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Mobile MOBAs

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I've been playing League of Legends casually for just under a year, and a few months back I discovered Arena of Valor, a mobile MOBA from the parent company behind League. I was surprised by how well they translated the MOBA experience into a quick but satisfying mobile format. After playing quite a bit of AoV, I discovered a new mobile MOBA, Onmyoji Arena, last month. It has a very cool and cohesive Japanese art style and the character design seems creative and smart. I'm extremely impressed and it has pretty much replaced AoV since finding it.

There are a few other big mobile MOBAs out there - Vainglory, Mobile Legends - but I haven't played any others. Anyone else play these games, especially Arena of Valor or Onmyoji Arena?

Do you have a hella commute or something? 


--- Quote from: popsofctown on September 07, 2018, 03:35:49 am ---Do you have a hella commute or something?

--- End quote ---

Nah, and I drive so on my commute I listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Onmyoji Arena typically takes 10-20 minutes so I can play in situations when I wouldn't have time for league of legends, like in bed, on the couch while watching a show, or in the bathroom. :P

Overall if all else was equal I might choose Onmyoji over league even if I had the time, because I could play a couple games in the same amount of time and because the skill floor for certain roles is lower. Mainly - I'm pretty bad at last hitting in league, which mostly relegates me to playing support (which is fine, I like that role). But in OA, last hitting is still a thing but until you get to the really high ranks, it's possible to succeed and carry the team without last hitting every minion.

I can't play action games in bed and still get sleepy.  If you can, then I get it, I can see how that's a niche.  Especially if grinding ranks feels "productive". I have to stick to turn based fare.

I don't have other short blocks of time that would fit a mobile Moba.  I try to give anything worth watching my full attention.

Thanks for sharing your experience, it is one of those things one can't learn unless one asks.

So this is on the switch now.  After I beat Celeste I am thinking about playing it on Switch.

My main concern is, do I have to fight people playing Mobile while on the Switch, and do the people on Mobile have better controls than I do?


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