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Messages - Co0kieL0rd

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: How often do you buy new Base Cards
« on: April 01, 2024, 07:29:23 am »
I sleeve all my cards, in order to hopefully never need to replace them. I've been playing Dominion physically roughly twice a month for seven years, and only occasionally had to replace a single broken sleeve.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: * Plunder Previews #5: More Stuff *
« on: December 16, 2022, 12:00:03 pm »
New cursing attack: Buy a Curse with a Watchtower in hand in a game with Shaman ...
Do it in the opening with an Inherited Watchtower.

Moving it somewhere it doesn't expect to be on-gain?
And in fact you can manage that turn 2 with 3 Coppers.
Transport. Necropolis. Although none of these refer to the stop-moving-rule.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is Library a sifter?
« on: October 01, 2020, 03:46:35 am »
It's the opposite of a sifter, it lets you skip good cards to find your bad cards.
Depends on what deck you're building, and the presence of splitters.

Even if you're building a bad deck, Library still doesn't skip Victory cards and Curses. Trying to build a draw-to-x-engine on the basis of Library sounds like a big mistake.

It doesn't feel like a sifter to me because you have so little control. And the term "digger" is like "tutor" to me, which isn't what Library does either.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Characters
« on: October 01, 2020, 03:34:22 am »
The non-joke answer is Conclave.

The joke answer is Sauna.

... because hottest. Get it?     Moat 
I mean... what about Kiln though?

But it's about the hottest character and there's probably a really hot character in the Sauna, but not in the Kiln.

If your standard for "hot" is satisfied by a person being nude, then your assumption makes sense. Otherwise, there's no reason to assume that people inside a sauna are any more sexually attractive than elsewhere.

I'm afraid you've missed the joke.

Oh no!  :-\

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Characters
« on: September 27, 2020, 10:08:16 am »
The non-joke answer is Conclave.

The joke answer is Sauna.

... because hottest. Get it?     Moat 
I mean... what about Kiln though?

But it's about the hottest character and there's probably a really hot character in the Sauna, but not in the Kiln.

If your standard for "hot" is satisfied by a person being nude, then your assumption makes sense. Otherwise, there's no reason to assume that people inside a sauna are any more sexually attractive than elsewhere.

My personal favorite for hottest/cutest character is Merchant.

Jeez, I do NOT want to play this kingdom, at all!

Dominion Articles / Re: Populate - Gladiator/Fortune Interaction
« on: June 04, 2020, 08:06:39 am »
I think in many cases I'd rather pay an extra $6 (which is the difference between the total costs of Fortune and Populate) to gain a Fortune than be forced to take my Fortune together with a bunch of other cards that potentially hurt my deck, and especially the average coin value of my Fortune! I say this is a nombo. You need a good reason to go for Populate, and saving $6 on Fortune isn't one.

Typically, you need several small reasons that add up to it being worth it overall. Saving $6 on Fortune is one.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I think we're both technically correct.

Dominion Articles / Re: Populate - Gladiator/Fortune Interaction
« on: June 04, 2020, 07:24:14 am »
I think in many cases I'd rather pay an extra $6 (which is the difference between the total costs of Fortune and Populate) to gain a Fortune than be forced to take my Fortune together with a bunch of other cards that potentially hurt my deck, and especially the average coin value of my Fortune! I say this is a nombo. You need a good reason to go for Populate, and saving $6 on Fortune isn't one.

It's mind-boggling to me that some people actually rated Seize the Day lower than 8, let alone 3! I can't even imagine a game where you don't buy this so that's a solid 10/10 for me, and I thought basically everyone would agree on that.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Getting cards
« on: March 06, 2020, 11:28:55 am »
You get 10 cards in your deck at the start of the game.

Damn socialists.  In my day, you had to earn your starting cards!

Make a Dominion mod where everyone starts with 0 cards.  Your opening buy choices are Copper or Curse.

Edit: Or whatever with Adventures possibilities.

I'll use my Baker token to buy a Poor House, then buy a Tournament, then a Baker, then two more Bakers, then a Province, and get Followers.

Is this how people become famous on Twitter?

Btw, I've returned to this forum for the previews but stayed here for the puns (and weird card algebra. Is that a thing now?)

Even if you don't want all cards from Populate, it has some extreme potential synergies (don't know how many of these will actually be good in a given game, though): gardens, vineyards, and philosopher's stone come to mind. Like mxdata said, watchtower in hand is actually really good, too.

Buy Populate, then buy Commerce. Enjoy your 10 Golds (that you probably don't want in a deck that can make and just got 10 new action cards).

Twist: The game also has Tomb, and you have a Watchtower in hand. Good-bye 10 Gold! Hello 10 VP!

When you trash something with Watchtower, you still gained it first.  So you could Populate, trash all 10 actions, then Commerce and trash all 10 golds.  Goodbye 10 actions AND 10 Gold!  Hello 20 VP!

Except that that would require Tomb + Commerce + Populate, three different landscape cards

That's technically not a rule, just a recommendation by Donald.

I want to play a game with every Way, every Project, every Event, and every Landmark.

That game would be chaos coming from every which Way.

The time when Way puns stop being funny is very far a-Way.

One of the great things about the Wiki and my Chrome extension is that in addition to showing you cards; they also show you the Way.

That shameless self-punotion.

So I'm wondering if there will be a Way that's simply +1 card, +1 action. On one hand, it's almost obvious. On he other hand, it's boring.

I don't know if we're talking about the leaked way names? There's one that I would think would be that.

You mean Way of the Pig?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 1: 5 Cards
« on: March 02, 2020, 09:25:13 am »
I remember the point in time when you said, Dark Ages would be the last full expansion. Afterwards Guilds would be released as a small bonus but that was supposed to be it. Now, almost eight years later, the expansions keep coming and they are of constantly high quality. It's great you're continuing!

Now let's look at the cards; they look cute and interesting so far, and not too strong (I guess we'll see the new Recruiters and Scepters later).

Snowy Village has a huge drawback that makes it not very suitable for long control-oriented games (2 players, engines) but that's less of a problem in games with 3 to 4 players because you don't want more than 3 or 4 copies of Snowy Village in your deck anyway (arguably you need only 1 but you'd get some more for consistency). I'll buy most other villages over Snowy Village, even regular Village seems better unless there is no other source of +buy.

Sheepdog is very elegant in its design but offers a lot of cute tricks and synergies. A lot of them probably aren't worth spending your $ on. There's an opportunity cost associated with buying multiple copies of a card that can easily turn into a brick, unless you can combine it consistently.

Animal Fair is the closest to busted among the five cards revealed so far. Gaining a source of +$4 early is so strong that I'd consider many cheap action cards as "ramps" into gaining an Animal Fair: Chapel, Stonemason, Lackeys, Pawn and other cheap cantrips seem great as alternative prices to pay. Necropolis was already mentioned. Looters are a bit weaker with Animal Fair around but you still want to go for Marauder or Cultist usually. Finally, you may want to consider gaining a couple of free Duchesses to trash them later for Animal Fairs.

Kiln looks strong in money based strategies as it's easy to duplicate your Golds while also producing money (unlike Mint). If you can incorporate Kiln in a gain-and-play style engine, your deck will quickly burst with value. Good card with a lot of build-around potential.

Barge is simple and elegant but only mediocre when compared to other $5-cost cards. Obviously this cost-slot is large and full of powerhouses and they can't all be the strongest... you get the gist. Looking at the latest Qvist ranking, I'd put this right next to Embassy (rank 90), so in the lowest third of the list. I might be underestimating it but I think Barge's flexibility is usually only relevant when you are over-building your deck, and you should have a compelling reason to do so in the first place. In most other cases it's a Smithy with +buy and in general, you want such a card. But sources of +3 cards and +1 buy are both pretty abundant nowadays and often you'll find a better deal in a kingdom.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Co0kieL0rd's other cards
« on: February 10, 2018, 05:59:39 pm »
Sentinel appears to have disappeared from Imgur. Was this a deliberate removal? Seemed like a popular card.

That was intentional. When Sentry was published, I realized that it fulfilled basically the same role as Sentinel but in a much more elegant way. I wasn't happy with my card anymore, and see no reason for it to exist parallel to Sentry, so I removed it. I can re-upload the card if you're interested though.

Then you also gotta mention that almost all of the cards listed above can still be used for part of their effect at least. I see no problem in particular with Changeling, Fortune, Rats (it's even better when from the Black Market!), Knights, Idol, Sauna and Bustling Village.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The more I read the worse I get?
« on: January 08, 2018, 04:30:53 pm »
Definitely do not remove the respect system.  I won't disagree that jokes should be upvoted less and content upvoted more.  But that would essentially be censoring a certain format of speech, because you do not like the impact the speech has or what people are saying with it, and that should be against anyone's principles.

How would that be censoring? Anyone could still write whatever they like (as long as it doesn't violate the forum rules) with or without upvote system. The lack thereof, if anything, it would encourage people to write more quality content which is a good thing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: January 01, 2018, 10:57:16 am »
I heard that there will be a new promo for the German Dominion championship 2018. Do you already give details which kind of card we can expect?
This is the card for the winning province of Germany/Austria. I don't need to give them the card until there's a winner, which is more than a year away. I have not made a card. When the time comes it will be them announcing it.

Do you take suggestions which card you should make as a promotion? We could save you some work ^^

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Roots and Renewal
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:17:13 pm »
I want to have Night cards in Roots and Renewal, and I've finally come up with a few that seem novel enough to me to consider. Here are two ideas I'd like to try but first it's time for eager fan card enthusiasts to point out any issues with these cards I missed.


Pawnshop, <5>, Night
Remove up to <2> you have. Take a Coin token per <1> removed.
Setup: When a player buys a card, they take the <> from its pile.
Heirloom: Ancient Coin

Ancient Coin, $0, Treasure/Heirloom
$1. When you play this, add <2> to a Supply pile.

Something that came to my mind very early when thinking about things that can be done best in the Night phase is to pay off debt. Obviously there's no official card that does this (yet) because it would use mechanics from two different expansions (Empires and Nocturne). This even throws a third expansion in the mix by adding Coin tokens (Guilds). The Heirloom is there so that this card isn't worthless without other Supply cards that give debt.
My main concern with Pawnshop is it might be a little swingy if you don't line it up with your Ancient Coin and the next player gets to convert the debt tokens you placed with their Pawnshop. Actually the swing from 2 debt to 2 coin tokens is quite huge - better than having +$4! And there might be no way to balance it because if you're unlucky, it gives you literally nothing. It wouldn't change much in that regard if Pawnshop converted debt into +cards or VP, either. Is there a way to make converting debt during Night consistently useful?

Secret Plan, $5, Night/Reaction
Trash a card you have in play, to gain a card costing exactly $1 more to your hand.
When another player plays a Night card, you may first play this from your hand as if it were a copy of that card until it leaves play.

Secret Plan looks very strong compared to Cobbler and even Upgrade but it can't do all the things these do, not getting to use the gained card during your action phase being the biggest downside. The reaction, however, could turn this into a turbo Transmogrify at least, and interact very favorably with other Night cards. I don't think it's broken, though, and it looks like fun to me!
I realize the wording on this card could use some work.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How good is Goat?
« on: December 23, 2017, 06:05:46 pm »
Goat’s really good.

Would you say it's really goad?

I'm not arguing with the technical observations of Magic Lamp. Awaclus is certainly correct about those, but I strongly disagree with Magic Lamp being dumb.

Magic Lamp is one of my favourite cards in Nocturne. I love the minigame associated with it and had a blast every time I played with it. I can only remember one game where me and my opponent didn't activate our Lamps on consecutive turns.

I know it can be very swingy, as can a lot of other cards. But I'm of the opinion that the fun aspect of a card is an end in itself. I assume the majority of people are enjoying this card, too which is why Donald released it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Some heirloom ideas
« on: December 21, 2017, 06:14:51 pm »
Allowance - Treasure, Heirloom $0
If you have at least 2 Actions in play, you may trash this.  If you do, put a Prime token on a supply pile.  For each Prime token on a pile, cards from that pile cost $1 more.
The Prime token idea comes from someone else, but I don't remember who.  The only purpose of requiring 2 Actions in play is to delay the effect until around shuffle 3, by which point you can tell what strategies people are trying.
The Prime token idea is mine. I'm using it in my set Roots and Renewal ( and there aren't multiple Prime tokens, just one shared by all players.
If you'd like yours to be different, I ask you to change the name to avoid confusion. Otherwise, if you want to use my mechanic, please give me credit at least.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Roots and Renewal
« on: December 20, 2017, 06:56:02 pm »
Orphanage: This seems crazy! The on-play is already really strong and you get a free Silver? Topdecked as well? Crazy! Madness!
It’s not as crazy as you think. It decreases your hand size while only trashing one card, doesn’t thin your deck before the third shuffle (because it adds a Silver) and gives a weak bonus compared to other one-card trashers.

Reconvert: Crazy! This is so much better than Salvager, who needs that stupid +buy anyway? Seriously though, this is super powerful because of the versatility.
Not crazy! It’s one of my oldest cards and I rarely buy it nowadays because there’s usually something better available. It’s not even close to Apprentice in power level, using it as a splitter is dissatisfying, and I’m not even sure I’d buy this over Salvager in the opening.

I should probably elaborate on these a little more, you can probably tell where my concentration waxes and wanes depending on when I was writing.

Orphanage: The on-play is similar to Forager, but I'd say it's better. That's what Woodcutter and Monument are telling me anyway, and I guess VP chips stack better than +buy too, which is more important on a non-terminal card. The main thing Forager has over this is that it costs $3, so you can open 2 but wait this topdecks a Silver so you will often be able to open with 2 of these too. The main drawback of early trashers is the tempo loss, mainly that it's hard to hit $5 if you open with them (this is why Masq is so good, no tempo loss) but man that topdecked Silver is a massive boost to tempo! What 1 card trashers at similar price points are you comparing it too? I guess Spice Merchant is better, but that can't trash Estates and doesn't give you a free Silver. Masq is better but Masq is like top 5 crazy cards of all time. I don't think it's ruins the game crazy like Cultist is sometimes (ruins the game get it?). It's more Remake, Masquerade, Spice Merchant: "wow what a great trasher" crazy.

Reconvert: This is so much better than Salvager in the opening because of +2 cards, it's very difficult to make a card that trashes and draws and for it to not be crazy. Do you rarely buy it because there's something better, or because there's something you think is better? Apprentice is obscene so there is a lot of room for this to be crazy and not be close to Apprentice. Anyway, this has power and versatility in spades so it's crazy in my book.

You're probably right about Orphanage. Would it still be crazy if it couldn't trash Treasures? It would obviously still be a great opener but maybe not for two of them. It might also somewhat discourage you from cursing if the curser doesn't accelerate deck building, like Sea Hag.

Perhaps I'm actually underestimating Reconvert or the recent games with it also happened to include cards like Masquerade, Steward and Forager. Either way you still have to convince me it's too powerful at $4 because as I see it, it's not strictly better than any similar $4-cost card. Are you even saying it's imbalanced? If so, would it be balanced with an on-gain penalty like "topdeck a card" or "each other may trash a card from their hand"?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Roots and Renewal
« on: December 20, 2017, 03:35:31 am »
Okay I had it my mind that you had about 50 cards here but it's actually only about 20, which is much more reasonable to go through. I was probably getting confused between you and Asper because you're the Seasons guys.
Thank you very much for taking the time again to give me feedback! I wish I could give your post multiple likes for each phrase I enjoyed reading :D

Realm Tax: I like that this doesn't fall into the trap of giving +$1 per action in play, that would get ridiculous fast. I also like kingdom treasures that give some utility other than just money and this gives +1 buy which is nice. It seems like a strong card in an engine, Contraband without the restrictions, but you would prefer to buy it later, but then it'll be expensive later so you want to buy it sooner, but then it's just a Pouch which isn't great. I really like this actually. Only real nitpick is the name, because the card has nothing to with the Tax Event, but I can see the logic behind the name. This is a great start though!
This is an old card that predates even Adventures, and I never got around to changing its name. Although it’s a fitting name, still. Back in the day it used to trigger with 3 actions in play which was too good but with 4 in recent games I rarely got it activated. But then I’m not the best Dominion player and probably overbought this card often.
Did you notice it actually counts ALL actions in play, even those of other players? I used to think this was clever and unique but in practise nobody notices it until there’s another player’s duration in play and I’m like, “Oh, I almost forgot, again!” So I’m inclined to remove the counting actions of other players.

Refugees: The top is decent, I don't think there's a card in Dominion that let's you pick the same thing twice like this does so that's something unique. It seems fairly strong for a $2 cantrip actually, +2 actions can be powerful at the right moment. The bottom is interesting, I guess it makes it hard to gain a bunch of these but also means the pile is always empty after you get one, so you have to watch out for those 3 piles! I wonder if the Refugees could just start out in the trash instead of on the mat. Interaction with other cards should be rare (just Lurker and Necromancer right?) and removes the need for the mat. I suppose you've probably already thought of that though!
I haven’t thought about putting them in the trash but I suppose it would work with the same line of text. Even though in our test games on Tabletop simulator Refugees never actually sat on a mat but right next to the Supply, I wouldn’t mind removing the need for a mat rules-wise altogether. I’ll definitely try it!

Salesman: Woooo Prime token! I have no idea how strong the effect of moving the prime token is. Calling this is like playing a Highway, which is great but obviously balanced by this being a crummy terminal on the previous turn (or whenever you played it). Oh and I guess the point is that the Prime token is unaffected by the cost change so you can make something expensive and then call these and Remodel it into something big, or make it so your opponent can't make it cheaper with their Salesmen. My guess is that this can be nice on the right board, but is weak without support, which is a totally fine place for a $2 to be. Hard to say without playing with it.
There’s a newer version of Salesman that can be found two or three pages back. It has a more unique mechanic, other than the prime token itself, but it’s even more situational which is why I didn’t put it up as the ”official” version, yet.

Trapper/ Forest Hut: I'm not sure about this one, I think I would open 3 of these with the Forest Hut almost every time. It seems kinda similar to Urchin in that it's correct to open with them most of the time and then hope yours line up bettter than your opponents. I like that this costs $2 so Forest Hut can let you get more, but Forest Hut is a bit less exciting now that Heirlooms (Pouch mainly) are a thing. Also I assume that Forest Hut replaces the same shelter for each player? I wouldn't be thrilled if  I lost my Necropolis and my opponent lost their Hovel.
Before there were Heirlooms, Trapper was hot stuff! (Also it was named Poacher, then Tracker, briefly.) It’s still a good opener, but you have to get at least three which sometimes just isn’t an option, e.g. with powerful $5-cost cards around. If you didn’t open with Trappers, you will never buy any for the whole game.
Of course every player replaces the same Shelter. An unprinted update of Trapper simply uses a red band saying “Shelter: Forest Hut” and there’s a rulebook line in my mind saying it’s random each game but the same for all within that game.

Deposit: This seems quite strong, although I suppose it's hard to make a weak trasher. It trashes 2-3 cards on turn 3 or 4 and then becomes worse as you add more cards to your deck. I don't see the second ability being relevant all that often - apart from this trashing itself. I would guess this is slightly weaker than Steward, but pretty similar in terms of powerlevel and how it plays out (strong trasher that has another use later on). Oh wait it has a below the line - the second part seems more relevant now, I retract that statement. I would guess that 3 piles rarely happen in games with this still.
The effect below the line is the whole point of the card. The top part is just a way to interact with it. Balancing is less of an issue but I want this card to be fun. We’ll see about that.

Provisioner: A non-terminal draw to X thing that gets a bit better when piles empty. The novelty is a little bit lessened by Cursed Village, but this is an uncommon ability anyway so that's not too bad. Based on my experience with Cursed Village I'm going to assume that this is weak, at least until a pile empties. The on-gain is really nice though, so the card should probably be weak to compensate for that. Seems really nice on a $3/$4 open.
Cursed Village is strong, man! Very strong! That said, Provisioner isn’t, and that’s fine because its on-gain ability is powerful. It rewards you for good deck-building as it’s hight synergistic (like CV!).

Builder/Battlement: Builder's on-play effect seems fine, a mini Embassy. Weird that a card that says +4 cards on it doesn't increase your handsize. It seems on the weaker side of things, but I guess it's one of those things that is stronger when your deck is worse. I doubt Builder BM is ever a thing. I'm not sure on the whole Battlements thing though, you can only get them if your opponent plays an attack, which is already super swingy, especially with junkers and then the battlements can destroy discard attacks or if there's other stuff going on it can destroy the duration attacks too and then there's nothing to track the duration effect. I don't know, maybe it plays out differently to what I'm envisioning, you'll have to convince me on this one.
Yeah, I don’t know either. The original premise was a reaction card that trashes only trashing attack. Saboteur is gone now, it sucks with Warrior and backfire really hard with the War hex. So I changed it but this is probably too harsh. Builder and Battlement are on the brink of being scratched from the set if I can’t find a new and fun mechanic for them.

Mining Camp: This is a weird one. It reminds me of Leprechaun a bit, as a cheap Gold gainer with a penalty that's a bit random when you play it. Gaining a Ruins to hand and playing it is almost like a Boon, apart from that it junks you of course. This being a village is a bit weird at first, but I suppose that is to let you play the Ruin. I don't think the Gold gain has to stop when Ruins run out, I doubt that is too strong? I'd rather have a Silver than a Gold+Ruins a lot of the time so I doubt this is very strong. I have to say I do like the overpay on this though. It avoids the Counting House problem because it's on-gain, very nice.
Mining Camp has so many versions in consideration. If I had the time, I would test them all. You’re right, this is weak. You gotta really desperately want a Village to even buy this one. This is mainly about the Overpay effect and I can probably come up with a better top part for that.

Orphanage: This seems crazy! The on-play is already really strong and you get a free Silver? Topdecked as well? Crazy! Madness!
It’s not as crazy as you think. It decreases your hand size while only trashing one card, doesn’t thin your deck before the third shuffle (because it adds a Silver) and gives a weak bonus compared to other one-card trashers.

Reconvert: Crazy! This is so much better than Salvager, who needs that stupid +buy anyway? Seriously though, this is super powerful because of the versatility.
Not crazy! It’s one of my oldest cards and I rarely buy it nowadays because there’s usually something better available. It’s not even close to Apprentice in power level, using it as a splitter is dissatisfying, and I’m not even sure I’d buy this over Salvager in the opening.

Reeve: Ah, the $4 village with a marginal bonus, a true dominion classic. There's actually a bit of tricky play with the Estates on the opening turns, depending on whether you want to shuffle on turn 1 or not. That could be cool, I'd be very interested to play with that. I doubt you gain Estates with this very often, but I suppose just starting the game with 3 Action-Estates increases the value of a village. How does this interact with Inheritance? I assume you move the token and Estates become the inherited thing? I guess this marks the end of the crazy cards too.
Reeve is a blast! :D I stuck with simple top here because the Estate thing will still be crazy to some, despite Inheritance. And yes, you can only have your Estate token on one card at a time. Inheritance permanently moves it off Manor.
It’s funny how you perceive most of my cheap cards as crazy ^^ My more expensive cards are more reasonable, I assume?

Beachcomb: Hmmm can this lead to infinite combos? Oh can it not discard any Beachcombs, or just itself? I think that could be a bit clearer on the card. I guess it can't discard any Beachcombs because otherwise you can get infinite VP with Monument and Bustling Village or a +1 action token. Not sure I'm a fan of that ability in general though honestly, seems like a pain to track. The on-gain is weird too, I guess it's useful with mid-turn gaining or Horn of Plenty or something? Seems like the kind of thing tht would be better suited on a card that can trigger it itself.
This card exists because I wanted to try the bottom part and my set needed terminal draw badly. Discarding three cards from play might be overdoing it though. I might limit it to one and make the on-gain better to balance it out.

Benefit: Seems at it's best with a $2 cantrip on the board to pick up with a $5, or a good $3 and $4 card. It seems potent on the right board, but quite well balanced to me. I wonder if the reaction should exchange the gained card now that that's more of a thing? I suspect that if Trader was a new card in Nocturne it would exchange the gained card for a Silver.
One of my oldest cards that just always worked. Also my personal favourite. You got the gist of it pretty accurately. I will change the wording probably.

Building Crane: Did I already talk about this one, or was that a different version? $5 is steep for a one-shot, although it does make itself cheaper. This might be crazy with +buys?
There’s already a different Building Crane that tries to solve its problems in alpha stage. This just sits here as a placeholder, to be honest.

Juggler: This is odd, you'll return the Curse unless you need that $2 or have something else to do with the Curse. Keeping a Curse around to try and block opponents Juggler seems bad. It's weak next to Witch and Mountebank but I suppose they're pretty good so that's fine and there are tricks to do with this so it might be fun.
Old card, and well-tried. It’s outclassed by the attacks you mentioned but that’s no surprise. Apart from that it’s always relevant in a Kingdom and fun to play with.

Reparations: If you gain a card with this and empty a pile do you get +$2? The "at the time you play it" wording is confusing me. If you aren't supposed to then I'd switch around the abilities so the +$ ability is on top. This is weak until it starts giving money, but it's a gainer so it's going to have utility when that's a good thing to be doing. I like it apart from the confusion.
The “at the time you play it” clause is trying to avoid confusion but I guess it fails at that. The gaining part is on top to make it stronger; it triggers off itself if you empty a pile with it. Maybe that’s not worth the confusion. I could swap it around and give it another slight buff. If it even needs one…

Riverside: I used to live on a riverside, although it was in the middle of a city so it wasn't as nice as this one. I suppose you would have to do a calculation, but I guess in most kingdoms this will end up being 4VP without too much work.  I guess the Prime token movement isn't that strong then, because this is usually worth enough VP to justify the $6 cost?
This comment and the one on Shire made me chuckle. Not much to say about either. Riverside should really just be worth 1 VP per different cost not make it less swingy.

Chancellery: Very similar to Obelisk, but it makes the pile cost more, which is cool. Then in games with Prime token cards this becomes more tricky. Maybe you could have this in the setup of a Prime token card because that seems like the most interesting case for this, to make sure it's different enough from Obelisk. I can see why you wouldn't want to do that though and this is fine as is anyway.
I agree with your last sentiment.

In terms of an overall set I think it could do with another terminal draw card? We normally get about 2 per expansion I think, right? Not much terminal payload either actually, like your Wine Merchants and your Farmers Markets and your Sacred Groves and the like. There's a good number of villages and trashers though. Well there's a lot of stuff I like here, the cards seem pretty coherent with clear concepts for the most part. A few things I'm not convinced by and a couple that I think are crazy. Nocturne might have made a few a little redundant too, but nothing glaring there. I would love a Peddler variant too, everybody loves those! That was my main gripe with Nocturne, although I suppose 2nd edition base is now 50% Peddler variants so I guess we needed a break from that. Oh and this a tree card to justify the Roots and Renewal name. Err well there's my thoughts, hopefully you find them at least slightly useful! Feel free to tell me that I'm an idiot too, if I've just said a load of rubbish.
Thank you again!
Roots and Renewal is supposed to be large expansion which should have three terminal draw cards. Currently it has four that don’t discard: Refugees, Beachcomb, Juggler and Warlord but Beachcomb is the only one that draws at least 3 cards AND is available from the start of the game. The set also has other draw, like Builder, Provisioner, Reconvert, Building Crane and Savior. Two of these might get switched out, though.
You’re right in that my set could use more payload cards, and I’m currently working on some. Caretaker is in alpha state and wants testing. More are on their way.
There’s still a lot of room for improvement. I’m very critical of my own cards and would rework them even more often if I had the time. Eventually, I want there to be 30 good, fun and balanced cards.

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