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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Asymptotic analysis of kingdoms puzzle
« on: March 25, 2019, 03:31:20 pm »
This is a mystery hunt-style puzzle, so not all the instructions are not explicitly given. If you want to just think about the dominion and math, then (minor spoiler)  For each kingdom, find its optimal score under the rules given. Each kingdom's answer is in the list of answers to the right. If you find all the answers in order, the corresponding letters will spell out a message. The eventual goal is to have a final answer (english word or phrase) for the entire puzzle.

Puzzles and Challenges / Asymptotic analysis of kingdoms puzzle
« on: March 23, 2019, 08:44:26 pm »
Hi f.ds, sharing a puzzle that a friend and I made (well, mostly my friend) for another friend of ours. You probably won't enjoy the puzzle unless you like both dominion and math, but hopefully everyone here likes at least one of the two. :)

The rules of our puzzle's asymptotic dominion are similar to those in, but the main difference is that in our puzzle, you can assume you will have perfect luck, as it asks about the best possible score. Also, this puzzle was made before Renaissance came out, so no Renaissance cards are in any of the kingdoms.

The puzzle is at Each of the 13 bullet points on the left is a separate kingdom to consider. Most of these kingdoms might not have exactly 10 kingdom cards (in fact, one has none), but should be considered as if that were the kingdom anyway. Each of them matches with an answer on the right, and taking the corresponding letters will spell out a message. The eventual goal is to have a final answer, which is a word or phrase.

Feel free to ask for any hints or clarifications here, and I hope you enjoy!

Note: Based off a sample size of 1, this puzzle may take quite a while to complete.
Edit: Adding some extra info here.

Some basic kingdoms and their answers, to get the idea across.
  • Market, Chapel. Answer: 1.2^T
  • Market. Answer: 1.2^(T/2) = 1.095^T

A list of sets that I think are easier, since completing the whole puzzle is probably unreasonable.
In approximately increasing difficulty:
  • Potion cost
  • Durations
  • Reactions
  • Artisan, ...
  • Hamlet, Watchtower
  • Debt cost

A kingdom I would say is pretty fun and decently approachable is Artisan, ....
Here's some other kingdoms not included in the puzzle that are fun, and not toooo crazy to analyze:
  • Bishop, Cursed Village, Seaway
  • Bridge, Hunting Grounds, Donate, Canal, Inheritance

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 21, 2018, 04:03:59 pm »
Really great work. As far as I understand the growth analysis, it seems fine, but I cannot follow two steps, which are more related to Dominion rules.
If we started with 2A BMs and 2A Hs, doing one step of this loop gains us (2A)^2=4A^2 cards. We can choose this to be 2A^2 BMs and 2A^2 Hs. We can repeat the loop by playing all the Hs then all the BMs again. Even ignoring the Hagglers played in previous steps, one step of this loop changes A to A^2 (i.e. A -> A^2 -> A^4 -> A^8 -> ... ), so with B SPs, we can end up with 4*A^(2^B) actions in our hand costing less than 6.

It seems to me that this needs additional support, because every pair of BM and Haggler gives you 4 coins, but 6 are necessary for Fairgrounds. Asymptotically, this would not change a lot I guess, since two-thirds of the cards could still be gained.
Good catch. It doesn't really matter though, we can do 1 BM per 2 Hagglers for example. Now if we start with 1/3 A BM and 2/3 A H, we get (2/3)*(1/3) A^2 cards to work with. My original solution starts with A and gets 1/4 A^2; this starts with A and gets 2/9 A^2. As you suggested, it could also work to do half BM and half H, but only buy with 2/3 of the BM that we gain, which would end up as 1/6 A^2. Any constant factor for the A^2 is fine and will lead to a A^(c*2^A) after all A steps of the inner loop, for some constant c. We only need the inner loop to be 2^A, so there is a lot of room to work with.

In fact, this loop would work even if we couldn't gain Hagglers midturn-- with something like 12 Hagglers, we can gain BMs only, even with only being able to use one in three of them to buy something. That would reduce one outer loop from X -> 2 ↑↑ 2X to x -> O(1) ↑↑ X, but that would be fine.
Now, we can repeat this second loop for every Golem we started with. Since we started with X BM, H, SP, and got to repeat this loop X times, we went from A to 2^(2^A) X times, starting at X, which is (2↑↑(2X))^X > 8 * 2↑↑(2X). Letting Y = 2↑↑(2X), we can let this be 4Y SPs in hand and 4Y changelings on the top of our deck, and play all the SPs, drawing the 4Y changelings. Then, in our Night phase, we use the Changelings to gain Y each of BM, H, SP, G, topdecking them (putting the scrying pools on top for next turn).

Where do the changelings come from? I could imagine that these could be exchanged tradered silvers, but you mention drawing some silvers and trashing them with Count.
In the last step of the outer loop, we don't have to gain BMs and Hs--we can gain any non-victory card costing less than 6 that we want. Just pick some of those to be Changelings.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 21, 2018, 12:00:27 pm »
I need to carefully go through this again, but I guess, there should also be a gardens to gain some VP. Or am I missing something?

Yes, normally you can convert your engine to points on the last 1 or 2 turns easily but since all the gains are from Haggler and Changeling, this isn't actually possible as is. We can just add one Gardens or Obelisk on any pile.

If we were to add Capitalism and Mandarin to the kingdom, we could gain a Mandarin here and then not only get the 2A^2 BM plays, but instead could play all BMs we had already again. I am too lazy right now to work out whether this significantly increases the overall growth rate.
I don't think it really helps, since you can do this only once per loop, and on every step of a loop you square the number of BMs + Hs you have, which is a lot more than the sum all of your previous steps. Example: If you've done X, X^2, X^4, X^8, your next step would be X^16 things, and the Mandarin trick would let you get X+X^2+X^4+X^8 extra BM plays, which is a lot less than X^16.

I thought about my analysis some more and realized that applying X -> 2↑↑(2X) n times doesn't give 2↑↑↑2n. You would need to apply X -> 2↑↑(2↑↑X) n times to do that. The actual value is hard to reason about, but it is definitely greater than 2↑↑↑n (and is also greater than c↑↑↑n for any constant c > 0). However, I don't think it's bigger than any 2↑↑↑(1+c)n, for any c is a constant > 0.

I will edit my post with these fixes.

With the help of paulfc, I think we were able to get to 3 up arrows!

That was some truly inspired sh*t!  Congrats.
Thanks! Actually, it was your latest post that gave me the idea.  :D

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 21, 2018, 01:41:28 am »
With the help of paulfc, I think we were able to get to 3 up arrows!

EDIT: The original analysis was slightly wrong (2 ↑↑↑ n instead of 2 ↑↑↑ 2n). I also forgot to add a way to score.

The core kingdom cards we need are:
Black Market (BM), Haggler (H), Scrying Pool (SP), Squire (S), Golem (G), Count.
We also need a single Trader from the Black Market deck, and Trader cannot be a Kingdom pile.
We also need enough +Actions (Page ->Champion is fine). We also need (just one) Royal Seal for topdecking.
We also need a source of buying Golems at the end of our turn. I'll use Changeling for that.
Finally, we need some source of points, since Haggler and Changeling are not very good at getting points. Obelisk on any pile, say BM, works.

The Black Market deck will contain only Fairgrounds, Trader, Royal Seal. To set up our deck, we buy the Trader and Royal Seal, and also obtain and play Champion.

At the beginning of our turn, our deck will have 1 Trader, 1 Royal Seal, X BMs, X Hs, X SPs, and X Gs. (We don't need exactly the same number of each, just within some constant factor is good enough.) We may also have some number of Counts but don't particularly care how many. We can guarantee that 2 Scrying Pools will be in our starting hand, letting us draw all the actions in our deck.

The sequence of our turn will basically be a nested loop.

The basic step of first loop is to play all the Hagglers in our hand, then all the Black Markets in our hand. (The first time we do this loop, we also play the Royal Seal with Black Market.) With each Black Market, we buy the Fairgrounds, but use Trader to gain a Silver instead of instead of the Fairgrounds. If we have A Hagglers out, then each time we buy Fairgrounds, we gain A cards costing less than 6. We can topdeck all actions gained this way, but none of the Silvers. After playing all the Hagglers and Black Markets in our hand, we play a Scrying Pool to get all the actions gained this way (and a single Silver).

If we started with 2A BMs and 2A Hs, doing one step of this loop gains us (2A)^2=4A^2 cards. We can choose this to be 2A^2 BMs and 2A^2 Hs. We can repeat the loop by playing all the Hs then all the BMs again. Even ignoring the Hagglers played in previous steps, one step of this loop changes A to A^2 (i.e. A -> A^2 -> A^4 -> A^8 -> ... ), so with B SPs, we can end up with 4*A^(2^B) actions in our hand costing less than 6.

We will repeat this loop for every SP in our hand, except leaving one extra in our hand. On the last step of the loop, we will gain some constant fraction each of BM, H, Squire. We will also divert some of these gains to be Count, and we need one Count per Golem in our hand, plus 3 extra Counts. This number will always be way way smaller than the number of cards we can gain (at least X^(2^X) cards we can gain, and at most X Golems in our hand), so we can basically ignore the number in our analysis.

With all the actions in our hand, we can play the BMs and Hs to gain some amount of BMs and Hs on the top of our deck. Then, we play Count for topdeck and money to topdeck all of our Golems except for one. With our remaining 4 Counts, we use 3 of them for topdeck and money, topdecking Trader, SP, and our last Count. Now our hand is a bunch of Squires and one Golem. The top of our deck is Count, SP, Trader, the rest of our Golems, and a bunch of BMs and Hs, then some Silvers. We can now use Golem, which will hit Count and SP. We pick Count then SP as our order. With Count, we pick topdeck and trash, topdecking a Squire, then trashing our hand full of Squires. With each Squire, we gain a SP and topdeck it. Then, our Golem plays the SP, letting us draw all the actions we have left (a bunch of SPs, the Trader, the Golems, a bunch of BMs and Hs (and 1 Squire that we don't really care about)).

Doing this is a single step of our second loop. We perform the first loop for all the SPs in our hand, then expend one Golem to gain a bunch more SPs. If we end the steps of the first loop with C BMs+Hs and D Ss, we will have O(C^2) BMs, O(C^2) Hs, and O(D) SPs after all these operations. If we started with A each of BM, H, SP, we will have 4*A^(2^A) actions to allocate between C and D. We can allocate a square root amount to C and the rest to D and end up with D = O(A^(2^A)), which is at least 2^(2^A). So, one step of this loop turns A into 2^(2^A).

Now, we can repeat this second loop for every Golem we started with. Since we started with X BM, H, SP, and got to repeat this loop X times, we went from A to 2^(2^A) X times, starting at X, which is (2↑↑(2X))^X > 8 * 2↑↑(2X). Letting Y = 2↑↑(2X), we can let this be 4Y SPs in hand and 4Y changelings on the top of our deck, and play all the SPs, drawing the 4Y changelings. Then, in our Night phase, we use the Changelings to gain Y each of BM, H, SP, G, topdecking them (putting the scrying pools on top for next turn).

Since every turn changes X from 2↑↑(2X), this kingdom has growth rate f(n) > 2↑↑↑(2n-c) for some constant c f(n) > 2↑↑↑n. The actual amount is bigger than c↑↑↑n for any constant c, but I'm not sure how to express it. At the very least, we can correctly remove the -c from n and still have a correct lower bound, so there's that.

This kingdom is not an infinite kingdom because:
  • Golems cannot be gained midturn, and there is only one Trader.
  • The only draw that can be gained midturn is Scrying Pool, and no cards are gained to hand.
  • To gain Scrying Pools midturn that can still be played on the same turn, a Golem or Trader must be used.

In summary:
  • Kingdom: Black Market, Haggler, Scrying Pool, Squire, Golem, Count, Changeling, Page. Sideways cards: Obelisk on BM.
    (BM deck: Fairgrounds, Trader, Royal Seal).
  • Growth rate: f(n) = 2↑↑↑n
  • No Renaissance cards needed!

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 20, 2018, 09:17:50 pm »
Glad that this thread has continued to generate interest :)

A question for tim17.  I'd like a ruling on how split piles work in an infinite kingdom.  Would it be possible to gain a Fortune or would they be buried under an infinity of Gladiators?  Or is it 5 Gladiators, 5 Fortunes, 5 Gladiators, 5 Fortunes, ....   While we're on the subject, how about Knights and Ruins and other mixed supply piles?

I forget if I had thought about this when I had initially posed the question. I don't have strong feelings one way or another; I tend to prefer to let people assume whatever they want and then see what they can come up with. Accordingly, let's say that any pile with more than one card name has infinitely many of each, and you get to choose the order of the pile during setup. If for some reason this causes problems, we can try some other interpretation, but let's go with this for now.
I propose the following interpretation: instead of infinite piles, have the following rule: whenever a pile would be emptied, replenish the pile with cards in the original state. (And if you were somehow gaining 1000 cards at the same time, you replenish the pile multiple times in between gains as necessary.) This lets us include knights and split piles without too much confusion. For example, the Gladiator/Fortune pile would effectively keep being 5 Gladiators then 5 Fortunes alternating.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 14, 2018, 08:50:19 pm »
"Each turn d' = (31/88)d, so we end up with around 31/88 ↑↑ n points."  I'm claiming d' = 256^d.
Your post looks right to me (though I didn't check super carefully), but since 4↑↑(n+2) > 256↑↑(n), it's only 2 turns better than the 4↑↑n kingdom (supposing the setup took the same amount of time) despite seeming way better.
Ha.  My setup would definitely take a lot longer.  I wanted to show the usefulness of Hagglers though.  When used to best advantage, they can double your tetration base.  Unfortunately, City Quarters cannot be haggled.  I am also thinking that using Mines to gain actions directly into your hand may be very useful.  But I guess it's three arrows now or bust, eh?
If you put City Quarter in the kingdom and Gladiator/Fortune, you could Haggle for City Quarter that way, but since you can't gain them mid-turn it doesn't seem like that would really help.

One other little thing, you should be able to play your Hagglers when you Black Market, so you don't need quite as many Fishing Villages.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 14, 2018, 08:10:05 pm »
"Each turn d' = (31/88)d, so we end up with around 31/88 ↑↑ n points."  I'm claiming d' = 256^d.
Your post looks right to me (though I didn't check super carefully), but since 4↑↑(n+2) > 256↑↑(n), it's only 2 turns better than the 4↑↑n kingdom (supposing the setup took the same amount of time) despite seeming way better.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Can you infinitely play nesting Black Markets?
« on: November 13, 2018, 02:01:24 am »

Kingdom needs Black Market, Watchtower, Rogue, Mandarin, Storyteller, Capitalism

Mandarin in the trash. Deck: BM, Watchtower, Rogue, Storyteller. Capitalism bought.

Play BM
  Play Storyteller
    Play Rogue gaining Mandarin, trashing with Watchtower
      topdeck Storyteller, BM, Rogue
    draw Rogue, Storyteller, BM from Storyteller

And repeat.

Thanks!  But don't you run out of Black Markets this way?
Gaining the Mandarin recovers the Black Market (and Storyteller and Rogue) from play onto your deck, which lets you draw them and play them again. This loop keeps playing the same Black Market over and over.

Rules Questions / Multiple donates in the same turn
« on: November 01, 2018, 04:19:44 pm »
What happens if you buy donate multiple times on the same turn? Do you get one donate phase at the end of your turn for each time you bought Donate?
Not that you would want to most of the time, but hey, maybe there's Tomb + Fortress or something.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: October 27, 2018, 01:00:46 pm »
Sorry for the necro.

Note that if we're already willing to subtract a constant number of turns from n (e.g. to set up the deck), it doesn't really matter what number you have as the base of the tetration. Here's a proof that 2 ↑↑ (n+2) >= 4 ↑↑ n.

Lemma 1: If x >= 4y and y >= 1, then 2^x >= 4*4^y.
Proof: x => 4y implies 2^x >= 2^(4y) = 4^(2y) = (4^y)*(4^y) >= 4*(4^y).

Now we can show that 2 ↑↑ (n+2) >= 4 * (4 ↑↑ n) for all n with induction. For n=1, both sides equal 16. If 2 ↑↑ (k+2) >= 4 * (4 ↑↑ k), then by Lemma 1, 2^(2 ↑↑ (k+2)) >= 4 * 4 ^ (4 ↑↑ k), or 2 ↑↑ (k+3) >= 4 * (4 ↑↑ (k+1)).

The same idea can be extended to show that for any A,B, there's a constant c such that A ↑↑ (n+c) >= B ↑↑ n for all n.

In summary, all of the c ↑↑ n solutions are about as good as each other for this question.

I think there may be two separate questions going on in this thread at the same time.

The first question I'd describe as something like:
1) Can you make an encoding of a Turing machine's program and state as Dominion states, where if the Turing machine can perform a step, the Dominion state can perform the same step using legal game actions?

Most of the posts seem to be concerned with this question, and I think the answer is very likely yes. However, this question is different from these questions:
2a) Can a computer program determine if a starting Dominion state A can reach another Dominion state B?
2b) Can a computer program determine if, from a starting Dominion state A, it is possible for player 1 have more points than player 2 at the end of this turn?

If there's no computer program that can solve 2a) or 2b), that would be the typical way of saying that it is undecidable/Turing complete to reason about Dominion.

Note that even if the answer to 1) is yes, it doesn't necessarily imply that 2a) or 2b) are impossible. To see this, consider the game Calvinball-Dominion, which is just like Dominion except that in your action phase, you also have the option to move a card from any zone to another as many times as you want, whenever you want. This game can certainly encode a Turing machine in its possible states by just moving stuff around arbitrarily. But it is also easy to reason about this game: given a starting state, you can basically reach any state that has the same cards in the kingdom.

If we're just trying to answer question 1), I think we're basically there. I have a bit to add that with opponent cooperation, you can make the top of their deck a stack as well: add to the top of their deck with Sea Hag (Curse) or gaining Embassy (Silver), with them topdecking with Watchtower for the silvers, and remove from the top of the deck with Jester.

Question 2) seems way harder to resolve and I'm not sure what the answer is.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:03:17 am »
Looking forward to (clearly) the best new strategy, Banquet/Counting House!

Why does no one want to play BoM as death cart. It's clearly optimal.

funnily enough, they have the exact same effect in this case.
Except you have to gain cards on feast?

Mining Village is clearly where it's at.

The only way to solve 2) and 3) together is including Masq or Ambassador. Am I missing something?
The conditions 1), 2), 3) are meant to be solved independently, not simultaneously. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Some of you may remember a puzzle from the old days: assuming perfect shuffle luck and a kingdom of your choice, empty your entire deck in as few turns as possible. The old puzzle post is here:, and back then, it was possible to do it in 6 turns.

Of course, there are a lot more possibilities now. How few turns can you do it in? I can get x=5, and I think one turn fewer might be possible, since I can find a x turn solution that gets really close.

Some silly side puzzles to go along with this, each of which is a condition that can also be satisfied with an x turn solution (not simultaneously, each is its own puzzle).

1) No cards from Guilds.
2) No cards in the Native Village or Island mat at the end of the game.
3) Gain a Fortress at some point.

Goko Dominion Online / (please delete)
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:33:19 am »
(post edited away)

Loser's Bracket / Re: HELP! (I can't find my opponent) Thread
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:54:59 am »
I PM'ed bitwise on wednesday and have not received any answer yet.
Sorry. PM notifications sometimes go to my spam folder, and I only found a PM notification for the reminder PM today.

Loser's Bracket / Re: Losers Bracket Sign-Ups - 15/64
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:38:51 pm »
I am interested. Losers unite!

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: KC/TR/Procession/BoM
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:32:02 pm »
Band of Misfits doesn't work on empty supply piles, so you probably have to be a little bit careful about that.
Also, if we're asking only about tripling, I'm fairly sure the best you can do is TR on top of 10 KCs...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Infinite points
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:51:47 am »
Yeah. Oops, I somehow managed to forget about that.

It's definitely still possible to set up a KC KC Scheme Scheme Possession Monument sort of thing with the same first 4 turns. I'll write it up soon-ish.


Kingdom Cards: (Potion), Possession, Hamlet, Watchtower, Scheme, Chapel, Ironworks, King's Court, Monument, Council Room, any Dark Ages card (to enable Shelters)

Open Ironworks/Watchtower.

Turn 3:
Draw Necropolis, Ironworks, Watchtower, and 2 Copper.
Play Necropolis. Play Ironworks for Potion, topdecking. Play Watchtower, drawing Potion and 3 Copper.
With 5 and potion in hand and $1 from Ironworks, buy Possession.

Turn 4:
Draw Hovel, OE, 2 Copper, (reshuffle) Possession.
Play Possession.
Buy Hamlet.

Possessed 1:
Draw Ironworks, Necropolis, Watchtower, 2 Copper.
Play Necropolis. Play Ironworks for Scheme, topdecking. Play Watchtower, drawing Scheme and 3 Copper. Play Scheme, drawing (reshuffle) Possession. Play Possession.
Buy Council Room.
Using the Scheme effect, put Possession on top.

Possessed 2:
Draw Hovel, Overgrown Estate, 2 Copper, Possession.
Play Possession.

Possessed 3: (deck: shelters, coppers, w, iw, cr, potion, poss, 1 scheme, hamlet
Draw Hamlet, (reshuffle) Watchtower, Necropolis, Ironworks, Hovel.
Play Hamlet, drawing Overgrown Estate. Discard Hovel and Overgrown Estate. Play Necropolis. Ironworks a Scheme, topdecking.
Play Watchtower, drawing Scheme, Scheme, Possession, Council Room, 2 Copper. Play 2 Schemes, drawing 2 Coppers. Play Council Room, drawing 3 Coppers and Potion.
Play Possession.
Buy King's Court.

After this turn, your deck is perfectly reshuffled, so you can draw KC Scheme Possession. After this, you just open every turn with KC Scheme, playing Possession (and using the Scheme effect to return these on top). Now you can set up a deck with Monuments and KCs and Schemes and stuff, even with some nasty shuffle luck.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Infinite points
« on: September 04, 2012, 11:41:33 pm »
Here is a solution which buys Possession on turn 3 and goes in an infinite cycle on turn 4, assuming perfect luck up to a certain point to set it up. It depends on Dark Ages, most notably Necropolis.

There's quite a bit of freedom in choosing how you get your infinite points, so I picked one that takes a relatively short amount of time to set up. (But you can set up KC Scheme-type things relatively easily.) In particular, you don't need the Mint at all.

Kingdom Cards: (Potion), Possession, Hamlet, Watchtower, Scheme, Chapel, Ironworks, Fortress, Bishop, Mint, Counting House

Here's what you do:

Open Ironworks/Watchtower.

Turn 3:
Draw Necropolis, Ironworks, Watchtower, and 2 Copper.
Play Necropolis. Play Ironworks for Potion, topdecking. Play Watchtower, drawing Potion and 3 Copper.
With 5 and potion in hand and $1 from Ironworks, buy Possession.

Turn 4:
Draw Hovel, OE, 2 Copper, (reshuffle) Possession.
Play Possession.
Buy Hamlet.

Possessed 1:
Draw Ironworks, Necropolis, Watchtower, 2 Copper.
Play Necropolis. Play Ironworks for Scheme, topdecking. Play Watchtower, drawing Scheme and 3 Copper. Play Scheme, drawing (reshuffle) Possession. Play Possession.
With 5 Coppers in play, buy Mint.

Possessed 2:
Draw Hovel, Overgrown Estate, 2 Copper, Possession.
Play Possession.
Buy Chapel.

Possessed 3:
Draw Hamlet, (reshuffle) Watchtower, Necropolis, Ironworks, Hovel.
Play Hamlet, drawing Copper. Discard Hovel and Copper. Play Necropolis. Ironworks a Fortress, topdecking.
Play Watchtower, drawing Fortress, Scheme, Possession, Chapel, Overgrown Estate, Copper. Play Fortress and Scheme, drawing Copper and Hovel. Chapel OE, 2 Copper, and Hovel, drawing a Mint.
Play Possession.

Possessed 4:
Draw Fortress, Chapel, Mint, Watchtower, Hamlet.
Play Fortress, drawing Possession. Chapel Mint, Watchtower, and Hamlet.
Play Possession.

Possessed 5:
Draw Necropolis, Ironworks, Scheme, (reshuffle) Fortress, Possession.
Play Scheme, drawing Chapel (your only other card at this point). Ironworks a Bishop. Play Fortress, drawing (reshuffle) Bishop. Bishop a Chapel.
Play Possession.

Possessed 6+:
Your deck is now Necropolis, Ironworks, Scheme, Fortress, Possession, and Bishop (6 cards). Do this every turn:
If you have a Scheme in hand, play it.
Your hand is now Necropolis, Ironworks, Fortress, Possession, Bishop.
Play Necropolis.
Bishop a Fortress, returning it to hand.
Play Possession.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Cards with maximum buying value
« on: August 28, 2012, 03:49:59 am »
Here's my list before looking at what you have:

Band of Misfits (see below lol)
Secret Chamber
Storeroom (not sure I have the right name here, but I mean the one in dark ages for 3 that gives a buy, discards for cards, then discards for money)
Philosopher's Stone
Forager (also not sure I have the right name here, but I mean the one in dark ages for 3 that is like trade route but nonterminal and counts distinct treasures in trash)
Trade Route

Edit: Guess I didn't do so well. Oops.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Most VP in 3 Turns
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:56:46 am »
Play band of misfits as forager, trashing an overgrown estate into a squire

Huh? This doesn't seem to be possible...

Solo Challenges / Re: allfail's solo challenge #3: A Factor of Two.
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:48:32 pm »
Sorry, what I meant to say was that it's possible to gain an odd number of cards, and trash them all to Watchtower. (I didn't do so as it didn't follow the rules; you're still gaining even if you immediately trash.)

With some better early game luck and getting watchtower earlier, I think this strategy could be improved by 2-4 turns quite easily...

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