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Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: June 27, 2022, 11:20:10 pm »
So I am confused.  What is the AI tasked to do?  Make better dominion cards?  Does it just decide the unchanged cards are good as is?  And how and when does it decide to create a new card?  Was it tasked to make a certain # of cards or just as many as it saw fit?
The various GPT AIs do variations of the same thing - they read in a huge amount of text, "learn" what kinds of patterns appear in the text, and produce something that matches those patterns. So it's picked up that, for example, Dominion cards tend to be written in a form like:
Then it's also picked up on what kinds of things show up in the text of a card, e.g. "You may [DO A THING]. If you do, [GET A BONUS]." Depending on how the model was trained and tuned, it might even notice that there's a relationship between the presence of certain things in the card text and the cost, or that cards with the Attack type tend to reference other players, or other relationships. It can either generate the text completely freely, or you can give it a starting point (e.g. a card name) and it will try to guess what comes after that.

The AI doesn't know anything about the rules of Dominion, or about what makes a good or bad card. It's generally up to the person running the program to say "Give me 100 pieces of text" and then filter through them for good, bad or interesting results.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: February 21, 2022, 05:11:50 pm »

(my partner came up with this one)
I like that the meme has been left free to insert any number of cards. My brain immediately went to things with Debt cost.

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: September 01, 2021, 07:13:49 pm »
Apparently the status is "strongly conjectured, still not proven".

I think it should have that wording back in just to make it explicit. I don't think it's a good idea to rely on an FAQ for fanmade cards to work properly.
That's reasonable. I'll edit the wording to make it properly accountable.

Escort - $4
Action - Duration
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. Put a coin token on here for each $ it cost.
At the start of your turn, you may remove one coin token from here to discard your hand and draw 5 cards.

Is this a paid-for Guide? Yep! Could it be done as a mat with tokens as well? Sure it could! Has it been done in a previous WDC? Probably, I've been skimming them for a while now. Is it priced right? Almost certainly not!

I think this needs "while any remain" for the second part. As worded, it stays in play forever even when you've run out of tokens, as it still gives you the choice every turn even though it's meaningless.
I originally had that in the wording of the card, but it looked like it was going to make the text smaller than I'd like so I was going to have it as a side ruling that you discard it in Clean-up when there are no tokens left. If people think that it should be in the card text then I'm fine adding it back in.

It would be completely different with a mat. The card wouldn't be a duration and would cycle and let you trash junk coppers and curses much easier. By your design, as required by the contest, it stays out of your deck for a while.

A version using a mat with tokens would also let you accumulate tokens with just one copy of this card. As a card, you can't gain more tokens until you've used up the tokens. If you want to accumulate more tokens, you'd need to buy a second copy
Both very true points. I agree that a mat version would play differently (and would additionally open up options for having multiple cards that provided guide tokens or whatever they'd be called), but the fundamental idea would be the same. I'm still happy with this as my entry either way.

Escort - $4
Action - Duration
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. Put a coin token on here for each $ it cost.
At the start of your turn, you may remove one coin token from here to discard your hand and draw 5 cards.

Is this a paid-for Guide? Yep! Could it be done as a mat with tokens as well? Sure it could! Has it been done in a previous WDC? Probably, I've been skimming them for a while now. Is it priced right? Almost certainly not!

Updated wording:
Escort - $4
Action - Duration
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. Put a coin token on here for each $ it cost.
At the start of your turn, if there are any coin tokens on here you may remove one to discard your hand and draw 5 cards.
(This stays in play as long as there are coin tokens on it.)

Yeah you seem to be thinking of "looking at future turns" to include specific information that humans couldn't use, such as "what card gets revealed after I play Wishing Well"... but that's not the case. It's "looking at future turns" as in running simulations of a bunch of different possible future turns, and choosin the action which has the best percent of futures that work out. So it could run 100 simulations on what happens if you choose "Copper" for wishing well and see that 50 of those end up with a good position. Then run 100 simulations on what happens if you choose "Silver" and see that 75 of those end up in a good position. It doesn't just "look" at the next turn to see what will happen in that turn.

Could you expound on this a bit? How does it run simulations on possible future turns without considering the current game state, which includes the order of its deck?
The way I would do it is to not let the AI have access to any game state information that a player in the same position would not have - possibly by giving it its own game state data that it keeps track of. So it might know that the top card of its deck is a Copper because it was left there from a previous Wishing Well play, but it won't know whether the card under that is an Estate or another Copper because there are copies of both in the deck. When it "looks ahead", it would use its own knowledge about the deck contents and draw randomly from those.

Assuming it's been made "right" (for some value of right), it would presumably build a prediction of what card it could be wishing for, how likely that card is to show up, and what it can do after that. So it wouldn't necessarily name the most likely card but instead the one that gives the best overall results when it wishes for it (which might well be balancing the pros and cons of "what happens if I wish right" and "what happens if I wish wrong" just like a good human player would do).

Rules Questions / Re: Duration draw with no draw
« on: April 20, 2021, 07:54:50 pm »
I think of it as a question of scope - effects can "know" about things in their scope, and can't know about things out of them, and so anything that touches on that space has to behave more conservatively.

Gear's scope includes the cards it set aside, because it's responsible for those. If there are none, it knows it can let itself be discarded during Clean-up. Caravan's scope doesn't include your deck, so it's unable to tell whether there's any possible combination of cards, effects, or whatever that may suddenly mean that you'll have a card to draw next turn, and so it has to hang around to check.

It's kind of like the whole "Prince can't find its set-aside card" thing - Prince's scope is just its own set aside card, and when it plays the card it gives it a tag to say "this is my card, it gets set aside again later", but pretty much anything happening to that card causes the tag to get removed and so Prince can't find the card again even if you, the player, can 100% guarantee that it's the same card.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #112: Steal the Show
« on: April 19, 2021, 11:24:14 pm »
Ha, that's up to you decide. I put that on there in case someone had a crazy idea, without thinking through what it actually meant. I'll remove the line from the OP, but anyone is welcome to try and answer the question, "How can one steal a turn?"
Maybe something more like Possession, but without all the reasons why Possession wouldn't count for this contest?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: April 13, 2021, 07:35:25 pm »

Is there a translator's note to go with this?

Rules Questions / Re: Sewers & Priest
« on: March 29, 2021, 10:07:52 pm »
As the wiki says, you don't get the coins from it, because something like this happens:

> You play Priest.
>> You get +$2.
>> You trash a card from your hand.
>>> Sewer triggers, and you may trash another card from your hand.
>> For the rest of the turn, you get +$2 when you trash cards.

Sewer happens in response to Priest's trashing, which happens before Priest sets up its rest-of-turn effect.

If, instead, Priest had a dividing line and "While this is in play, when you trash a card ..." then it wouldn't be an issue.

Rules Questions / Re: Discard-Timing from Village Green
« on: March 11, 2021, 05:06:42 pm »
Yes. In fact, if you choose to get the effect now, you will both draw a card and get +2 Actions, but those will disappear at the end of your opponent's turn so you will probably not get to do anything with them.

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: February 23, 2021, 05:15:01 pm »
In my mind, "f(x)" is shorthand for "f is a function whose inputs can be considered as a single object (probably a real number), which we will represent with x for now". That way, when I write "f(x) = O(x^2)", then I can read that as "the function f, when you look at large values of its input x, behaves similarly to the function that maps x to its square".

It may be true that mathematics is formalised with sets, but it is written in shortcuts and abbreviations and notations that are designed to communicate an idea, and much of the point of formalism is to ensure that the ideas behind those shortcuts are valid without needing to always explicitly state everything. It's the same shorthand that means that x and y are usually real numbers, z is typically complex if not combined with other pronumerals, i,j,k,m,n are integers, and most lower case Greek letters are probably representing angles.

With that understanding, I can write something like f(x^2) = O(ln(g(x)) and you can understand the general idea of what I'm trying to communicate, but without it I would need to do something like:

Let F: R -> R be a function such that F(x) = f(x^2), and let G: R -> R be a function such that G(x) = ln(g(x)). Then F = O(G).

And sure that's more accurate, but it doesn't actually convey any information that isn't at least implied in the original statement.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 08, 2021, 06:41:11 pm »
Project - $5
Once per turn, when you play an Action card, you may first play the set aside card.
Setup: Set aside an extra Kingdom card costing $3 or less.

Is the fact that this can set aside Treasures or Nights intended?
Also, what happens if the set aside card is a Victory card?
On another note, it should say "you may first play the set aside card, leaving it there.
Yeah, as soon as I walked away I realised I needed to fix both those things. I've updated the wording in the original post:

Project - $5
Once per turn, when you play an Action card, you may first play the set aside card, leaving it there.
Setup: Set aside an extra Action Kingdom card costing $3 or less.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 08, 2021, 05:05:04 pm »
Project - $5
Once per turn, when you play an Action card, you may first play the set aside card, leaving it there.
Setup: Set aside an extra Action Kingdom card costing $3 or less.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 02, 2021, 05:15:35 pm »
What if, instead of a cat, the pet shop only has a blue dog?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 02, 2021, 01:01:13 am »
What if one of the decisions is "Name a card"? We know that technically the named card doesn't have to be a Dominion card, but do you just include "Ace of Spades" as a single option with equal probability to all named Dominion cards, or do you have to have a list of all cards that exist in any form - including "Autographed 1948 Yogi Berra Rookie card" and "The Christmas card I received back in 2014 from a family my parents used to be friends with and who send a card every year with a newsletter of their grandchildren's accomplishments"?

Other Games / Re: Pandemic Legacy (probably will have spoilers)
« on: December 07, 2020, 01:10:53 am »
Yes, that would be right.

Other Games / Re: Pandemic Legacy (probably will have spoilers)
« on: December 06, 2020, 05:13:53 pm »
We did an extremely similar trick in one of our games, probably around July as well. It was even the card that we threw in just because we'd had a pretty good run and so our funding was so high we already put all our "must have" Event cards in the deck and decided to throw that one in just for funsies.

Rules Questions / Re: cost reduction
« on: December 01, 2020, 09:53:36 pm »
I'm pretty sure the answer is yes - per the rules for Ways, text that is below the line on cards that are used for Ways remains in effect, and per the rules for Way of the Mouse, since the set-aside card is a Duration the Highway has to stay out as long as the Lighthouse would.

Thinning your deck is definitely trick #1 for graduating from n00bness. Your starting deck is rubbish, you want to use it to get better cards then get rid of it.

Trick #2 is focusing on the endgame - you win by having the most points when the game ends; or, as people will point out - by ending the game at a point where you have more points than the other players. Which means that (1) a cool engine that can't avoid Victory cards is not as good as a simple setup that buys you a Province every turn; (2) if two piles are empty then you should start looking at whether you can quickly empty a third pile while grabbing just enough points to be ahead of everyone else.

Other Games / Re: New Paper Mario announced!
« on: July 23, 2020, 10:24:14 pm »
I've just finished the first main area, and it's been fine so far - a little bit too much running around getting to the next thing (or back to older areas to look for hidden things), but the combat is interesting. You have a small timed puzzle to try to arrange the enemies into particular formations, and if you did the puzzle right then the combat step is often just a one-hit kill. The boss battles use the same general system, but the puzzle becomes about arranging yourself to get into position to hit them (and often to avoid being in range of their attacks), and I think I like them a bit better than the plain mook battles.

Rules Questions / Re: Multiple reaction
« on: July 17, 2020, 12:02:21 am »
From the Wiki:

Whenever an effect involves more than one player, that effect is resolved in turn order, starting with the player whose turn it is. For example, if someone plays Duchess, they first look at the top card of their own deck and decide what to do with it, then the player to their left, and so on. In practice, most effects (like Duchess's) can be resolved simultaneously, but there are some instances where it would behoove players to slow down and adhere strictly to this rule, such as when certain Attacks are played. For example, when playing Scrying Pool, a player may make a different decision as to whether or not to keep their revealed card if they can see the other players' cards.

By my reading, that means that when you gain the Mill, Aki has the first "right of reply" in terms of reacting, and plays her Falconer. Once she gains the Black Cat, it's still her turn to react to you gaining the Mill, so she can now play the Black Cat from her hand, handing out the last two Curses.

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