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Goko Dominion Online / RIP making fun
« on: January 01, 2017, 01:17:35 am »
jk good riddance

Other Games /
« on: December 18, 2016, 03:11:46 pm »
Many of the discord community has started to play It's a really fun short war game.(1-5 minutes)
Discord channel:
Private game:

Rules Questions / When is "when you play an action" resolved.
« on: November 18, 2016, 07:17:02 pm »
Champion is in play.
I have 1 action
I play storyteller playing diadem.
Do I draw 4 or 5 cards?

Puzzles and Challenges / Conquest vs provinces
« on: October 14, 2016, 11:47:05 pm »
How much money and buys do you have to have for conquest to be worth more points than provinces?

Variants and Fan Cards / What's the most update photoshop template?
« on: September 14, 2016, 11:26:20 pm »
What's the most update photoshop template?

Variants and Fan Cards / Replacement for starting coppers
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:10:31 pm »
Set this aside on your bronze mat
Worth 1$ per card on your bronze mat

Bronze mat Setup (In rulebook)
Put one bronze on every player's bronze mat
Each player starts with 7 bronzes instead of coppers
When you buy a victory card trash a card from your bronze mat(your choice).

Any ideas on how to make the card more concise?

Game Reports / Ironworks, Great Hall, scout
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:20:07 am »

Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Great Hall, Loan, Lookout, Feast, Ironworks, Scout, Contraband, Tactician, Torturer
How did I not completely whoop my opponent who was messing around with scouts and stuff.

Goko Dominion Online / Cultist incorrect implementation.
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:02:39 pm »
After playing cultist multiple times and You decline to play cultist it asks whether you want to play cultist again for every cultist in play. It should not because the first cultist uses up its ability to play another cultist and so on. After all the cultist says you may play a cultist no multiple cultist.
(This does not change any thing but it might in the future)

Dominion General Discussion / What's the card your best at?
« on: June 01, 2016, 09:55:15 pm »
For me I think i am best at governor. Love the card and all the interesting decisions. When watching streams of govorner games I am like no, don't get a gold remodel that silver into a govorner and buy another one.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Adam's and WW's podcast
« on: February 20, 2016, 11:13:33 pm »
Shout out to adam's and wanderingwinder's podcast.
Just want to let you guys know about it if you didn't already.
All credit goes to adam and wanderingwinder.
First episode:

Second episode:

Second.5 episode

Rules Questions / Counterfeit + coin of the realm
« on: February 20, 2016, 10:46:18 am »
What happens if I counterfeit a coin of the realm? Do you play it twice and not trash it or do you play it once and not trash it. WHen does the lose track rule apply?

Tournaments and Events / Online tournament scavenger(might be delayed)
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:02:10 am »
Update: This will probably last a bit longer than originally planned
Welcome to the scavenger tournament. THis tournament is a little bit different than my previous one so read through everything before signing up. To avoid confusion I will try to make complete rules before hand. I want to be as transparent with this tournament as possible to avoid drama. Tournament will start once we have 8 applicants.
1. The matches are first to 4 wins.
2. If needed Matches can be split over multiple periods of time
3. If the client gives out on you than that is counted as a loss unless if you're opponent is gracious enough to give you a tie.(Hint don't sign up if you're client is not working very well)
4. All results will be posted in this thread.
5. If you become inactive then your next opponent gets a automatic win.(If you have not played any matches you can have a sub with compatible Iso rating)
6. Matches will be scheduled here (I will try to accommodate various vacations)
7. Standard random unless both players decide differently.
8. point counter is by default on but if both players agree it can be turned off.
9. No more than 4 starts for a player otherwise whoever is losing the match gets starting player If the match is tied making fun decides starting player.
11. If you stream you cannot look at your streams chat while playing.

1. Stream if you can
2. Play your matches sooner rather than later.

Single elimination.
Seeded by iso rating

Sign ups are open one spot left

Dominion Articles / How to play well: The key questions
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:17:26 pm »
I sometimes notice players(including myself) not play well. This is because they are not focused. These questions should help you stay focused on winning. Let's suppose we have a kingdom with junk dealer, margrave, highway, village and some irrelevant cards.

The first question we should ask ourselves is what is the most effective way of winning?
Since this board has no alt-vp cards we need to get provinces to score points or end the game on piles. This leads us to ask:

What do we want our deck to look like before we start greening?
We want our deck to look something like this. 1 junk dealer,5 highways(more is always better but in a mirror you will probably get 5, 3 margraves(To draw deck, attack and give + buy), one village per margrave you get.

How do we get there?
Because most of our engine pieces are costing 5 and there are no kingdom cards that help us hit 5 better than silver we should open double silver. If we get lucky enough to get 5/2 we should pick up a junk dealer. Junk dealer helps us trash which is a good thing.
       Why do we want to trash?
We want to trash because when we draw a card we want to draw a card that helps us have a better turn. If that junk card had not been in your deck you would have drawn a better card. Suppose I drew a hand of 3 coppers and a margrave and a estate. Now let's suppose that I had trashed all those estates and coppers. I would have drawn many more villages/draw cards/highways if those junk cards wouldn't have been there.
On 4-3$ hands you should get villages because silvers do not help you that much and will clog your hands up eventually(Do not be afraid to trash your starting silvers)

After we get two junk dealers we should think about how our deck is doing.
If we have several villages but have not trashed very many cards it is probably time for a highway.
If not pick up a margrave.

How do we win the key splits?
In this case highways are the key split because that will be our main source of economy.
There are many ways to try to do this. In this board you really have two options
1)Buy highways earlier than your opponent
2)Get +buy cards two buy two(or more) highways in a turn.

Skip forward a few turns...
You and your opponents deck should look something like this:
5 highways, two junk dealers, 5 dollars of real economy(non-highways), 3 stop cards, 2 margraves, 2-3 villages.

How do you want to plan the endgame?
Given that you do not have enough economy to double province(provinces cost 3) but can draw your deck every turn(almost)You have a few options
1)Go straight for green
2)Get cards that help you control piles (Margrave helps give you + buy)
3)Get enough economy to double province (single gold should do the trick)

After the game is over you should ask yourself:

Why did I win/lose And What did I do different than my opponent
This is a tough question. Many times you can do more than one option at one time.

Tournaments and Events / New online tournament.
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:15:11 pm »
Dan brooks wins!!!
Edit: Rules 7-10 are new
To avoid confusion I will try to make complete rules before hand. I want to be as transparent with this tournament as possible to avoid drama.
1. The matches are best out of 3.
2. If needed tie breakers will be played until a winner is decided.
3. If the client gives out on you than that is counted as a loss unless if you're opponent is gracious enough to give you a tie.(Hint don't sign up if you're client is not working very well)
4. All results will be posted in this thread.
5. If you become inactive then your next opponent gets a automatic win.
6. Two matches a week.
7. Standard random unless both players decide differently.
8. point counter is by default on but if both players agree it can be turned off.
9. Making fun decides starting player unless if both players agree otherwise.
10. If you stream you cannot look at chat while playing.

1. Stream if you can
2. Play your matches sooner rather than later.

Single elimination.
Seeded by iso rating

Sign ups are closed

Iso rankings:(Taken 2/17/16)
1. Dan brooks/dedicatedan: 59
2. Teamrocketgrunt: 48
3. Singletree: 46
4. IguanaIguana: 44
5. Jimmmmm: 39
6. Gkrieg/Gkreig13: 37
7. Infhitbox: 37
8. Roadrunner7671: 32

Matches that need to be scheduled and played before monday

Schedule through pm. If you cannot schedule your game contact me.

Quarter-finals Must be finished by Monday 22
Seed 1(dan brooks) - Seed 8(Roadrunner7671) Dan won
Seed 4(IguanaIguana) - Seed 5(Jimmmmm) Iguana won
Seed 3(Singletree) - Seed 6(Gkrieg) Singletree won
Seed 2(Teamrocketgrunt) - Seed 7(Infhitbox) Teamrocketgrunt wins.

Semi-finals Must be finished by Friday 26
Seed 1 - Seed 4 Dan/seed 1 wins
Seed 3 - Seed 2 Seed 2 wins

Finals Must be finished by Monday 29
Seed 1 - Seed 2 Seed 1 wins

Shameless plug for my next tourney

Dominion General Discussion / Saltiness
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:03:06 am »
How do you play well in suboptimal circumstances? If you're salty how do you stay on top of the game instead of resorting to being bad at Dominion? If you have had bad luck in previous games how do you prevent blaming everything on luck and not playing well because of it?

Puzzles and Challenges / How fast can you empty the silver pile?
« on: February 10, 2016, 05:38:31 pm »
How fast can you empty the silver pile?

Feedback / Spam users
« on: February 08, 2016, 09:31:51 pm »
It seems like there is a spam bot making accounts on this forum. If you go to latest members for many new "members" there is a about me text that uses bad English that seems like it is a robot making the account. It is cut off after a certain amount of characters which probably means that the bot isn't very intelligent and is just pasting things/generating them.
There is an example in the attached photo.

Dominion General Discussion / Madman megaturns
« on: January 30, 2016, 09:25:20 am »
We all know about hermit/market Square, but what we don't know much about is other madman megaturns. How do we build a madman goons megaturn? How do we build a merchant guild megaturn? How do we build a madman horn of plenty megaturn? How do we build a cost reducer megaturn?

Dominion General Discussion / Super old quotes
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:19:31 pm »
This is the place to quote really old strategy tips laugh at our dominion misconceptions. All goodnaturedly of course. :) I will give an example:
Yeah, Ironworks/Gardens is what I think is the "root Combo". By this I mean the thing that is so good, absolutely nothing else beats it. And since I made that postulation, at least in my own games, it's been true: in any game with both ironworks and Gardens on the board, I've only lost in games where my opponent also went for a variation of this strategy. Now, this isn't to say you shouldn't go for other cards WITH this combo - i.e. if workshop is on the board, you should prolly go workshop/ironworks/gardens - but I have yet to think of a board where a gardens/ironworks-centred deck doesn't win at least 50% of the time. It's incredibly resilient at any rate, and can absorb most problems other decks can throw at it, especially curse-givers, which a lot of other strategies can't boast of, and it is fast enough to beat a lot of other strats.

I'll have a standing challenge to anyone to beat me Ironworks/Gardens without going Ironworks/Gardens themselves (okay, mirror match is fine too, but that's a different story altogether, and I haven't gotten it often enough to be confident I have it 100% tuned for the mirror). I'm not saying I'll win every time, but I should win over 50%, especially if you control for player order advantage.
Challenge accepted

Feedback / Changing names
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:52:57 pm »
Not that I am interested in doing this but I noticed that shecantsayno changed his name to scsn recently. How did he do this?

Goko Dominion Online / Pro leaderboard
« on: January 24, 2016, 11:23:14 pm »
On the goko client the pro leaderboard had roughly 100 people above 5000. On the making fun client there is olny 70 people above 5000. Does this mean that less people play on the new client than before? It is easier to reach lever 40 is level than it was so this seems like conflicting information. Did the making fun people change the algorithm?

Feedback / Buddies lists
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:41:58 am »
So recently theory introduced a new feature to the forums: buddies!
Does anyone know what they are for?
If there isn't something special you can do with your buddies let's ask theory to do something about it. :)
Any suggestions for what buddies should do?

Game Reports / Game reports for games You lose in.
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:41:15 am »
This is the topic for reflecting on your loses and deciding what you could of done better.

Code: [Select]
Haven, Stonemason, Cutpurse, Treasure Map, Band of Misfits, Rogue, Soothsayer, Stables, Treasury, King's CourtHis king's courted cutpurses totally rekt me. I was behind after the second shuffle having missed hitting stables. His turn 7 Kinged cutpurse prevented me from hitting five. After my opponent duded with two KCs in hand I got my first king's court. After turn 16 he can't dud because of kc haven shenanigans. I am not sure what I should have done better. Before turn 17 I hoped to pile out with a bunch of stone masoned golds into dutchy stonemason. but I couldn't. Any thought?

Feedback / Ignoring threads
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:39:56 am »
As a non-mafia forumer I kinda find the mafia threads in my show unread posts since last visit annoying. Is there anyway that I can ignore these threads.

This is the thread to talk about things other than scout. (Scout things go here)
Feel free to sway the conversation to anything Dominion strategy related(except for scout)
Let's talk about theif.
Theif is a card that is pretty bad
What Types of games like theif?
How many times do you need to play theif for it to effectively destroy a terminal draw big money strategy?
In a thief slog with gardens when do you get theif?

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