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Messages - Grujah

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Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:53:43 pm »
Just opened a Golden Xaril, after not opening any legends in like 30 packs of WOTG. And Cho Gal 2 packs later. \o/

Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:42:04 am »
Actually, enemy is wrong. They can get killed from your own weapon (Misdirection).

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:34:49 am »
I claimed earlier I was bored of this brawl, but someone on the subreddit suggested doomsayer/thoughtsteal. It's much less boring than most decks and has some pretty good matchups. It's a good counter to warper decks and ice block decks (you win nearly every time unless you draw horribly). Has a bad matchup vs dummy/bolster and is unwinnable vs naturalize/coldlight, and is kinda meh against niche decks (especially since I might not know how to play well against them), but overall still good.

Uhm, how does it beat warper exactly?

You keep playing doomsayers to deny their turn, while thoughtstealing with spare mana. Once you run out of doomsayers, play your own mech combo. You will be in a strong tempo position because you got out your mechs the turn before your opponent does.

Yeah, and 1 turn without a doomsayer costs you the game.

I play Whirlwind Frothing now. it boardclears all massdump decks early and can presure other decks if needed.

Also any deck that folds to Dummy/Bolster has a high chance of autoconceding when they see a Warrior.

Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: May 14, 2016, 05:30:00 am »
Enemy hero having attack doesn't interrupt face attack. You'll still attack, only maybe your guy gets some damage too.

Being STOOPID does interrupt it (50% to miss).

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:41:33 pm »
I claimed earlier I was bored of this brawl, but someone on the subreddit suggested doomsayer/thoughtsteal. It's much less boring than most decks and has some pretty good matchups. It's a good counter to warper decks and ice block decks (you win nearly every time unless you draw horribly). Has a bad matchup vs dummy/bolster and is unwinnable vs naturalize/coldlight, and is kinda meh against niche decks (especially since I might not know how to play well against them), but overall still good.

Uhm, how does it beat warper exactly?

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:24:52 pm »
This brawl rocks. You can get test all kind of crazy concepts.

I tried, with varying sucess:
Raven Idol / Innervate
Yog / Innervate
Chill Maw / Innervate
Chill Maw / Ancestor's Call
Upgrade / Southsea Deckhand
Brave Archer / Shieldberer
Undercity Husker / Journey Below
Doomsayer / Ice Lance
Edit: forgot
Wild Pyro / Silence (should try PW:S too)

I also faced Mana Wraith / Innervate Druid :D
Mechwarper / Gorillabot seems super strong too.

You forgot Mind Blast decks!  My Mind Blast/Holy Nova got one point off lethal against a Mind Blast/Shadowbomber deck.

Damn, this brawl is making me want to recraft GvG cards.  :/

In meanwhile, I tried:
Forbidden Tenatacles / Sea Giant
Light of Naruu + Shadow Word Glory or Mindblast or Auchanai
Armorsmith / Whirlwind.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: May 12, 2016, 05:12:45 pm »
This brawl rocks. You can get test all kind of crazy concepts.

I tried, with varying sucess:
Raven Idol / Innervate
Yog / Innervate
Chill Maw / Innervate
Chill Maw / Ancestor's Call
Upgrade / Southsea Deckhand
Brave Archer / Shieldberer
Undercity Husker / Journey Below
Doomsayer / Ice Lance
Edit: forgot
Wild Pyro / Silence (should try PW:S too)

I also faced Mana Wraith / Innervate Druid :D
Mechwarper / Gorillabot seems super strong too.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: May 12, 2016, 01:02:15 pm »
This brawl seems like a heaven for grinding gold. Take a turn 2-3 deck like Mech warper/Leaper and you can squeeze a shitload of wins in an small amount of time.

Gonna try Brave Archer / Firebat.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Teasers!
« on: May 07, 2016, 06:17:45 am »
Prediction: (Secret) Bidding card is designed by guest designer David Sirlin.


Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: April 30, 2016, 07:27:10 pm »
Eater of Secrets says "I know who you are...". Pretty classic.

I don't think I know the reference, but this reminds me of that one episode of Metalocalypse where they make that movie "Blood Ocean".

Mysterious Challenger: Who am I? None of your business!

Cue Eater of Secrets.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: April 30, 2016, 07:25:17 pm »
I am running:
Ramp Druid
Never More High (Token Druid)
Malygos Rogue
Yagg Rogue (which is Malygos rogue, but with Yagg instead, everything else is the same).

Yagg is.. interesting, to say at least. You don't have to save spells to make use of him like with Maly, but sometimes he'll summon 6 animal companions and sometimes he'll just sheep himself and fizzle on almost everyhing else. He usually does some face damage tho.

Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: April 30, 2016, 12:31:43 pm »
I lost to turn 2 Renounce the Darkness turn 3 Mindgames into Malygos.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: April 30, 2016, 05:50:21 am »
Cthun decks all look like crap to me OTOH. You play River Crocs, Spider Tanks and Yetis and.. a giant bomb to finish it off? Wow, so not impressed.

I suspect some classes have it better than others with respect to C'thun.  Druid and Priest have insane C'Thun synergy, while Paladin and Shaman have nothing.

I am talking about Druid and Priest and Warriors, as those are classes that run it. Still pretty much horrible IMHO. I don't really see "insane synergy", I see vanilla drops and a bomb that is less impressive as it often struggles to finish off opponent.

Here is Kripp's video:

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: April 30, 2016, 04:58:47 am »
True, but from what I've seen, this new incarnation has some issues closing out games.

Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:19:52 am »
Is there any real point to Renounce Darkness?  It turns your constructed deck into a coin-flip brawl.  Why is this at Epic?

Those kind of "super-weird" cards were always epic, and they should be. Like Confuse, Astral Communion, Dreadsteed or Lock and Load.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:17:36 am »
Yup, haven't really played Zoolock but judging from playing against it, it looks pretty damn good (even tho I still haven't lost to it, I think. Maybe once). I do not know if it plays Doomguard or +4+4 buff, but it does seem to lack a bit of burst tho.

Cthun decks all look like crap to me OTOH. You play River Crocs, Spider Tanks and Yetis and.. a giant bomb to finish it off? Wow, so not impressed.

Hearthstone / Re: Wispers of the Old Gods
« on: April 29, 2016, 06:00:33 pm »
Opened 27 packs, no legend :( Luckily, after nerfs, I have about 17000 dust stashed (And I didn't dust non-duplicates in quite some time, neither).

Xaril is all I expected him to be. He is pulling some serious weight in my Maly/Miracle Rogue. Kinda like 3d Tomb Pillager, and Pillager is probably the second most important card in that deck, after Gadgzetan.

Toxin comparison:  card ~= 2 damage > Stealth > 3 attack > Shadowstep.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:49:19 am »
I expected owl to get Warsong'd, so that only silence is Spellbreker, so this is actually less harsh than I expected.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: April 04, 2016, 05:02:48 pm »
That main issue with this brawl is that it is literally unplayable for new players. Not just unfair, but potentially you don't even have cards to make a deck.

It is not literally unplayable. They can buy packs or craft cards for it.
And you can easily make decent Mage deck out of basically anything, they have so many good basic/common spells.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:39:06 pm »
Awesome brawl, one of better ones, and I actually played more than 1 win (20+ actually) and that is rare.

Many classes are viable. (which is also rare). Druids can ramp to 7 easily, also have idols and ways to get tokens before turn 7. Priests have Mind Games, Ressurect and other fun options. Hunter you can play aggro with no high drops. Shaman you can play burn, mage can play burn too etc.

I racked up a lot of wins with Mindgames Priest, later I switched to aggro hunter with no 7+ except 1 Majordormo to troll Priests. Also 2 flares to troll mages.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:45:07 am »
I mean, it's Seth Rogen, what did you expect?

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: March 24, 2016, 11:21:56 am »
Kel Thuzard is 6/8.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: March 24, 2016, 11:01:59 am »
Ugh.  I just went 2-3 with what looked to me like a fairly respectable rogue deck.  I have always struggled a lot with rogue in arena, has anyone got any tips on this one?

EDIT:  Yeah so I realise that obviously showing the deck would be helpful, but I don't have it down anywhere.  Just looking for any general ideas about rogue in arena.  I average somewhere between 6 and 8 wins with other classes, but I don't think I've got more than about 4 with rogue recently.

I've done fine with Rogue recently. You rally need to play aggresive and keep the tempo on your side, clean stuff with face. Tomb Pillagers, Shado Pans, Eviscerate, Deadly Poison, and strangly Venture Co even (High attack is better for rogue, so you might want to take risky high attack guys more often). One thing I've picked up from Ben Brode streams is have 1 conceal in. It just does wonders in setting up leathal when you are ahead, and as rogue you want to be ahead early.
All very good tips, some of which I was trying to go with already, some not so much.  Thanks. :)

The conceal thing is really interesting.   I've never thought of it as a good arena card, but when you put it that way...

Man, me neither. Than I saw Brode actually win with it a few times, than I've tried it, and it works. Sure, when things are going bad it can be a bad draw, but it really provides huge amount of damage if opponent cant finish you of / doesn't have AoE.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: March 24, 2016, 10:48:42 am »
Ugh.  I just went 2-3 with what looked to me like a fairly respectable rogue deck.  I have always struggled a lot with rogue in arena, has anyone got any tips on this one?

EDIT:  Yeah so I realise that obviously showing the deck would be helpful, but I don't have it down anywhere.  Just looking for any general ideas about rogue in arena.  I average somewhere between 6 and 8 wins with other classes, but I don't think I've got more than about 4 with rogue recently.

I've done fine with Rogue recently. You rally need to play aggresive and keep the tempo on your side, clean stuff with face. Tomb Pillagers, Shado Pans, Eviscerate, Deadly Poison, and strangly Venture Co even (High attack is better for rogue, so you might want to take risky high attack guys more often). One thing I've picked up from Ben Brode streams is have 1 conceal in. It just does wonders in setting up leathal when you are ahead, and as rogue you want to be ahead early.

Hearthstone / Re: Tavern Brawl Discussion
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:29:19 pm »
I got 3 or 4 times Raffam, KT 0 times. I won on my last try.

I hate brawls like these, they make no sense, you can't really have any coherent strategy - you don't really know about either decks, cards are randomly unbalanced, you can't really expect anything or play around anthing.(unless you dedicate time to it, and I am not going to do that on some random hodge poge).

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