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Author Topic: Weekly Design Contests #1 - #100  (Read 1602623 times)

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3125 on: August 12, 2019, 11:27:27 am »

The time has come.

Durations are a design space with lots of cool potential, so I felt some good, balanced ones that would do something very different were possible. These contests have already produced some, but I guessed the current big news in Dominion called for more. I allowed complexity and new mechanics to make more space and because some promos do it, but...with that comes a difficulty; not knowing without playtesting if they're balanced. My conclusions and opinions here might prove to be well off in reality.

Commodity (spineflu)
Treasure Duration, $5 cost.
If you have a Commodity in play, increase the Market Demand track one step. Worth $1 +$ equal to the value on the Market Demand track. At the start of your next turn: +$1. When you discard this from play, lower the Market Demand track one step.
Market Demand mat: put a coin token on the rightmost space. Move it to the left one space when an effect lowers it once, one right when increased once. (2 3s, then 2 2s, 2 1s, then 0.)
As soon as you play a Commodity there's one in play, so the track always goes up 1. Do you mean 'another'? 'A Commodity' maintains a constant $4 on first turn unless 3 are discarded before another play. 'Another' will maintain a constant if 2 or 4 are constantly rotated, but another player with just one can lower the track. I'll assume 'another' is meant as that's the better design. The Demand will gradually be lowered toward 0 as the game progresses, but the interactivity between players affects how. It's decent and mildly fun; is it worthwhile over Gold though? They both like a thin deck, and Gold will be the better money density.

Fishmonger (segura)
Action Duration, $5 cost.
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
At the start of each of your turns, if this is in play, +1 Buy and Action cards cost $1 less for the turn, but not less than $0. When any player (including you) puts a 6th Action into play, set this aside, then discard it during your next Clean-up.
The way to stop the duration effect tries to create a general incentive for everyone to make Action heavy decks to stop others getting it, but the effect encourages you to do that anyway. So generally it's a temporary Canal for Actions, then a Market Square.
There is something going for your premise of a duration with a stop trigger other than time, and to me that's the biggest interest here, but this I don't feel is the most effective execution.

Sacred Fire (grep)
Action Duration, $3 cost.
'You may trash a card'.
At the start of each of your turns, if this is in play, you may 'trash a card' for +$1. If you don't, discard this from play and gain a Curse.
Where are you trashing from? If you're following Cathedral I'll assume from hand. Cathedral works right away from next turn, but this can help build up instead. You not only get great trashing (especially when opening 2 of these and getting them turns 3 and 4) but can even hit $5 in the process. The exchange is a Curse or two typically after the first runs, which won't go if you try trashing them with more Fire. That's quite neat; but typically you stop playing it and end up with 2 dead cards, or get to trash the Curse on your last turn, which I worry isn't much of a setback for such power.

Bootlegger (mandioca15)
Action Duration, $5 cost.
Now and at the start of your next turn: reveal the top 3 cards of the Bootlegger deck and play one of them, leaving it there. At the end of your turns, move all cards revealed from the Bootlegger deck to the bottom.
Setup: make a Bootlegger deck out of unused non-Duration Action kingdom cards.
This fusion of mechanics makes for a very different card than Black Market or Captain, being a random yet unique effect each time. Said unique effect can be radically different played now or start of turn. I can see it being heaps of fun, but what kind of deck actually wants it? I think it needs a little bit of consistency added to it to have an established function.

Source (King Leon)
Action Duration, $4 cost.
At the start of each of your turns, you may rotate this 90° for +1 Action, +1 Buy or +$1. If it's upright after rotation, discard it.
Simple and effective consistency aid on a timer, the $ option always being useful. Nothing really bad to say about it, other than it may be better costing $3. It hardly hurts to add it to a deck, and would probably be a promo for its timing mechanic (tokens or rotation, however done).

Settlement (naitchman)
Night Duration, $7 cost.
If this is the first Settlement you've played this turn, and the previous turn wasn't yours, take another turn after this one and don't discard your cards from play this Clean-up.
It is very much like 'discard your hand, +5 cards, return to your Action phase and set number of Actions and Buys to 1' once per turn, though it also triggers start of turn effects. Outside of the latter part, is it actually a Duration? It's not tracking anything that happens later. Still, its biggest function is as 5-Card Scholar, though it can also let freshly gained cards be played. Restricting it to once per turn is probably sensible to keep safe from some pile-out strategies, but removing it might be more interesting overall. I do like it and it has a promo feel, but its loose Duration justification is a setback.

Veto (Fly-Eagles-Fly)
Action Duration, <4> cost.
+2 Cards
While this is in play, Vetos cost $1 more. When anyone plays a card costing $4 or less, you may discard this, to have them play that card as a different card costing at most the same from the Supply that they choose. It is that card until it leaves play.
A similar question of viability as a Duration card. I think this really wants to be a Reserve costing $4 or less, it would work so much better. It could well be a great card then.

Keyring (Commodore Chuckles)
Treasure Duration, $3 cost.
Choose one of the Locked piles. That pile is in the Supply while this is in play. Now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Buy and +$1.
Setup: set aside three extra piles as Locked piles.
It's unlocking a benefit to every player; is there enough self-benefit to justify buying it? There can be if you can choose a pile that you want and your opposition doesn't, or make things so only you can buy from it (like unlocking a $5 pile after an Attack). So it's a mildly strategic card, quite nice.

Trade Vessel (Fragasnap)
Action Duration Victory, $4 cost.
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Each player (including you) gets +1 Buy at the start of their next turn. At the start of your next turn, if any other player gained 2 or more cards during their last turn, +$1.
Worth 2VP if in play at the end of the game (otherwise 0).
The VP is the focal point here, the buys to everybody slightly pointing to emptying. It's rather dependent on opponents playing along; you can try to get lucky with making the last turn happen with several Vessels out, but if it fails, the odds of opponents finishing is lessened by your extra VP, so the game can lengthen. The early economy boost depends on the same kind of thing, hard to rely on. The result seems to be either a mirror game or a counter-the-first-Vessel-buyer one like with Gardens rush, if the VP is strong enough.
Certainly has the promo feel, but the interest as a player interaction card seems mediocre.

Reward (Gubump)
Treasure Duration, $4 cost.
+1 Buy
At the start of your next turn, +1 Buy and discard any number of cards for +$1 each.
You get Secret Chamber with a starting hand, so there's no handsize reduction from playing it. I can't find much else to say; I don't really like how the SC effect doesn't stack yet it's on a non-terminal, and it also seems weak for $4 (worse Ducat now, something between Artificer and Market Square next turn). I think my favourite of all your entries was the first one.

Charlatan (faust)
Action Attack Duration, $3 cost.
+1 Buy
Until your next turn, when another player buys a card, they choose a card they have in play and exchange it for a card costing at most the same as it with 'a different' type. If they didn't, they return the bought card to the Supply.
At the start of your next turn, gain a Silver to your hand.
'A different type' - does that mean no matching type or have at least one that the card to exchange doesn't have? So could a Marauder be exchanged for an Enchantress? Either way, generally speaking, Coppers will become Curses or engines will be damaged as with Swindler, kingdom depending; although Charlatans can always be swapped with Silvers and back again. So that Silver to hand kinda blocks an opposing Charlatan, as well as makes your deck less of an engine.
I quite like it as a 'fix to Swindler', being much softer and less annoying. It can make everyone, even if just one player buys a Charlatan, play a good-stuff kind of deck, and long term the Attack can become either not very significant or a tedious decision with lots of stuff in play. Will it be fun? I'm not too sure.

Customs (pubby)
Night Attack Duration, $4 cost.
Gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile. Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand reveals their hand and sets aside a card that you choose. At the start of your next turn, they put their set aside cards into their hand.
I made a very similar Attack for an earlier contest. It's a terminal Action, draws 3 cards next turn and no Spoils, and costs $5. I had to further nerf it after playtesting and discussion by looking at hands of exactly 5 cards (the 3 cards are a factor here though). Choosing their card to set aside is fun with thinking ahead to their next turn and quite new to the game, so I would like this, but decimating their immediate turn is so strong sometimes that I feel it needs more setback. Non-terminal and more stackable at $4 looks scary.
Man in Black (NoMoreFun)
Action Duration, $3 cost.
+1 Action
Gain a Curse; set it aside under this. While any cards are under this, at the start of each of your turns, put one of them into your hand, then discard this if none remain.
While this is in play, when you gain an Action, you may set it aside under this.
It wants to be permanent Cargo Ship for Actions for what will often be -1VP as the curse stays out of deck during its buildup. Replays gain more Curses, so get very early and keep it out right through the building stage. It'll be hard to get going with no initial economy boost, you'll likely have to immediately buy a cheap Action to get it going, but this seems like a neat balancing aid to the power you can get with it later on. A fun Cultist counter too. It is nice, though a very narrow and defined way of use can be frustrating when it doesn't work out.

Mine Worker (grrgrrgrr)
Action Duration Reaction, $5 cost.
Now and at the start of your next turn, you may choose one: trash a Victory from your hand and gain a card costing up to $3 more than it; or discard your hand for +5 Cards.
At the start of your turns, if you would get an effect from a Duration card, you may reveal this from your hand to instead get that effect next turn.
In games using this, when you start a turn with 3 or more Durations in play, you may gain a Duchy or 3 Estates.
This looks to be a crazy opening $5. In fact let's just isolate the top part; it can Expand two Estates in one play, later be a kind of Rebuild, with Guide option to line things up. Is that not $6+ worth? The Reaction is neat, I'll give you that, but on a toned down card I think it'll stand out more and be more open to interactions. And the global effect shouldn't be there to avoid making other Durations even stronger; attach it just to Mine Worker somehow. The overall pure Mine Worker strategy would need playtesting to check for speed, with and without a Village.
This is a promo loud and clear, but probably too centralising. 'Speed benchmark cards' like Governor and Rebuild add to the game if they're often beatable, take away from it if they aren't. I don't know this area well enough to give a good estimation here.

Wonder (Kudasai)
Night Duration, <8> cost.
At the start of each of your turns, if this is in play, add 2VP to this. The next time you shuffle, trash this and take the VP.
This is gained to your hand.
It opens up a new strategy, executed sensibly with debt and gain to hand so timing is easy and avoiding the debt-VP design clash by being a one-shot, and it has simplicity in its favour. KC-KC-Scheme-Scheme-payload-payload (just that in the deck) seems a much more likely infinite deck than those suggested that can get a wonder or two every turn, but hopefully KC and said payload in the game makes a Province deck more viable (and in a mirror the first player to set it up is bound to stay ahead). Really need to see playtesting to be sure of balance, but I'd love this to work.

Gift (majiponi)
Action Duration, $4 cost.
Set aside a card from your hand. At the start of your next turn, if it's an…
Action, gain and play a copy of it;
Treasure, gain a Gold;
Victory. +1VP.
Discard the set aside card.
The balance here looks good, the infinite VP potential is very slow as is the Gold gain rate for saving Coppers. Saving an Action now should be enough sacrifice to gain and play a copy. Simple and convincing with a bit of excitement, I like it.

Prisoner (4est)
Action Attack Duration, $5 cost.
Set aside an Action or Treasure (on this). Until your next turn, when another player plays a copy of it, they first discard a card. At the start of your next turn, play the set aside card.
Setting something aside to play next turn is weak, more so on a terminal, so it's mostly a consideration of whether or not the Attack will be worth it. Coppers will likely hit, but the Action phase will have passed so the potential damage is limited. Actions will need to be in a dud hand to be worth saving, which fair enough Prisoner will likely make happen as it gives nothing immediately.
In conclusion, it may work but at $4 or lower cost.

Armour (artless)
Treasure Duration Victory, $4 cost.
When another player plays an Attack cards, 'you may call this' to be unaffected by it.
It isn't a Duration, so doesn't qualify. It reads and plays like a Reserve (but even then not correctly).

Council Chamber (anordinaryman)
Action Duration, $5 cost.
Set aside a card other than Copper from your hand (on this). When a card from its pile is played while this is in play: if it's your turn, trash a card you have in play; if not, +1 Card.
(This stays in play.)
This scales awkwardly with player number, similarly to Road Network, so games can go faster with more Chambers out and more draw going on. Possibly the effect could be minor here though. The trash effect on your turns could either be one ability too many, or because it's forced be a balancing aid. I imagine setting aside a Silver will be very handy for possible cards and Copper trashing; this could narrow its most optimal uses down somewhat, and take interest away. Getting the right card in hand can be a fair bit of work and down to chance, yet if you increase the chance with draw and trashing you have less need for this.
It might be a nice card, but there are design risks holding it back a bit for me.

Future Sight (polot38)
Action Duration, $4 cost.
Put a +1 Card counter, a +1 Action counter and a +$1 counter on this. At the start of each of your turns, if any counters remain, remove up to 2 of them and get their bonuses.
The action and coin counters are worse than a Villager and Coffers respectively, less flexible, and the times you want to save a +Card token and not use it right away are few. Ghost Town and Fishing Village are comparisons worth $3 for the two-token starts you can do. So really weak, and Source is better.

Cultivate (alion8me)
Action Duration, $3 cost.
+1 Card
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Card and +$1.
It is quite narrow; if you somehow prepare your next hand with Victories in it, then you're getting not much more than Caravan Guard as what you draw would likely be in your hand in place of the Victory anyway. So it's better as an unprepared chance at a Fugitive+, not too fun strategically. I just think doing the discard now and next turn would be better, to define its role a bit more and let it be planned for this turn, even if it would be more expensive.

Shortlist: Source, Settlement, Keyring, Man in Black, Wonder, Gift.

Runner-up: Gift by majiponi
Winner: Wonder by Kudasai

There's potential in a lot of your designs, and they could all be made into something great. Wonder is exactly the kind of card I was hoping to see and at first glance appears balanced, so well done Kudasai!


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3126 on: August 12, 2019, 11:48:06 am »

Commodity (spineflu)
Treasure Duration, $5 cost.
If you have a Commodity in play, increase the Market Demand track one step. Worth $1 +$ equal to the value on the Market Demand track. At the start of your next turn: +$1. When you discard this from play, lower the Market Demand track one step.
Market Demand mat: put a coin token on the rightmost space. Move it to the left one space when an effect lowers it once, one right when increased once. (2 3s, then 2 2s, 2 1s, then 0.)
As soon as you play a Commodity there's one in play, so the track always goes up 1. Do you mean 'another'? 'A Commodity' maintains a constant $4 on first turn unless 3 are discarded before another play. 'Another' will maintain a constant if 2 or 4 are constantly rotated, but another player with just one can lower the track. I'll assume 'another' is meant as that's the better design. The Demand will gradually be lowered toward 0 as the game progresses, but the interactivity between players affects how. It's decent and mildly fun; is it worthwhile over Gold though? They both like a thin deck, and Gold will be the better money density.

I did mean "another"; w/e, Congrats Kudasai, your card was awesome and deserved to win.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 11:05:10 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3127 on: August 12, 2019, 12:43:37 pm »

Outside of the latter part, is it actually a Duration?

if outpost is a duration, then settlement is just as much a duration.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2019, 12:51:40 pm by naitchman »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3128 on: August 12, 2019, 02:00:10 pm »

Outside of the latter part, is it actually a Duration?

if outpost is a duration, then settlement is just as much a duration.

Definitely correct, but Aquila’s point could be that Outpost itself doesn’t feel like a duration. Outpost doesn’t even technically follow the timing rules for durations (it is done doing stuff the turn it is played; though not until after cleanup of that turn). Possession proves that duration isn’t necessary for creating extra turns.
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3129 on: August 12, 2019, 02:47:24 pm »

Thanks Aquila! Baseline testing for Wonder seems to show it's mostly balanced, but the true test is actually playing with it. I'll have to do that soon and let you know what the results are.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3130 on: August 12, 2019, 02:49:56 pm »


This weeks challenge comes in two parts, which will be judged roughly 50/50, but on different judging criteria:

(1) Design a card shaped thing that gains Prizes. Criteria: Balance
Prizes are some of the best cards in Dominion, so designing a card that gains them has to be carefully thought out and balanced. Timing considerations and opportunity cost are important here.

(2) Design a card that is a Prize. Criteria: Creativity
If coming up with a Prize gainer is stressing you out, this should be your chance to unwind, pull out all the stops, try some crazy ideas and most importantly have fun. Prizes offer a lot of design flexibility as they don't take up room in the Kingdom, can't be abused in multiples, and don't really matter if they are not always useful. With that in mind, I will judge cards better that would have some of these issues if they were in the Supply (i.e. cards that only really would work as a Prize). I would like to see Prizes that fill any niches the other official Prizes don't touch on. If this is proving too difficult, overlap is perfectly fine as long as the Prize has a different play style. As with Aquila, I'm very partial to existing mechanics being used or meshed together in ways that are new and interesting.

Love them or hate them, Tournament and Prizes are probably the most unique of all the official Dominion cards and offer a lot of design lessons when analyzed. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and I hope everyone has fun. If you find any part of this post unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! The Dominion Strategy Wiki on Prizes is a good resource as well.

Good luck!


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3131 on: August 12, 2019, 02:56:17 pm »

Also, I don't see any previous challenges using Prizes, but if there are and I'm just not seeing them please let me know and I can do a different challenge.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3132 on: August 12, 2019, 03:06:00 pm »

Outside of the latter part, is it actually a Duration?

if outpost is a duration, then settlement is just as much a duration.

Definitely correct, but Aquila’s point could be that Outpost itself doesn’t feel like a duration. Outpost doesn’t even technically follow the timing rules for durations (it is done doing stuff the turn it is played; though not until after cleanup of that turn). Possession proves that duration isn’t necessary for creating extra turns.
Ah no, I hadn't thought of Possession but that's a fair point. And I see why Outpost is a Duration, I think: you play it, put it up on the Duration row to leave it out at Clean-up, and it cleanly tracks you're taking an extra turn after everything else is cleaned up. You can play lots of stuff after and and not forget.
With Settlement there isn't so much tracking and remembering to do because it's a Night and there is no Clean-up. There is a little window to play other Nights before the extra turn, and triggering start of turn effects, so I guess it has more function than the pure Night variant that was suggested and being Duration is the cleanest way to incorporate it all. Still, I shortlisted this and it's nothing too bad.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3133 on: August 12, 2019, 03:15:21 pm »

Is the assumption for the new challenge that the new prize will be added to the regular prize pile; so both Tournament and the new card can gain any of the six prizes?
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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3134 on: August 12, 2019, 03:53:51 pm »


I am lazy and I know it. But my idea was so simple and still amazing, that I will give it a try. I combined both parts of contest #40 into a single card-shaped thing. This is the Small Castle of Prizes. Actually a Tournament variant at the cost of the opportunity to pick the first Prize. Be prepared for:

Treasure Chamber
Type: Action - Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Card +1 Action
Gain a Prize (from the Prize pile) or a Duchy.
(This is not in the Supply.)

« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 03:55:43 pm by King Leon »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3135 on: August 12, 2019, 03:54:12 pm »


This weeks challenge comes in two parts, which will be judged roughly 50/50, but on different judging criteria:

(1) Design a card shaped thing that gains Prizes. Criteria: Balance
Prizes are some of the best cards in Dominion, so designing a card that gains them has to be carefully thought out and balanced. Timing considerations and opportunity cost are important here.

(2) Design a card that is a Prize. Criteria: Creativity
If coming up with a Prize gainer is stressing you out, this should be your chance to unwind, pull out all the stops, try some crazy ideas and most importantly have fun. Prizes offer a lot of design flexibility as they don't take up room in the Kingdom, can't be abused in multiples, and don't really matter if they are not always useful. With that in mind, I will judge cards better that would have some of these issues if they were in the Supply (i.e. cards that only really would work as a Prize). I would like to see Prizes that fill any niches the other official Prizes don't touch on. If this is proving too difficult, overlap is perfectly fine as long as the Prize has a different play style. As with Aquila, I'm very partial to existing mechanics being used or meshed together in ways that are new and interesting.

Love them or hate them, Tournament and Prizes are probably the most unique of all the official Dominion cards and offer a lot of design lessons when analyzed. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and I hope everyone has fun. If you find any part of this post unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! The Dominion Strategy Wiki on Prizes is a good resource as well.

Good luck!
Thanks a lot, I was actually already planning to design a prize and prize gainer. Didn't have any great ideas yet though...


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3136 on: August 12, 2019, 04:02:08 pm »

Is the assumption for the new challenge that the new prize will be added to the regular prize pile; so both Tournament and the new card can gain any of the six prizes?

Correct. It will be gainable by both Tournament and the new Prize gainer.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3137 on: August 12, 2019, 04:47:39 pm »

I am lazy and I know it. But my idea was so simple and still amazing, that I will give it a try. I combined both parts of contest #40 into a single card-shaped thing. This is the Small Castle of Prizes. Actually a Tournament variant at the cost of the opportunity to pick the first Prize. Be prepared for:

Treasure Chamber
Type: Action - Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Card +1 Action
Gain a Prize (from the Prize pile) or a Duchy.
(This is not in the Supply.)

I don’t think this works. It gives the first player to get a prize a HUGE advantage because Tournament gains prizes to the top of deck and can draw them, so you would be able to gain this and another prize in the same turn.
I currently imagine mail-mi wearing a dark trenchcoat and a bowler hat, hunched over a bit, toothpick in his mouth, holding a gun in his pocket.  One bead of sweat trickling down his nose.

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3138 on: August 12, 2019, 05:28:49 pm »


This weeks challenge comes in two parts, which will be judged roughly 50/50, but on different judging criteria:

(1) Design a card shaped thing that gains Prizes. Criteria: Balance
Prizes are some of the best cards in Dominion, so designing a card that gains them has to be carefully thought out and balanced. Timing considerations and opportunity cost are important here.

(2) Design a card that is a Prize. Criteria: Creativity
If coming up with a Prize gainer is stressing you out, this should be your chance to unwind, pull out all the stops, try some crazy ideas and most importantly have fun. Prizes offer a lot of design flexibility as they don't take up room in the Kingdom, can't be abused in multiples, and don't really matter if they are not always useful. With that in mind, I will judge cards better that would have some of these issues if they were in the Supply (i.e. cards that only really would work as a Prize). I would like to see Prizes that fill any niches the other official Prizes don't touch on. If this is proving too difficult, overlap is perfectly fine as long as the Prize has a different play style. As with Aquila, I'm very partial to existing mechanics being used or meshed together in ways that are new and interesting.

Love them or hate them, Tournament and Prizes are probably the most unique of all the official Dominion cards and offer a lot of design lessons when analyzed. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and I hope everyone has fun. If you find any part of this post unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! The Dominion Strategy Wiki on Prizes is a good resource as well.

Good luck!

Just to be sure, our entries should have two cards? A prize gainer AND a prize?

And the first has to gain? (i.e. could it somehow interact with Prizes some other way?)

P.S. I'm sorry to have missed last week - was traveling for work and never got a chance to post. I even had a Duration card all lined up - maybe I'll just post it directly to my thread.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2019, 05:31:24 pm by scolapasta »
Feel free to join us at scolapasta's cards for discussion on any of my custom cards.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3139 on: August 12, 2019, 06:41:52 pm »


This weeks challenge comes in two parts, which will be judged roughly 50/50, but on different judging criteria:

(1) Design a card shaped thing that gains Prizes. Criteria: Balance
Prizes are some of the best cards in Dominion, so designing a card that gains them has to be carefully thought out and balanced. Timing considerations and opportunity cost are important here.

(2) Design a card that is a Prize. Criteria: Creativity
If coming up with a Prize gainer is stressing you out, this should be your chance to unwind, pull out all the stops, try some crazy ideas and most importantly have fun. Prizes offer a lot of design flexibility as they don't take up room in the Kingdom, can't be abused in multiples, and don't really matter if they are not always useful. With that in mind, I will judge cards better that would have some of these issues if they were in the Supply (i.e. cards that only really would work as a Prize). I would like to see Prizes that fill any niches the other official Prizes don't touch on. If this is proving too difficult, overlap is perfectly fine as long as the Prize has a different play style. As with Aquila, I'm very partial to existing mechanics being used or meshed together in ways that are new and interesting.

Love them or hate them, Tournament and Prizes are probably the most unique of all the official Dominion cards and offer a lot of design lessons when analyzed. I can't wait to see what you all come up with and I hope everyone has fun. If you find any part of this post unclear please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! The Dominion Strategy Wiki on Prizes is a good resource as well.

Good luck!

Just to be sure, our entries should have two cards? A prize gainer AND a prize?

And the first has to gain? (i.e. could it somehow interact with Prizes some other way?)

P.S. I'm sorry to have missed last week - was traveling for work and never got a chance to post. I even had a Duration card all lined up - maybe I'll just post it directly to my thread.

My intention was to have everyone submit two things, but with the way I worded the challenge, one thing will technically work.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3140 on: August 12, 2019, 06:42:44 pm »

Let me know if exchanging cards for a prize isn't allowed, I know it isn't *technically* gaining but it seems to fit the spirit of the challenge.

For the first part of the challenge, I made a card that comes with an Heirloom-Traveler which culminates by giving you a card that exchanges itself for a prize. One or arguably two of the travelers are downgrades from the previous line to (hopefully) make it an interesting decision whether to go for a prize or not.


+3 Cards
+1 Action
+$1 ⠀
Discard 3 cards.
Heirloom: Old Medallion


Old Medallion

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Trinket.

Treasure - Heirloom - Traveller


When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Collector.
(This is not in the supply.)

Treasure - Traveller


Gain two cards, each costing up to $3.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Junk Heap.
(This is not in the supply.)

Action - Traveller

Junk Heap

+$2 ⠀
Gain two coppers onto your deck.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Curio.
(This is not in the supply.)

Action - Traveller


+1 Action
Exchange this for a Prize, putting it into your hand.
(This is not in the supply.)


For the second part of the challenge, I just made a treasure that does the villa thing.

Affluent Village

+2 Actions
If it's your buy phase, return to your action phase.
(This is not in the supply.)

Treasure - Prize


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3141 on: August 12, 2019, 07:47:04 pm »

« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 02:16:38 am by pubby »

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3142 on: August 12, 2019, 10:50:26 pm »

Like Tournament and the set it came from, Village Fair has card diversity as a theme. It becomes a Throne Room for Action cards whose piles aren't empty, discouraging mono-card strategies. If the pile is empty, you can gain a Prize... but only if you play a single copy of it in the turn, again encouraging reliance on other cards.

The intention for Master of Ceremonies is that, unlike Band of Misfits and Overlord, it can also become cards whose piles are empty. If the pile is mixed, it can become any Action card from that pile.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3143 on: August 13, 2019, 04:25:06 am »

I designed Golden Lance with the other prizes in mind; they're all a kind of payload, good draw is sort of missing, and another +Buy makes Princess less kingmaking in games with no other buys. From there I tried to go exciting and wacky.
King's Quest I first thought would be once per game, but then I liked the combos Golden Lance has with 3 of the other prizes.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3144 on: August 13, 2019, 10:53:23 am »

Gonna withdraw Winged Sandals, change my Prize entry to

Erect • $7* • Action - Prize
+1 Action
Trash this or a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card.
A remodel variant that can be its own trasher, and riffs on prizes costing $0* by costing a nontrivial amount instead.

revising my prize-gainer to a proper card

I'd been kicking around the idea for a card that let you play treasures early a la Storyteller / Black Market, and also maybe had some #hacks to work with Capitalism/Villa. Seems like a good opportunity to put a minigame like that in so :

A prize is a solid enough reason to buy into potions, right? I picked three so even if you don't win the split you can still get prizes (except in 4-player games, in which case you'll wanna lean on some #hacks to get your prize)

Thematically, I was feeling kind of a Gremlins / Monkey's Paw kinda vibe to a potion-cost peddler. Maybe that dude that gives cursed Frogurt from the simpsons.

edit: this is withdrawn
Thematically I'm leaning more towards "my bad understanding of greek stuff" and "my bad understanding of the dominion meta" than "my bad understanding of medieval stuff" with this weeks entry;
My prize entry is sort of an enchanter that works for you that'd be way too strong on its own/in multiples:

Winged Sandals • $0* • Action - Duration - Prize
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Choose one:

• Now and during your next turn, all other action cards have "+1 Card, +1 Action" in addition to their text; or

• Now and during your next turn, while this is in play, cards, events, and projects cost $1 less, to a minimum of $0.
It's magic, or a personal bridge/highway. It's not as strong as Princess but it's a little more consistent and way more engine enabling. It does miss the shuffle more because it's a duration though.

My Prizer is an event (edit: this is withdrawn)

Ordeal • Event • $4
Trash your hand. If you trashed Golds, Silvers, and Coppers whose value (not cost) was at least $6 in this way, gain a prize. Each other player may trash any number of cards from their hand. If the total cost of the cards they trashed was greater than the value of the Golds/Silvers/Coppers you trashed, they gain a Gold to the top of their deck.
What I was thinking when I made this: I like that Tournaments stop working for you once your opponent gets a Province but dislike that there's really nothing in it for them (just disabling a cantrip for you); I wanted a clear way for this to backfire on you - basically, this can set your opponents up to do an Ordeal better than you.

The revisions this went through:
  • 1: this originally cost <4>. While I like the idea of that (so that you can grab a prize right away on Turn 3 when you get 4 copper + yr opening silver) I realized this can definitely enable a debt-lock (where you have no $ in your deck, and also you have debt so you can't buy coppers). I attempted to fix this by:
  • 1a: tacking on a "Gain up to two coppers" clause to the end. This was kind of inelegant and also seeing as debt-locking yourself is kind of a novice-trap, electing to take coppers immediately to "dig up" out of a debt trap would probably not be something a novice would realize they need to do. Clunky and inelegant
  • 2: Rather than your opponent gaining a Gold topdeck, this gained you a prize during Cleanup and them a prize immediately. However this was kind of ... tricky. How would you know the contents of their hand to not get screwed out of the prize you wanted? When gaining during the clean-up phase, would you be able to (somehow) show a Watchtower and topdeck your prize before or after drawing a new hand? Too many questions and consternations. No bueno.
  • Still don't like that the text on this is a novel but sideways C.L.T.s are tough that way.
Revisions "Winged Sandals" went through:
  • This was originally one of the "God" cards from my Heresy set, "The Messenger God" (appropriate naming, no?) which are one-shots earned via specific trashing, kinda similar to prizes; I changed it up by 1) making it a duration 2) tamping down the bridge effect and 3) making it a choice which to use.

Hope this was insightful.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2019, 11:17:47 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3145 on: August 13, 2019, 11:11:32 am »

Action/Duration/Prize - $0*
Gain a card costing up to $5. If it's an Action, play it.

Should this be "now and at the start of your next turn"? or how is it a duration?

Let me know if exchanging cards for a prize isn't allowed, I know it isn't *technically* gaining but it seems to fit the spirit of the challenge.


How's the card-that-comes-with-an-heirloom (Agora) fit in to the rest of this? The traveller line itself seems pretty good and I love the idea of a downgrading traveller for a prize, but I don't like that you start with a traveller via heirlooms; any insight into that design choice?

I designed Golden Lance with the other prizes in mind; they're all a kind of payload, good draw is sort of missing, and another +Buy makes Princess less kingmaking in games with no other buys. From there I tried to go exciting and wacky.
King's Quest I first thought would be once per game, but then I liked the combos Golden Lance has with 3 of the other prizes.

humor me and go into the combos? I'm only seeing the one with Diadem

The intention for Master of Ceremonies is that, unlike Band of Misfits and Overlord, it can also become cards whose piles are empty. If the pile is mixed, it can become any Action card from that pile.

I'm surprised you didn't add a "You may call this from your tavern mat at the start of your buy phase for +$1" (or similar) to it so it can't get trapped impersonating a reserve card like BoM / Overlord, or maybe a "if you would trash this, return it to the supply pile" to prevent necromancer/lurker shenanigans
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 11:47:31 am by spineflu »


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3146 on: August 13, 2019, 12:51:33 pm »

Let me know if exchanging cards for a prize isn't allowed, I know it isn't *technically* gaining but it seems to fit the spirit of the challenge.


How's the card-that-comes-with-an-heirloom (Agora) fit in to the rest of this? The traveller line itself seems pretty good and I love the idea of a downgrading traveller for a prize, but I don't like that you start with a traveller via heirlooms; any insight into that design choice?

I'm glad you asked! There were actually two reasons that I did that. The first is that (for multiplayer games in particular) it would feel really bad to get all the way to a Curio and then have all of the prizes gone. This seems particularly plausible in a four player game. The second is that I was finding it hard to come up with a downgrading traveler with the prize at the end that you would actually want to spend a buy on early game: making Old Medallion a heirloom sidesteps this issue.

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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3147 on: August 13, 2019, 01:05:28 pm »

I am lazy and I know it. But my idea was so simple and still amazing, that I will give it a try. I combined both parts of contest #40 into a single card-shaped thing. This is the Small Castle of Prizes. Actually a Tournament variant at the cost of the opportunity to pick the first Prize. Be prepared for:

Treasure Chamber
Type: Action - Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Card +1 Action
Gain a Prize (from the Prize pile) or a Duchy.
(This is not in the Supply.)

I don’t think this works. It gives the first player to get a prize a HUGE advantage because Tournament gains prizes to the top of deck and can draw them, so you would be able to gain this and another prize in the same turn.

The second prize goes to your discard pile, instead of being available immediately.


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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3148 on: August 13, 2019, 01:12:30 pm »

The only other thing I could think of that would get you the kinds of things that Prizes are (like the hand of the princess) is to defeat a dragon!
So here is an Event to fight the unfriendly neighbourhood dragon. You don't need any money to try it, but you need to be resourceful with lots of different cards to have a reasonable chance. And it's dangerous! You can lose good stuff if you lose the fight, and may opt to abort the mission early if it seems too risky, even when you could continue.

The rules for the fight are somewhat wordy (so I put them on a mat), but the concept is actually rather simple. You have to match 4 cards, not as exact matches (by name), but as matches by cost. This can be harder or easier depending on the cost spread in the kingdom. (And cost reduction can help you by bringing down several cards to $0.)

  • What's that about putting the revealed dragon card on the bottom? – It's because it's theoretically possible to have a Dragon deck with only 3 cards (Copper, Silver, Gold).
  • So you could set aside and therefore trash or discard duration cards that are not "done", like for example a Haven with a card under it. – Yes, just deal with that normally, even though the reminder is gone.



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Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« Reply #3149 on: August 13, 2019, 01:39:26 pm »

Let me know if exchanging cards for a prize isn't allowed, I know it isn't *technically* gaining but it seems to fit the spirit of the challenge.

For the first part of the challenge, I made a card that comes with an Heirloom-Traveler which culminates by giving you a card that exchanges itself for a prize. One or arguably two of the travelers are downgrades from the previous line to (hopefully) make it an interesting decision whether to go for a prize or not.


+3 Cards
+1 Action
+$1 ⠀
Discard 3 cards.
Heirloom: Old Medallion


Old Medallion

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Trinket.

Treasure - Heirloom - Traveller


When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Collector.
(This is not in the supply.)

Treasure - Traveller


Gain two cards, each costing up to $3.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Junk Heap.
(This is not in the supply.)

Action - Traveller

Junk Heap

+$2 ⠀
Gain two coppers onto your deck.
When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Curio.
(This is not in the supply.)

Action - Traveller


+1 Action
Exchange this for a Prize, putting it into your hand.
(This is not in the supply.)


For the second part of the challenge, I just made a treasure that does the villa thing.

Affluent Village

+2 Actions
If it's your buy phase, return to your action phase.
(This is not in the supply.)

Treasure - Prize

Exchanging is fine! I guess I meant gain as a generic term for "getting" a Prize, but I should have been specific. Sorry everyone!
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