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Messages - Fragasnap

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Ghost Ship will square it!

So if your games lasted 10 minutes before, they'll now last 100 square minutes? What?
Yeah, that's right.

I don't know, dude. 100 square minutes is a pretty big area of squared time.
Did anyone else notice the game's length is measured in "minutes minutes"?
Physics students in the room can read that as, "minutes squared." Apparently, Rio Grande has admitted to how grossly off the 30 minute length was and has started measuring time in the fifth dimension as well. Has anyone else figured out how square minutes work? I certainly can't.

So you can say that Homestead is not as exciting to you as HP or SP, and that's fine, but I don't think it's as bad as either of them in terms of how much it slows the game down.  I think it's more comparable to Golem.
In most games I don't shuffle every turn, but some cards imply that I will need to shuffle frequently. That takes quite a bit of time and is one reason I am bothered to play with Scrying Pool and Hunting Party in real life--which is every game I play. Golem's effect on shuffling is not really comparable as Golem is much harder to stack than any previously mentioned card because it's so expensive. Even when I have used Golem, I've usually built up such an economy that by the time I have 2 or 3 Golems in my deck I need to be buying green. Consider how much more accessible Homestead is than any of these three other cards. Also one Homestead has much more effect upon your shuffle than one Scrying Pool or Hunting Party does (even if two don't).

I imagine the best way to play Homestead involve having an absurd number of Actions through stacking them for some kind of payoff through (most commonly) card draw and Attacks. Homestead's application reasonably exciting, but it will still cause lots of shuffling really fast which can bog down games. It also could bring a rather dull certainty to the game. King's Court\Scheme is cute, but only fun once.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.
The biggest problem I see with this card strategically is that it is practically impossible to sneak a 3-pile, even with +Buys. If 3-piling is beneficial to one player, players will work to end the game first (which a Landlord player has to get dangerously close to already).

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.
This card is a pain to remember. As a Dominion Academic you can tell me it gives me a choice between Village, Smithy, Peddler, Workshop, or Woodcutter, and I know what you mean, but think about that from a beginner stand-point. What are those cards?
Thinking about a card trying to fit into Dominion: Intrigue as a starter set, this card looks pretty terrible, regardless of the options one can choose.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.
I'm not sure most of the benefits are good enough to let players gain even $5, let alone $6. I might like this a bit better if it did have only two options, but then I'm not sure what those options should be to really counterbalance how strong this Workshop+ is.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a Victory card. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Worth 1 VP.
Have we considered the ridiculous amount of shuffling this card implies? It's all the problems of Scrying Pool and Hunting Party with none of the payoff. There is an alien sense as the author stated in having so many Actions if you can trash those Estates, but I don't know if I could deal with all the shuffling.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.
I keep flip-flopping on whether this is too weak or too strong. The top is certainly weak and will choke hard with other green even if it does somehow work when drawing itself. 2VP can be hard to ignore on a lot of boards in a non-dead card though...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards you always remember wrong
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:01:14 pm »
A rule I always forget about is the player-2-wins-on-tie-if-he-has-fewer-turns rule.
... or player-3-wins-on-tie-if-he-has-fewer-turns rule.
... or player-4-wins-on-tie-if-he-has-fewer-turns rule.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).
This takes a lot of words to get across but is pretty clear. Seems mildly vanilla and it's a pretty brutal Attack, both of which make it feel very Intrigue. I think the Attack is too swingy though: One player discards a Silver, another discards a Gold.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Look through your discard pile. You may reveal a card from it and put it on the bottom of your deck. If it is an… Action card, +1 Action; Treasure card, +$1; Victory card, +1 Card.
The vanilla bonuses really obfuscate the coolest part of this card: Stacking the bottom of the deck. This provides a neat little decision and combos with dual-types. I'd like to see the bonuses rotated since most of the cards worth stacking on the deck are Actions.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.
+2 cards is really weak and this ascertains that one of the cards is a Victory card... but being a Victory card itself, drawing a Prefecture and the best of 4 or 5 cards sounds pretty cool, even if it would choke hard on other green.

The rest:
If you like or made a card, you can find it.

Logothete: I don't like the huge drawback. I also don't like that it's a splitter because that doesn't seem like it should be the primary purpose of the card.
Cold Iron: No idea why this has so many types. Does it really need all of these?
Sphinx (A): I think the idea is just fruity enough to work, but the penalty for guessing wrongly is too big to make this such a weird card.
Sphinx (B): Less interesting Count.
Paladin: I'm not really sure what a Paladin deck should feel like. I'd rather its sifting be a bit stronger than this to help the player of it actually make the Attacks as Victory points thing work. I don't think this feels very Intrigue.
Landlord: At first I kind of liked this idea, but the optional discard is not really optional: One simply discards if he can and he can use the Action. I think making the discard an actual option would go a long way to making this more interesting, but then it probably wouldn't need the Victory card portion and then it wouldn't be an Intrigue card.
Dance: Assuming the pin was removed I still don't really get this card. You set yourself back too far to make it worth using as a real Attack, and discarding the deck is a good thing until the end of the game, and only really helps other players trigger their Dances. The Reaction is the only reason I'd ever buy this, but even then I don't like that it increases my hand size before my turn, leaving it vulnerable to hand-size Attacks.
Architect (A): I don't like how this changes a vanilla bonus. I don't think it's possible to do that safely without making a card that simply explodes.
Acropolis: Too hard to stack up, too good when it does.
Nabob: This is a non-decision "choose one" card, and Remodel +2 Cards is a card that I think Donald X. said was too strong anyway.
Courtier: Silly powerful. I don't think there's any way to simply let a player gain a Duchy with no drawbacks.
Monastery: Seems pretty cool, but I think gaining Golds might still be too good, even giving two of those benefits to other players.
Lawyer: +$2 Gimped Workshop is not a terrible card in the first place. This can explode and gain $5 Actions in a way that is extremely unlikely. I don't like the swing.
Lord: In order to get the +$3, you have to have an Action you aren't using and a useless Victory card. If it gave more coins, I think it would feel too much like Baron.
Bailey: According to Donald X., discarding Victory cards for $2 is pretty powerful. This can give a bunch of Actions and discard all your Victory cards.
The wording seems very academic: technically correct, but confusing to the layman.
Wall: I do like this reaction (though, it probably should set the cards aside and discard them at the start of your turn so we don't lose count), and the light counter to different Attacks for the Action is nice, but it ultimately feels too crowded.
Overseer: This feels like a mechanic that belongs to a Eurogame, not Dominion.
Shrine: Greater Hall. Boring and especially so when set next to Mortuary.
Committee: Too swingy.
Taylor-Compton: Probably okay, but it doesn't feel very Intrigue or very clever.
Usurer:Probably too much for the times you can use it to pin players and win with virtual coin.
Dungeon: This is interesting, but it enables itself too much. It would be easy to make this a Duchy and quite possibly even a 5VP card.
Majordomo: Weak and can't really be fixed without stepping on Stables.
Wedding: Non-terminal trashing from hand seems like a theme to this contest. Trashing for different Attacks is not very compelling, really.
Liege: This severely punishes players who aim for alternate Victory strategies. No go.
Traitor: Too political: To make a name-a-card Attack work there needs to be a real drawback for getting it wrong.
Homestead: Similar idea to Prefecture, but Prefecture feels much more like Intrigue because of the choice. This draws the next Victory card which could be a Homestead to work as a splitter for you, but it also makes players feel bad when they discard their Gold with it.
Observatory: I still like this card from when I saw it on the forums earlier. I think this is too swingy for me to favor it over other cards that feel more like Intrigue cards.
Tiller: Being able to upgrade $5 cards into Provinces is one of the biggest steps-up Remodel can have. I can't see this working with any sort of alteration.
Architect (B): The choice between Remodel+ and Salvager+ doesn't strike me as an interesting one.
Groundskeeper: I'm not sure this is worth a full $5. Pseudo-trashing 3 cards feels a lot more like Dark Ages than Intrigue.
Heir: Great choice Victory card, but I'm confused to the timing. Do I get to count my deck first? Ultimately I won't vote for this one since it's too hard to min-max the score and would take forever to resolve because of that. I can't really see a way to make the choices still interesting and easy to count.
Mob: Seems like a more consistent but worse Jester.
Nouveau Riche: This is somewhat fiddly, but probably okay. I don't think this adds a lot to a deck or particular strategy.
Hidden Passage: Cantrip trashing is covered really well by Junk Dealer.
Legate: It seems like this would take frustratingly long to resolve and would provide too much of a benefit for other players. Even if you don't give them the good card on top of their decks, they still clump up on top of their decks.
Secret Plot: I don't want mats for Intrigue. I do feel like this is bad on most boards, but far too awesome with Black Market.
Castellan: Doing all three sounds frustrating.
Inquisitor: Sounds painful, but the trashing could be worked with in most instances. There are too many mind games and politics in this card for me.
Narcissist; Ironworker: This kind of card needs to have its benefits rotated since discarding Actions for Actions is not such a great idea.
Warden: Playing an Action card from hand gives this convoluted stack problems.
Cannoneer: I've always liked this sort of pick-your-poison sort of thing. This ultimately looks mostly like Copper junking I'm afraid.
Visiting Dignitary: A self depleting one-shot that empties the Duchy pile for you. Probably makes the game too much of a rush.

I've played with a card very much like but entirely different than Royal Armada.
Royal Armada
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may choose an Action card in your hand and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it twice.

It was a terminal +2 Cards then optionally Haven a card. At the start of your next turn you revealed the card and if it was an Action you played it twice (otherwise it went into hand, obviously). It was incredibly powerful at a cost of $6.

I don't doubt that Royal Armada would be worth its $5 asking price as a cantrip next-turn Throne Room. I don't like that stacking Royal Armadas gives the player +Actions. I think that is unnecessarily confusing when one Royal Armada stacks into another.

Otherwise Royal Armada is an obvious, fun Duration effect. I only don't know if it as written feels different enough from Throne Room (as Procession feels different than Throne Room) to be worth including.

You buy this card for the future: so that though you won't get anything immediately, you can save it up for when you need to get $1 more to get a colony or province. I think it fits.
If it stays in play, it feels like a coin token except that its worse since you actually can't Customs Officer up to Province in most games or Colony ever. If it cost $2 I think it might be worthwhile, but then it looks kind of like a Mining Village opening when you trash it immediately which is a $4 opener.
I also don't like how if it does stay in play it can be used to stop junking Attacks only once.

I voted for none of the top 3.

Tribe was my submission:
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+2 Actions. +$1. Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Discard one and put the other anywhere in your deck.
When you buy this, you may discard a card. If you do, +1 Buy and +$2.
I know that on-buy +Buy aren't terribly popular, but I thought this was a rather elegant solution to a lot of the problems that on-buy +Buy cards have and it's an obvious on-buy effect that Hinterlands doesn't have.
See: Being able to empty a pile when you drive its cost down to $0 is no fun, so it needs to be capped some way. One could simply say: "When you buy this, if it's the first [CARDNAME] you've bought this turn, +1 Buy," but that somehow seems to require more parsing than a simple discard. Tribe has an obvious cap to it: The number of cards in your hand. Players will never really ask or consider why, they'll just accept that they get buys if they have cards to discard.

It started with its on-buy effect giving two Buys, but otherwise being the same (It lost the second buy in testing with Highway). Then it needed a top effect. It either needed to give +Buy or +Actions (both of which Hinterlands needed). I figured an engine piece would be a nice component to be able to buy without expending buys, so +2 Actions it was. Since I set it up to give coins when you bought it, it made more sense for it to give coins when you played it so I could put it at a cost of $3 (rather than with +1 Card which would make it strictly better than Village).
I had to give it some other effect, so I started trying to think up a name: A gathering of people (for the splitter effect) with an emphasis of either a market (for the +Buy) or a celebratory event (such as Festival). Tribe seemed to make a lot of sense: The tribe has a big hoopla when you buy them if you bring gifts and give you actions and coins later. From there, a Tribe sounds somewhat like Native Village, so its extra effect needed to be a way to get cards in your deck to collide (which is great for Hinterlands). It started out top-decking one card and putting the other anywhere, but that was annoying, so I made it discard the other and, in retrospect, that's too strong for $3.
Making it give coins with its on-buy seemed cute. When it gave $2, you could buy 2 of them for $4 with an extra card in hand. Clearly too much. Dropping that down to $1 would probably have fixed that problem. Having it net you coins when you drop its price to $0 I thought was a nice combo. With it giving only $1, it could transform your useless cards into +$1 when you nullify its price.
So here's what it would change to:
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +2 Actions. +$1. Put a card from your hand anywhere in your deck.
When you buy this, you may discard a card. If you do, +1 Buy and +$1.
That's enough of my card though.

Oh and Fragasnap, I'll claim that respect now, thank you very much.
I am nothing if not truthful. +1.
I ended up not voting for your card only because the number of Victory cards allowed in the set is limited.

I wanted the top part to at least be a cantrip, so that you wouldn't be afraid to get multiples of these. It needed a bit more than that, but a simple $1 coin would be too strong. I figured I can make the coin conditional so as to favour large handsizes and sifting.
I don't think a simple $1 would be too strong (Peddlers at $5 are moderately weak but infinitely practical), but a flat +$1 would have made it into nothing more than a Peddler on play, for which I also would not have voted favorably.

I'm wishing I voted, too, I loved Mountain Dwellers but I feel Diviner is ridiculously overpowered.

I give jet lag as an excuse.

I'm genuinely curious as to why you (and others) feel it is so drastically overpowered. Could someone please explain, because I feel it is very similar in power to Oracle.

As I mentioned in my critique way back on page 6 or 7, the top is worth $3 all by itself.  In a thinned deck, that +1 Buy makes it very powerful if you're likely to draw $3 or $4.  The bottom part, though, is just so, so powerful, not because of the similarity to Oracle, but because it's repeatable, can happen multiple times on the same buy if there are multiples in play (with villages available), and self-synergizes with its own +Buy.  This feels to me like a $5 card.

This isn't a "being too powerful" issue, but like Oracle this card suffers from what I'll call the T4 problem:  it is much, much better to draw this on T3 than T4 if you open Diviner/Silver.  Draw this on T3, hopefully get a $5, discard your top two cards, and you have a (small) chance to draw your $5 or your Diviner on T4.  Draw it on T4, and not only will your $5 miss the shuffle, Diviner will miss the shuffle.  With Oracle that problem is mitigated by the attack.
The Turn 4 problem is quite prominant with Smithy as well, isn't it?
The fact that it synergizes with its own +Buy is largely moot because you have to be buying cards in order to use it. If I have $5 and 2 Buys, I often will want a $5 card anyway. Flooding my deck with Coppers only to use a sifting effect would be poor long-term planning.

Wayfarer (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal one costing $1 or more. Put all the revealed cards into your hand.
When you discard this from play, gain a card costing up to $1 per Copper you have in play.
Out of curiosity, did people not vote for it because they didn't like it or because it was posted late and they didn't know it existed? I'm rather fond of the card and would consider re-entering it for the second Hinterlands contest with maybe some tweaking.
I don't like it much for how variable it is. Sometimes I'll only draw my Mountebank dead (+1 Card) or I'll get 4 Coppers, 2 Curses, and a Silver (+7 Cards). Then I get to use all my Coppers twice which can get pretty silly. LastFootnote has a great Workshop\Village in his Enterprise expansion called Mill Town and using all your Coppers more than once is a strong effect on boards in which you can draw your deck. Though this one is terminal, it lets you wait until the end of your turn to use those Coppers.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $4.

When you gain this, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put any number of the revealed Victory cards and Curses into your hand. Put the other cards back in any order.
Sadly, taking two boring effects and combining them still leads to a boring card. The glut of Workshop variants this time around didn't help either. I'm still trying to make the on-gain scout idea work, but this card doesn't seem the right way to go about it.
You hit the nail on the head: I like the idea, but it's overall rather boring and I voted for interesting ideas. Armory is one of my most loathed Dominion cards, not because its impractical, but because it's so boring.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: September 16, 2013, 10:24:39 am »
Action - $3

+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal one costing 2 Coins or less. Trash that card and discard the rest.
You put thyme in the soup!? The Princess is allergic to thyme!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards you always remember wrong
« on: September 15, 2013, 10:44:45 am »
I'm not sure if this counts, but Treasuries might as well be Peddlers and Alchemists Laboratories when I'm playing IRL, even though I buy them under the assumption that I will be top-decking them.

I can top that: I do the same with Scheme.
How about all the durations when playing IRL?
I will give +1 to anyone who honestly forgets to keep Tactician in play.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. +$1. Draw until you have 6 cards in hand. Discard 2 cards.

When you buy this, each other player draws a card. When you gain this, each other player with at least 4 cards in hand discards a card.
The on-buy\on-gain effect is cute, but I think it's too technical where Hinterlands is so easy to explain for the most part. The Action effect is a fun little variant on Peddler, but looks too much like a big-Oasis unless you have the few cards you can easily use to drop your handsize down (and this stacks properly as opposed to Oasis, obviously).

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Discard a card. If you discarded a Victory or Curse card, gain a Treasure costing up to $4. Otherwise, +$1 and gain a Victory card costing up to $4. Put the gained card into your hand.

When you buy this, gain an Action card costing up to $4, putting it onto your deck.
This seems so fiddly to me. When I first read it, I didn't catch that it gives +$1 because there's so much going on here. Discarding Victory cards for Silver into hand makes this basically better than Explorer and discarding anything else turns this into a sort of Oasis, except that it junks you up with Estates (and that they go into hand is important for stacking Barns).
I'd love to gain Silk Roads, Gardens, Tunnels, or Great Halls with this stuff. That would be stupidly strong.

Safe House
Types: Victory – Reaction
Cost: $3
Worth 2 VP.

When you gain a card costing $0, you may discard this. If you do, gain a Gold.
I don't like how similar this is to Tunnel. In fact, I'd say it's often better than Tunnel since it turns Coppers into half-Caches. Tunnel is already Tunnel. Tunnel is strong. We don't really need another Tunnel.
I'm also not excited about having a Victory card from Hinterlands rather than Intrigue. Furthermore, we already have Tunnel, Island, Farmland, Harem, and Nobles that give flat 2VP. If we're going to have another Victory card, I'd rather it be something more interesting than that.

How often do you buy Duchy to get the Gold when you have Hoard?  I feel like this is exactly the same situation.  Obviously there are a lot of other ways that ULS differs from Hoard, but Hoard isn't game-breaking because it gives you Gold and Duchy at the same time.  That's not really something you want to do until after you've started greening usually.
Hoard is a Treasure that produces $2 at a cost of $6. Used Land Salesman is an Action that draws 4 cards (which needs a money density of 0.5 to be worse than +$2 on average) at a cost of $5. Opportunity cost is a lot higher on Hoard.

I'm still wondering why you think BM+ULS is better than BM Smithy, because it's not at all obvious to me which is better.  If you have simulations to back it up, or at least some play testing, I would believe it, but you just asserted it without explaining where it came from.

To be fair, he didn't assert anything, he just hypothesized.
Apologies. I'm extrapolating my hypothesis from a very small sample of real play tests, thus my noncommittal statement of it seeming to best Smithy Big Money.

I think BM/ULS would be pretty good, normally the question on $6 for BM is "Gold or Duchy?", with this you get both. If it's time for green, getting a Duchy free with your Province is also a plus. One more green card in your deck isn't such a big deal when ULS draws one more card than Smithy anyway, though I expect that at +3 Cards it would still beat BM/Smithy.

As for buying Silver, how are you going to draw 4 cards (or even 3 cards) and not have $6? If it's late enough that you're going to draw so many green cards to not hit $6, it's late enough that you do want that free Estate with your Silver (or Duchy).
This precisely. So much this.
It makes buying Gold or Duchy a boring decision in an already boring strategy and discourages buying fun $5 cards and instead buying boring, functional Gold. You want to talk about assisting Big Money: How about practically requiring it? Wharf is powerful, but is powerful in both engines and big money. I don't think Used Land Saleman is worth dealing with its power in big money for the times its going to do something more interesting.

I also really don't like the name, but that can be fixed in post.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. +2 Buys.

While this is in play, when you gain a Victory card, Victory cards cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.
I would raise that with just 2 Pilgrimage cards and $4, a player can buy 3 Estates and 2 Provinces. That is certainly not an unreasonable random occurence in a deck of cards with 3 or 4 Pilgrimage cards in it.

The issue is that if you give Pilgrimage anything different Vanilla effects, it's going to look too much like another card. If you drop that buying Victory-cards stacks the effect (so just a flat $1 decrement for Victory cards) or draw cards, it looks an awful lot like Highway. If you make it terminal or give coins, it looks like Bridge.

Mountain Dwellers
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal your hand. If you revealed 3 or more Treasure cards, +$1.

When you buy this, you may trash a Treasure card you have in play. Gain a Treasure card costing exactly $3 more than it.
Interesting. So this is a Peddler variant that wants no Treasure trashing, but deals differently with this issue (so, nicely on-theme). The thing is, I suppose this is a bit swingy a slightly too weak. I mean, Peddler plus is usually $5, but the Plus is only on-buy here, which makes it rather mediocre, AND the issue of not maybe having 3 Treasures in hand really really nerfs it. So: Nice idea, but a bit weak I think.
Great analysis here. I don't like the swing to this one: If I have a lot of Mountain Dwellerses, they will impede each other. If you remove the condition to the Peddler effect, I wouldn't like that it's nothing more than a Peddler on play.
Flavorwise, I kind of like that we can assume the Mountain Dwellers do a lot of mining when commissioned but get pretty lazy thereafter.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. +$1.
While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a Silver, putting it on top of your deck.
So, I want to like this card. I really do. It is my kind of card. And I think the power level is pretty good. But the thing which bugs me - and I think it's a fine card anyway, but this bugs me - is that if you want this card, you are ALWAYS going to buy that copper with your spare buy. Even if we forget the top-decking, it brings your money density towards 1.5, which is just always better then you're going to do in the province-centric treasure-based decks that are all that would ever make you buy this.
So I dunno, I like choices, interesting play choices, so maybe you make this be able to hit any 3-cost-or-less, and then you probably need to make it cost 5, which probably means you can bump it to $2. I mean, there is some itneresting tension this card wants to have "Do I want to buy copper to give myself another top-decked card my deck wants?" But right now, the tension isn't there - it's just always a yes.
I like this idea, but I think you're right that right now it's too much of a no-brainer.
I don't understand the name though. What am I smelting to get all this Silver? Sounds like I should be trashing stuff.

Witch Doctor
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+$1. Look through your deck; reveal and discard any number of Victory and Curse cards from it. Shuffle your deck.

When you gain this, put your deck into your discard pile.
I would worry about this being too strong at filtering for alternate Victory and simple end-game variance at possibly drawing a Witch Doctor just after the last shuffle. I'd like this card a lot more if its discard was capped-- maybe to 4 or something. Probably one of my favorite submissions here for theme and effect. I like that it's a weak on play, so you won't want to put more than one or two into your deck which mitigates how fiddly shuffling each time you play it is.
Takes the niche effect of Chancellor and gives it on-gain, allowing greater control of when trigger it.  That's cool.  Epic-level filtering, but swingy because it's onl good if you draw it early in the shuffle.  Mediocre effect.

Possible broken combo: Tunnel.  If I do not vote for it, Tunnel will be the reason.
Good point about Tunnel being broken. It could easily be fixed by name dropping cards ("Curses, Duchies, Estates, and Provinces" rather than "Victory and Curse cards"). It would make it weaker with alternate Victory cards though, but I like the thing enough without synergizing with Gardens.

Travelling Salesman
Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $5
Discard any number of Treasure cards from your hand. +2 Cards per card discarded.

When another player gains a Victory card, you may discard this. If you do, gain a card costing less than the gained Victory card.
I like the Action, but don't like the Reaction. The ability to gain Provinces in response to game-ending Colony buys seems too swingy to me and it's on a card that isn't bad to begin with.
Edit: Maybe the bottom part would be better like "When another player gains a Victory card, you may reveal this. If you do, gain a Copper, putting it into your hand" to make it more thematic and a bit weaker.
I love this suggested change (though the wording right now lets me gain the Copper pile). "When another player gains a Victory card, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, gain a Copper, putting it into your hand. At the start of your next turn, put this into your hand." Would be better wording.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Buy. +$2.

Worth 1 VP. While this is in play, when you buy a card, +$2 and discard the top card of your deck. If it's a Victory card, trash this.
This is an awesome Woodcutter variant. A little bit swingy, maybe too strong, yes, but just because of this:
So, I gave in and looked up Oicho-Kabu on Wikipedia, and apparently it's a Japanese card game resembling Black Jack and Baccarat. I'm now envisioning a player using this card, buying something, and saying "hit me". If they have multiple buys, they can keep doing this until they hit a Victory card, at which point they go bust. So kudos for the theme.
I love it. I hope whoever made the card posts after the results come up so I can give him +1's for theme.

Nomadic Village
Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +2 Actions.

When you gain this, put it into your hand.
When an opponent gains an Action card, you may discard this. If you do, search your discard pile for an Action card and put it into your hand.
I don't really like the on-gain effect putting it into hand. It seems too niche to be worthwhile.
This also does the "find an action" thing, but it does it as a reaction.  That makes it far more tolerable.  Even so, it's a reaction to a pretty common occurrence and pushes players into playing more BM.  Not sure I like that.
I thought this too. I'd love it if the Reaction was in response to Attacks instead-- especially because you could hunt for another Reaction.

Used Land Salesman
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+4 Cards.

While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a Victory cards costing less than it.
So I'm thinking that the part below the line is ill-suited for a card that draws more cards, at least as many as this one does. If this must be a draw card, it should give at most 3 cards on play. +2 cards might end up being the balanced number in the end, with a drop in cost if necessary.

With all that said, I like the bottom effect enough to consider voting for this.
This in Big Money seems to pretty handily beat BM+Smithy, for what it's worth.
The way Goons, Bridge, and Merchant Guild stack are good enough for me. I don't need a card that's awesome when it stacks that enables its own stacking.

Hope that makes sense.  I think the card itself is fairly interesting as a sort of Horse Traders variant.
Thank you for your time in analyzing the card. You and the others were perfectly clear and entirely fair. I was being facetious in my argument for its flavor and thought that some of the users might find the dark spin to Prosperity entertaining.

I would criticize LastFootnote's categorization of Prosperity's major themes, largely in that VP tokens are only listed as minor. Yes, there are only 3 of the 25 cards in the set that produce VP tokens, but VP tokens are components and components are expensive when you're printing a mass market game. VP tokens are important game changing cards in Prosperity. Winning on VP tokens definitely feels like Prosperity. He similarly calls Looters a minor theme in Dark Ages which I also contest.

I can certainly understand that Mediator's connection to Prosperity was seen as weak because in the many games that exist without worthwhile Attacks it is going to be a pretty weak Horse Traders\Mandarin\Courtyard thing. A card that encourages everyone to play nice seems pretty thematically relevant to Prosperity to me (and even to try to drive Prosperity into the mixed Kingdoms it would often appear in), but most people decided it wasn't. So be it.

4 votes:
Quote from: Fragasnap
Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $3
+$3. Reveal 3 cards from your hand. The player to your left selects one of them. Discard it or put it on top of your deck.

When another player plays an Attack, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, +1 Card, +1 VP, and at the start of your next turn, discard this.
I can't say I'm terribly surprised to see that it only got 4 votes. I was surprised to hear...
The on-play effect is very interesting but I'd guess it's too strong for $3.  I don't like the reaction at all though, it seems very tacked on, and without it the card isn't very Prosperityish.  Also I don't understand why you have to set it aside and then discard it?  Maybe I'm missing something...
Concept: Cheap terminal Gold with a drawback.  +VP reaction.
Prosperity fit: Big effect (for a $3 card at least).  VP tokens.  Non-attack interaction.
Comments: The reaction seems kind of tacked on, but without it the connection to Prosperity is kind of weak.  This doesn't actually hit any of the major themes as listed by LastFootnote, though it hits two of the minor themes.  I don't think it's a close enough fit for this contest.
Too complicated. But risky, and I love it. But it doesn't belong to Prosperity to me.
Man, I wasn't aware that Prosperity was all big money and good times, what with the illicit Contraband, the extorting Goons-- some people are even putting up Watchtowers for one reason or another! You've got Kings working people overtime in their courts and Hoarding their masses of treasure while handing out piddling Loans to the unsuspecting townsfolk, his overworked kingdoms attracting Peddlers who are only desperate for some coin from all the action in your land. Sometimes you just need someone to help talk things over. You can't really undo all that pillaging that Rabble already did and all the swindling this Mountebank already perpetrated, but you can make it a little better if you'd take the time to talk it out.
You can even maintain relations with your neighbor just by meeting up with him every so often-- there's big bucks in that, the friendly meeting of rulers, you know. Bring some stuff to show him. People like stuff. Maybe he'll kind of wreck that cool Silver, but hey, don't worry, his people will fix it right up and have it sent over to you post haste. Or maybe that Copper wasn't so important so they'll take their time. No biggie.

Some other comments:

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+$3. You may trash this. If you do, the first time you buy a Victory card this turn, +3 VP.

While this is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +1 VP.
There are a few cards here that give VP for gaining Victory cards. I'm not a fan since the Victory point tokens exist to provide points without Victory cards, I thought. Regardless, it makes them feel moderately similar to Goons, but worse (though I like the VP pinata from Artist).

Types: Action
Cost: $7
Gain two action cards costing less than this and a Gold.
I actually kind of agree with Dsell here: $7 cards are the big cards: simple but big. Cathedral gets pretty close here feeling like a huge Workshop. Nice one.

Crown (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $8*
Worth $1. When you play this, gain 2 Treasure cards.

During your turn, this costs $1 less per 2 VP chips you have.
When you gain this, +2 VP.
Everything else is broken, but I like the degrading cost of this one.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand. Discard the rest. Each other player may discard a Treasure. If he does, he draws a card.
Aqueduct (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $7
+2 Buys. +$2. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand and discard the rest.
I think it's funny how similar these two are. Either way, when playing a Big Money strategy (picking up two Prospectors\Aqueduct (A)s) it doesn't really care that it doesn't draw the other Actions or Victory cards since it can't do anything with them anyway, so they're effectively +4 Cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
Trash any number of cards from your hand. For each card you trash, +1 Card and +$1.
Clearing House
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+2 Cards. +1 Action. You may trash any number of Treasure cards from your hand. +1 Card per card trashed in this way.
Super trashers. Forge already covers that in Prosperity I think, but I wanted to point out that both of these provide pretty big bonuses with really strong trashing: To the point that I'd think these are better than Forge. Remake, Steward, and Chapel require players to sacrifice turns in order to trash, Doctor is chance based, and Counterfeit, Junk Dealer, Moneylender, and the like are comparatively slow, and Mercenery requires a lot of work to get to it. Hunter and Clearing House both trash practically for free.

Aqueduct (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. +$2. Discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.

While this is in play, Attack cards you play have no effect on other players.
I like this in play effect, buy I don't think this card really needs it.

Crown (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4.

When you gain this, each other player gets +2 VP.
I like the idea of giving other players Victory point tokens.

Standard Bearer
Types: Action
Cost: $7
Trash this card. Put your deck (not including your discard pile) into your hand.
This is hilarious.

Charity (B)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $1. When you play this, choose one: Each player gains a Copper; or each player gains a Silver. Either way, put the card you gained into your hand.
I wanted to point out that I don't like this one and wouldn't even if it could only gain Silvers because it forces a Treasure flood on every player without bound and without having to Attack to do so. Yes, I dislike Governor for forcing a Silver flood too.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $6
Worth $0. When you play this, if you have no other Treasures in play, +2 VP. You may trash this immediately. If you do, +$2.
Shout-out to whoever made this. I think the +VP is too strong, but the ability to trash them to get the +VP from more than one is clever.

$4?  Really? ...  Now, it is true that Mine is often too slow as well, but I would imagine a $5 Usurer would fare no worse.
At a cost of $5, Usurer is a weak card and it discourages the use of alternate Treasures. At a cost of $4, Usurer gives other players a strong benefit while improving the player's deck (bumping up early hands is decent with the controllable Copper flood [Coppers have been okay since Hinterlands] and you can pretty easily turn $7 into $8 through gaining a card that isn't bad at the end of the game). Furthermore, anyone gaining Coppers has more targets for their own Usurers, making it more interesting at $4 since the opportunity cost is lower. Possibly shouldn't put the Treasure on top of the deck since Taxman already does that.
This is probably just a showing of my design philosophy: I'll undercost something before overcosting it since I've always found it easier to visualize pushing a card's price up than down after testing. It would quite likely end up proving too strong or even degenerate for $4.

Here are the ones I like:
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. Discard the rest. Trash the Treausre; gain a Treasure costing up to $3 more than it, putting it on top of your deck. Each other player may gain a Copper, putting it into his hand.
Kudos for teaching me a new word. I hadn't heard of an Usurer before. It takes a lot of words, but I like the look of the effect and the "benefit" for other players. Doubly so, I love the flavor. A Usurer (olden "Loan Shark") gives other players bad money that they can use immediately and you benefit. Great stuff there.
With a quick test, this card is terrible. It is a cantrip that Mines a random Treasure from your deck and lets each other player gain a Copper to hand. At a cost of $6, there is simply far, far too much opportunity cost there, and even were it a bit cheaper, the card is still swingy in that it can end up trashing Golds into Golds.
I'd put it at $4 and maybe it'd be good but then it might also be too much like an inverse Taxman. I guess between that and Mine we have enough cards that upgrade Treasures.
Good:  Nice fit for Platinum games, where you can really breathe life into your early Silvers.  I wondered about the need for the +1 Card, but I suppose it causes you to scoop up your upgraded Treasures as you play multiple Usurers.
Bad:  Maybe too fast?  I wonder how a Usurer rush would compare with Rebuild.  I guess Rebuild depletes the Duchy pile, which is a huge strategical difference.
I was testing in a Province game (since that will be the majority of games with it) and it was far, far too slow. Maybe dropping to $4 is too extreme considering Platinum.

Charity (A)
Types: Treasure
Cost: $7
Worth $4. +1 Buy.

While this is in play, when you buy a card, each other player gains a card costing at most $2 less than it.
The gain should be optional otherwise I'd usually use it to buy 2 Silvers, but I like the look of this one. Each other player gaining a Gold for your Province is pretty bad, so the cost of the gain might need to be altered. Thematically, you give stuff to every player and everyone benefits. I like it. I worry that other players wouldn't buy it though to avoid giving other players good cards.
This is really swingy. Also it compares poorly to Bank. I'd push it down to $6.
As others have said the gain really should be optional, otherwise you pick up a ton of $3 and $4 components and snowball the hell out of your engine. Even if the gain were optional, it's still a little iffy to me, because endgame VP-buying is suddenly so awful. If they gain the next lowest VP card, which they can (almost) always do, Colony = 4VP, Prov = 3VP...I really want this card to work, but I'm not sure it's doable. Maybe if you make the gain exactly less than $2, but then it might be too strong in endgame.
Great point on VP gaining. I'm not sure if it would be better to not allow gaining Victory cards like Haggler.

Types: Action
Cost: $7
+1 Action. Reveal cards from the top you your deck until you reveal an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card. If you do reveal a card of each of these types, put an Action card, a Treasure card and a Victory card from among the revealed cards into you hand. Discard the other revealed cards.
Super Laboratory: Great idea at $7. At a cost of $7 and only being able to draw one other Action, it might not be too overpowered for megaturns. Fiddly when in multiples, too. It is dead if you have no Action\Treasure\Victory cards left in your deck which sucks for a $7 Action. No idea about the flavor here though. Who's wedding are we celebrating and why should it be a big deal to me? With the name "Royal Wedding," the implications of the size of the royal line would become hilarious.
I think this is really strong, and it is pretty easy to keep them firing off properly since, being so expensive, it is easy to control the rate at which you're buying them.
Concept: Big non-terminal draw that hits a rainbow of types.
Prosperity fit: Expensive, big effect.
Comments: Rules question -- what if you reveal a hybrid?  I expect that it would count as both types, so if you reveal a Copper and a Nobles, that's all you get for drawing.  But maybe you reveal Nobles, Nobles, Estate, Harem, you should be able to choose two Nobles and Harem (with Harem being your treasure and each Nobles filling in a different slot).  So Wedding+hybrid cards is a double-edged sword.  Overall, fairly interesting.
I think that interaction with hybrids is unusual, but more an exploit than ordinary. There are so few hybrid cards anyway that with a footnote in the instructions it won't be much to worry about.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $3
+$3. Reveal 3 cards from your hand. The player to your left selects one of them. Discard it or put it on top of your deck.

When another player plays an Attack, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, +1 Card, +1 VP, and at the start of your next turn, discard this.
+$3 is a lot on a $3 card, but you are forced to get rid of a card that you don't get to choose. You'd have to get a lot of building done before that Action could be at all useful-- it might be too weak, but that Reaction looks nice. I worry it would disincentize Attacks too much. Flavorwise, I think it's funny that it doesn't at all stop attacks, just makes them sting less.
Quick tests against Militia and Witch show that it is easy to use its Reaction in response to Militia, a little harder with Witch, but it loses badly against either without a lot of work, so it doesn't kill strong Attacks at least.
Good:  The reaction is interesting.
Bad:  The terminal gold on a $3 card seems too strong.  Also, there are lots of choices being made here.  Choose three cards to reveal, then the opponent selects one, then you have to decide to topdeck or discard.  I say just force the last step to be "discard", and then the first two decisions will be easier too.  Or am I missing something?
I found the three steps were pretty easy to remember because of other "reveal cards, pick a card, get rid of it" cards like Envoy and Advisor and for the most part easy to resolve since the player of it has been staring at his hand and putting the card on top of the deck or not is such a no-brainer.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+3 VP. Each other player gains a card costing up to $5.
This is adorable. Everyone can gain Duchies to nullify the positive effect for the player or can gain good cards to try to get better returns for them later. I love the way it sounds, but it is probably underpowered right now. It likely can only be effectively used in the latter portion of the game in order to require other players to gain Duchies with it, but then the Duchies are simply canceling out any effect Philanthropist would have for you. The theme is pretty good too, like Charity, but a person.
Probably underpowered.
Furthermore, I would imagine a lot of players wouldn't want to play it since they don't want to give other players powerful cards, similarly to Charity, but I like it a lot better than Charity.
Really though, this thing is weird. In testing it, of course one doesn't buy it until later in the game. This is much different than Monument (which you buy at the start so that the Victory tokens can build up), instead you only want to start playing Philanthropist once players have to start buying Duchies. Ideally, you can play Philanthropist after the Duchy pile has emptied because then the players can only gain decent cards that they may not get to see while you're accumulating free Duchies, though you probably will have played Philanthropist a couple of times, forcing everyone else to quickly empty the Duchy pile for you.
Philanthropist is a really interesting card and the most unique card submitted, I feel. It really provides a fascinating new way to build a VP-chip deck while still moving the game forward. That being said, I foresee some possible issues with the card. First, the bonus to your opponents is huge. I'm not saying that the card is unbalanced, but from what I've read, people generally don't like to give their opponent gifts, and this gift is huge. Second, this could still devolve into a VP-gaining stalemate with both (or all) players going for a Philanthropist deck and trying to keep the game from ending. Goons helps to give you the ability to end the game on your VP-chip megaturn while you're ahead. Philanthropist doesn't. Overall, though, an awesome idea.

Edging out Philanthropist is Indulgence. The name is the only thing I don't love about this card. Well, that and the fact that it executes similarly to Contraband. However, I think that changing anything about the card to differentiate it would be a mistake. It's a brilliant idea that I think will really work.
I am significantly more excited by Philanthropist for being such a unique card and easily one of the most unique submitted. I love Philanthropist because it feels the least like any other Dominion card. I do agree with all your worries except about the stalemate. The gain is mandatory, so the game is always proceeding to its end, even if only on base cards.
I'm sure this one will need some balancing, but it's so unique and wonderfully simple that I think it's worth the effort.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Play up to 2 Treasures from your hand. Draw until you have 4 cards in hand.
While I'm not a huge fan of mixing Treasures into the buy phase, this is an obvious rule that has never really been broken in Dominion (Black Market being a promo only kind of counts). This is pretty interesting and I do like Draw until X cards. A neat little self-limiting Laboratory variant that encourages a deck with a careful balance of Treasures and Villas. I don't like the name very much though: It probably ought to refer to some sort of illicit market in honor of Black Market. Fence maybe?
What's more, Prosperity is really the only place this card can make sense since this is the only expansion that has different Treasures that you'd really like to play in the Action phase.
Not to mention all the cool combos you can get out of it. Like...
Now I want to see a Villa/Counterfeit Combo.

Silk Merchant
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. You may trash two cards from your hand. If you do, +1 VP per token on the Trade Route mat.

Setup: Put a token on each Victory card Supply pile. When a card is gained from that pile, move the token to the Trade Route mat.

Clarification: The Trade Route mat and tokens referred to by Silk Merchant are the same as those referred to by Trade Route.  If both Trade Route and Silk Merchant are in the kingdom and/or Black Market deck, use only one token on each victory card pile.
I love that this uses the same mat as Trade Route, though I believe the wording will need some fiddling to avoid there being two tokens on each Victory Supply pile. The card itself is certainly weak unless you're using its trashing (which you'll only be using once it gives at least +2VP I think). The card references Silk Road and Spice Merchant, right? I like the reuse there too, though Spice Merchant was already a pretty weak card, thematically.
As I mentioned previously, I like the idea.  Linking the VP tokens to trashing seems potentially problematic to me though, at least when the Trade Route Mat gets full enough.  With a bit of alt VP, it can easily reach 6, and I'm afraid it would then encourage the players to simply cannibalize their decks. Keep a Pawn (for the nonterminal buy) and Silk Merchant, and then just buy and trash two Coppers each turn for a Province worth of points.
Agreed. Perhaps if least one of the cards trashed had to be a non-Treasure it would work? You could still build a "Golden deck," but you would have to be grinding up Supply piles other than the large Copper and Silver piles.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2. +1 Buy. When you play this, the player to your left names a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. If you buy that card this turn, +2VP.
I've found that I don't like this one as much as I had hoped I would, though I do like it. The name's religious connotations are okay, though without an image, I definitely think of this kind of indulgence.
I don't think [Indulgence]'s really that strong.  Yeah OK, buy a Thief or a Scout for 2VP.  But how many times are you willing to do that?  Probably not a lot, at least until the late game.  And then there's the opportunity cost of what you could have bought instead of that weak action.  I still think that dropping the +Buy would be a good change to make.  But the main concept is interesting and there should be many easy tweaks that would bring it in line.
Also remember that whenever you have an Indulgence, you necessarily have $2. If you have $3 more, a Duchy is better than that Chancellor+2VP if you aren't going to see the card again (besides edge cases where that Coppersmith might push your Vineyard up or something) and in many cases, even if you do see that Baron you won't play it so it may as well have been a Victory card. And I like a lot of these cards: I buy Workshop on more boards than I should, so Ironworks+2VP would look pretty nice, but once I have time to get $5 cards like Indulgence in my deck, I already have Lookout and another is unnecessary.
Dropping Indulgence to a cost of $4 so one can open with it and producing only $1 would help differentiate it from Contraband and would make it more practical, but then I actually worry about +2VP being too strong. If Donald X. came up and asked me if I would rather have Contraband or Indulgence in Prosperity, I would pick Indulgence, but because Contraband already is in the game and Prosperity has so many Treasures even without it, I'm not as excited by this as I could be.

I played a Province game with Indulgence (because the majority of games using any given card are going to be Province games).
It was disappointing.

Of course it is very board dependent, but the fact is that there are only so many +Actions you can have on a board and there will almost always be a $3 to $6 terminal Action to pick that you simply can't afford to purchase more than once. If you get enough Indulgences into play to get good cards named, you probably have the kind of economy that should be buying the superior game ending Provinces anyway. Buying "useful" cards for +2VP will be better in Colony games, however a selection of Actions become significantly worse in Colony games, making it even harder to have good cards named in addition to +2VP being less significant there.

In the particular game I played, I built an engine to draw my deck and by the time I managed to get more than one Indulgence into play to get something decent named, I had $16 (between coin tokens from Plaza, the Indulgences themselves, and my Treasures) so it was so much better to buy 2 Provinces for 12VP than to buy a Navigator and Jester for +4VP, doubly so that it won the game for me.

I'm also sitting here and analyzing a bunch of different boards with Indulgence in them and, to be quite frank, there almost always looks to be something better on the table than trying to get 3 Indulgences into play to buy a decent Action for +2VP-- and in many boards getting those Indulgences and getting them into play is going to be tough.
Here's a randomized game in which I think Indulgence could be used decently (requiring 4 cards from Prosperity because this is supposed to fit in there, right?):
Embargo, Scrying Pool, Watchtower, Workshop, Worker's Village, Indulgence, Rabble, Treasury, Adventurer, Expand
Players would likely name Workshop and Adventurer, both of which could be dealt with for the sake of +2VP, but that's assuming no one embargoes any piles. Watchtower probably isn't worth buying just to try to get Indulgence to work through an Embargo.

I think the card is cute, but it feels a lot like Contraband and looks as though it will too often play as nothing more than a Silver with a +Buy, making me hesitant to put it in ahead of some of the more original cards.
My opinions on the rest of the cards are forthcoming.

"Gain a Foo or a Bar."

Since we're using foobar I feel it is necessary to mention that we are, of course, using the colloquial "or" rather than logical "or".

If either Foo or Bar is depleted, you MUST gain the other.  The card just tells you to "gain", it does not say "may gain".  It also does not explicitly offer a choice, so you cannot "choose" the one that is depleted and then gain nothing.
While this is logically sound, I'm afraid it is incorrect.
Tournament: "Each player may reveal a Province from his hand. If you do, discard it and gain a Prize (from the Prize pile) or a Duchy, putting it on top of your deck..."
Quote from: Cornucopia Rules pg.8
You can opt to take a Duchy even if the Duchy pile is empty, or a Prize even if no Prizes are left; in these cases you gain nothing.

"My kingdom is relatively healthy thanks to the work of that Doctor I hired in the early days of my rule. Ah, but times are hard, and good work is even harder to come by, eh, Butch? What say you do me a little favor right now and we can split the gains?"

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Action/Treasure, could it work?
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:40:10 am »
Why is that automatically assumed? Is it actually in a rule book? Has Donald X actually stated that?
Emphasis added
Quote from: Dominion Instructions Pg.7
"Discard" – unless otherwise specified, discarded cards are from the player’s hand. When a player discards a card, he places the discarded card face-up onto his Discard pile. When discarding several cards at once, the player need not show all cards he is discarding to his opponents, but player may need to show how many cards he is discarding (for example, when playing the Cellar). The top card of a player’s Discard pile is always visible.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Action/Treasure, could it work?
« on: August 01, 2013, 09:07:08 am »
If a card says "discard," regardless of whether it is "discard this" or "discard X cards," it is automatically assumed to be "discard (x cards\this) from your hand" unless it says otherwise. If that was not the case, I would argue that I can discard Beggar from the Supply in order to gain Silvers when another player plays an Attack.
As such, Market Square's wording is redundant-- probably a hold-over from when it trashed itself to gain Golds.
Quote from: Donald X.
Market Square: ... Originally the reaction was, you could trash this to gain a Gold when one of your cards was trashed. Time has shown that gaining a Gold is not as awesome as it looks (btw spoilers), and I eventually got around to testing the stronger version that made it into the set.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Enterprise
« on: July 18, 2013, 12:43:33 pm »
Ironmonger is an even better comparison. Thre are only two situations where Ironmonger "whiffs". One is when you turn over a Curse or Hovel, and even then you at least get to sift past it. The other is when you have nothing left in your deck or discard. Often you'd prefer Ironmonger hit a Victory card, or even an Action depending on your deck. And even when it hits Copper, you get the extra bonus of sifting past that Copper.
(Emphasis added)

Ironmonger's Village option is easily the weakest among them since you can't rely upon it to act as a Village for you. While Tournament is safely a $4 Peddler early on, you can't load up on them because your deck will be hit hard when another player has a Province in hand. The uncertainty of Tournament and Ironmonger are what balance them and make them interesting at $4. If the board lacks good Copper trashing, I can't imagine not picking up 2 or 3 Clerks at $2 a pop (which would be particularly easy with +Buys) just for the times it will be a Peddler.

And this critisism isn't even considering how well Clerk will work with different sifting cards (Warehouse, Embassy, etc.) and cards that want Coppers in hand (Coppersmith, Mill Town, etc.).

This isn't necessarily a problem-- equal opportunity would just make it a pretty good card-- but Clerk might be too much of a no-brainer at $2.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:42:50 am »
Sir Robin--$3

Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of his deck, trashes one of them costing from $1 to $3, and discards the rest. If a Knight is trashed by this, trash this card.
If Sir Robin is revealed for any reason, discard it immediately.
Funny things:
If Sir Robin is the only other Action in your deck, a Golem will successfully find Sir Robin twice and will still fail to play him.
If you have only one Treasure in your deck, Adventurer (or no Treasures with Venture-- or no Victory cards\Curses with Fortune Teller\Rebuild-- or...) will reveal your entire deck and eventually be stuck looking at Sir Robin, who is discarded immediately, reshuffled into your deck, revealed, and then discarded again. Forever.

Also Sir Robin can only be killed on a Highway or Bridge. Or in the Black Market if it is harboring a Quarry.

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