Dominion > Rules Questions


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Okay so I play Sailor, and then I play Blockade, gaining Caravan. Caravan is gained directly to set-aside-cards-land (no visiting!), which means Sailor can put Caravan into play immediately. Since the Caravan isn't set aside anymore, Blockade won't make anyone gain Curses. Fine and dandy.

My question is: does Blockade stay in play anyway? Does it still have to try (and fail) to put Caravan in my hand at the start of the next turn? Or does it already "know" that the Caravan is gone and that it won't do anything next turn?

(This is conceptually different from a Gear with nothing set aside, since in this case a Blockade has a specific set-aside card that it's trying to put in your hand; it just can't find it.)

(I suspect the answer is that Blockade is discarded this turn, but I'm not totally certain!)

Ah, I see this is already answered on the wiki. Good work, everyone!


--- Quote from: AJD on July 26, 2022, 03:59:33 am ---Ah, I see this is already answered on the wiki. Good work, everyone!

--- End quote ---
You tease! Just going to leave us hanging? :P ;)
The answer for anyone reading is Blockade is discarded in Clean-up.

Hmm, okay, the wiki also says that if you Band of Misfits / Conjurer, the Band of Misfits stays in play till the next turn. How is that different from the Blockade scenario in my first question? In both situations, a Duration card is supposed to put something in your hand in the next turn, but you already know before Clean-up that the stop-moving rule is going to prevent that from happening. In the case of Blockade, that makes you discard the Blockade during Clean-up (you don't wait for it to try and fail to put the Caravan in your hand), but in the case of Band of Misfits / Conjurer, knowing that you're not going to be doing anything next turn because the targeted card isn't available apparently isn't enough to overrule the card staying play, and you do wait for it to try and fail to put the Conjurer in your hand. Why is that?

I suppose the answer must be because the rule is, Band of Misfits stays in play as long as the Duration card it plays would stay in play if it were in play; and if the Conjurer were in play then it would be going to do something on the next turn because it wouldn't lose track of itself in that situation... but that seems like one too many counterfactuals to really be how the cards are supposed to work, doesn't it?

The way I see it, Blockade's duration effect is conditional, if you don't set aside a card on it, no duration effect activates. This is not the case for conjurer, you'll always get a duration effect, and BoM's "leaving it there" stopping it going into your hand next turn doesn't stop the duration effect from activating. Neither Blockade of Conjurer+BoM has anything to do with the stop moving rule.


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