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Topics - Neirai the Forgiven

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Just played a game in which a player played Urchin (and I discarded down to 4), and then Skirmisher, which triggered Urchin's ability to gain a Mercenary. Upon her gaining the Mercenary, I was not forced to discard down to 3.

This seems like a bug.

Variants and Fan Cards / Witch Hunter
« on: February 19, 2019, 06:16:36 pm »
This was an attempt at making a card that totally would never fit into my Antiquities set.

It's sort of a card for a set that assumed that you own each and every expansion.

Witch Hunter - Action-Duration-Attack - $5
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Each other player draws a card, then reveals their hand. If a player reveals a card with the word "Curse" in its text or types, he or she receives Fear.
Setup: Set Fear aside face up.

It's not a good card, I'd say, but it's a fun-ish one.

Variants and Fan Cards / [Release] Dominion: Antiquities!
« on: November 15, 2018, 02:46:32 pm »

Presenting the final version of Dominion: Antiquities -- a 27-Kingdom, 284 card fan expansion!!

Antiquities is the culmination of two years of testing and design, and features art from /u/janboruta!

Here's a google drive containing: 1) the Rulebook, 2) a simple Randomizer that I built, and 3) large image files for each of the cards.

You can also view the cards in their Imgur Library.

Quick note on the Randomizer:

There's three sets of three versions of the Randomizer.

1. A set of executables; These don't require Python, but you need to run them in a command prompt or Powershell. They spit out a list of cards to play in a Kingdom.
2. A set of .py scripts. If you have Python, you can run these in a command prompt. You can also modify them to add your own cards, remove expansions you don't have, add Promos, or change the logic altogether. The source is yours, do what you want!
3. A set of .txt files. Don't feel comfortable downloading .exe or .py files from some random guy on the internet? I get it. People tell me that .txt files are a lot safer to look at.

Each Randomizer set comes in three flavors:

1. AntiquitiesNoRen: Haven't got Renaissance yet? Me neither :( This will choose from all sets (no Promos) and Antiquities.
2. AntiquitiesWithRen: You're luckier than me and have Renaissance! This will choose from all published sets (no Promos) and Antiquities.
3. AntiquitiesConManMethod: This is the same as AntiquitiesWithRen but uses a version of f.ds user ConMan's method to randomize the inclusion of Colonies, Platinums, Shelters, and Boulder Traps.

The Randomizers are pretty basic. You have the source, so feel free to edit them to add features! I'll probably start a thread here dedicated to explaining how it works if anyone is interested.

Coming soon -- Antiquities on Tabletop Simulator!

What's next for Antiquities? I've printed a set of physical cards and should have them next week. Once I have them, or the TTS version is ready, I'll do a livestream or two showing them off.

Clickbait title, putting one of my own cards in it, displays my ego...


I've been working on a randomizer script for Dominion to support my Antiquities set (which officially launches tomorrow!!)

During this I noticed that I was running into a problem with Colonies + Platinums, and Shelters, which is: if you use the stock rules of Prosperity, the chances of the card ever showing up in the game become smaller and smaller the more sets you're rolling with. This is because the formula for including these cards goes something like (Number of Prosperity cards in your Kingdom / 10).

Back when you only owned Dominion, Intrigue, and Prosperity, well, Prosperity was one third of the set and so the inclusion was rather common. Nowadays, if you're like me and you own all of the sets (save Renaissance, Christmas don't be late) and you've created your own 27-card set, the chances are.... I'm not doing the math but the chances of getting Colonies and Platinums according to the written rules are actually significantly less than that of getting any one card in the set.

So, here's what I did.

1) I created an expanded list of "Prosperity-like" cards, which was a list of all Prosperity cards and all other cards that adhered to what Donald X said was the "themes" of Prosperity. Things like alt Treasures (but only ones that provided ways to get richer -- alt attacks for instance were out), VP tokens, non-attack interactions that were beneficial for all players, and cards that interacted with Treasures in a positive way. I did the same thing with Dark Ages, and with Antiquities.

2) That still wasn't good enough so I'm looking at three random Kingdom cards to determine if they are matches; i.e., if any of the three are "Prosperity-like" cards, then Colony and Platinum are in.

Seems to work quite well! I thought you might like to know the thoughts.

Variants and Fan Cards / Obligatory Communism Project
« on: November 07, 2018, 12:49:56 pm »

I'll just leave this here.

Variants and Fan Cards / Random card idea: Monopolize
« on: October 25, 2018, 10:28:16 am »
While waiting for Renaissance so I can finalize and release Antiquities, getting random ideas for cards that don't fit in the set.

Here's Monopolize:
Monopolize - Action-Duration - $6
Gain a card costing up to $5. Set it aside face up on this.
At the start of your next turn, if another player played a copy of the card you set aside, +2 VP.

Costing is probably way off. Idea is probably solid-ish.
Originally gave you +1 VP for each play of the gained card, but this way it doesn't change balance with player counts.

Variants and Fan Cards / Serfdom: Random card idea
« on: October 23, 2018, 06:48:41 pm »
Just had an idea, I apologize if it's not new.

Serfdom - Victory - $4
Worth 2 VP if the last turn this game was yours.
Otherwise, Worth 3 VP

Any Thoughts? This is worth a more if you can make sure that you don't buy that last Province....

Officially announced on reddit, here's essentially a crosspost:

You feel like you’ve really got the hang of this Emperor thing. Your holdings reach out in all directions and cover the whole world. That’s the problem, really. You are running out of directions to conquest; north, west, south, east, and florst, you rule them all. You’ve tried conquering in other directions, too: widdershins, reverse widdershins -- but eventually you realize you’re just trying to conquer from yourself. You can’t really go up, either, but you’ve got top men working on that. So you’ve settled with going down. As soon as you started going down, you found riches, but you also found old things, things from a time before when someone else was also going down, apparently. But unlike whoever this was, you are still alive and that makes all the difference.

Antiquities is a 27-pile (plus a promo) fanspansion built and tested by me, with a ton of helpful feedback from this community. My gratitude for the feedback is immense. This would have not been worth landing without it, it was lame at the start.

You've all seen the WIP thread, so I'll skip to the fun part, card art reveals. This was done using Violet's card renderer, with art from Jan Boruta.

You can find all the arts at the other end of this link.

Variants and Fan Cards / A really bad card idea (or a great one... promo?)
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:32:00 pm »
For Canada's 150th birthday (I'm Canadian) I was trying to come up with a Trade mechanic... this was initially something totally different that was color-coded to you, went around the table giving people "Goods" cards (think heirlooms? Or maybe more like States?) and generally made the card super complicated, and then you got a major bonus if it got back to you.

Then I simplified it. It's still not *good* but it is at least playable and likely fun although I think you'd play it like 4 times for the lols and then never again.

Presenting: The Voyageur!

Essentially it plays "Bigger and Better" around the table. It's not something I could actually suggest as an attempt at a real card (maybe a Promo?) but I do suggest playing with it for the lols.

Variants and Fan Cards / Blacker Market
« on: November 10, 2017, 09:21:53 am »
Yes, this is a joke.

Variants and Fan Cards / Question: Throne Room + Trash this.
« on: September 27, 2017, 06:51:35 pm »
Hi, all, quick question:

If I Throne Room a card that says "Trash this card. If you do, take 2 VP Tokens", what happens?

Do I get 2 or 4 VP Tokens?

Precedent for this would be Mining Village, I think.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Antiquity (WIP! Please help!)
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:20:52 pm »
OP updated December 18th, 2017
Hey, everyone. For the last two months year I've been working hard on a fanbrew expansion, Antiquity!
I've come here to get balance feedback on the cards.

Just as a background, I'm a successful modder (co-founder of the critically acclaimed Colonialist Legacies series of Civilization V mods) and aspiring game designer. As a challenge for myself, I decided to build a custom homebrew set, playtest it, buy art for it (from Jan Boruta, and artist that is huge in the Civ V mod scene,) and print it off.

The theme of the set is archaeology. Both 'old things' (artifacts, ancient ruins, old rites) as well as the modern people (archaeologists, collectors, etc) involved in archaeology.
Mechanically, the set focus is "Discarding" with an emphasis on Reactions as well as gains, Victory tokens, and upgraders.
There's a bit of randomized flavor, but basically I tried to create interesting cards that feel 'official' but also can have interesting interactions with official cards.

At this point, the cards are mostly close to finished... I've been playtesting constantly all year. But some are still in flux -- Pharaohs and Mendicants in particular.

Enough of that, on to the cards!

Petroglyph ($3)
Action - Reaction
+1 Action
Discard any number of cards, then draw until you have 4 cards in hand.
When you discard this card during an Action phase, you can reveal it and set it aside.
If you do, discard it at the end of turn for +1 Card.

Agora ($5)
Action - Reaction
+2 Actions

When you discard this card other than during your Clean-up phase, you may reveal it to gain a Silver to your hand.

Discovery ($2)
While this is in play, when you buy a card from a Supply pile, shuffle this into that pile.
When you gain a card from the top of a non-Discovery Supply pile, if this is the next card in the pile, gain it and a Gold.

Aquifer ($5)   
Action - Reaction
+1 Card

You may play an Aquifer from your hand.
When you discard this card during your Action phase, you may reveal it to gain an Aquifer.

Tomb Raider ($3)
Action - Attack
+1 Action
Each other player discards an Attack card (or reveals they can't.)
You may gain a copy of a Treasure revealed this way.

Artifact ($4)
While this is in play, directly after you buy a Treasure, you may discard this to play that Treasure and +1 Buy.
This wording is technically correct but a bit weird... how do I play +1 Buy?

Avatar of Greed ($4)
While this is in play, when you buy a card, put it on your Avatar mat.
If it was a Curse, take an extra turn after this one, and you draw all of the cards on your Avatar Mat instead of drawing from your deck at the end of this turn.

Dig Site ($8)
Victory - Action
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and discard them.
You may trash this. If you do,
+1% for each Action or Copper revealed.
+2% for each non-Copper Treasure revealed.

Moundbuilder Village ($3)
+2 Actions
When you discard this from play during Clean-Up, look through your discard pile and set aside a card from your discard pile with the highest $ cost (if it's a tie, you choose.) Put it in your hand at the end of your turn.

Encroach ($6)
+2 Cards.
+1 Action.

You may discard a Treasure card from your hand to gain a Victory card costing up to 2 more onto your deck.

Stoneworks ($4)
+1 Buy.
Trash a card from your hand to gain a Silver onto your deck.
If you trashed a Victory card, get a VP token per $ it cost more than $2.
When you gain this, +1VP when you gain another card this turn.

Graveyard ($1)
+2 Actions
When you trash this, gain a card from the trash.

Inspector ($3)
Action - Attack
+2 Cards
Reveal then discard 2 cards from your hand.
Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that is a copy of one of the discarded cards (or reveals a hand with no copies.)

Archaeologist ($7)
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck.
Put 3 of them into your hand.
Choose one: Discard the remaining cards, or put them onto your deck in any order.

Mission House ($5)
+2 Cards
If you have 5 or less VP tokens, you may discard a Victory card for +1VP.
Otherwise, +2 Actions.

Mendicant ($4)
+1 Card
+1 Action

Gain a Copper to your hand.
At the end of your Buy Phase, if Coppers are the only Treasures in play, you may gain an Estate.

Profiteer ($5)
Action - Reaction
+1 Buy

Trash a non-Victory card from the Supply. Cards with the same name as that one cost $1 less this turn.
On your turn, when you gain a card other than during your Buy Phase, you may discard this to exchange that card for one costing $1 or $2 more.

Prospector ($3)
+1 Card
+1 Action

You may discard a Victory card to gain a Treasure costing up to $1 more.

Pyramid ($5)
You may trash 2 cards from your hand.
Gain 2 Curses.

Riches ($4)
At the end of your Buy Phase, if this is in play, trash all other Treasures you have in play.

Sarcophagus ($6)
Gain an Action card costing up to $4. Play that Action twice, then trash it.
When you buy this, each other player gains a Curse.

Shipwreck ($2)
+1 Buy

Look through your discard pile and put a Treasure from it onto the bottom of your deck.

Collector ($4)
Each player (including you) looks at the top card of their deck and either discards it or puts it back.
Trash the top card of your deck. Gain a card costing up to $3 more that shares a type with it onto your deck.

Pharaoh ($8)
Action - Attack
Trash your hand. For each Treasure trashed this way, gain a Gold. For each Curse trashed this way, each other player gains a Curse.
Note: This started as a joke. Then my artist wanted me to put it in anyhow because he wanted to draw crazy art for it. So it's in.

Tomb Guardian ($3)
Action - Attack
+ $2
You may gain a Curse, for +1 Action and + $1.
You may discard a Curse. If you did, each other player reveals their hand, discards a Treasure of your choice, and gains a Copper to their hand.

Stronghold ($4)
Action - Reaction
Look through your discard pile.
Choose one: Trash up to two cards from it or your hand; or,
Play a card from it.
Directly after a player plays an Attack, you may reveal this from you hand to trash a card that you gained this turn, or one from your hand.

Boulder Trap ($3)
-1 VP
When you trash this, each other player gains a Curse.
Note: The trap is a new card type with the rules:
Setup: Shuffle a Boulder into each Kingdom Supply pile (for split piles, shuffle it into the bottom split.) Turn these Supply piles face down, except for the top card. If you gain/trash the top card of the pile, reveal the next card by flipping it face up.
If you reveal this (flip it up) from the top of a Kingdom Supply pile, gain it.

If I'm ever foolish enough to make another Dominion fanspansion (Invention?,) it will also have traps.

At this point, I'm waiting for the last of the art to arrive and finishing up the rulebook.

Introductions / A new challenger approaches! (Okay, not really)
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:16:54 am »
Hi, all. I'm Neirai the Forgiven, inveterate modder and aspiring game dev!

I've largely come to this forum to see if I can get advice about a homebrew expack (or two) that I'm working on.

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