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Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Results
« on: April 04, 2015, 10:54:10 pm »

jamfamsam: 3  Swedenman: 3

Does the set-aside card for Inheritance count as part of your deck for Gardens/Vineyard purposes? I would imagine it does.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Giant
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:01:34 pm »
You can also make your own with construction paper, scissors, a writing utensil, compass,  and straight edge.
Journey token have a radius of pi.
Without specified units, so do all circular things.

Uh, that's not how circles work.

To be honest, Adventures does feel a bit over-saturated with new mechanics. I think everything looks cool, but it just seems like an awful lot to introduce at once. I'm sure I'll feel differently once the cards are on Goko and I'm used to everything, though. Still, I don't think I'd ever try playing Dominion with Adventures with my family or anything like that. It doesn't seem to lend itself to casual play at all.

I wonder how the selection of Events will be implemented online.  I mean, will the total number of Events in the game be fully random, or will it have a default limit?

They don't follow the Potion-cost card suggestion, so they'll probably just do totally random for Events. My guess would be something like 10% chance for each Event being used in any given game. (Because, theoretically, that comes out to 2 per game on average.)

I sincerely hope this isn't the case. Events look cool, but I don't want them suddenly to be in every single game. I imagine the Potion-cost card suggestion has been ignored because it disregards the proportion of Alchemy cards in the randomizer deck and would make Alchemy WAY over-represented in the majority of games. However, Donald's suggestion of putting Events into the randomizer deck and just using the ones that come up up to a maximum of 2 is a great way to have Events be represented based on the proportion of Adventures cards in the randomizer deck. If Events are selected independently of the kingdom then they would be way over-represented.

Here's a question - since you've said you use the randomizers as your Black Market deck, is it possible for Events to end up in the Black Market deck?

I don't think so. BM pretty clearly specifies kingdom cards, and Events are not kingdom cards.

Actually, I already have a question regarding Mission/Outpost. If I play an Outpost and buy a Mission in the same turn, couldn't I choose to play the Outpost turn first and get 3 in a row? In this case, Outpost is not causing me to take more than 2 consecutive turns (since it's only my second consecutive turn) and at the time that I buy Mission the previous turn wasn't mine, so it seems that that effect should trigger, too. That feels like a stretch, but a legalistic interpretation of the wording on the cards would seem to suggest this is allowed. Am I missing something?

Hm. I have mixed feelings about these. They remind me of Gambits in Star Realms, which I REALLY didn't like (fortunately, they don't at all resemble the Events in Star Realms, which are just incredibly dumb). However, unlike Gambits, they're all available to everyone, so that's nice. The cards themselves look cool and the new mechanic will undoubtedly change the way the game is played when they're present, so that's exciting.

Somehow though I get the feeling that Mission's interactions with Outpost and Possession are going to be nightmare-inducing.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Haunted Woods
« on: April 01, 2015, 04:36:00 pm »
This might be my new favorite card art. No question it's up there.

Anyway, like the other durations revealed today, I think it's really neat, but it just doesn't look that strong. The draw is weak and it seems as though there would be a lot of easy ways to get around the attack. But time will tell, I suppose.

These cards all look interesting, but none of them seem that powerful.

Amulet's greatest strength seems to be its trashing, but the other two effects are pretty weak in the sort of slim engine that that trashing provides you.

Swamp Hag looks decent but other cursers seem preferable. I mean, if you play a Sea Hag, your opponent gets a Curse, then he buys a card on his turn. If you play a Swamp Hag, the outcome might be the same (your opponent buys a card, gets a Curse), or he might just buy nothing and avoid the Curse. It puts him through the agony of choosing, I guess, but from a strategic perspective it gives him relatively more options. And the +$3 on your next turn looks good, but there are likely other $5 actions that can provide you greater benefits. If I had to guess, there are two main situations in which Swamp Hag will shine: When your opponent wants to buy more than 1 card per turn but lacks the trashing to take a bunch of Curses willy-nilly; and when you can consistently get multiple into play. I don't imagine the latter situation arising too often. Swamp Hags are expensive, and by the time you actually get an engine up and running that can play multiple in a turn, the benefit of cursing your opponent will have dwindled (though it could still be valuable). However, I imagine this card will do pretty well against engines with weak trashing. Also, this card will probably still be relevant any time it's the only curser on the board.

As for Hireling, I'm not sure I see the point. It's marginally more consistent than Lab, but generally I imagine that spending that $6 hand on 1 or 2 cheaper engine components to make your deck more reliable will be better than buying a Hireling. It seems pretty good with TR/KC, though no longer having those cards in your deck could really hurt you. I mean, at the end of the day, it is a Lab variant, and in the absence of better Lab variants it could still be really useful, but it definitely seems to be among the weaker of its class.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Transmogrify
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:00:07 am »
Hmm, this is a serious conundrum, actually, isn't it. I agree that, the way Transmogrify is phrased, as a sequence (1) gain something and then (2) put the gained thing in your hand, Transmogrify should lose track of Border Village and not put it in hand. So is this the correct interpretation? Or should Transmogrify actually be interpreted in the same way as Explorer's "gain a Silver, putting it in your hand" after all, as a redirected gain with no visiting? I think we might need Donald to clarify this one.

I am not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure the intent is no visiting. The gained card should go right to your hand. Admittedly it could be phrased better on the card.

Is there any reason we think this might not be correct? The no-visiting rule seems pretty clear on this point, the way I'm reading it. It is confusing, though.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Sage jokes!
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:17:20 pm »
Sage crossed 10 bridges, nothing can stop him now!

This one's my favorite so far.

Magpie looks extremely powerful. At first glance it looks like the money-equivalent of Herald, but since you start with 7 Treasure cards it seems like it would be much better early. It also seems excellent in engines because it can clear out treasures that might otherwise clog your deck, though in super-thin treasureless decks I imagine it's pretty useless. As a cantrip it's rarely incredibly dangerous to have in your deck, though, so it may still be useful early on even if it may eventually become useless once your deck has been trashed down. Either way, I think Magpie is going to be a very popular opener, but we'll see.

I'm not sure about Lost City. I like the concept, but it's hard to say how it will play. It obviously invites comparison to the other cards that let your opponent draw (Soothsayer, Council Room, and maybe Governor; I think that's all?). In general, you buy these cards when you need them, largely regardless of how much the draw helps your opponent. Obviously, they encourage finding a method to counter the draw (discard attacks, Possession) as well as looking for other ways to construct an engine, but at the end of the day, if you need a Council Room for draw, you get the Council Room. Lost City may behave similarly (you get it when you need a village and handsize increasers and there's no safer way to get it), but there is one key difference: your opponent gets the benefit before you. Increasing your opponents handsize by 1 hurts, but it's severely offset if you're also drawing 4 cards this turn. With Lost City, you're giving your opponent an advantage on his next turn while giving yourself no benefit until your Lost City comes up next shuffle. However, you get the benefit of Lost City throughout the game while your opponent only enjoys the benefit for one turn (though keep in mind that early turns are often the most important). For that reason, I see Lost City benefiting from long games. Also, it goes without saying that you should not fall into the same traps that many players do with Cities. If you have very few terminal actions and your Lost Cities are just Labs with an on-gain penalty, then you're probably using them wrong. Overall I really like Lost City; I think it'll be fun to see how good it turns out to be.

I really don't know much about Hero. It seems pretty good on-play, but deciding just how good it is will depend on how good the other cards in the Traveller sequence are (I'm assuming the Traveller card type just refers to the cards in that sequence). Presumably the Warrior card is incredibly powerful (it's a neat mechanic, so I assume Donald would do it justice), so I think there's a good chance that these cards are going to be worth pursuing. I am curious why it costs $5, though. Obviously it makes a difference with TfB and other cost-caring cards, but in the case of Spoils, Prizes, and such, they didn't seem to care, so I'm wondering if there's some other reason Donald wanted it to cost $5. Oh well. Looks interesting, anyhow.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Storyteller
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:59:29 pm »
So... no clarification on Storyteller/Venture?

You play up to 3 Treasure cards from your hand, but there is no artificial limit on the number of treasures you can play as a result of this card. Venture is a Treasure card and thus you can play it from your hand with this card. Once you play it, you have to resolve all of Venture before you continue resolving Storyteller. Venture digs up another Treasure and then plays it, thus adding to your money count, thus adding to the draw on your Storyteller.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Strictly better than....
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:55:27 pm »
You'd need to ignore name-caring cards, too. Worker's Village is strictly better in hand than Village almost all of the time, but not if the other 4 cards in your hand are Menagerie, Worker's Village, Copper, and Estate.

Game Reports / Highway+Merchant Guild is pretty good
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:38:00 am »

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Develop, Fishing Village, Lookout, Oasis, Philosopher's Stone, Spice Merchant, Highway, Merchant Guild, Farmland

I'd never seen Highway+Merchant Guild before, but I noticed its megaturn potential immediately, and with Lookout and Spice Merchant for trashing and Fishing Village for actions it seemed like a no-brainer. I probably played it pretty sub-optimally (I ended the game with 28 coin tokens), but it was a lot of fun to play and I won by a handsome margin.

I'm curious, though, is there really anything I could have done about the ridiculous number of coin tokens I was generating? The 3 Merchant Guilds were all pretty necessary for the +Buy and it doesn't seem like there was anything else to be spending them on, but it just doesn't seem optimal to end with 28 coin tokens. Not that optimal play matters a whole lot when you have that much of a lead, but I still prefer to play as efficiently as possible. Thoughts?

Rules Questions / Re: Inn + Watchtower top-deck reveal
« on: March 10, 2015, 05:42:14 am »
Yeah, it's weird, but if you are so remiss as to alter the order of your discard pile while looking through it, then you would definitely lose track of the Inn. Much like how if you discard your Potion before your Alchemists you don't get to top-deck them. Neither of these would ever be a problem on Goko, and are unlikely to happen in real life, but technically that is the rule.

Nice. Don't remember the details, but I once won a game by 2 points by buying 6 Curses in a single turn to end the game. Dominion can be a silly game.

Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Signups
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:18:13 pm »
Bottom Division

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