Miscellaneous > Other Games

Let's create an f.ds themed Cards Against Humanity deck!

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Deck code: ZVEJZ

So, the idea is to create a custom f.ds themed Cards Against Humanity deck. When we have a bunch of cards, we can make the deck on Cardcast and actually play with it on Pretend You're Xyzzy (which is free) if we can have enough people interested in playing at the same time, or it can be run as a forum game if not. Even if you don't intend on playing CAH with other f.dsers, you can just come up with cool card ideas just for fun.

You can submit any number of cards and they can be white cards or black cards. The formatting of the cards should follow the instructions from Cardcast:

An underscore (_) indicates where a white card fits into a black card. Use up to three.

* Good: I always say _ makes a great gift.
* Good: _ is the best thing about _.
* Good: What makes a great gift? _
* Bad: What makes a great gift?
Black cards: Write as sentences using proper punctuation and capitalization.

* Good: The latest Californian fad is _.
* Bad: the latest Californian fad is _.
* Bad: The latest californian fad is _
White cards: Only capitalize proper nouns and generally exclude punctuation.

* Good: yoga classes with Batman
* Bad: yoga classes with Batman.
* Bad: Yoga classes with Batman
Black card and white card phrasing must match. Ideally, black cards should prompt noun-like white cards.

* Bad: last night we jump up and down.
* OK: last night we decided to jump up and down.
* Good: last night was full of jumping up and down.
(end quote)

Furthermore, generally the following should be kept in mind:

* The majority of black cards should only have one blank space for a white card, but there should also be some with two or three blank spaces.
* Designing cards by taking an established sentence and breaking it up into a black card and a white card is certainly acceptable, but there should be a good number of other kinds of cards as well.
* Not all cards have to be specifically f.ds related. This applies especially to black cards.
* The cards should have at least the potential to be funny in the right circumstances. It's fine to have cards that are inherently funny on their own, and it's also fine to have cards that are only funny in rare situations, or only found funny by some people.
For the time being, all card submissions will be counted because we need a lot of them.

Here's a couple of submissions to get us started:

Black card: Decline of _ on _.
Black card: Is it _?
Black card: How can you beat Smithy/BM? _
Black card: _ is, perhaps, the most powerful card in all of Dominion.

White card: civility
White card: Isotropic
White card: Moat
White card: Bureaucrat
White card: King's Court
White card: Rebuild
White card: Scout
White card: Mountebank
White card: Urchin
White card: Goko
White card: Making Fun
White card: waiting for Adventures
White card: misclicking
White card: a blue dog
White card: f.ds
White card: the forum games
White card: the Dominion League

This looks like fun.

Black card: Have you checked out the latest stream of _?
Black card: _ is shutting down?
Black card: My engine stalled because of _.
Black card: _? I kind of dig it, but the art sucks.
Black card: I'd prefer if _ was text based.
Black card: Was that a _ board? I couldn't tell because of _.
Black card: A Swindler trashed _ and gave me _.

White card: RSP
White card: The second reshuffle
White card: Adventurer
White card: Cultist
White card: Salvager
White card: conceding
White card: Banker Bot
White card: Duchy
White card: Sword Art Online

For some reason, I found "the second reshuffle" and "Banker Bot" to be some of my favourite white cards here. SAO is there because you can't afford not to have it.

Is there an emoji for putting your hands over your eyes in fear then peeking through?

Here's some more.

Black card: _ is strictly better than _.
Black card: They can't all be the best _ ever.
Black card: _ is far more skippable than people think.
Black card: It's not about being ahead when the game ends; it's about _.
Black card: _ is hwinning.
Black card: Develop has _ on it.
Black card: You make your own _.
Black card: I played a Lookout and revealed _, _ and _.

White card: Harem
White card: mathematics
White card: free pizza
White card: explaining the joke
White card: emptying the supply in 2 turns
White card: my "deck"
White card: edge cases
White card: Mine
White card: Mint
White card: making your own shuffle luck
White card: the best $5 ever
White card: actually playing Dominion
White card: Dominion: Gunpowder
White card: getting satisfaction
White card: butts
White card: the [Serious] tag
White card: the Golden Sombrero
White card: programming


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