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Messages - MaxxLegend

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Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: August 09, 2014, 03:51:31 am »
Nel frattempo segnalo l'uscita di DEATH LAIR:

In sostanza i giocatori (da 1 a 4) concorrono tra loro in questo dungeon virtuale, dove ogni carta rappresenta una stanza. In ogni stanza ci può essere una creatura nemica o un qualche bonus. E' possibile rivaleggiare o cooperare con gli altri (ad esempio un giocatore può salvarne un altro morente e riscuotere lui la ricompensa) Chi muore può tornare come "spettro", e gli spettri possono remare contro gli altri giocatori vivi, tentando di far vincere le forze del male. Scopo ultimo è salvare la bellissima principessa intrappolata dal potentissimo drago (dove l'ho già sentita questa?!).

Il gioco è come al solito disponibile sulla baia in formato Print&Play a prezzo ridicolo (2.90 per il singolo gioco, 11.90 per il pacchetto da 6 giochi diversi). Come al solito ricordo che il prezzo è simbolico, e serve solo per non rendere disponibili i giochi a chi non è davvero interessato.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: July 30, 2014, 08:11:10 am »
Here's the latest addition to the series: Pirate Curse.

A game of dice & doublons featuring a very simple and immediate mechanic, plus a number of variants that can me mixed together to obtain several game modes. One of them has the "dead" players to return as pirate ghosts, playing on the side of the "curse".
The game includes also a second set of rules, totally different from the main game and in a "push your luck" style.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: July 18, 2014, 05:59:08 am »

Anyway I said I was going to stop making games, but.. I didn't.
So there are two new members of the family: Undercover Aliens and Crazy Golf.

All my SIX games are avaiable on Ebay or on direct request for a symbolic fee (just to cover the costs).
The games are available singularily or al together in a bundle.
If you want to try them, just contact me.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: June 16, 2014, 11:35:35 am »
My other creations, abailable on THE BAY:



Un gioco di avventura e mistero ricco di sorprese, per 2-4 giocatori.

-30 Stanze con passaggi segreti e trabocchetti
-4 Pedine colorate
-1 Guardiano degli Antichi
-2 Dadi a sei facce (uno bianco ed uno nero)
-2 Basi per le minicarte
-33 Minicarte speciali così suddivise:
         -3 Reliquie
         -10 Carte Tesoro:
         -19 Carte Trappola:
         -1 Libro

I giocatori impersonano un gruppo di avventurieri che si cala nel pericoloso Tempio Maledetto, con lo scopo di recuperare tesori e reliquie di inestimabile valore. Le leggende narrano di pericoli e trabocchetti mortali ad ogni angolo, di un potentissimo guardiano immortale ed una antica maledizione che rende il Tempio sempre diverso ogni volta che si tenta di esplorarlo, rendendo impossibile tracciarne una mappa. Una volta che i giocatori avranno superato le insidie e trovato le tre inestimabili reliquie nascoste, un antico meccanismo farà scattare la trappola più letale di tutte: il Tempio inizierà a crollare e gli avventurieri dovranno fuggire prima di venir sepolti o intrappolati dalle macerie. A questo punto l’avventura diventerà una corsa mozzafiato verso la salvezza dove gli avventurieri tenteranno di mettersi in salvo, ostacolandosi e rubandosi i tesori a vicenda durante la folle corsa verso l’uscita.

Dopo il grande, enorme successo dei giochi precedenti ecco la mia ultima creazione (in tutti i sensi credo). La vena creativa ormai ha raggiunto l'apice e difficilmente riuscirò a fare di meglio, quindi è giunta l'ora di appendere il dado al chiodo con questa che è la summa della mia produzione.
(Ok, ormai sono definitivamente impazzito).
Spionaggio, investigazione, hacking e decrittamento sono gli ingredienti di questo "caprolavoro" del gaming analogico, un kolossal epico-demenziale che fa leva sui cliché delle spy stories.


Un gioco di spionaggio, azione e mistero, per 2-4 giocatori.

-4 Tasselli della base segreta
-4 Pedine Agenti
-1 Megacomputer
-4 Documenti del codice segreto
-4 Schede di decodifica
-20 Carte oggetti
-20 Carte Arma
-14 Tessere password
-4 Megarobot
-1 Fascia Occhi Rossi

I giocatori impersonano un gruppo di agenti segretissimi che si introducono nella terribile base segreta del dottor Malvagius (tramite gli scarichi dei Wc) con lo scopo di recuperare alcuni microfilm della massima importanza, i quali potrebbero salvare il destino del mondo o distruggerlo. Apri le casseforti, trova le chiavi magnetiche e gli oggetti misteriosi, accedi al Megacomputer centrale tramite un ridicolo sistema di password e decifra il codice segreto con la tua scheda speciale. Solo così potrai individuare l'oggetto misterioso che contiene il microfilm, ma ti servirà deduzione, memoria e fortuna per ritrovarlo!
Il primo giocatore che riesce a fuggire con il microfilm attraverso le fogne (tirando la catena del proprio Wc) farà esplodere la base e vincerà la partita.. ma attenzione ai terribili robot guardiani ed agli altri agenti, che faranno di tutto per ostacolarti e derubarti!

Visto che la mia arte caprina è sin troppo avanti per i meri mortali (tzé) è ovvio che nessuna compagnia sana di mente possa voler finanziare la prodzione di questo gioco, quindi lo trovate come al solito sulla "baia" dei relitti, dove merita di essere.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 12, 2014, 03:28:17 pm »
Upon request, I'm adding an image of the printable version and one of the cards:

The Complete Printable Version is available to anyone that makes a donation HERE:

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 10, 2014, 01:37:24 pm »
The PROTOTYPE and the COMPLETE PRINTABLE versions are now ready for download, and the relative links have been sent to those who requested it.

If you are interested don't hesitate to ask for the prototype HERE:
Or get the complete printable edition making a donation HERE:

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 09, 2014, 07:21:14 pm »
Actually only the last post was written today. The other previous messages are just re-posting from another (non-english) forum.
I'm working on this game from quite a long time!
If you want the prototype version just contact me via mail, then you can evaluate and decide if you want to donate!

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 09, 2014, 06:45:37 pm »

Update on the project TEMPLE OF FIRE.
I have now finished the final rulesheet, optimized everything, sketched the cards and started making the game board. The people I contacted to help me in the project (an artist and a known game publisher) have been very interested in the project and in the prototype material, meaning my idea is valid, but suddenly I was not given more news. So, I would like to release the game as soon as possible, also to prevent that someone (by accident, of course) comes out with something very similar before me. Kickstarter is very tempting, but without having already hired (and paid for) a valid artist, a video maker and a marketing expert (spammer) I haven't any chance to emerge: it would be like a suicide, and I would end up with nothing in my hands.
I'm thinking about auto-produce the game and self-financing it, all by myself. So:

- THE PROTOTYPE VERSION will be free for anyone who requests to the email below. Includes the instructions and a guide about the material to be used (common objects) to put together a reduced but functional version of the game. It's freely redistributable as long as you don't modify the archive/files provided.

- THE COMPLETE PRINTABLE VERSION Includes the full colur pages to be printed, cut out and glued to obtain the full game. It contains also all the material of the previous version, and a photographic "Making of" showing the evolution of the game from concept to the final game. Designed, created and illustrated by myself, this version will be available to anyone who makes a donation to the project, in order to help financing the next version, namely:

- THE FINAL VERSION. It will be realized in collaboration with an artist/illustrator for the graphic part, and with a company specialized in creating games on commission. It will therefore be twice the size of the printable edition, it will have a real solid box, a large board, plastic coated cards, and other parts in different materials (plastic, glass, wood). In short, high-quality components.

-To request the PROTOTYPE click HERE:
-To donate with Paypal and reiceve the COMPLETE PRINTABLE VERSION just click HERE.

Both the PROTOTYPE and the PRINTABLE VERSION will be ready to be downloaded from tomorrow.
If you can, spread the voice to everyone that can be interested, thank you.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:02:20 pm »
Revealed the content list.
Coming soon the complete rules in PDF format.

All the above posts are just translated re-posts from another, non-english forum. The following one, instead, was written today.

Advertisements / Re: TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:59:13 pm »

Temple of Fire pays homage to the old and simple boardgames from the 80s, but it's a very modern game: catchy and immediate, fast, with simple rules and very easy to put together.

The players are a group of adventurers, sealed alive inside an ancient temple built over a huge pit of lava, while the floor starts to collapse.. which of them will be able to rebuild the legendary stone key, reach the crystal altar and escape from the temple holding the mysterious Gem of unspeakable powers?

It requires cold blood, simple basic strategy, memory and a bit of luck. The game has already been tested and calibrated, the interaction between players is definitely explosive: push opponents into the lava or make the floor cruble under their feet, steal the gem and escape to safety, chase whoever tries to flee.. all exciting mechanics taking place on an everchanging game board.

Advertisements / TEMPLE OF FIRE - 80's gaming is back?
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:13:50 pm »
Hi guys, my 80's boardgame fever has back.
After retrieving old gems as Ghost Castle, Magic Labyrinth, Scotland Yard, Cluedo, La Casa dei Fantasmi, Rattle Me Bones, Ludus, Tornado Rex, Shogun, Lionheart, 13 Dead End Drive, Curse of the Idol, Fireball Island and several others (I still miss Heroquest, damn!) I'm working on my own game "Indiana Jones style" that retains the charm of these glorious 80s games, but has also completely modern mechanics, fast, fun, innovative.

Currently it's just a prototype, but I'm creating a printable version to give to anyone who requests it, and another "prototype" version playable using common, easy to find components. Soon I will post the "official release"; in the meantime if anyone wants to give me a hand for the graphics is welcome!

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