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Messages - FemurLemur

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I drew Locusts and hit my opponent's Royal Blacksmith. There was no replacement. The debt was not even paid off yet. That is way swingier than Swindler.
I don't see this as a flaw with the Hexes. Your opponent knows Locusts is 1 of 12 possible attacks. They should not have bought Royal Blacksmith.
I stopped reading there.
Why even reply then?

"Lol I don't even read opposing viewpoints. Isn't my ignorance cute you guys?"
Let me help you by rephrasing my

I stopped reading there.

Snark aside, your argument relies upon a strawman of my position which I have already corrected others on. You should have kept reading after all.

As others have already pointed out, you just can't forego getting a strong card on the off-chance that it gets trashed. That's just a way to lose more games.

I've responded to those people. Read those responses instead of assuming that I take the idiot's position.

You're acting like you have no responses to Locusts. I'm saying you have at least two, one of which is to not build a deck with all of your eggs in one basket. The other is to ignore the Locusts. Your problem is that you want to do the latter but then pretend you've done the former. You want to have your cake and eat it too: to buy your Royal Blacksmith, but have zero risk of losing it. Well sorry, that's how a game with Royal Blacksmith may normally work, but perhaps today, there's a Swindler on the table. Complaining about the Swindler won't actually do anything about it. It's still there. Make the best deck you can under the circumstances. Or don't. It's your call. But concluding "I lost my Royal Blacksmith to Swindler one time, therefore Swindler is a problem" is just stupid. You lost the Royal Blacksmith because you bought the Royal Blacksmith, didn't have any sufficiently reliable ways to protect it from the Swindler, and Dominion is a game heavily influenced by shuffle luck. The only reason you're upset now is because you thought low probability = zero probability. A reasonable person would have either looked at the scenario and said "Well, that's frustrating, but those are the dice I chose to roll", OR would say "I could have built a better deck". Those are the only two outcomes.

Either you could have done something differently or you couldn't. If you truly can't build a Royal Blacksmith deck that that was better than a Swindler deck, then you should've built a Swindler deck instead of Royal Blacksmith. Or perhaps your Royal Blacksmith deck is definitely better than any Swindler deck, and you just got bad luck. Welcome to Dominion man, there's shuffle luck here. Like a lot of it. All over the place. I don't know why you're just now realizing this. We could remove all of the Kingdom Cards and play a Dominion variant with only the base cards, and this would still be true. You would still lose some games due to a 1 in 200 fluke where your opponents draw their treasures in the exact order they need, and you draw yours in the worst possible order, even if you both have identical decks. I'm sorry that you seem to think that low probability = zero probability. Or perhaps just that Dominion isn't already chock full of extraordinarily low probability scenarios (it is, btw).

It's possible that Locusts influence the luck way too much, but my original point was that I remain unconvinced. Your one anecdote from one specific game is not enough, given that we don't even know if that person made the most optimal play. Clearly for it to be a serious issue it needs to be low frequency, high severity, and low player agency. You have not yet convinced me that anything other than low frequency is the case. "Royal Blacksmith trashed by Locusts, therefore Locusts are broken" is nowhere near a comprehensive enough argument. Acting standoffish and misrepresenting my argument is even less convincing.

Inb4 somebody strawmans my argument into "Wow, Femur says that you should buy Swindler over Royal Blacksmith"

Edit: Or since we're talking about a card with debt in the cost, substitute "Swindler" with literally any card that has a low probability to mess up your plan. Swindler technically does already in some edge cases (RBs are already empty, or Swindler keeps hitting your RB the turn before you would draw it and gaining you a new one that you won't get until a reshuffle).

I drew Locusts and hit my opponent's Royal Blacksmith. There was no replacement. The debt was not even paid off yet. That is way swingier than Swindler.

I don't see this as a flaw with the Hexes. Your opponent knows Locusts is 1 of 12 possible attacks. They should not have bought Royal Blacksmith.

I stopped reading there.

Why even reply then?

"Lol I don't even read opposing viewpoints. Isn't my ignorance cute you guys?"

I drew Locusts and hit my opponent's Royal Blacksmith. There was no replacement. The debt was not even paid off yet. That is way swingier than Swindler.

I don't see this as a flaw with the Hexes. Your opponent knows Locusts is 1 of 12 possible attacks. They should not have bought Royal Blacksmith.
If their Royal Blacksmith is one of 17 cards in their deck, then being hexed has only a 1 in 200 chance of trashing their Royal Blacksmith.

Avoiding an otherwise good strategy because of a 1 in 200 risk is not winning play.

That's not my recommendation. Don't "avoid an otherwise good strategy", replace it with a better strategy. One not susceptible to that 1 in 200 risk. We could talk all day about "otherwise good strategies", but the point is that, it wasn't a good strategy if there was another one available which wouldn't have gotten ruined by Locusts.

If you want to argue that there isn't always a strategy available that isn't susceptible, that's fine. But please don't misrepresent my point. But I'm not suggesting that you play a sub-optimal strategy to save yourself from a 1 in 200 chance of disaster.

Edit: I shouldn't assume you intended to misrepresent me

It's like complaining about your Terminals colliding. If you're mad that your Turn 3 seems to sometimes be two Smithies, and sometimes just one, maybe you should stop buying two Smithies on the opening. It's not that Smithy is a "swingy" card. It's buyer's remorse.

The probability of those two terminals colliding on T3 or T4 is about 30%. The probability of getting hexed and losing your Royal Blacksmith, assuming you have, say, 20 cards in your deck, is about 0.5%. Surely there is a bit of a difference?

Well, yes and no. {No} because your example there uses an Apples to Oranges comparison, because you're comparing a 12 card deck to a 20 card deck, implying we're talking about different Turns as well. {Yes} because I do still agree with your overall conclusion that there's a significant difference in probability even on Turn 3, as the Royal Blacksmith would have to be your topdeck, your opponent would've had to have drawn their Doom-Attack, and the top Hex would have to be Locusts.

Really they're only alike in the sense that, you don't necessarily have to complain about terminal Smithies. Just don't open with two Smithies. You aren't helpless. You have some decisions to make.

just saying that avoiding to buy Royal Blacksmith because Hexes kinda sounds like a losing move.

Well, I'd agree with that, but I'm also not operating under the premise that having my Royal Blacksmith eaten by Locusts is devastating like I think OP is. If I were, then I'd probably avoid the Royal Blacksmith, because it would not be a reliable strategy.

Yesterday, when previews #4 were new and fresh, I was paying close attention to the card names.

One day later, every time I glance at "Skulk", I'm reading "Skunk". )-8

From the moment I first saw it revealed, I kept reading it as "Shulk", like the character from Xenoblade and Super Smash Bros.

I drew Locusts and hit my opponent's Royal Blacksmith. There was no replacement. The debt was not even paid off yet. That is way swingier than Swindler.

I don't see this as a flaw with the Hexes. Your opponent knows Locusts is 1 of 12 possible attacks. They should not have bought Royal Blacksmith. Some might say that there were low odds of the Locusts hitting the Royal Blacksmith, and this is perhaps true, but if that is the justification you're going to give yourself, you can't then throw a fit when it happens and fault the card. You knew the risk you were taking when you bought that Royal Blacksmith, and you took it anyway in hopes of higher reward. Don't commit the Gambler's Fallacy. Low odds are not zero odds.

It's like complaining about your Terminals colliding. If you're mad that your Turn 3 seems to sometimes be two Smithies, and sometimes just one, maybe you should stop buying two Smithies on the opening. It's not that Smithy is a "swingy" card. It's buyer's remorse.

I'm not yet convinced there's a problem with Hexes. As LastFootnote pointed out, many of them have anti-synergy such that playing multiple in a turn can be counterproductive. I especially feel like I'm missing something with Locusts, given how many complaints there have been. I get to pick (albeit with some restrictions) which card I replace my trashed card with, right? So what's the problem? Try to build your decks so that they can handle swapping out one of your $5 with a $4 if need be- even if such a plan is less optimal than what you would normally build. Either that or just accept the risk of Locusts. That's your call. The worst scenario I can imagine where something happens at no fault of your own is a Kingdom with no alt-VPs, and having your Province swarmed and replaced with a Duchy. And while that does suck, it's also not anywhere near as earth-shattering as I think some are making it out to be. Sometimes your opponent Minions your Province-buying hand, and sometimes they Minion a hand you weren't excited about anyway. Sometimes Sea Hag discards your Gold, and sometimes it discards your Estate. Attacks aren't meant to make you happy. Welcome to Dominion.

None of this is to say that there's definitely not a problem with Locusts. Just that I am currently unconvinced that you have no way to respond to/prepare for Locusts.

I am sympathetic to this viewpoint. I like Adventures a lot, but do think it's a bummer that you have to get out a thing of chits to play with it

For sure, but oh well, what can ya do. Adventures itself is awesome. It's kinda crazy- the 2015-2017 expansions make the 2009-2013 expansions look anemic by comparison, and Adventures was of course the beginning of all that. Just so many new ideas being put into each expansion. And normally I feel like games lose their way when they try to do so much, but Dominion has made it work. So kudos for that. Sounds like some people are apprehensive about some elements of Nocturne, but I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it!

Glad to hear we have a token-less expansion coming in a couple weeks!

And well I did do Tax. It's kind of a dud though I enjoy the set-up, the set-up is what kept it alive.

That set-up is a lot of fun! It seems like the concept of Tax's on-Buy is stubborn. No matter how I go through the thought experiment of how to make Tax less of a dud, it seems like it either wants to be too good or stay a dud. But y'know, when one Event is a partial dud, it's not so disappointing. It wasn't taking up much space.

Well I'm hoping I haven't killed Dominion

There's gonna be, what, 15 Doom 'n Boons (I know- Doom 'n Fate- but it doesn't rhyme)? And only like 5 of them are Attacks (one of which is just a Curser). Even if they were the worst thing ever, I think Nocturne will be great. And even if Nocturne were a dud, it's not like Alchemy killed Dominion. Heck, a lot of us even use Alchemy just as much as our other cards  ;)

Different players want different things. A lot of people used to say that Seaside and Prosperity were the best expansions. I personally ranked them on the lower end. My "desert island" expansion is Hinterlands. Some might say Empires. I'm sure some will eventually say Nocturne. We all differ. But I'm sure your sample size has been fine, given that it has led to so many great expansions in the past. Hope you don't stress too much leading up to release!

I think it would be conveyed even better if the fish-man were working a tedious office job while inside the bottle.  8)

Tedious office jobs aren't always horrible. Sometimes while trapped in your bottle you can check out Dominion Expansion Previews and post to the forums.

Okay, a challenge: Look through the fan card threads here and tell me there's not a single fan card that you feel you'd rather have had in the game than one specific official card. I doubt you'll be able to do that.

And it's not like I wasn't willing to freely give away any and all of my cards and many people here feel the same. Somehow, games like Smallworld have produced fan generated content en masse without any problem, so this legal reservation seems not at all convincing to me, especially if the ideas in question are offered for free.

I'll admit, having your Edicts officially implemented in the game would be really cool. But, in general, if you only get 1 expansion every year-ish (which as far as I know is by no means a guaranteed thing), do you really want it to be composed of stuff you could've already owned if you visited a local print shop?

Smallworld has different publishers who may be willing to take different levels of legal risk. Perhaps Dominion's various publishers aren't. Maybe if Donald X tried really hard then he could convince them, but is that really worth the extra work when he could just focus on making his own cards and not have to consult legal counsel? Also, we aren't qualified to speak to how many problems the Smallworld publishers/designers ran into along the way. If I were organizing a fan expansion for my game, you can bet there'd be an NDA in place, including a clause that says they cannot talk about the NDA.

Maybe you would be willing to sign a very broad agreement, but that doesn't mean it would be so easy to get everyone else to go for it. But all of this is kinda moot anyway, because it's not like he doesn't at least hear about concepts through the grapevine. I'm sure "An Action-Attack that gives out Debt" has either made it back to him via playtesters, or came into his head during development. The more likely assumption isn't that he isn't aware of the concept, it's that he tried it and didn't like it enough to include it over something else or is saving it for later.

I'm okay with all you say here except that I don't know what the debt attack references. But yes, I see why you can't just compare publishers, especially as RGG is basically a single person.

Sorry, the debt attack isn't referencing anything you've said here, it's just an example of a concept that I've seen made into a fan card but not an official one. Basically what I'm saying there is: for almost any fan card concept, I'm sure Donald X has thought of it or has had it proposed to him. So he doesn't really need to look at fan cards for ideas.

But yeah, I'll drop it now so as not to derail things too far  :)

Okay, a challenge: Look through the fan card threads here and tell me there's not a single fan card that you feel you'd rather have had in the game than one specific official card. I doubt you'll be able to do that.

And it's not like I wasn't willing to freely give away any and all of my cards and many people here feel the same. Somehow, games like Smallworld have produced fan generated content en masse without any problem, so this legal reservation seems not at all convincing to me, especially if the ideas in question are offered for free.

I'll admit, having your Edicts officially implemented in the game would be really cool. But, in general, if you only get 1 expansion every year-ish (which as far as I know is by no means a guaranteed thing), do you really want it to be composed of stuff you could've already owned if you visited a local print shop?

Smallworld has different publishers who may be willing to take different levels of legal risk. Perhaps Dominion's various publishers aren't. Maybe if Donald X tried really hard then he could convince them, but is that really worth the extra work when he could just focus on making his own cards and not have to consult legal counsel? Also, we aren't qualified to speak to how many problems the Smallworld publishers/designers ran into along the way. If I were organizing a fan expansion for my game, you can bet there'd be an NDA in place, including a clause that says they cannot talk about the NDA.

Maybe you would be willing to sign a very broad agreement, but that doesn't mean it would be so easy to get everyone else to go for it. But all of this is kinda moot anyway, because it's not like he doesn't at least hear about concepts through the grapevine. I'm sure "An Action-Attack that gives out Debt" has either made it back to him via playtesters, or came into his head during development. The more likely assumption isn't that he isn't aware of the concept, it's that he tried it and didn't like it enough to include it over something else or is saving it for later.

I'm realizing that the -$1 and -1 Card tokens from Adventurers are States under a different name. It's certainly more practical to have their effects printed on the items in front of you, rather than on the cards that dispense them.
Agreed. My wife and I were discussing this yesterday. I've never been a fan of any tokens other than Coin, VP, & Debt. Or playmats. I just like Dominion being primarily card-centric.
So basically, not a fan of the Adventures tokens?

Yup! Also Embargo Tokens. I just don't like the components. The actual mechanics are really fun. We don't even use the playmats irl. I don't want to have to dig through my boxes/storage solution for a piece of cardboard every time one specific card comes out on the table. I mean, Donald X made the right call from a design perspective on the playmats for user friendliness reasons- no doubt about it. They just aren't for me. And I wish the Adventures tokens had a more card-centric way of doing things. But that's just because I'm a card junky. Every non-card thing included gets in the way of my irrational need to own many, many different pretty cards.

The reason I'm ok with the 3 main metal tokens is because they have an additive quality to them that makes them more convenient than cards. For instance, if you're gonna design a mechanic around VP's that don't clog your deck, you have three options as far as I can tell: have players write down the running tally on a piece of paper (Let's call this the Milton Bradley method- which is the worst possible method), have a ton of extra cards that say "+1VP" on them that people set aside when gained, or have them be tokens. With cards, I have to pick up the stack and flip through to count how many I have. With tokens I can just glance down at them. So those make sense. Adventures Tokens though, don't save me time, just physical table space. Taking an Adventures token probably takes just as long as taking a State. So yeah, States are cool. End of rant  :P

Also, there's the village blacksmith who turns into a werewolf at night.

Yeahhhh, I would not advise visiting the Nocturne Villages if you don't know where you're going. One of them is quite #Blessed, but I hear the other two are Cursed or Haunted with all kinds of spirits, Werewolves, a Fool who's Gold you may or may not have stolen once or twice in the past- oh! and have I mentioned the Devil worshipers yet??

Seaside does have that one bizarre village that doesn't call itself a village/town (freaks), and depending on your feelings towards Dominion-Land's Immigration policy, you may not like Hinterland's village, but otherwise I think you'd be better off taking your chances with any other village. I hear Prosperity's has a very low unemployment rate, and if you travel to the heart of the Empire, you can buy an entire City Quarter on Credit with 0% interest, and the debt cancels out when you're dead! They won't even reposes your Estates or anything!! (good to know that Dominion Bankers are not immune to decisions that inevitably lead to housing crises and recessions).

I'm realizing that the -$1 and -1 Card tokens from Adventurers are States under a different name. It's certainly more practical to have their effects printed on the items in front of you, rather than on the cards that dispense them.

Agreed. My wife and I were discussing this yesterday. I've never been a fan of any tokens other than Coin, VP, & Debt. Or playmats. I just like Dominion being primarily card-centric.

Journey Token would work well as a State. Although, putting the +1 Action, +1 Card, etc. tokens on supply piles would get pretty brutal in a 6 player game if those tokens were instead State cards. I hope you have a big table so you can lay them next to the piles! But there would be something kinda pleasing about putting a -1 Card State card on your deck instead of a token. The downside being that "Every other player puts their -1 Card State Card" is really clunky wording.

Or would the wording technically have been "Every other player takes -1 Card if they do not already have -1 Card"? I guess instead of calling it "-1 Card", it would've had a thematic name like the other States anyway.

If there was ever any doubt that theme doesn't matter much in Dominion: Rats actually mitigate your Plagues  ;)

I love how brutal the Hexes are! The fact that you can't rely on any one defense means strategies around this mechanic are going to be a lot trickier. Perhaps Jack of All Trades can be of service, though I heard he's at risk for being drafted in the next War (and starving of a Famine- though aren't we all)

Either way, it's a true testament to the strength of Dominion that all of these years later, some cards can be released that make Moat a bit less meh without being designed for that purpose. At least I assume they weren't designed for it. I just hope Doom-Attacks don't become the next Mountebank.

I also like that there are only 12 of them because it means that- if Donald X ever wanted it- releasing more Doom cards in later expansions would be more feasible than releasing more Looters (Need to make more Doom cards? Just need to include the 12 Hexes again! Need to make more Looters? Ok, let's clear out enough space for 50 extra cards. Seriously, landscape cards really pack in the value- tell a friend to come on down to Dominion Adventures today!) That said, if we aren't ever getting more Potion cost cards despite only needing like 20 Potions, you could argue more Doom and Fates are probably out of the question as well.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Is there any update on Nocturne?
« on: October 25, 2017, 01:06:44 pm »
No idea about the Spirits, though. Maybe that'll become clear later on.

My current theory is that the Spirits all belong to one pile like Knights/Prizes/Castles/Ruins, but the sorting of them doesn't matter, because cards will either tell you specifically which spirit to get, or will tell you to pick which one you want (like Tournament does with Prizes). I think that idea works given that the phrasing on cards have been "Gain a Ghost from its pile", rather than "Gain a Ghost from the Ghost pile" (or is that just a 2nd Edition thing?) Maybe Spirits fill the Ruins slot. Makes sense since having all of those separate piles on the table would be tedious. Although that didn't stop Travellers from existing, so I could be way off here.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Teasers
« on: October 24, 2017, 05:00:32 pm »
Cthulu would be cool too....
I would dig a Great Old Ones pile with each card being a different (à la Knights) Lovecraftian ancient.

So you're hoping for a Night Knight?

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Previews #2: Shepherd, Pooka, Cemetery
« on: October 24, 2017, 04:50:18 pm »
who are the recommended sets designed for?
My sense of obligation to make a bunch of recommended sets.

If it makes you feel any better, I think the power of suggestion is so strong that many players use and expect them.

I believe Empires (maybe it was Adventures?) had suggested sets for pairing with every other expansion except Alchemy. When my wife and I noticed this, we had a brief "bummer" moment before realizing that 1) we didn't actually have a reason to care, because 2) we could just randomly select 5 Alchemy and 5 Empires cards if we really wanted to, except 3) we didn't want to. We were like "Screw that. Let's just play with full randomization....... after we finish these recommended sets"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New German Promo 'Abbruch'
« on: October 24, 2017, 04:16:58 pm »
I want to destroy a Mantle.
"Which mantle?"

Planning on releasing Nocturne any time soon?
"What? Nooooooo"

Man, you are absolutely destroying it (or should I say dismantling it) with these puns

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Bonus Preview #1: Crypt
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:34:57 pm »
I've been dissapointed by the art so far. Crypt looks weriedly off center and a little to much like a sketch.

I don't mind the art, but I'm not too crazy about the inconsistent white text on black background (for Night-Durations: some of the text is white and some is black, and for all night cards: they left the number on the coin symbol black, even when it appears in the body of the card description). I would have preferred if the Night cards had been purple or light grey so black text could still work. But I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Also, the yellow set icon is going to bother me a lot more than it should.

But a Quality of Life change I am pretty excited about is having the use of an Heirloom determined by the presence of a specific Kingdom card, as opposed to using similar logic as Shelters or Platinum/Colony. I mean, there are actual balance reasons for that too, as they were clearly designed with the companion card in mind. But still, it's nice all the same.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Bonus Preview #2: Faithful Hound
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:17:46 pm »
I remember thinking that IGG was weak, which was obvously way off

If I remember correctly, that consensus remained popular for a while, right?

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Teasers
« on: October 20, 2017, 03:10:30 pm »
I wasn't serious about Cthulhu

Oh. The sarcasm went right over my head

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Teasers
« on: October 20, 2017, 03:02:42 pm »
Cthulu would be cool too....

I would be down with never seeing another Cthulu or Cthulu-themed thing in any board or video game for the rest of my life. Same with Zombies.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Is there any update on Nocturne?
« on: October 17, 2017, 04:04:17 pm »
Mega-confirmed. Apparently there's some enormous incentive not to make new types of trays.

We could easily spin the speculation into a 10 minute Youtube video for maximum profit. I've got some examples jotted down:

"Hello ladies, gentlemen, and fellow Horse Traders, and welcome back to Dominion Life News, I'm FemurLemur-"
"And I'm LastFootnote-"
"And we received an interesting tweet from @WatchMyDominionStreamsAndLPsGaming, who says he has news of a MASSIVE LEAK regarding the upcoming Dominion Nocturne expansion. We haven't been able to confirm if they're real or not yet, but apparently, Donald X says Rio Grande is under pressure with this new release and has a huge incentive to reuse the Dark Ages box insert. Dark Ages indeed!"

"Is it possible that Rio Grande is facing financial hardship, and that's why they're having to resort to using cheap old Dark Ages inserts? Since they're reusing assets, could we be getting the same product catalogs in the box as Dark Ages had as well? We honestly don't know, but it's possible. Whatever the case, we hope they're able to trash them and gain some inserts costing at least two coins more before release. But what if Rio Grande does go out of business? What will this mean for the future of Dominion!?"

"Honestly LF, here's what's most shocking of all- if you remember, Dark Ages introduced Rats, and the most important thing about them is there are more than 10 of them. So I'm left wondering what's going to go in the Rats slot if they're reusing inserts!? I've heard some speculation on the forums that maybe there will be another Action card that has more than 10 copies, and honestly, I hope not, because that will absolutely ruin the metagame in my opinion. Because like, then what!? Are you gonna release another card similar to Ratcatcher!? I seriously doubt it, because then the expansion would have to include more Tavern Mats. That's why Magpie was limited to only 10 copies. Donald always knew that having more than one Action with 20 copies was a bad idea, and it's concerning that now he could be going back on that. I'm telling you LF, no matter how you look at this whole 'another card like Rats' thing, it's cancer. If they introduce another Rats, I'm about to Chapel my entire collection if you know what I mean"

"I tend to take a more optimistic view than you. I think this is obvious evidence that we're either getting our first split pile with 4 different cards in it, or that slot is for more Potions and we're finally seeing the return of Alchemy. I think especially given that they're going to have to compromise on the inserts, Donald X is going to pull out all of the stops. He knows this is a huge let-down, and I would be shocked if he wasn't planning on making up for it. I'm talking Reaction-Attacks that punish the original attacker, more Alchemy cards, A Victory Card that rewards buying Gold, more cards like Moat, Confusion finally released; just all of the stuff the hardcore fans have been begging for."

"Good point, that all probably will happen. We've heard a lot of rumors that maybe Looters would be returning in this expansion, and honestly, at this point it might as well be confirmed given that there's space for more Ruins. But what do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow us on Twitter @LFnFL. That's 'At LastFootnote FemurLemur' for all things Dominion related"

Hit me up if interested! I think we could draw some serious Platinums from this Venture!

There's also a resource cost for the players who play Base only. And they aren't charged anything.

Yes, but only because the "Free to Start" model works. People are far more likely to spend money on your product if they can try it out first. By offering Base Set for free, people get a small taste of what they're in for. The free sample has to keep them wanting more though, which is why you only get Base Set at the dev's expense. Once they've gotten a conversion from a trial to a sale, the product needs to be priced high enough that they can still make a profit. By asking them to take the extra risk that customers will get content after only 2 or 3 sets (I know plenty of people irl who stopped at this many physical sets), you're potentially asking them to neuter any opportunity they had to profit from this pricing model.

Essentially the argument is this: you can only pick 2 of the following 3 things to come true
  • New people give the game a chance
  • Customers get total control over their purchase options
  • Game is profitable enough for server load

Which one do you suggest they sacrifice in order to make the 2nd one come true?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Value of Loan
« on: September 26, 2017, 01:43:46 pm »
Second, even if you buy a Silver, you only have a 1/8 (12.5%) chance of hitting it with Loan. Lastly, you may not even need Silver since Loan has pretty good economy for a trasher.

This feels disingenuous. Of course you only have a 1/8 chance on the first shuffle. But nobody buys Loan planning to use it only once anyway. On the first use of Loan, you're only breaking even (you bought a glorified Copper, and you used it's special ability to trash a regular Copper. Same money density and distribution as when you started). It's going to take a few more uses to pay off noticeably.

I think the more valuable point you made is that you may not need the Silver at all (and would argue that buying Treasures instead of Actions that give money is a poor move if you're going for Loan)

However, there is only a 5/66 (about 7.6%) chance of Loan skipping your $4 buy on the first shuffle

I'd love to see the calculations on this if you have it. I haven't finished doing the math, but so far it looks like it's going to be at least 10% (but certainly no more than 23%. So either way, your point stands about Loan not being likely to skip your other opening Buy)

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