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Messages - Major Isoor

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Yeah, fair enough - I suspected that this might be the case. Wasn't sure though, since (as crj said) it says to only keep it out as a "reminder", for whatever that's worth. Does seem a bit ambiguous, but I'm definitely leaning towards "not possible".

Hi guys,
Apologies if this has already been addressed, however I've looked around and haven't found anything that confirms whether or not this is possible. So, in a recent game I used a Throne Room with a duration card (which was Wharf, not that it really matters), which I looked online to confirm if it gives the next-turn effect or not - which it does, as per the below excerpt from the wiki:

"If you play or modify a Duration card with another card, that other card also stays in your play area until it is no longer doing anything. For example if you play Throne Room on Merchant Ship, both cards stay in play until the Clean-up phase of your next turn. The Throne Room stays in play to remind you that you are getting the effect of Merchant Ship twice on that next turn."

Now what I want to know is, what if you also use a Scheme during your turn? Will you be allowed to top-deck your Throne Room (as it is 'in play') or is it forbidden to remove it until the duration card itself has been removed from play? And the important bit is, if you can top-deck the Throne Room with Scheme, does the duration card still retain its double-effect?


Hi Donald! Speaking of Seaside, I've noticed that it's just come back in-stock at Amazon (link). Hate to ask it, but do you by any chance know whether or not the copies sold by Amazon directly is the reprint? (There's another seller who states they have the reprint, however they only ship within the US)
I'm somewhat hesitant to jump on it is all, as a few Australian shops recently got some more stock in, in the last few days - however all those copies were the original version!

Any insight on the topic would be greatly appreciated. Can't wait to grab Seaside, as well as maybe (read: probably! ;D ) Hinterlands
I have no special way to tell what Amazon is selling. I do know though that the second edition of Seaside is out, it has been shipped to distributors.

Wow, that was a fast response - were your ears burning from sensing your name being said, when I made my post? ;D
And alright then, thanks for the update. I think I might take the plunge today or tomorrow anyway, since Amazon is normally pretty good with having current stock available (and they were previously out-of-stock until a couple of days ago, so hopefully they don't have any old copies leftover) from what I've seen.

So, what are the actual changes with Seaside's cards, anyway? I know the phrasing is being updated to be clearer and also gender-neutral, but are there any major changes to the cards (like with the artwork on platinum+colonies in Prosperity) in Seaside, or?

Also, let me just be the millionth person to congratulate you on making such a great game! Since when I was first shown it by a friend I wasn't convinced about how good a purely card-based game (that looked kinda like moneysink games such as MTG) would be, but after giving it a go, it was highly engaging. Best card game I've played, and undoubtedly one of the best tabletop games I've played, overall!

Where in the wiki did you find this information? I just found out that Prosperity is in 2nd edition. I maintain complete rules document on BGG, so I want to know which sets are out in 2nd editions.
Currently Prosperity and Hinterlands are 2E (and Dominion and Intrigue and the Big Box).

Seaside should be coming any day, Dark Ages in a few months.

Hi Donald! Speaking of Seaside, I've noticed that it's just come back in-stock at Amazon (link). Hate to ask it, but do you by any chance know whether or not the copies sold by Amazon directly is the reprint? (There's another seller who states they have the reprint, however they only ship within the US)
I'm somewhat hesitant to jump on it is all, as a few Australian shops recently got some more stock in, in the last few days - however all those copies were the original version!

Any insight on the topic would be greatly appreciated. Can't wait to grab Seaside, as well as maybe (read: probably! ;D ) Hinterlands

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