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 on: Today at 01:00:06 pm 
Started by theory - Last post by Will(ow|iam)
It seems like the main benefit in your mind of 2es is removing unfun cards from the pool. Aside from Alchemy and the Doom cards, are there any cards that you haven't gotten the chance to remove via 2es, that you wish you could remove?
I can't give any assessments of the future, and also it's not so clear that "haven't gotten a chance" really applies.

There are certainly a few cards I'd tweak or replace that aren't grouped with a bunch of others in the same set, so that a 2E wouldn't be so great to do. I do talk about them some, in contexts that are less like "tell us what 2E's are coming."

"Haven't gotten a chance" I would think includes cards in sets that already have 2es, and cards in sets too new to want 2es. Like, if update pack size weren't a concern, would you have dropped Merchant Ship for Seaside 2e?

 on: Today at 12:02:11 pm 
Started by theory - Last post by Donald X.
Speaking of 2e cards. Which got the most resistance from playtesters compared to leaving 1e cards in?
I don't think anything meets that description; it was so great getting rid of 1E cards. Arguments about what 1E card to take out never were in the direction of "but that card's great," it was always, "this one is even worse." And if playtesters hated a 2E card, man, why wouldn't I drop it? I'm sure some people were less enthusiastic about something somewhere, but not to the degree of "the 1E card was better."

 on: Today at 07:40:28 am 
Started by RovingBear - Last post by silverspawn
The OP conveniently did not specify who gets the VP tokens!

 on: Today at 01:09:29 am 
Started by theory - Last post by enfynet
Speaking of 2e cards. Which got the most resistance from playtesters compared to leaving 1e cards in?

 on: June 01, 2024, 07:03:26 pm 
Started by Axxle - Last post by silverspawn
Mb climate change isn't a hoax after all

 on: June 01, 2024, 05:16:38 pm 
Started by Jesster - Last post by Jesster
You don't need Populate. I just bought 44 Dominates on turn 1 with this kingdom:

You win.  I definitely did not fully consider the potential of cards like cavalry with "Return to action phase" on-gain effects.  I guess at this point there isn't muich limit to what you can do in a single turn given just the right draw/kingdom.

 on: June 01, 2024, 01:16:09 pm 
Started by theory - Last post by Donald X.
It seems like the main benefit in your mind of 2es is removing unfun cards from the pool. Aside from Alchemy and the Doom cards, are there any cards that you haven't gotten the chance to remove via 2es, that you wish you could remove?
I can't give any assessments of the future, and also it's not so clear that "haven't gotten a chance" really applies.

There are certainly a few cards I'd tweak or replace that aren't grouped with a bunch of others in the same set, so that a 2E wouldn't be so great to do. I do talk about them some, in contexts that are less like "tell us what 2E's are coming."

 on: June 01, 2024, 11:58:28 am 
Started by theory - Last post by Will(ow|iam)
It seems like the main benefit in your mind of 2es is removing unfun cards from the pool. Aside from Alchemy and the Doom cards, are there any cards that you haven't gotten the chance to remove via 2es, that you wish you could remove?

 on: June 01, 2024, 10:11:44 am 
Started by Axxle - Last post by silverspawn
I wrote a fanfic about what would have really happened after fighting the Protoss Fleet

 on: June 01, 2024, 06:56:23 am 
Started by Axxle - Last post by silverspawn
Isn't it crazy that we live in a world where the planet can just decide to spontaneously pour massive amounts of water down and flood entire areas? It kinda breaks the well-maintained illusion that we've built a society that's not at the whim of nature

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