hermit => lose 2 silvers)
... play madman (don't buy silver this turn => lose 1 silver, but play an additional hermit this turn => gain 1 silver)

this means the card you buy in your madman turn just needs to be worth >2 silvers. with 8 cards you need a money density of >=1 average to buy a province. that doesn't seem hard, in a deck full of silvers.

even if you have 8 feodums:
2 silvers = 2/3*8VP = 16/3VP = 5+1/3VP < 6 VP = one province

this is surprising, because it suggests that you should go for madmen all the time. if you make a madman, you don't buy a feodum. if you use a madman, you don't buy a feodum. wasn't this a feodum strategy? I'm confused. It raises the question whether you should go for feodums at all, or just buy two, trash them, and then go for provinces with madmen, and only buy feodum if it's either so late in the game that another madman wouldn't do anything, or if you don't have a hermit on your hand. is it even superior to big money then? Is hermit/feodum just bad if it's worse than madmen/province?

overall, this isn't satisfying, i still wouldn't know exactly how to play. so, does anyone know more about this combination?
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: serakfalcon on February 23, 2014, 11:44:33 pm
My overall view on feodum, is that it's best to plan the game such that you will be using the silvers to buy provinces once the feodum pile runs out and/or you think you can buy provinces consistently until they run out. Why bother 3-piling when you're planning to have a ridiculous amount of silvers in your deck?

I don't think I'd play a feodum strategy without +buy unless Trader or Masterpiece is in the kingdom. Also, even if you don't go 'totally feodum' with hermit it's a cheap way to quickly increase your money density through gaining a silver and trashing a feodum.

I assume I'll be getting about 4 provinces, and just need enough points with feodum that my opponent won't be able to keep pace with duchies, which implies that, if I keep any feodums, I should shoot to make them worth at least 3 points, just using hermit throughout the game you probably could get them worth 2, and then any extra feodum trashed makes the rest worth 1 pt more, but more importantly increases your silver density for winning the province split. Extra points for feodum are just so that you don't have to care about the duchy split.

Trashing 2-3 of the feodums will definitely increase your money density enough to do it. For me, I'd probably do something along the lines of, if +buy, get 2 feodum, otherwise get province.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: SCSN on February 24, 2014, 04:31:20 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: TheMirrorMan on February 24, 2014, 05:13:53 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.

I would still consider chapel/Feodum a valid opening ? What do you think SCSN ?
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: SCSN on February 24, 2014, 05:44:03 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.

I would still consider chapel/Feodum a valid opening ? What do you think SCSN ?

As an opening I think it's awful, but I can potentially see an argument for getting Feodum on T4 if and only if you have exactly 4 (or don't want a 5, but that should be really rare) and have already trashed 4 cards on T3.

It depends a bit on how eager you are to get your deck totally clean, but given that trashing down is good at all, you generally want to avoid as much as possible everything that interferes with the trashing process, and gaining 3 Silvers on T3/4 does exactly the opposite, as it likely makes your 2nd Chapel turn really weak, meaning you probably need a 3rd or even a 4th. For the same reasons you play your Market Squares when they collide with Chapel during both your first and your second Chapel turn, and start gaining Golds only when you trash your last 2 starting cards (one on each of two subsequent turns).
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: LastFootnote on February 24, 2014, 10:22:15 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.

I'm a bit surprised you're assuming Estates here. Hermit and Feodum are both Dark Ages cards. The chance you have Shelters is at least 1/5. Assuming you want to keep your Necropolis and you trash your Hovel when you buy the Feodum, I think this combo is worth attempting on a lot of boards. Silvers may not be ideal in most decks, but getting three of them early is a huge economy boost and the fact that Feodum is on the board makes you want Silvers more in general.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: silverspawn on February 24, 2014, 05:53:03 pm
so, basically, it's just bad
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: LastFootnote on February 24, 2014, 06:05:04 pm
so, basically, it's just bad

Which? Hermit, Feodum, or the combo between the two?

EDIT: For context, I ask this because if you take SheCantSayNo's advice at face value, it seems that Feodum is just bad period. What I get from his posts is this:

• You want as few Silvers in your deck as possible.
• Feodum either gains you Silvers or rewards you for having them.
• Therefore, Feodum is bad.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: KingZog3 on February 24, 2014, 06:24:55 pm
I think Feodum is underrated in general. They are usually worth it if there are Silver gainers and no super strong engine. I think ideally you can get a few Provinces and get Feodums to 4 points. That's 12 Silvers which isn't crazy for many Silver gainers. Green very early too.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: Asper on February 24, 2014, 06:48:55 pm
If you can have something worth a Duchy for just 4$ without doing something you wouldn't do normally that's fine. Sometimes you can do better than that, sometimes you have Trader, sometimes it's not worth it. It's good enough for me. It's bad enough for me.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: silverspawn on February 24, 2014, 06:51:00 pm
so, basically, it's just bad

Which? Hermit, Feodum, or the combo between the two?
the combo
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: eHalcyon on February 24, 2014, 09:47:19 pm
so, i just had this game where i tried a hermit/feodum strategy, and halfway through i realised that i had no idea how to play it correctly. i have found this thread: but that's not really what I'm looking for... I neither think what the TE says is correct, nor does it answer all questions.

Who is TE?  Your link goes directly to a post I made, which was just a question for the OP.  None of us in that thread have TE as initials. :P

I think the combo is mediocre at best.  It might be wrong, but I'm not particularly fond of trashing Feodums to gain Silvers with the end goal of powering up other Feodums.  It seems too slow to me.  I see that trick as more of an opportunistic thing, not something to base a strategy around.  On Hermit specifically, your deck starts with 3 better targets for trashing than another Feodum.  With mild trashing and a gain, Hermit can be a decent way to start up on engine building, if there are cheap engine pieces.  If your end goal is to have valuable Feodums, Hermit is alright but definitely not the fastest way to gain Silver.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: silverspawn on February 24, 2014, 10:18:26 pm
so, i just had this game where i tried a hermit/feodum strategy, and halfway through i realised that i had no idea how to play it correctly. i have found this thread: but that's not really what I'm looking for... I neither think what the TE says is correct, nor does it answer all questions.

Who is TE?  Your link goes directly to a post I made, which was just a question for the OP.  None of us in that thread have TE as initials. :P

Oups. TE doesn't work in english, duh. If OP = opening post(er), TE = OP -> I meant the OP. Linking your post instead of the OP was a mistake.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: eHalcyon on February 24, 2014, 10:25:05 pm
so, i just had this game where i tried a hermit/feodum strategy, and halfway through i realised that i had no idea how to play it correctly. i have found this thread: but that's not really what I'm looking for... I neither think what the TE says is correct, nor does it answer all questions.

Who is TE?  Your link goes directly to a post I made, which was just a question for the OP.  None of us in that thread have TE as initials. :P

Oups. TE doesn't work in english, duh. If OP = opening post(er), TE = OP -> I meant the OP. Linking your post instead of the OP was a mistake.

Ahh, interesting.  Sidetrack, but what does TE stand for (and what language is it)? 
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: silverspawn on February 24, 2014, 10:57:37 pm
so, i just had this game where i tried a hermit/feodum strategy, and halfway through i realised that i had no idea how to play it correctly. i have found this thread: but that's not really what I'm looking for... I neither think what the TE says is correct, nor does it answer all questions.

Who is TE?  Your link goes directly to a post I made, which was just a question for the OP.  None of us in that thread have TE as initials. :P

Oups. TE doesn't work in english, duh. If OP = opening post(er), TE = OP -> I meant the OP. Linking your post instead of the OP was a mistake.

Ahh, interesting.  Sidetrack, but what does TE stand for (and what language is it)?

it's german, and i think it stands for Tread Ersteller, which means as much Thread Creator.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: KingZog3 on February 24, 2014, 11:01:53 pm
I think this game I played just before is at least slightly relevant. There was Highway invovled, but I think Hermit can be good fro Feodum, but just not exclusively Hermit/Feodum (
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: qmech on February 25, 2014, 03:09:27 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.

I would still consider chapel/Feodum a valid opening ? What do you think SCSN ?

Perry Green did very well in this game ( by taking a Feodum on T4, giving him enough money to start buying Grand Markets.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: c4master on February 26, 2014, 11:24:24 am
Hermit/Feodum sounds like a pretty big nombo to me. I guess you could play Hermit-BM (aiming for Provinces) and if you gain enough Silvers have in Feodum a $4 Duchy, but that's a pretty mediocre effect.

I've sometimes even seen people open Hermit/Feodum, hoping to trash the Feodum, but I think that's really bad. Even if they do "collide" (which isn't too unlikely but still requires some amount of luck) it's not great: you forgo trashing an Estate and get 3 Silvers you might not even want--I at least generally want as little Silver in my deck as I can get away with, even when Feodum is on board. If you go BM it could be fine I guess, but who goes BM? There's usually something much better to do.

I would still consider chapel/Feodum a valid opening ? What do you think SCSN ?

Perry Green did very well in this game ( by taking a Feodum on T4, giving him enough money to start buying Grand Markets.

Indeed, early Feodom seems to fit better to strong trashing like chapel and then turn into something useful.

The problem with feodom is, that it's probably not a card you could rush for. It needs a lot of silvers (i.e. at least 9) to be worth it. Since you cannot pile out silver within 12 turns and gain all feodoms and a third pile, you have to play it as a slog or just take some for extra VP in the end game.
It would shine, if you got a lot of them and trashed two for the extra silvers, so your remaining 5-6 feodoms would score at least 3 points each. But that implies, that trashing is available, which most probably leeds to engine games instead of slogs. So winning by getting enough feodoms should be quite rare. You could also go for big money, but it would be quicker without those feodoms, probably.
Maybe something like mining your coppers into silvers would help the feodom. Still, the question is: How would you like the game to end? How can you get (rather: gain) enough feodoms?

I can't see, how the trashing part fits the alternative VP part. I guess, you can hardly use both parts of this card in one game.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: LastFootnote on February 26, 2014, 12:04:32 pm
I can't see, how the trashing part fits the alternative VP part. I guess, you can hardly use both parts of this card in one game.

For one thing, it's a defense against trashing attacks. If a Feodum gets trashed, then all of your other Feoda are worth 1 VP more, severely curtailing the damage.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: KingZog3 on February 26, 2014, 12:59:01 pm
I can't see, how the trashing part fits the alternative VP part. I guess, you can hardly use both parts of this card in one game.

For one thing, it's a defense against trashing attacks. If a Feodum gets trashed, then all of your other Feoda are worth 1 VP more, severely curtailing the damage.

Yeah, I think it's mostly made to interact with Knights, which are a big part of Dark Ages.
Title: Re: hermit/feodum
Post by: c4master on March 02, 2014, 07:32:39 am
All right, that's true. Thanks.