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Topics - Galzria

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General Discussion / Final Fantasy VII Remake
« on: April 09, 2020, 10:27:44 pm »
Antybody else staring at their screen waiting for the launch timer to count down to 0?

Hearthstone / Worst Hearthstone Moments 2017
« on: July 24, 2017, 04:15:11 pm »
So... I made a mistake today. Genuine one, yes. The result was a little more than I bargained for however.

In Arena:
I'm a Priest, playing a Paladin. I go first.

T1: Nothing
OT1: Nothing
T2: I play a 2/2 minion
OT2: He plays a 2/2 minion
T3: I play Forbidden Shaping

--- "Spend all your Mana. Summon a random minion that costs that much" --- Not my favorite spot to play it, but I didn't have a 3 drop.

T3 continued: I summon Wickerflame Burnbristle

--- "2/2 Taunt. Divine Shield. Damage dealt by his minion also heals your hero." ---

T3 continued: I sacrifice my 2/2 into his 2/2.
OT3: He summons a 2/4 Taunt
T4: I draw and play Auchenai Soulpriest

--- 3/5 "Your cards and powers that restore Health now deal damage instead." ---

Now this is where I messed up. Because I should've attacked first and then played the Soulpriest so that the healing caused by Wickerflame didn't get converted to damage instead.

What I DIDN'T expect was to go infinite. Because the "damage " caused to my Hero by Wickerflame IS considered damage caused by the card. So it tried to heal me again. And again. And again. And again.

I suspect this should be a bug. But despite the loss I couldn't help cracking up.

Hearthstone / Critique a Deck:
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:42:11 pm »
A thread to post your decks/ideas and get constructive criticism before running it out in constructed play!

Hearthstone / Worst HS Moments 2014
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:34:30 pm »
Right, so if you can have a "best moment 2014", then you've gotta also have those moments when you just want to slap yourself for doing something ridiculous. Or maybe things just didn't go as planned.

For every best, there's a worst. This thread is share those embarrassing moments that you really don't want to share. Those ones where you're glad there was only one person there to see, and that there was no chat area.

Mine, today, wasn't completely awful, but it was still embarrassing nonetheless.

I had a Leper (2/1) on the table.
My opponent had a Croc, (2/3).

I thought I had Animal Companion in my hand, so I grabbed it and threw it onto my side of the board... just to realize it was Kill Command. I never reestablished board control after that.

General Discussion / Swimming
« on: September 17, 2014, 02:06:56 pm »
Theory, I thought we had a topic on Swimming quite awhile back when the topics of "Running", "Walking", etc were up, but I can't seem to find it. If it's there, you can just merge this, otherwise, I'll just start this one here.


I figure posting constantly in the Forum Games "V/LA" thread isn't exactly the most appropriate place to update on what's going on in my life, and besides, if there are other Dominion players out there who swim, but don't play Forum Games (shame on you!), then they wouldn't have a place to come together and talk about their adventures. So here's this.


I took on Tahoe! Whoohoo! 21.24 miles lengthwise, from Camp Richardson to Hyatt Beach (Incline Village), my total time was 13 hours, 46 minutes, 5 seconds. I walked off the beach and into the water at 11:46 PM, Sunday the 14th, and walked back up onto dry sand at 1:30 PM, Monday the 15th.

The lake was gorgeous, the water was perfect, and the wind was non-existent (which is awesome, as they're in a wind advisory today!). Water temperatures ranged from a low of 61F, to a high of 67F, but really stayed steady between 64F-66F most of the way. Wind Speeds topped out at about 6.5 mi/hour, but that was only on gusts. Air temperature got as low as 45F, but after the sun came up we were back into the mid 70's F.

Some links:

My tracked route across:

And two of me swimming in the water (absolutely beautiful lake, isn't it?):

Me + Kayaker:

Me + Boat:

Next up:

I plan on swimming from Catalina Island to Los Angeles next year. Most likely, I'm aiming for a July swim, as many of my crew (if I can get them to help out again!) will be riding their bicycles in Paris during the month of August. My pilot is also trying to talk me into doing a crossing of Lake Ontario (Niagara Falls -> Toronto, 31.5 Miles), which I might try and squeeze in at some point.

This swim was absolutely amazing, and it was hands down the most beautiful place I've ever been in the water. If you're on the West coast of America, and you haven't been to Lake Tahoe during the summer (I know Winter is a lot of fun too!), get up there and spend some time in/on/around the water. It's absolutely stunning.

Treasure Hunts / puzzledpint:
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:58:47 pm »
This shouldn't prove to be a challenge for too many of you, but it's cute and fun anyway. Plus, beer and puzzles.

The cities holding puzzle parties are Portland, Seattle, Chicago, SF Bay Area, Phoenix and London.

Forum Games / Survivor Mafia: Heroes vs Villains
« on: July 02, 2014, 02:10:45 pm »
Note - I'm NOT running this setup. I don't have the time. However I've been reading through old QT's, and I came across this creation from forever ago. I thought I would share it with you all, and I hope that it DOES get picked up and run by somebody! I certainly think it would be a really fun and unique game. The only other person that has seen this setup, is Voltgloss, right before he went MIA this most recent time.

Quote from: Galzria

Tribe Jotheonah

Tribe Cayvie

- This game is designed for 16 Players. There will be 12 Heroes, and 4 Villains. There will be 8 players in each Tribe, consisting of 6 Heroes, and 2 Villains.
- This game is "nightless".
- The Villains have no night kill.
- This game contains no PR's, however the two Villains in each Tribe will be granted day-chat.
- The two tribes will play simultaneously. Each will be given a 7 day deadline to complete Tribal Council and cut a player from their Tribe. If one Tribe finishes before the other Tribe, they will enter "Night", which will last until the other Tribe completes their own Tribal Council. At this point, each Tribe will again attend a 7-day deadline Tribal Council.
- Plurality Rules. The player with the most votes at deadline is removed from the game. If two players are tied, each is asked to make a single post defending why they should remain in the game. Every other player in the Tribe shall then secretly (via PM) cast their vote once more for one tied player. Majority Rules. If the vote ends in a tie once again, each player shall pick a number between 1 and 100. A /roll shall be performed, with the player coming the closest to the rolled number remaining in the game.
- During the first three Tribal Councils, each Tribe shall receive the Alignment of the cut player upon removal from the game.
- After each Tribe has cut 3 Players, the remaining 10 will join together to form a single Tribe.

Tribe eHalcyon:

- The new Tribe's first Tribal Council shall have a deadline of 7 days, however all subsequent Council's shall have a deadline of 4 days.
- At the first Council, the Alignment of the cut player shall be revealed.
- Once the Tribe is down to it's final 9 members, no other player Alignment shall be revealed. Instead, each cut player is NOT removed from the game, but instead becomes a part of the Jury.
- Play continues until the Tribe is down to it's final two members (7 members on the Jury). At this point, the two remaining players are banned from speaking, and the 7 Jury members will have a single, 7 day Tribal Council in which to decide who shall win. Each of the 7 members of the Jury may PM the mod a single question that they wish to be answered by both remaining players. These 7 questions will be forwarded to the remaining two players, who may each PM their answer back to the mod, who will in turn provide all questions and answers to the entire Jury.
- On the final day, the Jurors are voting to decide who WINS, not who gets cut.

IF the winning player is a Villain, all Villain's win. If the winning player is a Hero, all Hero's win.


- All Villain QT's are locked during the final Tribal Council.
- The two Villains from each Tribe will NOT be made aware of the identity of the Villains from the other Tribe - either at the start of the game, or at Tribal Merge.
- Unless this game is run by QT, each Tribe will have full access to the events of the other Tribe. This is unfortunate, but not damning. No Tribe member may post in the Tribe for which they do not belong.
- This setup COULD be expanded to contain PR's. It's a new format, and as such my intention is to run it as a pure Vanilla game.

Forum Games / MOVED: If you like Mafia/Werewolf, check this out
« on: March 18, 2014, 05:52:58 pm »
This topic has been moved to advertisements, however I'll leave the redirect here in Forum Games due to general relevancy of topic.

- Galzria

If you want spectator QT access, send me a PM!!!

The powers are:

Austria: Grujah
England: TwistedArcher
France: Chairs
Germany: nkirbit
Italy: WalrusMcFishSR
Russia:  Liopoil
Turkey: Jack Rudd

The Players Are:

#1. TwistedArcher
#2. Liopoil
#3. Jack Rudd
#4. WalrusMcFishSR
#5. Chairs
#6. Grujah
#7. nkirbit

The starting board is below, see the opening post for some cool Diplomacy resources and tools.

Please send me the moves by PM before the deadline (I will try to be strict yet kind, a difficult and narrow path to walk). 

First deadline is To Be Determined. Deadlines will be 3 Days for Spring/Fall Orders, 24 Hours for Winter Builds (I will aim to keep retreats within the flow of the 7 day cycle). (Early submissions allowed and encouraged; if you change your mind at any time, new moves will be accepted up until I have posted the updated map)


Current state: (Spring 1900)

Total Centers:
Austria:             3 centers
England:           3 centers
France:             3 centers
Germany:          3 center
Italy:                3 centers
Russia:            4 centers
Turkey:            3 centers

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Introduction, Sign-ups, etc:
« on: April 02, 2013, 05:19:47 pm »
I've noticed recently that it's quite common for a game to be posted as an "Any interest in..." thread, just to have it fill up within a few hours by regulars here on f.DS.FG. While that's certainly great for all of us who are addicted to playing way to many games at once, it's often not very inviting to new players who don't know the whens or the hows to get involved. There's no centralized place to come together and say "Hey, I'd like to play X".

As a whole community, I think we've done a remarkable job organizing and running and growing ourselves, but I would hate to see that stall, and I always want to be encouraging and welcoming to new players. I want it to be as easy as possible for them to come in and join in on all our good times.

With that said, what I hope to achieve here is two fold. First, a list of all active and willing mods, with a list of games that they're willing and excited to host. Second, a list of all games that we are currently playing, or have interest in playing, with a constant and open "interest in" sign-up list. This way new players can come in, see what we're all about, and say "Hey, I would like in on the next game of 'X'". Their name goes up on the list, and when it's got a full team of players, we can check with the mods who are willing to host that game and see if they're ready to launch another game.

Obviously there's no commitment here. If you're a mod and are willing to host, but just have too many games going on at a particular time, we'll wait you out, or maybe find another willing soul to host. But this way we can match up players and games and mods, and have a nice centralized flow.

The only rule that I'll implement is for addicts like myself who will sign up for almost anything over and over. If I (or anybody else) is currently in a running game of X, and a new player (or somebody not currently playing X) wants in the next one, that player will get priority over me. In addition, Mods will always have final say in how many games they wish to run at any given time. Otherwise Watno/Kirian/Kuildeous/Myself will have Tables running 10 games of Through the Ages at once...


Please post here if you are a Mod, or wish to be a Mod. Post a list of any/all games that you are willing to host.


Please post here if you are a Player, or wish to be a Player. Post the name of any/all games that you are willing to join in.

I will try my best to keep both lists as up to date as possible. I will also include a link to the current Non-Mafia Games Queue, which has links to all active and completed games, for easy reference.

Welcome to Mafia-Noir!

Sign-ups are Closed!

This Game will NOT get underway until sometime after the New Year. Pokemon Mafia is getting ready to launch, and Voltgloss still has RMM5 Shakespeare lined up. I'm just drumming up interest here, and keeping myself moving forward with it so that I don't stall out myself.

This game will have room for exactly 13 players. If I HAD to expand it I could, but I would rather not:

1. Robz888 - Town Cop/Flatfoot
2. Eevee - Town Mason Jailer/Item Cop
3. mcmcsalot - Town Bulletproof Roleblocker
4. Shraeye - Mafia Godfather
5. Archetype - Lekkit - Town Businessman
6. Qvist - Town Mason Jailer/Item Cop
7. Jimmmmm - Town Doctor
8. Cayvie - Yuma - Mafia Corrupt Businessman (Traitor)
9. Insomniac - Mafia Doctor
10. Jotheonah - Town Watcher/Tracker
11. Dsell - Town Vig/Strong Bomb
12. Ashersky - Mafia Strongman
13. Cuzz - Serial Killer

This setup IS a Role-Madness game, so nothing of the roles will be published. I cannot promise that it will be completely balanced, but I can promise it'll be fun! Voltgloss and eHalcyon have both looked things over, and as such won't be able to play. Because of this, they've been unknowningly drafted into being back-up mods. This role requires no actual work, but they are allowed to Lock/Troll/Update anything important to their heart's content.

There will be nothing Bastard about this setup. No Jesters. No Alignment changes. No tricks. I will not lie in any fashion (PINL). Some roles ARE made up, and the generic theme to the game is a little bit different than most, but it should become clear to each player upon receiving their PM. The game itself is a pretty straight-forward and standard game of Mafia.

Mafia Ruleset (stolen and modified from eHalcyon's RMM-I intro post)

Game Rules:

General Gameplay and Etiquette:
1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind.  Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable. You may not name claim, or movie claim
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.
3. If you have a role with a Night action (basically everyone!) your choices are due to me by the posted deadline.  If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.  In case of multiple submissions, the last valid one before the deadline will be used.
4. Roles with Night actions will not be able to submit an action on Night 0 (i.e. during the confirmation stage)
5. Any player with a Night action may instead submit a “No Action” PM to let the Mod know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.
6. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 48 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.

Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:
1. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
2. Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.  Further votes will also be ignored.
3. Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight.
4. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName.  Votes will NOT be counted if they are not bold or do not follow this syntax!  Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
5. Please submit vote revocations as either Unvote: PlayerName or Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
6. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
7. This game will generally have 2 week deadlines but this may change if an extension is needed for a V/LA player.  I may also move the deadline up if the day appears to be stagnating!  If a player or No Lynch does not have a simple majority at deadline, no lynch will occur, and the game will go into night.
8. Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post. This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent.
9. Do not edit or delete posts.  We don't want some players having more information than others.  If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post.

1. Bold, Summersky or shaded text is reserved for the Mod.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography.
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mod privately.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game. Just remember, this is ROLE MADNESS.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mod so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players will be issued upon request after 48 hours of no activity.  They will not be issued automatically.  A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement.  A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
6. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, up to and including a Modkill.
7. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.

The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun! Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game.

Helpful Links:

(Probably not as helpful as they could be, given that the set up is entirely different from any regular Mafia game.)
Game Setup
Game Setup information:

You'll just have to wait and find out!

Actually, I've decided in the interest of keeping things clear to leak out a little of the setup, so enjoy the spoilers:

This game is going to be an evolving game of Mafia, where every player is a PR (of sorts), with limited ability.

Each player can only use their ability so long as they have the resources to do so. If at any time their resources run out, they become Vanilla for all intents and purposes for the remainder of the game (even if they receive resources in the future).

General Discussion / Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
« on: November 30, 2012, 08:31:18 am »
Is being adapted by the BBC.


Especially with Toby Haynes at the directing helm, this begins to look very wonderful indeed.

Turn Order:
1) Robz888
2) Captain_Frisk
3) Insomniac
4) Voltgloss
5) Cayvie
6) Kuildeous

Note: If possible, we will aim to get the boasting in before Thanksgiving, but the Dungeon won't launch until after the weekend.

Welcome to Gauntlet of Fools IV!

I'll be the moderator and die roller for everyone because well there is no other way to roll dice here. Feel free to chat in the thread, talk like your character whatever you want!

1. No outside communication.
2. I will try to resolve at least one encounter for everyone each day so because of that, if you wish to use an ability you have 12 hours from when I post the encounter to use any "before rolling" abilities and 12 hours after I post results for after rolling abilities. If you do not wish to use an ability I request you post No ability uses
4. IF I post an encounter on the weekends, the timer for abilities will not start till the Monday after
3. Have fun!

This game can fit up to 6 people.
1. Cayvie
2. Voltgloss
3. Kuildeous
4. Rob888
5. Insomniac
6. Captain_Frisk

Full disclosure: I will be using for all die rolls, I will roll them in TURN order

Full rules can be found here Rules (PDF)
Full deck can be found here Decks

All rules and setup posts blatently stolen from Insomniac, in Gauntlet of Fools 1.

Turn Order
1) Robz888
2) Insomniac
3) Galzria
4) Kuildeous
5) Captain_Frisk
6) Jorbles

Reference Link to all Cards:

Welcome to Gauntlet of Fools III!

I'll be the moderator and die roller for everyone because well there is no other way to roll dice here. Feel free to chat in the thread, talk like your character whatever you want!

1. No outside communication.
2. I will try to resolve at least one encounter for everyone each day so because of that, if you wish to use an ability you have 12 hours from when I post the encounter to use any "before rolling" abilities and 12 hours after I post results for after rolling abilities. If you do not wish to use an ability I request you post No ability uses
4. IF I post an encounter on the weekends, the timer for abilities will not start till the Monday after
3. Have fun!

This game can fit up to 6 people.
1. Insomniac
2. Kuildeous
3. Captain_Frisk
4. Jorbles
5. Robz888
6. Galzria

Full disclosure: I will be using for all die rolls, I will roll them in TURN order

Full rules can be found here Rules (PDF)

All rules and setup posts blatently stolen from Insomniac, in Gauntlet of Fools 1.

*Additional Note: This will not launch until I have access to all the cards. Additionally, while you HAVE 12 hours to use abilities, that does not mean you must USE 12 hours. If I've received all commands, then I'll launch early if possible, in an attempt to keep gameflow moving at a good pace.

Forum Games / Well done, folks, well done:
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:40:56 am »
Forum Games outpaces all other forums!

Variants and Fan Cards / Design Space:
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:10:01 pm »
I'm just curious if some of these areas have been explored, and what your thoughts might be:


When you play this card, you may immediately shuffle your discard pile, and place it on top of your draw pile.

Card-Hunter: (Duration?)

When you play this, name a non-VP card. If the named card is played before the start of your following turn by any player, you may gain a copy of it.

City/Fairgrounds/Trade Route combination (Card "X" below):

Place a token on each of the starting kingdom cards. Anytime a card is gained for the first time, remove it's token and place it on a mat. Card "X" does A, B, or C depending on how many tokens are on the mat.

(The idea is to be a power-up card like city, that plays off Fairgrounds desire for unique cards, instead of piles drained. This is, I think, done best in a Trade Route fashion)

Anyway, just some thoughts on design space ideas that may not have much coverage yet.


Help! / How would you play this board?
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:46:38 am »
I generally kick back and relax with some fast games on Androminion, and nothing really jumps out at me. I find it's a decent way to test out new ideas, and generally crush the AI. But I'm always thinking competitively too, for Iso or F2F. I came across this board, and don't even know where to start:

Chapel, Duchess, Alchemist, Spice Merchant, Treasure Map, Embassy, Wharf, Bazaar, Hunting Party, Nobles

My opening hand is $5. Thoughts?

Wharf + BM?
HP + Duchess?
Chapel into engine? (actions, buys, +$ all available on action cards)

What would be fastest? I'm pretty sure Alch and TM are dead cards here, but don't know where to go with it. If this where a competitive game, what would be fastest to 4 Provinces? Would that strategy hold up to Duchy Dancing?


Puzzles and Challenges / Reorganize This! #1
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:08:19 pm »
Place the following cards in the correct order:

Ill-Gotten Gains

Solo Challenges / Back to the Future:
« on: May 14, 2012, 05:38:52 pm »
Whoa, that's heavy Doc.
Doc? How do you know who I am!?! Tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan? The Actor? Then who's Vice President? Jerry Lewis?
Whoa. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me?
Whoa. This is heavy.
There's that word again. "Heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?
Now, remember. According to my theory, you interfered with your parents' first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow, and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.
Sounds pretty heavy.
Weight has nothing to do with it.
Doc, I did it!
Next Saturday night, we're sending you, Back To the Future!
Oh, Marty. Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight.
Keys? Whoa. This is heavy.


The story begins in 1955, when an little known Duke living in a small Village marries a smart, pretty Duchess - Much to chagrin of the local Goons. Still, they have very little, only 3 Estates, and 7 Coppers to their name. As they grow old and have children, life treats them fairly well, but not great. They build up a modest living of 8 Duchy's, but the man still lives in fear of the Goons, who have made it their life mission to make hell for the man.

One day, some 30 years later, their youngest child (you) meets a crazy Witch, who sends him back in time. He awakes back in 1955, and through a series of misadventures, must work his way back home. Despite the warnings of the Witch not to change anything, our young hero can't help but interfere.

Upon his return home, he finds that indeed, the Witch was right, and things are not as they once were. For him and his family, things have improved greatly! They are now the richest in the Kingdom, owning all 8 Province's, and what's more? The Goons work for him!

Our hero, happy with his success, takes his young Harem in his new Caravan to the local Oasis, where they spend a rather eventful weekend, knowing that one day soon, they will head to the Chapel to be married, and live happily ever after.


Challenge: Empty the Duchy Pile, then go back in time, returning your deck to the starting state of 3 Estates, 7 Coppers, **And your choice of 1 Forge, or 1 Chapel**. Then, empty the Province pile. All 8 Province's must be in your deck at the end. Fewest number of turns wins.

Board: Chapel, Oasis, Goons, Village, Young Witch, Smithy, Forge, Festival, Caravan, Witch, !Colony, *Scheme

Rules: You must use the given board. You must have all 8 Duchy's in your deck before you begin to go back in time (although if you gain the last 1 midturn, you may begin trashing then).

Deadline: There is no deadline!

Submissions: You may submit as many attempts as you like!

How To: Post your game log right here in the thread. I will keep an updated list at the end of this post of the top times, or honorable mentions.

Points: There are still points! I'm going to hold over the points awarded in the Governor's Ball, and the scoring system here will remain the same. 4 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd. However, as this challenge is open-ended, the leaderboard may change!

Notes: None at the moment. /reserved. ;D

Good Luck!


Alright! Official results!

Setting the bar, and coming in third with 60 turns is Schneau:

Arriving in at 50 turns, good for second place, we have Drab Emordnilap: -- 50 turns. -- 50 turns. -- 50 turns.

Does this mean that 50 is the best that can be done? Hmm...

No it does not! Coming in a full FOUR turns faster, at 46, Fate has thrown down the gauntlet, callin' all the rest of ya 'Yellow' and daring you to challenge his effort.


But Chwhite will not be deterred! He really got his Flux Drive working overtime when he came in at 44 turns and first place!:


Fate claims to be able to match Chwhite's effort; which if true would mean two entries both at 44 turns. Add them together.... and you hit 88 Miles Per Hour! Can you take this one faster? Only time will tell...

The leaderboard now looks like:

Chwite: 4 Points
Drab Emordnilap and Powerman: 4 Points
Schneau: 3 Points
Fate: 2 Points
Saturday Wins: 1 Point

Looking forward to seeing some more results. I will keep this post updated as soon as I can after each response. Good luck!

Solo Challenges / [Complete] Governor's Ball
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:35:47 pm »
Dear Sir or Madame,

I would like to personally invite you to this years Governor's Ball. As you're probably aware, the winner of this years Masquerade will Lord over all the Province's in the Kingdom, and your knowledge and service to us all has been invaluable. Indeed, there are few who know all of the intricacies of our beloved Dominion better than you. As such, we would be honored if you came to claim the mantle of Lord as your own. Don't think it'll just be handed over on a Silver platter however. This Feast will include many other highly qualified Dukes and Duchesses, as well as a few Ambassadors from neighboring Kingdoms.

But don't let that discourage you. I have sent my prayers forth from our Chapel, and have faith that you are meant to lead us. There will, of course, be a Festival and Tournament, which you are more than welcome to partake in. I know those living in nearby Border Villages would be inspired by your presence.

I hope for a speedy reply.

Yours in honor,

Challenge: End the game on Provinces as few turns as possible.
Rules: You may only purchase Masquerade and Governor. There will be no Black Market. This is a high class event.
Notes: You may gain cards in any fashion you see fit, but all 8 Provinces must be in your deck at the finish.
Points: 1st (4), 2nd (2), 3rd (1)
Bonus: Use the thematic kingdom and have at least one of each card in your deck for TWO bonus points:
Masquerade, Governor, Duke, Duchess, Ambassador, Festival, Tournament, Feast, Chapel, Border Village, !Colony

Deadline: May 13, 11:59PM - I don't care which time zone you're in, just get it submitted before the 14th. 1 Entry per contestant. (Pacific Standard Time if you MUST have a zone)


Dominion Isotropic / BM/Iso Bug
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:23:11 pm »
I came across this today, and believe that it is a bug:

... Gah! Well, I thought if I pulled the log, it would show the cards available within the Black Market deck, but apparently it does not. (Does Council Room once the gamelog is mined?)

Edit: Here's the log anyway, as you can see where Iso gets confused. Look at the constraints.

prohibited: Fishing Village; bane: Fishing Village
Mind you, when I put in the constraints on the main page, I did NOT put any prohibits in - Iso did this itself.

Anyway, I've set all the constraints for 10 cards, one of which is Black Market. I've also specified what I wish my Bane Card to be, if Young Witch appears inside the Black Market. On my 3rd Black Market play, I draw: Tournament, Fishing Village, Young Witch (This is rather irrelevant, but it's how I noticed the bug). Fishing Village was my bane card, and IS on the board. If I purchase it from the Black Market Deck, I can obtain 11.


--Double Edit-- Put the wrong Game log in at first, correct one is there now.

Rules Questions / duration
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:42:33 pm »
This is probably hard to answer as there is no card that exists of this nature right now, but if there were a duration price reduction card (suspension bridge: This turn and next, +1 coin, +1 buy, all costs reduced by 1, no card may cost less than 0), would your opponent recieve the cost reduction benefit?

Game Reports / More Thoughts...
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:27:24 pm »
First off, much respect for my opponent. I know how much time and effort it takes to get into the 40's in level. As I commented at the start of the match, I was having a good day (7-1-0) up to that point, and the last thing I wanted to do was play a level 44. :)

I wanted to go with a straight 2 Merchant Ship strategy, but with his opening of 5/2 to my 4/3 I thought I was doomed right out of the gates. Still, I played with a very fast game in mind, thinking that if I got lucky, and we split the Provinces, my opening of Monument could make the difference.

Everything went pretty straight forward. We ended up with almost identical decks. Ben had a Crossroads (thanks to his 2 coin opening), and a caravan that I didn't have. He also had one more gold, and a few less silvers (maybe those made the difference?)

We both started greening at the same time (technically he was a turn ahead, from second position), and went 2x Province. He picked up his first Duchy over me on turn 13, but I was able to come back and answer with a third straight Province. We both followed up with a Duchy each, and he finished out turn 15 with his third Province, leaving him 1 Duchy up on me overall, and into a full on Duchy dance.

Turn 16 saw us both gain another Duchy, leaving just 3 in the pile. However, I knew that:
A) I was 2 points ahead in VP tokens
B) I had just reshuffled, meaning all 3 terminals were in my deck
C) He hadn't reshuffled since playing a Merchant Ship, AND his Monument

Given my strong draw on turn 17 then, which included a Merchant ship and 8 coins, I decided to risk breaking PPR and gamble for a straight win. I couldn't know that he had drawn a terrible hand obviously, but I thought my deck was set up at that time as good as it ever was gonna get. In the end, I bought my 4th Province turn 17, and my 5th on turn 18 to take a solid victory.

I recognize that, had Ben had 8 coins in hand, and bought that last Province, I would have lost by 1. I still would have been very happy with the overall game though. Perhaps, had I thought about it a little further, I should have realized that I was more likely to snag 2 of the last 3 Duchy's evening us out, and leaving me in the lead on straight VP tokens, with only Estates left (nothing he was likely to catch up on at that point). However, had I done so, and a reverse flip happened where he got two good draws and I was stuck floundering trying to find 8 coins, he very well could have ended on Provinces over me instead.

So, did I make the right decision at the time? It was, I think, a very well played game on both sides. I don't feel that I was overly lucky, although maybe I was. Who ever feels they actually are? So, any thoughts, comments, or ideas anybody here has, I'd love to hear them.


Quick question, and maybe there is no easy answer. We both had Merchant Ship and Monument collide in our hands twice. I played my Monument, thinking that giving up 2 coins next turn (and I especially believed this early, before greening began, turns 8 and turns 9 for me) was worth gaining 1 VP. Since I thought the game would be close, this seemed right. Ben played his Merchant Ship both times, turns 4 and 10. Given his level of experience, was I wrong?

Game Reports / Can anyone confirm...
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:42:33 pm »
That this game should NOT have ended in my Victory?

While I imagine we both played this board well sub-optimally (I decided to try Cache + BM which has been said around these parts isn't as terrible as might be thought), I feel that I had NO business winning this game.

Granted, my turns 6-10 were STUPID. The fact that I drew every possible method of 5 Coins, and not 6 was driving me crazy. Still, while his initial plan seemed clear, I wasn't sure mid-game where he was going with it.

I decided after snagging 2 Provinces on 11/12, that I could probably try a Duchy rush and aim for a 3/5 Province split in his favor. His Lookout killed his 3 Estates, meaning to counter the 12 point Province swing, I was only going to need 3 Duchies to force a tie. And since my deck was so full of Coppers, I couldn't be sure when I would hit TWO more 8 coin hands (though I was confident that I would get at least 1 more soon). That meant that I was looking at 4 turns worth of buys, which would out-race his 5 turns of Province buys required.

In the end, that payed off, and maybe it was the turning point for me. Still, thoughts on what you might have done differently (especially thoughts regarding playing the Cache strategy in my 5/2 starting situation), and if you think I just got dead lucky by poor play on the other side would be greatly appreciated!

Game Reports / Was the key here the second Amb?
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:22:15 pm »
I played a game not too long ago, that my opponent resigned from after it seemed he wouldn't be able to come back:

Granted, I wasn't working some magically quick deck, but I didn't think (at the time), that I was THAT far ahead. In truth, at the outset, I had serious consideration to play almost the exact engine he went for (Worker's Village + University for Actions, Vault for +draw and discard, and Watchtower to bring the handsize back up). I decided at the last second though, that I wanted to try and keep it a little bit simpler. I opted instead for a Peddler rush (I know, usually not as strong on a Colony board), hence the unusual, and often bad, worker's village buy at the outset.

Actually, my theory behind it was: A) I wanted them for Cantrip +buy, and B) opening Amb/Amb might slow my economy down too much - Amb/*nothing* would give me a little bit of breathing room. I hadn't been planning on grabbing a second Ambassador at first, however with 3 coppers on turn 3, and knowing I could get a Silver turn 4, I decided to gamble.

However, now I'm not sure it was such a gamble.

Thoughts? Did I get lucky? Play well? What do you think?

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