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Donald X. once stated, "In general, if a card can be cheaper, I make it cheaper. I want the cards as cheap as possible without breaking the game, rather than as expensive as possible without going unplayed."  This was in context of making Throne Room cost $4 rather than $3 because, "I thought, hmm, maybe this could stand being 4 after all. It makes it just a bit harder to get a million of them; you don't go, "Market, buy two Throne Rooms" nearly as often."

I started with that because his mindset was partly to balance your open so you cannot obtain two"$4" cards, and partly to help balance the cards later in the game.  Now, to my question.

When you open with a 4/3 split, it is very common to purchase a silver with your three, and an action with your four.  In this context, something costing three is no different than something costing four since you only have one action purchase.  Regardless of cost, you buy the best action you can that costs up to four.

So, when is it better to buy an action with your four, and then buy another (or same) action with your three?  When do you opt to forgo buying a silver to add another action to your deck?  Specifically, what action is better than a silver assuming you will buy an action with your four?

Variants and Fan Cards / Help: Ideas for a four player game
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:41:06 pm »
About once a week my wife and I get together her her sister and her sister's husband to play a few games of Dominion.  We all try to win, but it is a casual game much more than a competitive game.  Between us we have all the expansions and we usually pick a random ten to play with.

That is the problem, a random ten with four people can lead to some VERY boring and slow games.  At least twice now I've purchased the last province to end the game knowing I was going to lose (when I could have won if dragged the game out) because I'd rather spend our remaining time on another match.

My question to you all is, do you have a good/fun way to select ten kingdom cards so that we can limit the amount of "suck" that some games have?  Once thing we tried last time was to randomize six and then each choose one.  This has lead to some fun matches because we have at least three good cards (one of the four of us usually picks something dumb >_>).

In this light, do any of you have any ideas?

Other Games / What other games do you enjoy playing?
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:39:01 pm »
Okay, this isn't completely unrelated to games, but it isn't really a Dominion related topic...

What other games do you all enjoy playing?  I'm actually pretty new to "competitive" board games.  I have worked in the video game field for years and that has always been my passion.  From shooters, to RPGs, to strategy games, I have always loved video games.  Recently I discovered Dominion and feel in love with it.  Shortly after I found Isotropic and rejoiced as I am now no longer limited to playing with just my local friends.

I digress, what board games, video games, or other games in general do you enjoy playing?  Or, what games do you recommend to others?  This might be beyond the scope of this thread, but if you have an actually recommendation, please explain why you are recommending it.

To start things off, I'm going to go out on a limb and say I enjoy playing Pokemon, in a competitive nature.  Most people give me weird looks at this point since a 28-year-old guy is playing Pokemon, but I've hand a lot of fun over the years building teams and playing against other good players.  It a lot deeper than many people assume it is.

There is a program I use that works as a battle simulator.  It is free and has an incredible interface (for a free program).

There is a lot more randomness in this game compared to Dominion because of how many Pokemon there are, and that the battle mechanics allow for critical hits at a low chance which can totally change how a game turns out.  This can be frustrating at times, however I chalk that game up to the RNG and move on to my next one.

There is a very steep learning curve if you wish to play; there are hundreds of Pokemon to learn and ten times the amount of moves.  It is not for everyone and the online community has many more kids than adults.  Still, I have fun with it and wanted to share it with others.

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