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Messages - Ichimaru Gin

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vote: Ashersky

well dang. All this and I haven't even posted yet... and I doubt I'm alone in that.

You aren't. I know absolutely nothing about dynasty warriors. And am somewhat confused as to the importance of flavor.

If the claim does nothing, why does it matter who was for or against it ?

The way I see it :
- scum doesn't have any fake claim. We massclaim names and we win. This has a 0% chance to happen because the game would just be stupid if it were the case
- scum does have fake claims. PRs and VTs are undistinguishable. This gives us nothing. I fail to see how it would be relevant to see who is for or against it if the claiming accomplishes nothing.
- scum does have fake claims. PRs and VTs are recognizable. Yay, we just outed PRs !

I think the second option is by far the most likely, and I don't see the point of it. Since there is a risk that the third option is a thing, I'm against it, and I assume scum would be in favor (which is not to say I assume everyone in favor would be scum).
So it's possible that flavor could reveal whether you're a PR or not? As I said, I know absolutely nothing about the flavor. But  I could just look up names on the dynasty warriors wiki or something. If scum has been provided with fake flavor names, then claiming doesn't really get town anything, does it? And it seems that options 1 and 3 would skew the game somewhat.
Sorry, just really confused about the whole flavor thing.

General Discussion / Re: Terraria
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:31:38 pm »
Been looking into getting that game, as it looks really cool.
Checked out the link to your tree house and it was pretty sick!
I also play minecraft (and I have heard these two games compared a lot). But I think there's certainly things about terraria that you can't get from minecraft (and vice versa). Personally, I really like platforming games, and games with a creative and/or exploratory element to them.
Probably going to be picking this one up soon!

General Discussion / Re: Cave Story
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:17:27 am »
Yeah. I play it on my pc. But I think it would be nicer with a controller. The plus is that its free for pc though.
When I first started playing it, I wasn't too impressed, but this game grew on me really quickly.
So if you do end up getting it, it'd be cool to hear what you thought of it.

General Discussion / Cave Story
« on: December 07, 2013, 12:49:56 am »
Just wondering if any of you have ever played the game Cave Story before. I haven't played it all the way through yet, but it's a pretty incredible retro-style platforming gem. Not only are the mechanics very nice, but the overall story is very impressive as well.

It's available for download free at

It was originally made in japanese, so if you speak english, you have to download a patch for translation (there may be patches for other languages as well, but I am unsure) . Anyway, if you take a look at it--I'd love to hear what you think of it. I thought it was awesome!

Edit: translation is also available for other languages

I also have finals next week.

Same here. But I am also really eager to start this game. So maybe it'll start just a little bit slower than normal?
Even with finals, I'm still going to have a fair amount of time.

So how exactly does flavor claiming work? Does that just mean that when we claim we can also claim flavor (names, etc)?

Just one more person. . . I can't wait!

Thanks! These are very helpful.
The last one is taken from Princess Bride I'm assuming?
Love that movie.

Thank you both for answering my question. Your help is very much appreciated.
I'm sure after a few games I'll be more up to speed. . .
I've been checking out the mafiascum wiki and reading over previous games in preparation. But there are some things I can't seem to locate information on. So it is very nice to have some veteran players to refer to.

ok quick question.
In reading over the first Dynasty Warriors Mafia, I see you guys using "PPE" a lot.
I looked it up on the internet, but couldn't find anything that made sense.
So what exactly does this mean?

I've been reading over the link you sent me to the first Mafia MXXXII: Dynasty Warriors Mafia.
And I think I'm getting more of a feeling for the game, and the players involved: many of which are also playing in this game.
This should be very interesting. . .
Looking forward to it.

I've been reading over XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia. But I agree that it would probably be good to read over a similar game. I'll be checking out your link for sure.
And thanks for the greeting! I get the feeling this game is going to be pretty sick.

Sweet. Then I guess


I'll definitely be reading over everything as much as I can.
This should be awesome!

I've never played Mafia before, but I want to get started. Is this game for more experienced players?
And, if I have some questions, should I just PM the Moderator?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Civility Pledge
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:56:52 pm »

Game Reports / Re: Diplomacy Recommended Set
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:02:45 pm »
Yeah, that is pretty much what I did. Ambassadoring down to a deck with Caravans, Bazaars, and Embassies and then using Farmlands. But you're right, I fell into the deck somewhat by accident. I did not think of it until about the early midgame, in which case, the Noble Brigand (Which turned out pretty useless most of the time cause of all the curses), was a pretty poor opening buy.

Afterwards, my brother said that we should play again on the same board--having learned some from our mistakes.
I might try to perfect the strategy I played with Ambassadors, or I might go for traders--cause they seem especially good at combating curses and helping your economy despite embargos.

I did not know that you don't *have* to return to the card to the supply--this seems like quite a diabolical strategy  ::). I ended up getting rid of both my Ambassadors near the end--as I had nothing to get rid of in my deck at the time. But eventually, I did end up gaining some curses and junk cards. My deck stalled after 5 Provinces/Farmlands. But I was still able to pick up two more--albeit not on consecutive turns like the first ones.

I must say, although I do enjoy playing random sets, I think that the recommended ones always present multiple viable strategies--and are particularly good at highlighting strategies for less-experienced players to learn.

Game Reports / Re: Diplomacy Recommended Set
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:29:12 pm »
I would say that was one thing that slowed the game down--almost all of us ignored trader on this board. And/Or, failed to exploit its reaction ability.
I agree with what you say, and when/if I were to play this set again, I think I would purchase a lot more of them. That combined with a rush on Duchies or Farmlands with all that silver. . .
I think this game would have gone a lot differently.

Also, I feel that Embargo really takes the bite out of IGG in this set. Once it was embargoed, no one bought any. There's just  so many ways to hand out curses: Embargo, Ambassador, and IGG, I feel like it's not as powerful. Which is one reason that I opened Ambassador, because with all the curses flying, it not only hurt my opponents, but helped me clean out my own deck as well. Whereas IGG with 1 Embargo on it is basically: Add 2 crappy cards to your deck and 1 to your opponents.

Game Reports / Re: Diplomacy Recommended Set
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:55:43 pm »
So gaining curses through either buying Embargoed cards, or buying curses directly, and then Ambassadoring them all to my opponents while I go for a Duchy Rush?
I think that makes sense, and would have ended the game quicker. As Embargo was already out, and curses were severely depleted, I could have third-piled on Duchies.
So you think Farmland were less effective in this situation? In the end--when my opponents quit--embargo, and Farmlands were out.
But you think Duchies are definitely better than Farmlands in this situation?

Game Reports / Diplomacy Recommended Set
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:24:54 pm »
I played this set last night with my father and brother.
$6 Farmland
$5 Ill Gotten Gains, Embassy, Bazaar
$4 Trader, Noble Brigand, Caravan
$3 Ambassador, Smugglers
$2 Embarbo

I opened Ambassador/Noble Brigand for some reason. I planned to open Ambassador/Silver, but decided to pick up the Noble Brigand with the expectation that it would be Embargoed very soon (My dad *really* hates that card).
My Dad opened silver/embargo I think. My brother, lucked out with a 5/2 split and opened Ill-Gotten-Gains, Embargo. Ouch.

The game quickly devolved into the worst slog I think I've ever played. As expected, my dad Embargoed Noble Brigand like 4 times. My brother went for smugglers, and Embargoed Gold 3 times. After my dad started buying Traders, I embargoed those, but later realized that it probably would have been a good idea to get at least one myself before embargoing them.
My brother bought I think 4 IGG before I embargoed them, leaving my father and I riddled with curses, while he remained relatively curse free. Embargos ran out, and with 2 Ambassadors--I got rid of all my curses and coppers, Ambassadoring my deck down to a couple silvers, some caravans, Bazaars, 1 noble brigand and an Embassy.

My opponent's decks were grossly large and inefficient. At one point, my dad bought a Gold despite the Embargo, gaining
three curses. My brother smuggled the Gold on his turn ;D
This game lasted a *long* time, and at some point I remembered that I should be trying to end it. So, on a whim, I started buying Farmlands. Keep in mind that my deck probably only had 15-20 cards in it, and with the Embassies and Caravans, I could consistently draw it every turn.
So, long story short, I bought out almost all the Farmlands. And after drawing my whole deck every turn, I said the same thing "Buy a Farmland, Trash a Farmland, Gain a Province" This went on for about 7 provinces, at which point my opponents gave up. The game probably would have ended soon anyway, but it was pretty clear who was going to win.

So postgame analysis, I'm wondering what you guys would have done differently. With the triple Embargo on Golds, it was almost impossible to get my economy up to the point where we could buy Provinces consistently. And at the point where the game was at, I think Farmlands was the best way to go, but I'm just thinking things would have turned out different if I had been more vigilant in the early game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Which expansion should I get next?
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:37:54 pm »
In that case, I'm definitely going to wait on buying it--as I certainly don't feel comfortable with all of the Dominion cards in the expansions I own--at least not to that level.
I think that it will be nice to put it off until I've, really played a lot more games with all the sets I have. Then I think I will have more appreciation for the additional complexity it introduces.
And it will be something to look forward to as well.
On the other hand, I feel like Guilds introduces a more manageable complexity. And the fact that it is small set--particularly compared to the hugeness of Dark Ages.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Which expansion should I get next?
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:35:54 pm »
That's a very good point that you make.
I haven't played with Dark Ages yet, but from the Rulebook, I feel certain misgivings about the additional complexity: shelters, ruins, and the other things you mentioned.
And from what I have read on here, it sounds like Dark Ages gives a completely different feeling to the game--not one that everyone finds pleasant.
I'm thinking I'll eventually pick it up, just cause there are some cards that I would want. But I think I will get Guilds first, as it is less complex--while still adding two completely new mechanics to the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Which expansion should I get next?
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:56:26 pm »
Just an update:
Cornucopia is on it's way ;D
And I'm sure I'll be picking up at least one more expansion for Christmas.
Just couldn't resist getting Cornucopia for thanksgiving though. Too perfect!

Game Reports / Re: What Makes 3 Player Games Interesting
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:52:54 pm »
One thing I love about 3 player Dominion, is that it is virtually impossible (with rare exceptions) for 2 players to gang up on the third. I experience this problem a lot in other games--mainly Catan.
I have read quite a bit about how Donald X. tried to make Dominion with very little "politics" in it. e.g. by making all attacks hit equally and such. This not only makes game-play faster, but also reduces any relational issues that arise out of players targeting each other.
Thus 3 player Dominion keeps the feeling of competition, without the imbalance that an odd number of players creates in other games.
In my case, where I'm mainly playing with my family, this is very much appreciated!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: herald is so good
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:30:01 pm »
Oh yeah. I forgot that it includes the fake +action as well.
Just makes it that much better.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: herald is so good
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:24:01 pm »
In an action-heavy deck, Herald without the benefit could be a lab most of the time, for only $4.
Considering that it does include the on-buy benefit. . .
I haven't played too much with guilds, but it seems that both parts of herald are perfect for decks with lots of actions.

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