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Messages - dmazzucco

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This is an obvious synergy, but I played a game with it and it was as powerful as expected:
Lich+Governor+mountain village

It's like the Governor deck except you don't have to use any Governors for gold gaining or draw. You can use them all for remodeling on a megaturn. My last turn, I drew enough (with barge and MV) to have 4 Governors, a Lich, and 4 MVs in hand. I trashed Lich 4 times in a row for the last four provinces, then draw it a fifth time, played it, and drew the rest of my cards to buy whatever duchies were needed to finish FTW.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Lets discuss: Barbarian
« on: March 16, 2022, 09:09:18 am »
I played a game recently in which my opponent opened barbarian on 5/2. I countered, having 4/3, with an armory to gain as many fortresses as I could get, so his "trashing" would draw me a fortress and gain a $2 action card (the game had plateau shepherds). My plan didn't work at all, and I lost in a landslide.

The moral of the story is that I'm not that good at Dominion.

Perhaps this isn't relevant to the topic.

Game Reports / Re: A game from with some questions
« on: June 22, 2020, 02:29:25 pm »
You can also replay old games (as long as you own the expansions). Go to "Load old game" and use the game ID number you have. I'm sure someone has posted the instructions somewhere. You can reply from any decision point, though the bot will not follow your opponent's strategy. You can at least see whether you got to a better deck by turn 8 or 9 than you did in the original game.

Help! / So many options...
« on: October 02, 2019, 12:55:08 pm »
On this board:
Bridge Troll
King's Court


I was playing Lord Rattington, which wasn't so interesting. However, I'm curious, in a game against a real person, what would be the right approach?

I would think you open urchin/urchin to get to mercenary, or maybe experiment/silver and hope for 7 to inherit something, but after that, it's less clear to me what you want to do.

Bishop/fortress can score infinite points, but bridge troll megaturn seems like it can overcome that with a quicker province-emptying, especially since you can use experiments for draw.

Also, is there a value in inheriting here? and, if so, what do you inherit? Experiments? Fortresses?

Against the rat, I inherited King's Courts, but if you can do that, you can probably empty provinces that same turn.

Game Reports / Re: Shortest games around
« on: October 22, 2018, 10:10:22 pm »

I won in 8 turns by emptying piles, and my opponent only bought one card the whole game (but still was close to winning in 7). We suspect he could have piled out in 7.

Good game, Personman

Dominion League / Re: Season 27 - Signups
« on: April 04, 2018, 09:13:26 am »
Returning. Played once before ... a year or so ago. D league. Was somewhere in the middle. But I had bad shuffle luck every time I lost, and every time I won, it was by brilliant strategy.

New York time zone

Game Reports / Did Pooka Really Help? Game 10179054
« on: January 02, 2018, 02:27:53 pm »
My son was playing OL, game 10179054. His brothers and I served as O Wise Advisers. The board was an ambassador/Bridge Troll mess, with the only draw being cursed village, Lost City, and the dreaded Pooka.  He focused on Cursed Village, which is a beautiful card except when you gain it, while our opponent built with Lost City and triple Ambassador.

After floundering around for 20 turns, and holding 8 or so curses, we panicked into buying a Pooka, while our opponent was buying caches (either to ambassador to us, because he didn't want Bandit Fort points, or because the game was just that painful). Then suddenly everything came together, we played all the right cards in perfect succession, returning 6 curses in two turns, trashing 4+ coppers, and drawing our whole deck on turn 24ish, leaving our opponent in misery (not literally; we got all the hexes), and prompting a resignation.

My questions:
- Did we just get lucky, or were we doing it right here? Was there a better way to build?
- Was the Pooka purchase actually important to the success of the engine, or was it coincidental?
- Given a 5/2 opening, would you have bought the troll and taken the curse (as he did), or would you have gone with the ambassador (or something else) to dodge the curse?



Dominion League / Re: Season 18 - Results
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:20:49 pm »
D2: Squirezucco 5 - 1 Water polo DMO
Sadly, Squirezucco will sit out next season. Great fun, though

Dominion League / Re: Season 18 - Results
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:36:24 pm »
D2: squirezucco 4-2 amoffett11

Why do I have to be Pearl Diver? Can't I be a Chapel?

Help! / TF/Peddler: Friend or Foe?
« on: November 25, 2016, 01:31:11 pm »
Here is the kingdom I was playing:

Code: [Select]
Travelling Fair, Lighthouse, Squire, Urchin, Farming Village, Marauder, Explorer, Ghost Ship, Mountebank, Rabble, Peddler
Traveling Fair isn't showing, but it was there.

This turned out to be a really fascinating game, in which I was getting crushed, but came back to win. The game log is here:

This game led me to several questions. Even though I wound up winning in a stunning comeback, I don't really know why (was it luck, or was his deck bound to stall so starkly?). I also know I didn't play the game well, and would like tips.

Question 1: The opening
Heavy on attacks, I thought I'd need double lighthouse, with the hope of building a FV/Rabble engine with a Mountebank kicker that draws the deck and plays Lighthouse every turn. I opened LH/FV.
My opponent, by contrast, went for double Urchin to start, presumably thinking he would want the strong trashing of the Mercenary.
What is the best 4/3 opening with this kingdom? I'm inclined to think that getting a mercenary quickly should be a high priorirty, but I don't know that double urchin is the way to do that.

Question 2: Peddler Piling
As the game moved forward, my opponent had a few stronger hands (led by his mercenary clearing out some junk), and used TF/Peddler to clear out the Peddler pile. I didn't contest this because I didn't notice it right away.  My children (who play more than I do, but are 13, 11, and 9), think the Peddler turned my opponent's FVs into plain villages, whereas my FMs were really FMs.
My biggest question (hence the title of the post) is, "Is it possible that it was good for me not to contest the Peddler piling?"

Question 3: The Fall of Rome
After my opponent bought the first 3 provinces, and I was finally picking up a Mercenary to clean up my deck, I was prepared to resign. For some reason I decided to finish it out the game. Remarkably, my engine finally came together, and I consistently played Mercenary, Rabble, Mountebank every turn (what a devastating trio, if undefended). He only managed one more province and a dutchy while I gained 4 prvinces and gave him some curses, and I eeked out a win.

What made my opponent's engine stall so dramatically? Was this just bad luck, or is this unsurprising to the more experienced players in the community.

Any other advice about this game would be welcomed.


Dominion League / Re: Season 18 - Results
« on: November 21, 2016, 08:25:01 pm »
squirezucco 4-2 mtmagus

Rules Questions / Silk Road Scoring?
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:40:50 am »
Question has been removed for the sake of Squirezucco's dignity. The question was a "Squirezucco can't count" question.

For future reference: if you don't own a physical copy of a card, read the card carefully before you build a strategy around it.

Thank you, MQ, for the correct answer to a stupid question. My hope is that no one else actually read my question before you answered it.

Help! / Re: Possession, Peasant, Peddler, Travelling Fair, Scrying Pool
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:16:39 pm »
Interestingly,  we had nearly identical draws and buys for the first few hands. Then you went TF/Peasant while I went for a Baker. You followed up with trade route (another terminal action). I think the cantrip supported a deck-cycling strategy , whereas top-decking a terminal action reduced deck cycling twofold. I noticed that, once I had a possession, all my terminals were dead cards, so i might as well have skipped them altogether.

It may have been lucky/unlucky draws, but focusing on deck cyclers and cantrips may have been the better play here.

Game Reports / Re: How Could I have Won this Game?
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:38:06 pm »
Agreed that CIM *wouldn't* double province if it would leave one province. I was saying that my thinking had been that they *could* double province, and thus I could prevent that by Salvaging the province. Clearly I wasn't prepared for the triple province play.

I do like the idea of salvaging a minion and getting a 4th province. Even though leaving myself with only four minions would have made it likely that I wouldn't get to 8 again without Salvaging, I would have had a lead that would be tough to surmount, especially if I could trash and replace a province every turn.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Game Reports / How Could I have Won this Game?
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:20:32 am »
This is my first post of a game report. I'm looking for tips on this game:

Code: [Select]
Summon, Courtyard, Lookout, Bureaucrat, Salvager, Spice Merchant, Trader, Market, Minion, Outpost, Hireling
Note that I couldn't make the "Summon" show up above, but it wasn't used in the game so maybe it doesn't matter.

Game report here:

After some Spice Merchant work to thin our decks, it evolved into a Minion Engine +Outpost game. I (Squirezucco) was winning 3 provinces to one, mainly (I think) because I went for an outpost while my opponent went for Markets. At the end of what turned out to be my last turn, I Salvaged a Province into a Province. The thinking was that my engine was weakening, and "Chris is me" might get double province next turn, but I could still beat them even if I can't province anymore by salvaging provinces for provinces and getting a duchy.

As it turned out, CIM was able to pull a triple province, and eek out a win.

The small question is, "Should I have Salvaged the Province on my second-to-last turn?" The bigger question is, "How should I have been thinking through that last turn to maximize my chances of winning?"

Expert advice on that or any part of the game is welcome.


Dominion League / Re: Season 18 - Results
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:39:24 am »
I don't know who "Mikezzucco" is, but "Chris is me" defeated Squirezucco (note the clever medieval and self-deprecating name) 4-2.

Dominion League / Re: Season 18 - Signups
« on: October 19, 2016, 03:59:57 pm »
I'd like to join for the first time.

My rating is pretty bad, but I nearly beat a level 42 payer in the championships (first round). He beat me 4-3.
US-NewYork time

2016 DominionStrategy Championships / Re: Round 1 Matchups & Results
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:48:16 pm »
How do I reach out to my opponent so that (s)he can crush me?

2016 DominionStrategy Championships / Re: Signups 2016 f.ds Championship
« on: September 27, 2016, 02:28:33 pm »
/in squirezucco

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