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Dominion League / Season 28 - Game Reports and Discussion
« on: June 03, 2018, 04:54:55 pm »
If you want to write about a game you or someone else played during the league, or post links to video coverage, please do so in this thread.

If you've lost a game and want to ask for advice, you can also post it here.

Dominion League / Season 28 - Announcing Matches/Streams
« on: June 03, 2018, 04:54:00 pm »
Announce your upcoming Season 28 league matches in this thread. If you don't want to miss any, use the notify button on the top right (this is also a good plan for your own scheduling thread).

When announcing, please convert the starting time to UTC. Keep in mind that people from around the world frequent the forums and they might not know what you're referring to otherwise.

In addition to posting here, you are encouraged to add your match to the Upcoming Matches Google Calendar by filling out this form.

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For streamers, any time a Dominion Online Twitch stream is live, a notification will play on the Dominion Discord, and people do show up! This is a good way to get eyes on your games, and to get post-game discussions on how to improve your play.

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Variants and Fan Cards / Mixed bag of cards
« on: May 15, 2018, 09:14:02 am »
Here's a small collection of random cards I felt like sharing.

A very old idea, I don't think it has aged very well, especially after Empires in particular. An Event like Annex but not terrible seems like a better way to modify the Duchy pile now, or why not just include an extra pile and keep Duchies around? The top is still cute, although maybe it looks a little sad next to Shepherd these days.

Has anyone tried anything like this before? It seems like a simple classic thing to me, a nice solution to pulling things from the discard being so shuffle dependent. I've never tested it so I wouldn't be surprised if it's just not that interesting to play with.

So this is a more recent idea, kind of inspired by the interaction between Cursed Gold and Monastery where you "downgrade" a Copper into a Curse in exchange for playing the Cursed Gold and buying a better card. So this card downgrades something in exchange for a cheap expand. Again never played with this so wouldn't be surprised if it isn't very fun/interesting.

A Potion card, I think it's quite charming but perhaps the random nature of the cursing just isn't fun. This does skip past Curses though so they aren't quite so bad in games with this.

Urchin and Develop had a baby and it looks a little like Catapult! I'm weary that this is potentially busted if you can set up the targeted discard consistently and it's also totally untested. I would like to try this one out though if I get the chance, I like the idea of it and it's even quite thematic I think.

Big scary spider! It wraps things in web but they can get out after a shuffle or so, unless the spider finds the web wrapped prey first and eats it! (Webbing costs $3 not $0 so the spider can eat it). I've had the idea of a Spider card that webbed things spinning around for ages but never really got it to work nicely, I tried setting cards aside with tokens then realised I'd basically just made Yeti from Ice Age, using a mat and silly things like that was never satisfying. Then I realised I could just use the trash and that seemed good enough. It does mean that people can "steal" their opponent's cards with Webbing if both are playing with Spiders but that seems okay to me. What do people think?

Dominion Articles / Donate + Windfall
« on: January 22, 2018, 01:00:18 pm »
Pure Donate Windfall

Turn 1: Donate and pay off debt and trash down to 5 Coppers.

Turn 2: Pay off the rest of the debt.

Turn 3: Windfall

Turn 4: Donate and pay off debt. If you have 1 or less debt, trash down to 2 Golds. If you have 2 or more debt, trash down to 3 Golds.

Turn 5: Pay off debt and Windfall.

Turn 6: If you trashed down to 2 Gold you can Windfall again, if not buy Province.

Turn 7+: Buy Province.

With perfect shuffles and just 2 Windfalls this can buy 8 Provinces in 13 turns. The 3 Windfalls takes 14 turns at least, but gets fewer 2 Gold hands so should be faster on average. Note that this is slower with a 2/5 opening as you can't pay off all the debt on turn 2.
(If someone could simulate this that would be amazing, I'm too stupid to figure out how to make the turn 1 Donate work).

This is more a good big money strategy than a power combo like Donate+Market Square. But can also be used as a stepping stone to lead into building an engine...

Donate Windfall in an engine

The mere presence of Donate will often mean there will be an engine good enough to beat a pure Donate Windfall strategy, attacks also hurt the strategy a good deal. Donate Windfall has use in an engine deck too though, following the strategy will leave you with a deck of 3 Golds on turn 5, adding a +buy card here can allow you to build incredibly quickly with a fully trashed deck that already has a lot of payload.

This is my first time writing something like this so tell me how to make it less terrible please!

Variants and Fan Cards / Meld
« on: January 10, 2018, 12:14:04 pm »

Meld is a mini Forge thing, but instead of gaining real cards, you get chimeras! Because of course Melding together an Estate and a Copper would result in a 2 headed lion-snake thing. The Chimeras cost 2,4 and 6, meaning Meld can be used trash 2 Coppers and gain nothing and giving the chimeras price points that interact nicely with Estate and Potion trashing. The art is good, but it isn't exactly what I had in mind, ah well.

This is the cheapest and weakest Chimera, it is Refugees, which I shamelessly stole it from Co0kieL0rd's Roots and Renewal (with permission) it just seemed like the perfect fit for the small Chimera, getting across the idea of it being an amalgamation of cards. I am thinking that this could also have +1 Buy as an option, that make's it strictly better than Pawn, but that is allowed on a non-supply pile. I would worry then though that the Meld+Chimera piles would have everything an engine needs (trashing, +actions, +cards, +buy and an attack) and be too much in one.

The middle Chimera, I wanted to try and capture the "amalgamation" feeling by giving the chimeras variable effects and using different things for each one. Nimble Chimera is a fancy Pawn thing, this one is a fat Wishing Well. It is probably the one that I'm least happy with, it might actually be weak on average given that your deck is going to have a Potion and Meld and these differently named Chimeras. I do want it to be a non-terminal cantrippy type thing but maybe I'll think of something different. I guess these chimeras are an opportunity to do cards that interact with Potion, I'll have to see if I can think of anything compelling.

Grrrr this ones cranky! I knew I wanted this one to be a Smithy with something else and an attack seemed like a decent thing to do, especially when I found the art. I think in a game with Meld a handsize attack is worse than a junking attack? Also handsize attacks tend to cripple money-based things so there is a bit of logic behind the trigger. I like the idea that this guy is out of control so it's still doing a variable effect but this time you have no control over it. I feel like it's different enough from Torturer, but maybe that comparison makes it less exciting?

Thanks go to Co0kieL0rd for letting me steal his card and giving me some wording/idiot fixes.

The Best - Cards (Bottom half)

#45 =0 Duchess (Hinterlands) Weighted Average: 5% ▲0.1pp / Unweighted Average: 6.03% / Median: 2.27% ▼0.33pp / Standard Deviation: 12.42%

Another year and yet again Duchess is at the bottom of the list. What is there to say at this point? Occasionally you’ll pick one up on a 5/2 and in sloggy games they’re nice to get for free with Duchies, but even in these cases it’s marginal at best.
#44 ▼2 Beggar (Dark Ages) Weighted Average: 9.33% ▼9.17pp / Unweighted Average: 9.55% / Median: 6.82% ▼6.38pp / Standard Deviation: 8.87%

Beggar is down a couple of places from last year and has the second lowest deviation.
Gaining 3 Coppers to hand is a very situational ability, all that junking will severely harm the average deck. Beggar is useful sometimes though, Copper isn’t a bad card in your deck when you’re aiming to hit $4 or $5 consistently for alt-vp cards – Gardens is the best example of this because of how much Beggar bloats your deck but it’s also fine for Dukes and Silk Roads. Another notable alt-vp combo is Beggar/Triumph, a play of Beggar gives a 4 victory token Triumph. Beggar can also have use in an engine gaining Copper to use as fodder for certain trash for benefit cards such as Altar, or to trash to Mercenary or Bats. The final use for Beggar is to gain one very late in the game with the goal of playing it once as terminal +$3 and to end the game before those Coppers have chance to enter your draw pile, this is a very situation thing that is only viable when the stars align though.
#43 ▼2 Embargo (Seaside) Weighted Average: 12.3% ▼6.9pp / Unweighted Average: 13.65% / Median: 9.09% ▼6.71pp / Standard Deviation: 11.87%

Embargo lost 6.9 percentage points and is down 2 places. It would be 1 place higher in unweighted rankings.
Embargo is very similar to Duchess as a terminal Silver with a marginal extra ability, Embargo is a one-shot though so it can be used as an early economy boost that doesn’t get in the way later. The best case for Embargo is probably opening it on a 5/2 and getting the token on the key $5 card before your opponent can buy one, but that only really happens if you’re 1st player and draw Embargo turn 3. Another thing that can be fairly effective is piling some Embargo tokens on Duchies when you have a points lead to make it more difficult for your opponent to catch up, although this can backfire if your opponent’s deck is stronger and can overtake you on Provinces so you have to be careful. It can also be interesting in games with Potion cards, but I’ve found that the strong Potion cards are good enough to still be worth going for.
#42 ▲2 Pearl Diver (Seaside) Weighted Average: 13.04% ▼0.06pp / Unweighted Average: 12.95% / Median: 9.09% ▼0.31pp  / Standard Deviation: 12.42%

Pearl Diver has gained 2 places.
Pearl Diver is the 2nd Seaside card in the bottom 5 and marks a change from weak or situational terminals to inoffensive but low impact cantrips. That is to say, Pearl Diver won’t make your deck worse, but it won’t make it much better either. Occasionally there will be a synergy with Pearl Diver that makes it useful such as Peddler or Adventures tokens, but sometimes there’ll be something that makes Pearl Divers worse, such as Militia type attacks or dead terminal draw.
#41 ▲2 Herbalist (Alchemy) Weighted Average: 14.03% ▼2.27pp / Unweighted Average: 17.64% / Median: 13.64% ▼2.16pp / Standard Deviation: 14.92%

Herbalist is 1 place higher in the unweighted ranking and is 2 places higher than last year.
Herbalist is an awkward card, it has some effects which give it nifty utility but don’t gel together particularly well. Decks that are interested in topdecking treasure are usually playing just 1 terminal action per turn and Herbalist doesn’t really pull its weight there being a terminal Copper with +1 Buy. Engine decks will resort to Herbablist as a bottom of the barrel +1 Buy card, but then engine decks aren’t interested in topdecking treasures so there’s a bit of a clash there. The exceptions to this are topdecking Potion to keep an Alchemist stack going and topdecking Crowns in an engine.
#40 Tax ▼1 (Empires) Weighted Average: 14.89% ▼10.71pp / Unweighted Average: 13.76%  / Median: 6.82% ▼11.58pp / Standard Deviation: 14.11%

Tax lost 10.71 percentage points and dropped 1 place. It is also the worst Event on this list.
Tax just isn’t a great rate, you’re effectively spending $2 and 1 buy to give your opponent the option of taking 2 Debt. In games where you get some spare buys and have $2 left over you buy it, but then your opponent is likely to have a spare $2 so this rarely does much. The setup part is most impactful thing really.
#39 ▲1 Quest (Adventures) Weighted Average: 16.24% ▼9.61pp / Unweighted Average: 18.13% / Median: 11.36% ▼12.34pp / Standard Deviation: 14.82%

Quest basically just provides some alternate prices to buy Gold, this makes it fairly situational as Gold has to be something that you want to add to your deck and the conditions on Quest have to be achievable. This is more just a situational thing to do when the opportunity presents itself rather then something to base your strategy around. Opening with 2 terminal attacks can be made more enticing by the presence of Quest however, as you can discard one for a Gold if they collide. It is not advised to buy Curses just with the hopes of triggering Quests. Discarding 6 cards can be something to play towards to get an early Gold, but after the first couple of shuffles a 6 card hand should be able to afford to just buy a Gold. Tunnel is interesting with Quest as you can choose to discard, even with fewer than 6 cards in hand. This can be used to easily discard Tunnels so can be good occasionally.
#38 ▼2 Poor House (Dark Ages) Weighted Average: 24.06% ▲8.14pp / Unweighted Average: 28.36% / Median: 18.18% ▼8.12pp / Standard Deviation: 21.69%

Poor House is the lowest rated $1 on the list. It has dropped 2 places since last year.
Poorhouse is another situational terminal. It basically guarantees that you hit at least $4, which isn’t particularly useful given that Silver is always available and performs a similar function. The case where Poor House shines is in treasureless decks where it is terminal +$4 which can be nice payload, especially considering Poor House’s very cheap price point. Beware Remake and Upgrade on a Poor House board.
#37 =0 Faithful Hound (Nocturne) Weighted Average: 27.74%  / Unweighted Average: 28.5% / Median: 25%  / Standard Deviation: 13.26%

Faithful Hound is the first Nocturne card on the list.
I’m sure the first comparison most people made when they first saw Faithful Hound was to Moat, given that they share the same cost, type and on-play effect. In fact the only differences are the name and the reaction effect. Faithful Hound is about as weak as terminal draw gets, giving a net +1 card. It is still viable draw for an engine sometimes, especially when it’s easy to pick up cheap components quickly and there is a surplus of + actions. Be careful trying to build an engine with Faithful Hound as the draw with villages like Festival or Squire that reduce handsize, Faithful Hound will only bring you back up to 5 cards in hand so there will be no net handsize increase. The most interesting part of Faithful Hound seems to be the reaction, which can be very nice in combination with certain discard for benefit cards. The strongest of these is perhaps Artificer, as Artificers can be used to easily gain Faithful Hounds and then the Hounds will start to effectively give you “free” cards in hand to discard to Artificers. Dungeon is another nice one as the Hounds will be in hand at the start of your turn, ready to discard to a duration Dungeon.
#36 ▲1 Moat (Base) Weighted Average: 30.92% ▲4.92pp / Unweighted Average: 29.13% / Median: 22.73% ▼3.57pp / Standard Deviation: 17.87%

Moat has gained one rank since last year.
I already talked about Moat’s on-play effect for Faithful Hound, so I won’t repeat myself. In a 2 player game buying Moat solely in an attempt to block attacks is rarely worth doing, you won’t always draw a Moat in your starting hand and if you don’t want the terminal +2 cards then adding one to your deck is almost like attacking yourself. In cases where you’re choosing between Moat and another terminal +2 cards as your draw, such as Oracle, the reaction on Moat can certainly be enough to make Moat the better option if there are attacks that are worth blocking present. Save  and Scheme are the two cards that let you pick up a single Moat and block attacks easily – this can be enough to make you skip attacks entirely.
#35 ▲1 Vagrant (Dark Ages) Weighted Average: 31.23% ▲0.03pp / Unweighted Average: 30.03% / Median: 25% ▼3.1pp / Standard Deviation: 17.63%

Vagrant has gained one rank since last year and is the 3rd Dark Ages card on this list.
Vagrant is very similar to Pearl Diver, but the effect of potentially drawing junk cards is much better than Pearl Diver’s deck reordering. Vagrant shouldn’t really be seen as a draw card, it just helps your deck stay consistent when under attack from Cursers or Looters and once you start buying victories. Vagrant becomes more interesting with Action-Victory and Treasure-Victory type cards, although you still have to have them be the 2nd card down on your deck to allow Vagrant to draw them so I wouldn’t rely on that. The most useful of these is probably Mill, if you draw your deck you can discard two victories to Mill and then draw them back with Vagrant.
#34 =0 Druid (Nocturne) Weighted Average: 31.57% / Unweighted Average: 32.9% / Median: 29.55% / Standard Deviation: 14.75%

Druid is the second Nocturne card on the list.
Druid is a hard one to rank as its power and abilities vary wildly from game to game, depending on what Boons are set aside. Druid always gives +1 Buy, meaning it will have a similar level of utility as Herbalist at the very least. There are a few Boons which stand out as key Boons to look out for for Druid: Fields Gift, I’d say this is the most generically strong Boon Druid can get making it very close to Candlestick Maker. Flame’s Gift, trashing is one of the strongest effects in Dominion, although Druid with Flame’s Gift is very weak as far as trashing goes – on a similar level to Trade Route, which is often described as one of the weakest trashers in the game. Swamp’s Gift, amassing Will-O’-Wisps with Druid can add a reasonable amount of draw to a deck. Earth’s Gift, gaining is very strong if the right components are available.
#33 ▼1 Cellar (Base) Weighted Average: 33.13% ▼4.27pp / Unweighted Average: 38.51% / Median: 36.36% ▲2.16pp / Standard Deviation: 21.41%

Cellar lost one rank from last year.
Cellar is a decent little sifter, it can be nice to pick one up early for the cycling when sifting past Estates can somewhat make up for the reduced handsize. The reduced handsize is the main problem of Cellar and means you don’t want to get too many of them, I usually would pick one up with a spare buy but after the first I might just take nothing instead until later in the game. Cellar appreciates draw much more than other similar cards like Warehouse because you have to discard before you draw with Cellar.
#32 ▲1 Haven (Seaside) Weighted Average: 34.48% ▼2.42pp / Unweighted Average: 36.44% / Median: 34.09% ▼2.71pp / Standard Deviation: 17.53%

Haven has gained 1 rank this year.
Havens can smooth out your early draws and help you use your money efficiently and hit key price points, in a similar way to Coin tokens. Remember to watch out for shuffles in Haven games as setting aside an Estate that will miss the shuffle is quite nice. You can even use a pair of Havens in a deck drawing engine to keep a Province set aside, effectively trashing it from your deck without losing the points. Not really a card you build around but it is useful to pick some up and they rarely hurt your deck.
#31 ▼3 Pawn (Intrigue) Weighted Average: 35.62% ▼8.18pp / Unweighted Average: 36.95% / Median: 34.09% ▼10.61pp / Standard Deviation: 17.62%

Pawn is 3 ranks lower this year. Pawn is a useful little card, you can always choose +1 Card +1 Action, it never hurts to have too much. +1 Card + $1 can be okay early in the game when you have a low action density or if you have spare + Actions, although the most important thing about Pawn is that it provides a source of non-terminal +buy. It isn’t a power card, but it has plenty of flexibility and utility and never really gets in the way.
#30 ▼2 Settlers (Empires) Weighted Average: 38.26% ▼1.74pp/ Unweighted Average: 38.68% / Median: 34.09% ▼2.71pp / Standard Deviation: 19.63%

Settlers is down 2 places from last year.
Another one of the cantrips that you pick up with spare buy, if you pick up a Copper with this then it’s similar to a Peddler, which is certainly great for a $2, it is however fairly unreliable as you need Coppers in your discard pile to make it work and it’s to keep in mind that unlike Peddlers, Settlers don’t actually add any +$ to your deck. Settlers can be good alongside cards like Cellar and Warehouse, you discard Coppers with those and then pick them back up with Settlers. It is important to note that there are only 5 Settlers and the bottom 5 cards of its pile are Bustling Village, some games this won’t matter but sometimes you might want to try and empty the Settlers quickly and use Bustling Village. This can be risky as if you’ve put resources into picking up the Settlers your opponent’s deck might be in a better position to buy and use the Bustling Villages, so be careful.
#29 =0 Tracker (Nocturne) Weighted Average: 39.84% / Unweighted Average: 40.68% / Median: 38.64% / Standard Deviation: 21.46%

The 3rd Nocturne card on the list. Tracker uses Boons in a more conventional way than Druid, taking a random Boon from the Boon deck. Because of this, unlike Druid you shouldn’t buy Tracker in the hopes of using any particular Boon, instead you should buy it if you think the topdecking ability will be useful and you can handle the terminal action in your deck. Tracker can be a nice deck accelerator, topdecking freshly gained cards so you don’t have to wait for them to be shuffled to see them. It’s shortcomings are that it is a terminal Copper, which is weak and that the Boons are unreliable. Also remember that Pouch comes with Tracker, so you can potentially open with 2 $2 costs on your $4 opening hand or even a $2 and a $3 on a 5/2 opening.
#28 =0 Patrician (Empires) Weighted Average: 40.71%▲0.81pp / Unweighted Average: 40.89% / Median: 34.09% ▼5.41pp / Standard Deviation: 19.43%

Patrician is on the same rank as last year. It is one place higher in the unweighted ranking.
Patrician is like a Vagrant that draws good cards instead of bad cards. $5 costs are generally the most important cards in any given game of Dominion so it is not uncommon for your deck to be full of $5’s, in which case Patricians are great to pick up with spare buys and you’ll even go out of your way to win the Patrician split sometimes. Patrician even draws Duchies and Provinces late in the game and so helps out like Vagrant there too. Like Settlers Patrician is the top card of a split pile and having a few Patricians in your deck will make reaching 5 actions in play for Emporium much easier.
#27 ▲2 Scouting Party (Adventures) Weighted Average: 44.95% ▲4.95pp / Unweighted Average: 40.85% / Median: 39.47% ▼0.03pp / Standard Deviation: 18.47%

Scouting Party is 2 ranks higher than last year. Although it is 1 rank lower in the unweighted ranking. Scouting Party is a really nice deck accelerator and sifter. In the early game the cycling is substantial and it can skip past Estates and Coppers and late game it can sift past Provinces and help line up cards for consistency. It doesn’t even cost a buy and so is easier to pick up than cards like Pearl Diver. Not something to build a strategy around (with the exception of perhaps Tunnel) but a very nice thing to get when you have the chance.
#26 =0 Native Village (Seaside) Weighted Average: 46.76% ▲1.06pp / Unweighted Average: 47.89% / Median: 47.73% ▼2.27pp / Standard Deviation: 19.94%

Native Village is on the same rank as last time. It is 1 rank higher in the unweighted list.
Native Village is a complicated card. As a village in a deck drawing engine it isn’t the best as it draws fewer cards than a standard village. Although setting aside cards and calling them in for a bigger turn can be useful to hit high price points when building the engine. One important thing to point out is that the more Native Villages you use to pick up cards from the mat, the less draw your Native Villages are providing. To highlight this, if you have 4 Native Villages and use 3 to set aside and 1 to pick up then you have effectives drawn 3 cards, but if you were to alternate setting aside and picking up you would only draw 2 cards. Native Village can be used as a pseudo-trasher  with certain cards such as Apothecary which tends to leave victories on top of your deck or with discard for benefit like Vault once you’re drawing your deck.
#25 =0 Guardian (Nocturne) Weighted Average: 46.99% / Unweighted Average: 46.49% / Median: 45.45% / Standard Deviation: 22.12%

Another new card, it is 1 rank lower in the unweighted list; where Faithful Hound is the new Moat, Guardian is the new Lighthouse. Guardian is even more similar to Lighthouse really, it basically exchanges + $1 when you play it for being gained to hand and being unable to be drawn dead. A much more reliable way of blocking attacks than Moat, Guardian’s strength comes from being immediately playable when you gain it, this makes Guardian shine in less reliable decks where you can keep buying Guardians to keep up your defence, compared to Lighthouse which is better when you can reliably play 1 per turn. Another trick to Guardian is that buying it on the first turn gives you + $1 on turn 2, which can let you open with a $5 cost on a 3/4 opening.
#24 =0 Pixie (Nocturne) Weighted Average: 47.15% / Unweighted Average: 48.85% / Median: 47.73% / Standard Deviation: 19.52%

The 2nd highest ranked Nocturne card and still in the bottom half. Pixie is another card that you can pick up with a spare buy and it’ll do something good for you, although exactly what it’ll do you’ll have to see. From what I’ve seen of people playing Pixie I’d advise people to cash them in more often than they do, I have routinely seen people have 2-3 Pixies in there deck at the end of the game which have done basically nothing. One other thing to note is that so long as there are Pixies left in the pile there isn’t much reason to not take the Forest’s Gift as it gives +$2 +2 Buys so you can always just buy back the Pixie with that. Pixie comes with the Goat Heirloom, which doesn’t really have much of an effect on how to evaluate Pixie itself.
#23 ▼3 Advance (Empires) Weighted Average: 48.32% ▼8.48pp / Unweighted Average: 49.72% / Median: 50% ▼2.6pp / Standard Deviation: 22.47%

Advance is a big loser being 3 ranks lower than last year. 
The most common use for Advance is upgrading a trasher once your deck is trashed down and you no longer have use for it. In a game with a lot of +buy you can potentially buy a bunch of cheap actions and then use Advance to turn them all into more useful cards, although you might need a lot of draw as well to pull this off and just buying the useful cards directly might just be better. Fortress is probably the best thing to do with Advance, basically just turning all of your buys into Actions costing up to $6. Also watch out for Shelters games, Advancing that Necropolis on turn 1 or 2 is often amazing.

Thanks to Qvist for making this possible and sorry for all the mistakes I probably made.

Let's Discuss ... / Let's Discuss Prosperity Cards: Loan
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:35:47 pm »

1. How does this compare to Junk Dealer?
2. How bad is skipping actions with this?
3. How many Loans is too many?

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Ice Age
« on: December 04, 2017, 04:30:07 pm »
Dominion: Ice Age is a homemade Dominion expansion. I am designing it as if it were an official expansion and so am limited to a few featured mechanics. Ice Age features 2 main mechanics, Ice tokens which strand cards out of your deck for a number of turns and Reserves, some which also strand cards out of your deck.

Ice Tokens

A number of cards in the set involve setting aside cards and putting a number of Ice tokens on them, referred to as "freezing" them. At the start of your turn you remove 1 Ice token from each card you own that is frozen with Ice tokens on it and when the last token is removed you put the card into your discard pile.

Snow Hag

This was one of the first and most obvious concepts - a cheap Witch but the Curses are delayed. This means that the junk will take longer to enter the opponents deck, but if the game ends before all the tokens are removed then your opponent won't have a chance to trash the curse, which could be interesting.
Edit: Changed from 3 to 6 tokens.


This one needs to fixed up, but the concept is there.

Frost Spirit

Originally a cantrip, now changed to +2 cards. The cantrip version was far too efficient as an early game thinner and a late game Province setter asider. Hopefully making it terminal makes it harder to keep on top of icing things, we'll have to see. Masquerade is a crazy card, so I wouldn't be surprised if this follows suit. Province setting aside probably needs to be fixed, but it kind of needs to be able to set aside Estates so might be an ugly fix, unfortunately.

Crystal Ball

A Contrabandy thing, it delays your good cards and topdecks the Victories, ouch! Needs a new name now...


A simple +Buy card with Ice tokens, referencing Nomad Camp.

Frigid Village

Replacement foe Mountain Village and pretty much the same concept. I know that Lost City for $2 seems crazy good, but Encampment does it and these take a year to enter your deck.


I'm still keen on a Victory that starts off frozen, but no more Coffers so I have these variations. Any thoughts?


 I'm not sure about this one, it's seemed okay in playtest games but it still feels off for some reason. What do people think?


Mountain Outpost

A cheap Smithy makes a future turn worse if you want it back.


I thought a Reserve that costed an Action to call would be potentially interesting, this plays itself from the Tavern, I think that's fine, other wording would be comparatively convoluted. The actual effect of the card was Inspired by Asper's Road, which I think is an awesome card idea.


Why isn't there a Reserve that looks through the discard? That seems like one of those low-hanging fruits that you have to do. The set needed a remodel variant and after many attempts I settled on this.


Not actually a Reserve but uses the Tavern mat so it's in this section. Everybody likes action-victories so let's hope this works out!


A simpler reserve and this sets Gold gainer, has nice synergy with Wanderer.


I've really enjoyed this in playtesting, it's terminal and a bit awkward so it's been good at $2.


This actually seems pretty fun, it might have to cost $3 because stacking a bunch up is pretty easy.

Fishing Boat:

An attempt at a spin on Minion. You get both the $ and the draw, and the benefit of reserves, but there's no attack and the numbers are lower.


I think this is pretty cool, either getting stranded on your Tavern mat or getting a bigger effect but losing it forever.


Cantrip Militia that's hard to get back. Getting attacked by an opponent's Warship makes it easier to get yours back. I think this might make it a bit too automatic so I'll be trying some new handsize attacks. I also probably have too many reserves and could do with some more simpler off-theme cards.

Off theme cards


Cabin is back with a brand new effect. I had the idea of terminal draw that gives you a bonus if it's played terminally, the worry of course is making a big money beast that is lacklustre in engines. Hunting Grounds sucks, even for big money and I don't think +Buys improves it too much, +Buys also gives this a reason to be played terminally in an engine so I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Hillside Village:

This a simple village to replace Campsite, also similar to Sleigh. I originally had this alternate between Village and Peddler but that basically cut the amount of village you got from this pile in half, which isn't particularly fun. It might be a little strong in this form, although probably still not up to minstrel and Port.


Young Witch was cool so let's try a friendly version. YW gets weaker as the Bane gets better, but Hunter gets stronger as the Prey gets better. The actual card is a $5 Fugitive, but when you draw one with the Prey it becomes a Lost City! The Prey costs $5 so that getting a good Hunter:Prey ratio becomes a little more tricky, hopefully leading to interesting decisions.


A Candlestick maker variant with a weak Moat reaction, I think that's kind of thematic for a Scarecrow, only the weaklings are fooled! It works pretty well in this expansion because of the two cheap attacks.


This is from that bunch of random cards I posted, but with updated Mountain Village wording and nice snowy art. I needed another $5 smithy and this seems cool to me. Adds to a small discard pile mini-theme with Reclaim which is nice.


Cold Storage

A Workshop variant that can gain $5's, but you have to wait a bit before you get them. Could be brought back, didn't seem too exciting.

Frozen Cache

Boring, could be revisited as an Event if I ever get around to deciding whether this set should have Events.


Bit boring, but the top seems fine if something else needs a simple-ish action.

Ice Cave

Didn't work out, Wayfinder is sort of doing this kind of thing.


This was the losing combination of strange and unpopular, even though I like the idea of the Iced-Coppers on gain.


Again I'm not particularly happy with the name - it's hard to think of so many ice themed things! This is a cheap expand but the gained card is delayed based upon how much more expensive it was than the trashed card. Gain and play shenanigans are hard to do with this but trashing $5's into set aside Provinces might be too good, so this might have to be limited to gaining non-victory cards. Retired, it was okay but a bit wonky and a bit boring, I can do better.


I think there's something here, this was kind of secretly broken though. Turns out Coin token Oasis is a pretty good $4 without any attack potential! Warlord is the successor to this, hopefully it works out. Now Swashbuckler is doing the whole saving Coffers thing, and Villain has a similar attack so I guess this had some okay concepts going into it?


A Peddler variant. In my mind this was just trash it to do the stuff, but then I thought it could Ice itself for a bit instead. It seems strong, but maybe it's Another one that just wasn't too interesting really, I might return to this freezing from play idea but I'd probably make it mandatory as a kind of soft one-shot. Probably something Pixie like, a slightly above the curve $2 that's fine if you never get it back and not particularly broken if you can play it 2-3 times in a game either.


It's like a small Menagerie. Probably don't need this and Sleigh in the same set but it's not the worst. Yeah this was just a hole-filler because I needed some $2s, I can do better.


A nice simple thing. Gaining Silvers doesn't seem great, but imagine gaining a Village and a Smithy! Gets truly crazy with cost reduction, like most gainers. Really no problem with the card, I still really like it, it was just I have on-theme gainers and trashers so there just wasn't room for it in this expansion.


This started out exactly the same as Cargo Ship from Renaissance (different wording but the intent of the effect was the same) I'll give myself a pat on the back for that. I eventually made it a reserve because I'm not a huge fan of having just 1-2 Durations in a set and reserves are doing a pretty similar thing anyway but it's still pretty redundant next to Cargo Ship. I will definitely still have an Igloo card in the set though!

Cargo Ship

The name is taken now and Coffers have been removed due to Renaissance making them redundant.


Coffers, but I'll probably make a rework (or just another card with the same name/image.)

Mountain Village

Name and Coffers taken by Renaissance, replaced by Lake Village.


I still love this, but Coffers are out and the name was taken (a recurring theme of this set!). I might try to fix it somehow or just have it as a random card not associated with the set.


I'm not sure about these State things, they were kind of experimental anyway and I don't really love them anymore. They also all used Coffers tokens to track things in some way so not a great fit anymore.

Outrider/Frozen Wilderness/ Bountiful Wilderness

Outrider might return as a cheap +buy card with no accompanying state. Sinister Plot kind of does the whole building up tokens thing I was trying here too.


Good concept but not right here.


Boring card.


It took me a while to admit it but this is a dud.


THis was pretty lame, but I think something can be done with it.

Massive shoutout to Violet CLM's card image generator. It was used for all of the card images in this set.

And of course thanks to all those who helped me out with their insight and suggestions!

Variants and Fan Cards / Adaptive cards
« on: September 23, 2017, 07:24:25 pm »
Hey! This is an idea for a new type of card I came up with when I was thinking about how Intrigue's themes can expanded upon. Adaptive cards!
Adaptive cards are cards that give you two options- but you have to choose the option you want at the start of the game and that is locked in for the duration of the game. Here's an example:

Harbour Town
$6 Action-Adaptive
+1 Card
+2 Actions
If you chose...
Import: You may gain a card costing up to $4.
Export: Discard any number of cards. +$1 per card discarded.

So after sorting out other setup rules and drawing opening hands starting with 1st player each player chooses either import or export and Harbour Town has that effect for that player. This could be tracked with double sided tokens showing which option each player chooses if necessary.
A couple of other ideas:

$3 Action-Adaptive
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If you chose...
Greed: Put all revealed Treasures into your hand.
Generosity: Put all revealed Actions into your hand.
Put the rest back in any order.

$4 Action-Adaptive-Attack
If you chose...
Might: Each other player reveals their hand and gains a Curse if they have no duplicates.
Magic: Each other player reveals the top card of their deck and gains a Curse if it costs from $3-£6.

Any and all critique and feedback is appreciated, whether it's about the idea itself or the power of individual cards. I also have Tabletop simulator and might be interested in testing fancards with other people if anyone is interested.


Introductions / New to the forum
« on: September 22, 2017, 04:29:55 pm »
I've been playing Dominion on and off since 2010-2011ish but mainly irl. I've recently came across quite a bit more spare time though and have started playing online and just signed up to the league. I'm thinking of doing some recording/streaming of Dominion too so if anyone is interested in joining me for some games that could be cool too!


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