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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: 4 provinces in 10 turns
« on: July 26, 2011, 05:58:34 am »
I managed to create a simple bot that averages 4 Provinces in <12 turns. It opens Quarry/Chapel, buys 1 more Quarry (Talisman proved a little slower) and goes on to empty the Grand Markets before going for the Provinces. I'm quite sure a human player can average close to 10 turns using this as a base strategy with some more help (Pawns, King's Courts, Bridge...)
In my example Talisman is not so much for gaining 2 Quarries, but mainly for gainig double GMs per turn. With additional KC+Bridge it gets ridiculous.

Game Reports / Re: Retrospective Board Analysis
« on: July 26, 2011, 04:21:22 am »
Just saw the game log, and the 10th card is Worker's Village, which is far from being unimportant here.

Game Reports / How would you play this setup?
« on: July 26, 2011, 02:53:29 am »
Inspired by Blooki's post I remembered a setup (also with Remake) I recently played in real life, and would really like to know how you would play it.
IMO this set of cards is like a huge mess of different and all incomplete strategy fragments:

Ghost Ship
Merchant Ship
Native Village
+ Colony
+ Platinum

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: 4 provinces in 10 turns
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:20:07 am »
With favorable shuffling, I feel a single Envoy may be able to do it.
This is too slow I think.

What works is a setup of Chapel, Talisman, Quarry and Grand Market - with good shuffle luck you're even better than Turn 10:

1/2 => buy Chapel / buy Talisman
3/4 => [Chxxxx] trash 4x junk / [Tcccx] buy Quarry, gain another one
5/6 => [QQTxx] buy GM, gain another one / [Chxxxx] trash 4x junk
7 => 2x GM > [QTChxx] > trash 2x junk > buy 3 GM, gain another 3
8 => 8x GM > buy 2x Province
9 => 8x GM > buy 2x Province

With Peddler available this is even better, since your QQT get you several of them in Turn 8 and 9.

Game Reports / Re: Retrospective Board Analysis
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:59:01 am »
This looks like a hardcore Remake setup, although I indeed think that Tournament is very strong here. Good trashing, no $5 power cards, warehouse as (not really necessary) support. Plus it supports Conspirator.

I would open Remake/Silver to Remake me up from Estates to Silvers, Menageries and some FVs to Tournaments and Conspirators (Silvers for buying power and then for more remade Conspirators and some Tournaments).

In principle my #1 priority would be a practically money-less deck of Conspirators/FVs and maybe one or two Harvests if there are spare actions. Then I would aim towards winning like two tournaments (Followers for destruction, Princess for +buy), especially because it could be critical for your engine if the opponents wins them all.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Sets to combat groupthink
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:45:26 am »
Is there board on which the NV-Bridge combo is bad?

I just played a game where that strategy almost ran out of time against Workshop-Gardens.

(I'm embarrassed to admit that both of the previous two times I played a Native Village-Bridge game, opponent fully exploited it before I had any idea what was going on. First time is one thing, but the second was inexcusable.)

(Longtime reader, first-time poster here.)
Basically, NV/Bridge is only really good if you're the only one going for it.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Double Tactician
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:00:02 am »
I've PLAYED a game where I did this. And lost. Actually every game I've seen this happen, the guy who did it lost. A little weird.
I do not find it even a little bit surprising that Golem doesn't combo well with multiple Tacticians.
Well, both cards shine in untrimmed decks, so they are good in similar situations.

Just get a single Smithy and money and forget about those Village chains. Without +buy there's no point in drawing the whole deck anyway.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Grand Market
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:21:07 pm »
1 and 2) Open Silver/Baron and draw them together with an estate on turn 3.

Rules Questions / Re: Buying vs Gaining
« on: July 10, 2011, 01:54:24 pm »
What's interesting is that in German it is written in the rules that the difference between buying and gaining is that buying happens in the buy phase and gaining happens in the action phase. Which is wrong obviously...

Usually it doesn't matter, but it might cause confusions with some Prosperity cards.

First game - Don't buy village style cards if you don't need them, just use a couple of actions and take the odd loss if they clash. You also got into a mess with the hoard even though you might not have realised it. Get platinum or good drawing cards first so that you'll use the hoards to buy colonies and provinces. Buying an early hoard then buying a duchy to get an extra gold is poor, worse than buying a gold then a gold.
I see no reason not to go for Minions here, so opening Chancellor/Mining Village is actually fine (with the intention to trash MV for +2$ to get a Minion early). Since it's a Colony game, you want Platinum and maybe even 1-2 Gold, and propably some Village/Council Room support at some point, but without trashing Minion is still too good to ignore.

Dominion Articles / Re: Conspirator
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:57:42 am »
Conspirator is a card that can be near-to-useless or absolutely insane. Integrated in a Worker Village/Carddraw engine, it's basically a Grand Market....

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you play this?
« on: July 05, 2011, 04:58:11 am »
Hmm... could really be true that University => Torturer => Goons is a bit too slow for single Torturer/Big Money (incl. Hoard)...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you play this?
« on: July 05, 2011, 04:26:03 am »
I'd open Silver/Potion (or even Chancellor/Potion to accerlate) to go University/Torturer and then heavy Goons/Peddler, basically trying to end it on piles with a significant VP token lead. I see no point in going green here. Since most of my money will be based on +$ Tactician (like 1-2) sounds like a good idea too.

On BSW I hate Golem, since it leads to endless turns.

In general I dislike cards that push the luck element of the game, like Swindler or such.

About Tournament... well, on the one hand its problem is that it often greatly benefits the player who already has a small lead anyway (and thus virtually desides the game in some cases), but on the other hand it's just a hell lot of fun.

Don't have a problem with possession though. It's game changing and brings a whole new element in, but that's fine for me. The only issue is that it might lead to really broke games when all players follow the strategy to just play with the opponent's deck and just go for green+cycling for their own one... but that's really rarely the case.

Since there is no trashing card, I see two ways to go, and I'd probably decide depending on the opening:
4/3 => Potion/Silver for an Alchemist deck with like 2 Markets for +buys
5/2 => probably Council Room/nothing to go for Big Money with Gold and Ventures.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 23, 2011, 08:14:54 am »
That's what I thought, ty.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 23, 2011, 06:12:54 am »
Have you considered some sort of black list (maybe just open for this forum) for impolite/disrispectful/offensive players?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Achievement Unlocked
« on: June 21, 2011, 02:33:17 am »
Is there a list or something with all the possible achievements?

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