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Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: tournament
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:27:59 pm »

congratulations! your prize is humans!

a lot of people have a distaste for this card. ah, dang, he got a province first. oh, but i got mine with a tournament first, so i win. that's life. (that's liiiiiiiiiife)

i think that in terms of the game it's pretty not really cool. it has the same problem that market grande has which is that you'll just do a bunch of dumb stuff like buy silvers to try to get it and then once you do, you can't do the fun engine stuff that it would in theory allow. it also doesn't really appreciate fairgrounds because, well, provinces are already a good portion of the way to empty, let's just do those.

but, for the other reasons that dominion is fun, tournament is sehr gut. your newbie friend asks if there's a card that rewards you for having provinces and you say "no, there tends to not be things that.. oh wait, yeah there is, it's tournament."

and, as donx put it i think, some of these couldn't have existed anywhere else; you draw a hand full of trusty steeds and then think for a few years; being able to buy followers would mean the game never ends; princess just gets out of hand too quickly (the other ones are scary enough); bag of gold is stupidly good in the early game and in bm and stupidly bad towards the end (whoops that's the only time you can get it, alas); diadem is just not good too many times.

-how big of a deal is the first province, real talk?
-trusty steed or followers?
-when do you stop buying tournament?

Dominion General Discussion / a different thing
« on: May 17, 2016, 08:26:30 pm »

what is the optimal strategy in this kingdom, do we think?

open militia or witch/chapel and then, initially you would think council room/militia is good but then stop to realize that that gets super very countered by both library and, heh, moat (super big handsize means you're likely to have it if you buy, like, 2)
i would think council room is still good though because your opponent will not have trouble drawing; then do workshop/throneroom/feast and gain your way up to the top, festival/councilroom is probably good. witch is probably only good if you can get it early, just because chapel is there; workshop gardens kinda stinks because it doesn't really benefit from opponent's councilroom.

another fun thing maybe more suited to theory is, if you had to pick 6 kingdom cards that you could buy for the whole game, what would they be? 

chapel, throneroom, feast, festival, library, militia (library and militia might be switched with witch and councilroom)
worshop, gardens, cellar, village, thief?, feast?

another another fun thing is analyzing in what way it changes from expansion to expansion: prosperity (kapow!) to dark ages (rats/fortress/what?) to adventures (what)

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: remake
« on: May 17, 2016, 07:39:15 pm »

2015's best one that costs $4. i voted it there as well as most people.

this is probably a better card than chapel ignoring cost; for its cost chapel is probably better but maybe even not. some people would be like, no way! and some people would agree i'm sure. i would argue that chapel is less of a skill card than remake, even: both of them are equally unsuitable for bm generally so that's out the window but when you play chapel you usually just trash 4 and then that's that, whereas with your remakes and your masquerades you actually end up making choices; that's how i justify that those two can be better cards than chapel when played optimally.

-isn't it just dandy to trash your opening silver around turn 7?
-do you consider it to be on them with cornucopia? (hint: yes)
-people would interject into this regardless of whether i asked this but what do you think of it with respect to chapel?

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: menagerie
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:14:37 pm »

previews seem to have simmered down a tad.

menagerie, the card that, like scrying pool, tends to have a sort of deck that you want to get with it but generally you'll just buy a bunch of them regardless.

menagerie is a fun card, though, unlike scrying pool. it makes things happen fast, and it makes them happen kinda difficutlty. it's fun to have a deck where you bought a vault for some reason and then, post-draw, you can discard 6 differently named cards and then draw them back up with two menageries.

i did that here.

-is menagerie superfun?
-what is menagerie's favorite card other than all of them, especially action cards
-when do you open with menagerie?

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: hunting party
« on: May 08, 2016, 03:24:51 pm »

neglected to do one yesterday because i was at a different place doing math problems

we are on a hunt for all the differently named animals.

-what is the thematic tie between this and laboratory?
-how do you avoid being unable to draw the last few cards in your deck if this is your only draw?
-is there any card or type of card this works well with?

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: harvest
« on: May 06, 2016, 04:21:32 pm »

let's do one of the boring ones today, because teasers. those were fun, right guys?

harvest isn't, though.

well, perhaps harvest is not that boring, by nature of being bad; sometimes the bad ones are the most irresistible. that said, games where you get harvest are generally ones where you aren't doing a whole lot, because if you are then why would you buy harvest.

perhaps fortunately and perhaps unfortunately, there isn't really a way to manipulate this one other than getting different cards; it is cornucopia at its truest form except for that it's bad.

i personally think it's a little better than we have it rated, but not by a lot, and well, differentiating between the bottom few cards is hard because we don't really tend to have a large sample size.

-what sort of deck that, while still eventually drawing itself, doesn't mind playing harvests before all the cards are gone?
-in what game have you made the best use of harvest? (if anyone at all would ever feel like looking for a log of that)
-did you forget about harvest before seeing this? i mean cornucopia is my favorite expansion but i had to check to make sure this was called 'harvest' and not some other thing

Game Reports / modern art
« on: May 06, 2016, 12:19:20 am »

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: horn of plenty
« on: May 05, 2016, 10:37:48 am »

the classic. the card that makes any dumb engine feasible, the one that doesn't necessarily care if there's villages, the one that makes you buy one or two cards you wouldn't have otherwise, the one that is superbusted with madman. suuuuuuuuperbusted.

-when do you start getting this over, say, stables? (hint: early)
-how do you play when you have 4 to your oppponent's 6 horns?
-does storyteller love it or hate it?

Let's Discuss ... / rēs cornūcōpiae consultēmus: hamlet
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:06:29 pm »

as wero pointed out, teasers et al. are gonna really take the wind out of the series's sails so i'm skipping the less interesting ones (in this case, farming village and fortune teller, sorry friends) and then doing those at the end.

so, hamlet.
every kingdom maker's favorite card: conflates actions and buys, makes them easy to obtain, makes for an odd situation with +2 cardses, busted with draw to n and menagerie and that sort of thing.
-how big of an issue is it that these empty quickly and very often split 6/4 or 7/3
-what is hamlet's favorite card? watchtower? menagerie? hunting grounds?
-other than a good trasher and attack, why would you choose squire over this? vice versa?

Let's Discuss ... / let's discuss cornucopia cards: fairgrounds
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:55:10 pm »

welcome to this one. cornucopia is my favorite expansion and well, no one else felt as strongly about one, so here we are.

i've spoken out about this one before. it's fun when you have 11 different cards anyway, but no buys, so fairgrounds gives you an excuse to do spice merchant-beggar because, eh, fairgrounds.

-where does this fit on the skill spectrum? as in, how hard is it to use perfectly compared to, like, oracle?

-do you ever buy ruins for fairgrounds points? (hint: yes)

-when do you start buying fairgrounds? ruins'll be there, but fairgrounds are flying off the shelves. or maybe the other way around.

-why is fairgroundslady so mournful?

Dominion Articles / LSD: payload
« on: April 16, 2016, 11:53:03 pm »
iterating on mr. clus's idea of lsd, or lengthy strategy discussion, i am creating a thread for payload.

the wiki has this to say:
An engine needs three parts: +Action (normally through villages), draw, and payload. The +Action is necessary to play everything, and the draw is necessary to get everything you want to play into your hand. The payload is the reason you built the engine in the first place; a deck that only has +Action and draw will usually be outpaced by big money. The most common payload is +Buy; simply adding the ability to buy more than one card per turn can make a Village/Smithy deck viable. Equally useful are terminal silvers (and other terminal +Coin.png cards), which give you the buying power to make use of extra buys, and trashers, which trim your deck down and make your engine run more smoothly. Other payload categories are gainers, cost-reducers, and Attacks; Treasures can also function as payload.
Some villages and draw cards have additional abilities that can function as payload; a Fishing Village/Wharf deck does not need any other cards to win. Outside of these situations, most payload cards are stop cards.[/font]

this is a definition that makes enough sense. in short, there are things that are good for action phases, payload isn't those.

dr. winder has said on his nether realm:
If you can get to the point where you are drawing every card in your deck every turn, the way you look at your economic output on a turn changes completely. Now, you don’t need to look at average coin per card; you can actually just add up the sum total of all economic production in your whole deck.
Now, there are reasons why it’s not quite so rosy for engines as the above might make it sound. As it relates to the discussion above, the most notable thing is that if you are adding payload cards which don’t help you to draw (like Gold), you will have to get more pieces that do so you can continue to draw your deck every turn (terminal payload also requires getting more villages). This diminishes the ability to really add as much economy as you might otherwise be able to. On the other hand, being able to add to your per-turn payload so quickly self-synergizes, exploding in on itself in a chain reaction – getting that extra $3 now means I have more that I’m able to spend next turn to keep increasing my economic capabilities without falling behind on draw. This ramping effect virtually always more than compensates for the need to get extra pieces to keep drawing, at least if you have the capability to get extra buys – otherwise making $30 on a turn doesn’t do much for me. On top of that, there are ancillary benefits – if there are cards which are much better in combination or in multiples, you get to reliably do that, and you get to hit them with your attacks every turn. Engines also give you better control of ending the game just when you want.

payload is a weird thing. people use the term to mean different things, and discussions about what it means specifically are much less frequent and developed than those that attempt to evaluate it. intuitively, it is mathematically a quicker way to get provinces when you build first; this is one of several invariable truths this game offers. another thing that we are all familar with is, the amount of time and cards you use to do this varies with each game. perhaps within the concept of payload is where evaluating the power level of cards matters most and individual power level (the qvisty one) is trumped by the comboey one (ironmonger, bridge and hunting party are good but don't really like each other, whereas horse traders and duke do).

the question of when do i do payload is thus so weird, in that it depends on what the good ones are. this can be demonstrated by the fact that attacks fit into the definition of payload that we have. ambassador is payload; you will often buy a curse to keep playing them after you're drawing your deck. however, the other thing that it does happens to be good at the beginning as well.

so, although it is sort of a thing that we do where we try to be able to draw a lot of cards and play a lot of actions before you do payload, there is some quality a card can have that tosses that to the wind; sometimes it is clear and tangible why you would do that, such as familiar: i will temporarily skip ironworks to gain advisors (which is not payload until you use it to gain silk roads?) in favor of potion to gain familiars because curses are not only just really good to distribute but also will eventually not be able to be distributed, so sooner is good, but there will eventually be a reason to stop.

however, sometimes it isn't clear why exactly you will do payload before you can draw your deck: it is intuitive, for my village/wharf engine, to pick up a horn of plenty after the second-thirdish wharf because ???. i suppose that is the point where i will start being able to draw it with 4 other differently named cards reliably (copper, village, silver, wharf, maybe one of the other 7 kingdom cards) but why is that the amount of reliableness that makes me decide to do horn of plenty, not only that but also it seems to be correct in practice?

and maybe that's what i like about cornucopia, is that there is a whole other layer of arbitrarity to the payload question, since card variety is not a property of cards anymore.

consider this kingdom:

Code: [Select]
Lookout, Village, Mining Village, Remodel, Counterfeit, Margrave, Merchant Guild, Soothsayer, Wharf, Witch
this one is trying to, for one, further illustrate how weird ordering is with payload, and also, be a thing that is straightforward to talk about and then use in a broad sense to understand payload.

Variants and Fan Cards / farming village is a bit lukewarm isn't it
« on: March 27, 2016, 04:55:14 pm »
framming village
+1 card
+2 actions
reveal your hand; if there are no duplicate cards in it, you may trash this card. if you do, +$3, +1 buy, and gain a copper, putting it into your hand.

mining village is also a bit lukewarm. the reason it gains you a copper, initially i was thinking, just properly salvage itself and then get +$4 +buy but then, ew. it is not difficult to fire two of these and there's a province right there. gain a copper makes it generally harder to activate two of them, unless you go full cornucopia and get a heckamount of variety or engage in some discard/trashing shenanigans. i also considered making it better and mandatory but that is uncool.

Game Reports / do you know what card sucks?
« on: February 23, 2016, 08:54:40 pm »
grand market.

here is a picture that is related.

here is the thing that it is

it seems to me that grand market is just not interesting in colony games. actually, it's at its most interesting in colony games because the question of whether to get it becomes 'how convenient is it for my engine compared to platinum' rather than 'is there a nice way to get to $6 without coppers' or 'how's my village-to-goons ratio looking.' but grand market seems to become less powerful in platinum games, because platinum just pays out better (esp in a game where you draw your deck, which becomes more viable with colony) and doesn't require the same shenanigans (some of the catalysts of grand market are generally good for colony, such as trash coppers, but some other ones, like spamming silvers/fishing villages/ death cart? don't work with the longevity.)

do you know what is the hottest beans in colony? apothecary/counting house/warehouse. while the other guy messed around with grand markets, i messed around in a more interesting way, and i won (probably) because i got a couple platina, and maybe also because drawing cards is a lot better once you have those. also, guess what.

you have 1 guesses.

i counted with my fingers on the screen how many different cards there were and there were 20 so i bought them all. you may have noticed that already. i only got three fairgrounds but it was my safety net if the other spontaneous things that were happening did not propel me to victory.

if everyone has their card that they have a distinctive opinion about then mine ends up being fairgrounds it looks like (although it is closely followed by all of cornucopia, or as i understand it, donx's brief stint with lsd, or whatever the version of lsd is that makes you good at designing cards) and i thus ended up lying in those severals of times where i alluded to whatever my favorite card was.

happy hunting!

Goko Dominion Online / twofold
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:32:05 pm »

first of all, just look at that vp screen. ooh baby vineyards.

second of all, that is a remarkably small amount of seconds. as in, most computers would only have like three ticks in that time frame, so at least there should be fewer significant figures. also the outage i experienced felt more in the range of 4.000000000000E0 seconds

Dominion General Discussion / hi
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:23:55 pm »
we never got to post pms though! that was gonna be the fun part

here is one from one of the MODS OF THE DOMINION LEAGUE

I'm in bed now ;)

Game Reports / unfairgrounds
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:02:56 am »

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Lighthouse, Village, Farming Village, Scavenger, Butcher, Horn of Plenty, Mandarin, Fairgrounds, Bank

a recurring theme i've been noticing in my latest few games is that fairgrounds is actually a really good card. i mean, at some point i was the average joe that was just like, what? excuse me, mr. winder and mr. sayno, there's no way that fairgrounds is in the upper tier of cards. it's always been at or below the midpoint of its respective qvist ranking, that's where it belongs. i mean, seriously, you need to get like 4 cards that you maybe wouldn't have gotten anyway to make it worthwhile.

how foolish i was. province, duchy, estate, copper, silver, gold, you can expect to always get. in addition to that you need to get 9 kingdom cards, or 8+curse, to make fairgrounds a $6 province. with shelters that's only 5/6 kingdom cards, although now the ceiling is higher as long as you don't trash any of the shelters. perhaps the cards that artificially inflate variety are not actually that helpful in general, though—ruins are indicative of a game where it's hard to do all the stuff necessary to get your uniques (what if there's, like, 3 other $6s?) and who's really keeping track of how many different ruins they got? and tournament games oftentimes go too fast for the drawn-out nature of fairgrounds to shine.

anyway, in many cases, i find 6pt fairgrounds to be very worth the effort. this is one of those times.

glance at the kingdom, it's pretty austere. there isn't really any sort of strong bm utility, and one might expect the game to  game to progress like a statistical analysis section of a research paper: no one really knows what's actually going on or what should happen and you kinda just hope no one pays attention. does butcher-bm beat scavenger-bm? the simulator probably doesn't play either very well and neither do you, and why would either of you want to?

anyway, fairgrounds makes this kingdom much more interesting. i maybe had a bit of an advantage because the other guy saw me buying villages and that sort of garbage and thought, oh, that's probably the way to go. it's a pretty easy kingdom for fairgrounds, perhaps on the cheaper side and nothing that is too weak outside of an engine context. i think embargo is slightly out of the favor of fairgrounds, if the other guy notices you're pursuing the fairgrounds storyline then he can embargo it pretty quickly and it doesn't count as a unique because you trashed it, except you can kinda sneak attack embargo province i guess and then dive into fairgrounds faster than he can.

horn of plenty/mandarin nonsense at the end to close it out.

so, what do you, as a player, think of fairgrounds? i feel like we discuss it very little for how frequently it is worth considering, and perhaps as well it is a bit underrated. i always like it when one of the top players swoops in and comments something, so uh.

General Discussion / fonts?
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:12:00 am »
i am in school, still, and the font that i use for all of the entirety of school essentially is, times new roman, 12pt. i sorta assumed that was the best one, or at least had a reasonably strong claim, but then i noticed that both my history teacher and my english teacher (yes, i'm in that school) used garamond and i remembered some inkling of, what do font snobs think is the best font? helvetica? and i googled 'font ranking' which gave me a guardian article that said garamond is the best one, and there seems to be some argument but garamond is widely regarded as p f neato. i changed my phone display to garamond and i was gonna see what cards i could play to be able to use it here, but when i googled 'garamond is the best font' the top result informed me that georgia is quite similar but better online because of the detail of display and stuff, and we have that. what do you think of garamond/georgia? what is your pocket font? is font trivial as long as it's not a really bad font? is it clunky for me to use a different font than everyone else?

Variants and Fan Cards / nifty embargo
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:15:37 pm »
book burning: $5 event
move your +potion token to an action supply pile without a potion in its cost (cards from that pile cost $P more).

i dunno? seems ok. it's sort of a more stable embargo that completely seals out buying of certain cards and asks whether you think you can build an engine without that card or whether it's worth buying a potion to get almost an but not really  free pass from burnings in the future. and on the other end, is it worth $5 to prevent him from getting the menagerie his engine wants so much for a while? that could've been a junk dealer. there might be a very consistent answer to that question that would be illuminated if someone actually tests it.

the hardest parts for me were the cost and the name. i think $5 is good, you're forfeiting a big engine component to prevent the other guy from getting his perfect one. the name is weird, it's supposed to represent a loss of knowledge (we used to know how to remodel but we forgot. give me that potion and maybe we can figure it out again) and i looked at this wikipedia page to see if there's a cool word for it but hey, book burning kinda works.

other things i thought of: is it too big-money-favoring, targeting only action cards might leave the big engine thing pretty far out of reach, and $5 isn't a lot it bm. i considered giving the option to put it on gold (copper, silver and potion all have huge problems with costing potion) but then on a very big money board with no villages all the sudden this game is lasting twice as long. that might be solved with a lame but explicit way, like, if you have 3-4 or more actions in play then you can put the token on gold. i also considered having a second potion token somehow but that gets yucky very fast. initially, as well, everyone shared a token, but that can make a stalemate situation much less far-fetched than some other cards.

band of misfits loves it: buy 4, burn it and now you can play 5s as well as golems. maybe compare it to ferry to consider power: they almost sort of cancel each other out, and one of em's three and the other is five. its worst quality is being real hit-or-miss i think.

Variants and Fan Cards / ok wait wait hold on ok wait
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:35:01 pm »
how bad is this card:

harold, $4 action
+2 cards
+1 action
your opponent may play an action card from his hand

there's probably a few rule fudges (outpost explicitly assumes it's your turn) but not as armageddon-y as it initially seems, at least its weird effects on gameplay are more heinous than rules conflicts

Variants and Fan Cards / schaddeas
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:30:10 pm »
these aren't good, though
royal charter: $6 action-reaction
+2 actions
you may discard 3 cards; if you do, gain a royal charter
you may discard a card; if you do, +2 cards
when one of your cards is discarded, other than during the clean-up phase, you may reveal this from your hand to trash it.

does several things that aren't very good; forfeit your turn (probably) to gain a 6-card, vault does that but lets you choose what it is. slightly nicer village also that might be worth 4ish, and also trash 3 if you draw two of them and then probably discard your other one to draw 2. probably good, i would go as far as to say that as a card it is probably stronger than count.

startled horse: $4 action
+4 cards
discard 2 cards.
you may reveal your hand; if you do, your opponent chooses two cards from it to trash.

masquerade, steward and envoy had a baby. at its worst it is not very compelling, but it offers several interesting choices

advertisers: $3 action-duration
+1 action
discard 2 cards. if you do, at the start of your next turn, gain 2 silvers, putting one into your hand.

opening with it is letting fate decide what happens on your next few turns. don't open two of them

upper-middle class: $3 action-victory
+2 actions
reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. put any revealed upper-middle classes into your hand.
worth 1 VP

buying great hall is just not making a statement. this started out as, heh, what if i inherited scout

Game Reports / whaaat a kiiingdom
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:40:51 pm »

Code: [Select]
Ambassador, Masterpiece, Baron, Bishop, Ironmonger, Worker's Village, Baker, Butcher, Library, Vaultlog:

this one was a doozy i think. it is definitely an engine kingdom, especially if you iron out the payload more than i did. that said, man, vault/library with plenty of villages and buys and the second best attack in the game. however, there's a bit of interestingness beyond that: butcher and baker like each other, and also their coin token things work nicely together but i like the idea of having both of them because they have similar interests and can relate to each other about the food industry. bishop, maybe? i think there's nothing good to trash here but it's a decent card.

i think library vault can start up very quickly and the reason it didn't for me was because of ambassador and also i didn't notice it forr a lil bit. would it not have been the narrow 28-25 victory the same if i had tried to get the combo running sooner, somehow, instead of mucking about with 'mbassadors? is the ideal late game payload butchers and stuff or is it just more vaultbraries (or baron, ew)? ironmonger or wv? what does the fact that i always do curses with ambassador say about me? is this truly the king of kingdoms that it seems to be? masterpiece?

and there's a lot of rules but you have to figure them out like in mao

i mean i devised this big ol thing based mostly on my perception of the cards, and then it got frackled a little bit because of some function of the qvist page so i decided to redo it from the 'all kingdom cards' dialogue.
Code: [Select]
1.) Masquerade   [X]
2.) Ambassador   [X]
3.) Cultist   [X]
4.) Remake   [X]
5.) Chapel   [X]
6.) Mountebank   [X]
7.) Goons   [X]
8.) Junk Dealer   [X]
9.) Upgrade   [X]
10.) Witch   [X]
11.) Wharf   [X]
12.) Steward   [X]
13.) King's Court   [X]
14.) Young Witch   [X]
15.) Forager   [X]
16.) Tournament   [X]
17.) Rebuild   [X]
18.) Amulet   [X]
19.) Governor   [X]
20.) Grand Market   [X]
21.) Vineyard   [X]
22.) Fishing Village   [X]
23.) Borrow   [X]
24.) Magpie   [X]
25.) Menagerie   [X]
26.) Hunting Party   [X]
27.) Jack of all Trades   [X]
28.) Monument   [X]
29.) Wandering Minstrel   [X]
30.) Margrave   [X]
31.) Border Village   [X]
32.) Minion   [X]
33.) Training   [X]
34.) Swindler   [X]
35.) Fool's Gold   [X]
36.) Alms   [X]
37.) Torturer   [X]
38.) Altar   [X]
39.) Fairgrounds   [X]
40.) Hermit   [X]
41.) Ghost Ship   [X]
42.) Ironmonger   [X]
43.) Bridge Troll   [X]
44.) Urchin   [X]
45.) Page   [X]
46.) Counterfeit   [X]
47.) Scrying Pool   [X]
48.) Marauder   [X]
49.) Swamp Hag   [X]
50.) Bridge   [X]
51.) Familiar   [X]
52.) Horn of Plenty   [X]
53.) Ill-Gotten Gains   [X]
54.) Bandit Camp   [X]
55.) Laboratory   [X]
56.) Militia   [X]
57.) Royal Carriage   [X]
58.) Stables   [X]
59.) Haggler   [X]
60.) Port   [X]
61.) Throne Room   [X]
62.) Lost City   [X]
63.) Distant Lands   [X]
64.) Hireling   [X]
65.) Lost Arts   [X]
66.) Ball   [X]
67.) Caravan   [X]
68.) Peasant   [X]
69.) Ranger   [X]
70.) Smithy   [X]
71.) Giant   [X]
72.) Salvager   [X]
73.) Storyteller   [X]
74.) Watchtower   [X]
75.) Ferry   [X]
76.) Pathfinding   [X]
77.) Sea Hag   [X]
78.) Worker's Village   [X]
79.) Hamlet   [X]
80.) Prince   [X]
81.) Haunted Woods   [X]
82.) Bonfire   [X]
83.) Quest   [X]
84.) Courtyard   [X]
85.) Artificer   [X]
86.) Envoy   [X]
87.) Inheritance   [X]
88.) Plan   [X]
89.) Scheme   [X]
90.) Pillage   [X]
91.) Squire   [X]
92.) Apprentice   [X]
93.) Highway   [X]
94.) Summon   [X]
95.) Peddler   [X]
96.) Spice Merchant   [X]
97.) Guide   [X]
98.) Lighthouse   [X]
99.) Bazaar   [X]
100.) Butcher   [X]
101.) Bishop   [X]
102.) Tactician   [X]
103.) Duke   [X]
104.) Soothsayer   [X]
105.) Duplicate   [X]
106.) Journeyman   [X]
107.) Conspirator   [X]
108.) Doctor   [X]
109.) Council Room   [X]
110.) Rabble   [X]
111.) Plaza   [X]
112.) Count   [X]
113.) Advisor   [X]
114.) Apothecary   [X]
115.) Pilgrimage   [X]
116.) Alchemist   [X]
117.) Catacombs   [X]
118.) Hunting Grounds   [X]
119.) Dungeon   [X]
120.) Miser   [X]
121.) Ironworks   [X]
122.) Warehouse   [X]
123.) Treasure Trove   [X]
124.) Baker   [X]
125.) Embassy   [X]
126.) Ratcatcher   [X]
127.) Herald   [X]
128.) Transmogrify   [X]
129.) Quarry   [X]
130.) Village   [X]
131.) Moneylender   [X]
132.) Horse Traders   [X]
133.) Merchant Guild   [X]
134.) Seaway   [X]
135.) Black Market   [X]
136.) Baron   [X]
137.) Oracle   [X]
138.) Mining Village   [X]
139.) Cutpurse   [X]
140.) Stonemason   [X]
141.) Festival   [X]
142.) Knights   [X]
143.) Nobles   [X]
144.) Coin of the Realm   [X]
145.) Vault   [X]
146.) Relic   [X]
147.) Market   [X]
148.) Merchant Ship   [X]
149.) Gear   [X]
150.) Farming Village   [X]
151.) Wine Merchant   [X]
152.) Crossroads   [X]
153.) Library   [X]
154.) Candlestick Maker   [X]
155.) Oasis   [X]
156.) Inn   [X]
157.) Market Square   [X]
158.) Island   [X]
159.) Jester   [X]
160.) Forge   [X]
161.) Native Village   [X]
162.) Golem   [X]
163.) Venture   [X]
164.) Raze   [X]
165.) Trading Post   [X]
166.) Lookout   [X]
167.) Tunnel   [X]
168.) Vagrant   [X]
169.) Loan   [X]
170.) Remodel   [X]
171.) Fortress   [X]
172.) Wishing Well   [X]
173.) Bank   [X]
174.) Band of Misfits   [X]
175.) Caravan Guard   [X]
176.) Trade   [X]
177.) Hoard   [X]
178.) Graverobber   [X]
179.) Expedition   [X]
180.) Rogue   [X]
181.) Mystic   [X]
182.) Pawn   [X]
183.) Gardens   [X]
184.) Silk Road   [X]
185.) University   [X]
186.) City   [X]
187.) Treasury   [X]
188.) Mission   [X]
189.) Mint   [X]
190.) Cartographer   [X]
191.) Raid   [X]
192.) Harem   [X]
193.) Death Cart   [X]
194.) Travelling Fair   [X]
195.) Cellar   [X]
196.) Feodum   [X]
197.) Walled Village   [X]
198.) Scavenger   [X]
199.) Trader   [X]
200.) Embargo   [X]
201.) Armory   [X]
202.) Poor House   [X]
203.) Procession   [X]
204.) Haven   [X]
205.) Noble Brigand   [X]
206.) Taxman   [X]
207.) Rats   [X]
208.) Possession   [X]
209.) Messenger   [X]
210.) Outpost   [X]
211.) Shanty Town   [X]
212.) Contraband   [X]
213.) Workshop   [X]
214.) Talisman   [X]
215.) Smugglers   [X]
216.) Royal Seal   [X]
217.) Masterpiece   [X]
218.) Philosopher's Stone   [X]
219.) Storeroom   [X]
220.) Farmland   [X]
221.) Nomad Camp   [X]
222.) Expand   [X]
223.) Develop   [X]
224.) Navigator   [X]
225.) Explorer   [X]
226.) Saboteur   [X]
227.) Stash   [X]
228.) Bureaucrat   [X]
229.) Coppersmith   [X]
230.) Trade Route   [X]
231.) Tribute   [X]
232.) Moat   [X]
233.) Save   [X]
234.) Great Hall   [X]
235.) Beggar   [X]
236.) Scouting Party   [X]
237.) Fortune Teller   [X]
238.) Treasure Map   [X]
239.) Spy   [X]
240.) Pearl Diver   [X]
241.) Harvest   [X]
242.) Mandarin   [X]
243.) Pirate Ship   [X]
244.) Thief   [X]
245.) Herbalist   [X]
246.) Mine   [X]
247.) Sage   [X]
248.) Duchess   [X]
249.) Cache   [X]
250.) Counting House   [X]
251.) Chancellor   [X]
252.) Woodcutter   [X]
253.) Adventurer   [X]
254.) Feast   [X]
255.) Secret Chamber   [X]
256.) Transmute   [X]
257.) Scout   [X]
because of the format i get it confused with the answer key, which is ww's rankings, but no, it's just some other schmo's ranking of the cards, although keep in mind that schmo is in the low 200s on the isotropish rank. it's a neat little endeavor, ranking cards is what you do in your head seeing each new kingdom sort of, and you get to skip the part where you have to stop thinking and buy two ambassadors, dang. you get to ask yourself the otherwise mundane question of, is crossroads better than vault? huh?

other people seemed excited to do these. what are your thoughts/lists that you've been itching to paste somewhere, or perhaps show to relatives/significant others? (mine is in a notepad document on my desktop titled 'ultraranking')

Dominion General Discussion / royal carriage, what?
« on: October 01, 2015, 07:34:17 pm »

my intuition for this card is that, like transmogrify, it has a high skill ceiling and is also not very good. the thing about that, though, is that it kinda has to be good because of all the things that it does.
the other throne rooms seem sort of solvable, almost, get throne room when you have a high action density (especially with expensive actions and village scarcity), get procession in similar cases as long as the upgrade process has some destination, and get king's court if you have $7 and there isn't goons, maybe.
royal carriage is a better card than throne room in, like, the sort of situations that you aren't trying to come up with right now, such as, you draw it with no actions, being the obvious one, and you don't have to cry until you watch the one futurama episode later today or when beck hits the high note in debra, ohoho. also, there are a bunch cases where procession is a problem that throne isn't, evident in most of the card rankings the community has to offer.
king's court is probably one of the best cards that there is, but not at adding to this discussion.
so royal carriage is demonstrably, like, an okay card. playing action cards is your method of being an agent and carriage lets you do that indiscriminately, and also that was a lie because the reason that it's good(?) is that you in fact use it very discriminantly.
i think royal carriage shines in kingdoms that have cards that cost more than $5, because you will be able to double them quite often if you want to for less money, and, more uncomfortably, in kingdoms that benefit from being able to get one strong turn to get the ball rolling, sorta like tactician i guess? what comes to mind for this, is, conspirator, things to stack up for on-buy (haggler, cost reducers/merchant guild, maybe horn of plenty counts) and maybe when trashing is hard to deal with (terminal trash-ones and cursing but cursers tend to make it hard to get to $5 and then spend it on a non-curser)

does any of that at all makes sense? how bad are my assessments? do you get carriage in the kingdom of, say, salvager, moneylender, witch, bazaar, carriage, hunting grounds? is tactician a good comparison? is it a good idea to forsake scrutiny with the card art? (yes)

thank you for your time

Introductions / ahoy, nerds.
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:40:44 pm »
i just skulk around to see when donald says anything (he's affectionately called donx where i come from)
i've looked at forum games already. oh yes i have.

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