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Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:49:39 pm »
Forbidden Flame seems too slow to be played in Tempo Mage. Anything above 2 mana just feels too clunky for a deck so focused on efficiency, and at 1 or 2 mana is probably too weak for a deck that usually has to choose between Arcane Blast and Mirror Image already. As a 0-mana spell synergy-activator... I dunno. Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, and Antonidas are just 5 cards, and the effect doesn't seem strong enough for Mana Wyrm or Flamewaker activations alone.

If it sees competitive play, it'll probably be in some sort of control Mage, where the flexibility of being able to go 1-for-1 with almost any minion will outweigh the mana inefficiency, and you'll be more likely to be willing to hold it to combo with Antonidas. With all the Deathrattles from Naxx out of standard, this might be good enough, but it remains to see how many sticky minions we'll have in Old Gods.

Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: March 16, 2016, 02:02:09 pm »
Is the topic title misspelled on purpose?

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:49:42 pm »
That is impressively similar.

Are there any cards I could get from Saraad that would give me a reasonable chance of winning? Maybe Sap or Naturalize? My deck contains no board wipes, silences, weapon removals, or hard removals, though I do have a couple big taunts and a Kraken.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:52:24 am »

Other Games / Re: Duelyst
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:56:04 pm »
I just started playing! I like it a lot so far, username is ycz6.

consistently beating people with the starter decks was fun.

Agreed :^) Though I've found that things are easier if I just replace random cards with Healing Mystic and that 3 mana 2/2 that displaces an enemy minion.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:05:52 am »
I played a Nexus-Champion Saraad and hero powered with no mana left, and went to click End Turn, then I thought "Wait, I could get a 0 mana spell", then thought "Well, the only 0 mana card that I might actually want to play right now is Innervate." Then I got Innervate.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: January 20, 2016, 07:02:40 pm »
Wait, what?  Ugh that's stupid.  One thing I've never understood is why Wrath can't go face.
I assume that this was a decision made fairly early on when attempting to balance classes.  If it can go face as well as potentially draw it becomes strictly better than similarly priced removal for other classes (eg. Shiv).
This seems to be backed up by the fact that Wrath could target face at one point during closed beta:

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: December 29, 2015, 07:13:37 pm »
Cairne used to be a staple midgame drop alongside Sylvanas. Vanilla Yetis were still playable in some classes (mostly Druid, I think), so Cairne was just crazy value. It also destroyed Control Priest, since it was almost impossible to remove in one or even two turns, and in control mirrors you'd rather use Mind Control on something like Rag or Ysera. And it traded well with Azure Drake, which was run in a ton of decks at the time.

But then Naxx came out with Sludge Belcher and Loatheb, and now Priests have Shrinkmeister + Cabal and Entomb, and people stopped playing Azure Drake as much. Now Cairne is in less than 1% of decks on Hearthpwn, compared to 2.2% for Piloted Sky Golem and 20% for Sylvanas. It's just too slow to be competitive. I've even taken him out of my mediocre Feign Death Hunter deck :(

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: December 24, 2015, 12:29:42 am »
I really would have preferred this week's Brawl to have been "flip a coin."  I would have gotten through my "Win 5 Brawls" quest in just as many games, but without the lack of actual interesting gameplay.
Why not just get a different quest?

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: December 13, 2015, 02:18:07 pm »
My Mage opponent just milled my entire deck expect for 4 cards off of my Fel Reaver on turn 7.

Unfortunately for her, those cards were Druid of the Fang, Ironbark Protector, Argent Commander, and Force-Tank MAX.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: December 04, 2015, 09:41:38 pm »
Astral Communion = Chapel?

(Or Count, maybe...)

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:34:59 pm »
I'm not entirely sure what you think the problem might be, but everything you describe sounds like expected behaviour if it works how they say it does: that all cards, whether you play them or not, end up back in your deck by the end of the turn.  You shouldn't expect to draw duplicates if you only have one of a card in your deck.
Yeah, I was under the same impression as pops before I realized that playing cards doesn't actually make you more likely to draw them in future turns.

Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:21:50 pm »
Maybe one counter only includes play mode wins, while the other includes Tavern Brawl / Innkeeper / Adventure / friends? Or something like that.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: November 24, 2015, 03:21:06 pm »
Ethereal Conjurer isn't unplayable in Constructed. It's comparable to Azure Drake.

Hearthstone / Re: Hearthstone's tracker problem
« on: November 15, 2015, 03:20:51 pm »
If they forgot it, or are putting it off because the coding is more complicated...

No, just no. The card already has to track your deck to determine if the battlecry applies or not. Therefore a yellow board is nothing more than a visual indicator or a calculation that has already been programmed.
Eh, I wouldn't assume this is the case at all. Whatever part of the code controls colored borders may not have access to the contents of your deck.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: November 12, 2015, 03:52:36 pm »
Played one game of arena today. Didn't see any new cards, but this did happen:

He could've two-turn killed me at basically any point, but instead chose to wait it out while he lost card advantage and eventually started using the Shade to clear my minions at 22 attack. I drew Mind Control two turns later.

Hearthstone / Re: League of Explorers Discussion
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:40:58 pm »
Tinyfin isn't a Wisp buff, it's a Murloc Knight nerf.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: November 04, 2015, 07:24:09 pm »
I managed to beat it once. I don't think there was any one thing that caused us to win; we just chipped away at him with medium-sized creatures and I tried to play around his removal as much as possible. Lorewalker Cho and Millhouse both did some work, but didn't win all at once. Blessed Champion is really good.

One helpful fact is that Assassinate will always target the minion with the highest attack, and breaks ties by targeting the earlier-played one. So it's usually best to spread around your bananas, put Divine Shield on the second-largest minion, and save big buffs for minions that can attack.

Hearthstone / Re: 2015: Best Hearthstone Moments
« on: November 02, 2015, 04:40:37 pm »
Best moment for me literally just happened. I built a taunt-heavy control deck with no "real" wincon except exhausting my opponent's plays. I end up against another priest who's clearly playing a similar game with gurubashi berserker as a wincon. He's running a little differently and has ressurect (I don't); we play out and he ends up with THREE northshire clerics at one point. I've got the justicar that lets me run 4-point heals from my hero power as a battlecry, and his biggest creatures are PW:G'd so they're a 1/x and a -1/x respectively (sen'jin and lightspawn, but he burnt his pw:s and divine spirits on keeping his draw engine alive earlier). I realize the guy's at like, 2 cards left, so now all I have to do is survive until he fatigues out - which should be quick, since he has 3 clerics on the board. I keep tossing taunts, he's basically playing on autopilot until he hits like 4 fatigue damage at which point he realizes he needs to quit healing his minions... but it's too late, he's at like 15 health. He manages to toss one of his clerics but I heal a creature of his next turn to do 13 damage and he draws into the fatigue death at the start of his turn with an 8 fatigue card.

Classic mistake. Happens to every Priest player at least once

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: October 31, 2015, 04:31:36 am »
You must not play a lot of Arena if you think Webspinner, River Croc, Bloodfen Raptor, and Elekk are "trash-tier".

Hearthstone / Re: 2015: Best Hearthstone Moments
« on: October 29, 2015, 08:27:46 pm »
(bonus puzzle: guess how my Kodo became an 8/8)

3/5 -> Dark Wispers into 8/10 -> run into Deathlord?
Good deduction. That is correct.

Hearthstone / Re: Control Hunter and TGT Lengendaries
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:29:30 pm »
I think qmech is thinking of Dreadscale. Acidmaw is good against big minions, not small ones.

Hearthstone / Re: 2015: Best Hearthstone Moments
« on: October 28, 2015, 05:49:39 pm »

(bonus puzzle: guess how my Kodo became an 8/8)

Hearthstone / Re: Hearthstone's tracker problem
« on: October 27, 2015, 01:27:17 pm »
The uncontroversial and lightweight one is Track-o-Bot which records your results so that you can see your win/loss record for each match-up.  It also records which cards have been played so you can work out the deck archetypes later.  This is very like an automated Heartharena for laddering.

There are also much more complete trackers that overlay tracked information on the game screen.  You can see a list of cards played by each side, as well as which cards in your opponent's hand were drawn on which turn: nothing that you couldn't work out yourself in principle, although in practice I think few people do.  I have not used one of these, but could be tempted to give one a go.  Does anybody have any recommendations?
Hearthstone Deck Tracker (original name, I know) is really pretty good.  If you're in the habit of keeping track of yours and your opponent's standard removal spells, you'll probably find it makes very little difference in constructed. (The other thing is remembering whether the coin has been used, which is really something the Hearthstone client should deal with; the Coin should never have been a card, it should be physical somehow, like an item resting on the board or something.  I don't know why I think that, I just do.)

But it's super useful in arena.
Mana Wyrm was inoffensive when the Coin first game out, but turn three Flame Waker coin Arcane Missiles is making people rethink it

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:58:39 am »
Had an interesting series of events happen earlier today:

I'm pretty happy with my choice of play, and it ended up working out, but... was it actually right? I went for the super-greedy Grim Patron setup instead of just using Grommash to clear the Sunwalker because I was way down in cards and figured I would need a lot of value from my hand to win the game, and Patron and Revenge are both cards which could end up dead. The Grommash play is also a lot weaker to removal and buffs; if he has something like an Argent Commander or a Blessing of Kings I'd be totally screwed. The Patron setup is also potentially disastrous too, though, if he plays a taunt or kills my Worgen somehow... not sure which choice was better on average. I did end up winning the game though.

Also yeah, this deck is funny.

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