Dominion Strategy Forum

Archive => Archive => Dominion World Masters => Topic started by: ArjanB on April 10, 2013, 04:21:04 am

Title: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on April 10, 2013, 04:21:04 am
I saw this message:

Any guys attending?
The last dutch championships was really nice.
I expect Stef to be dominating there or Davio defending his title?

So if you have seen the link, what do you think about the pre rounds?
I think it will be a mistake. I don' t think much people will go to a pre round tournament.
Or at some location maybe turns up alot of people and at another location maybe 4 people. Not really fair imo
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: lespeutere on April 10, 2013, 07:18:43 am
We used to have the same system (20 pre rounds all over Germany) here when we were having nationwide championships ('used to' since we apparently don't have any this year due to the HiG/RGG break up; maybe Germans can join the Dutch competition ;-)) . The one I went to had 16 participants and I remember write-ups of two other pre tournaments where they had similar numbers. Germany is a little bigger than the Netherlands, admittedly, so it makes more sense here, but I think it's not too bad an idea.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on April 10, 2013, 08:24:34 am
I would like it if you and other foreigners can join but I am affraid that is not gonna happen. Last year it was for dutch only :(
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: lespeutere on April 10, 2013, 08:47:59 am
I know, I was not serious.
In 2011, however, at least Belgians were allowed ( to participiate. It was a Belgian who won, so maybe that's the reason foreigners were banned. ;-)
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on April 25, 2013, 04:10:24 am
Oh this Championship is also for the Belgians.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on April 25, 2013, 04:13:51 am
Do you know anything more about those pre rounds? That post is over a month old and their website has been down for awhile.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on April 25, 2013, 04:21:06 am
nope. The organisation is really shitty. They are very slow with putting out any information.

Maybe you could send her an email ?
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: florrat on May 10, 2013, 01:56:34 pm
A small piece of info: The date and location for the prerounds in Utrecht are known:

zondag 16 juni
Dutch Game Garden
Neude 5

Source: e-mail from subcultures.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on May 24, 2013, 07:37:27 am
They posted some more information, the first pre-round is already next week:

Voor alle dominion liefhebbers...

Mocht je met 1 van de voorrondes mee willen doen, neem dan contact op met de desbetreffende winkel voor het wedstrijdreglement etc.

Plaatsing voor het NK/BK Dominion via de volgende voorrondes:
- 1 juni Spellenspeciaal zaak De Spellenhoorn in Hoorn, Noord Holland
- 16 juni Spellenspeciaal zaak SubCultures in Utrecht, Utrecht
- 22 juni Spellenspeciaal zaak Games 'n Stuff in Zwolle, Overijssel
- 30 juni Spellenspeciaal zaak De Dondersteen in Hengelo, Overijssel
- 7 juli Bridgeclub de Looijer Lijnbaansgracht 185-187 in Amsterdam , Noord Holland
Voor inschrijving alleen per email.
- 18 augustus Buurtcentrum Ons Tolhuis (*), Leidschendam, Zuid Holland
* mail naar

Voor informatie over de Vlaamse voorrondes mail naar Luckybirds

Voor meer info of

Their website is back online as well:

They say "Tijdens de wedstrijd zal er gespeeld worden met Dominion basisset en intrige", but it isn't clear whether this applies to all matches or the junior championship only.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on May 29, 2013, 02:04:36 am
Ait. I think i'm going to the Utrecht pre round
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on May 29, 2013, 02:25:59 am
See you there!
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on May 29, 2013, 02:32:21 am
dit gelezen:

Wedstrijd opzet:

* de geplaatste speler dient minimaal 4 potjes te hebben gespeeld tijdens de voorronde
* de gebruikte sets koningkrijk kaarten worden ter plekke, nét voor de te spelen ronde getrokken.
* 1 van de rondes dient te worden gespeeld met de volgende set:


Deze set mag je van te voren doorgeven zodat hiermee geoefend kan worden.

Die set hadden ze vorig jaar al bedacht. Beetje jammer
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on May 29, 2013, 03:16:59 am
Oh nee, Nederlandse namen! Sloppenwijk = Worker's Village, Lakei = Minion?

Per voorronde plaatsen twee spelers zich voor de finale tijdens Spellen aan Zee in Den Haag op 8 september. Als mensen niet van plan zijn om te komen op 8 september gaat hun plek door naar nummer 3 enz. Als spelers zich hebben geplaatst zijn ze uitgesloten van deelname aan andere voorrondes, dit om iedereen een kans te geven.

Er gaan er nu dus maar 2 door i.p.v. de eerder genoemde 4 (dan bestaat de finale dus uit 12 Nederlanders en een paar Belgen?), maar je mag blijkbaar wel in een andere regio meedoen als je je niet plaatst.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: florrat on May 29, 2013, 08:35:26 am
Oh nee, Nederlandse namen! Sloppenwijk = Worker's Village, Lakei = Minion?

Per voorronde plaatsen twee spelers zich voor de finale tijdens Spellen aan Zee in Den Haag op 8 september. Als mensen niet van plan zijn om te komen op 8 september gaat hun plek door naar nummer 3 enz. Als spelers zich hebben geplaatst zijn ze uitgesloten van deelname aan andere voorrondes, dit om iedereen een kans te geven.

Er gaan er nu dus maar 2 door i.p.v. de eerder genoemde 4 (dan bestaat de finale dus uit 12 Nederlanders en een paar Belgen?), maar je mag blijkbaar wel in een andere regio meedoen als je je niet plaatst.

Nee, sloppenwijk = Shanty Town (Worker's Village is arbeidersdrop, geloof ik) en Lakij = Steward (Minion is dienaar).

Voor mensen die de registratiepagina van Subcultures nog niet hebben gevonden, die is hier (

Wel suf dat ze dit jaar dezelfde set gebruiken als vorig jaar.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on May 29, 2013, 11:37:51 am
Nee, sloppenwijk = Shanty Town (Worker's Village is arbeidersdrop, geloof ik) en Lakij = Steward (Minion is dienaar).

Bedankt! Zie jou dus ook in Utrecht? Wordt druk :D

Duurt wel lang trouwens, van 10:00-18:00...
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: florrat on May 29, 2013, 01:23:07 pm
Ja, ik ben erbij in Utrecht! En ik denk dat ik een huisgenoot meeneem (ik ben student). En een dagje Dominion doen lijkt me een goede tijdsbesteding (ik heb heus geen scriptie die dan bijna af moet, echt niet!) ;D
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Indur on June 12, 2013, 09:27:54 am
Ik ben er ook bij. Zie jullie daar.  :D

Wat betreft het format met voorrondes denk ik dat Dominion veel te klein is om om deze manier de finale te seeden. Tijdens het NK zijn er vast ook mensen op de beurs die het leuk hadden gevonden om mee te spelen; dat kan nu niet.
Ik zie meer in voorrondes waar je byes kan verdienen voor het hoofdtoernooi.

Enige voordeel dat ik hierin zie is dat de organisatie veel minder materiaal nodig heeft, omdat er nooit 50+ mensen aan een en hetzelfde toernooi meedoen.

Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Fabian on June 12, 2013, 05:42:34 pm
SCSN is dutch too? Man, what a beastly Dominion country.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: -Stef- on June 13, 2013, 06:57:59 am
Ik ben er ook bij. Zie jullie daar.  :D

Wat betreft het format met voorrondes denk ik dat Dominion veel te klein is om om deze manier de finale te seeden. Tijdens het NK zijn er vast ook mensen op de beurs die het leuk hadden gevonden om mee te spelen; dat kan nu niet.
Ik zie meer in voorrondes waar je byes kan verdienen voor het hoofdtoernooi.

Enige voordeel dat ik hierin zie is dat de organisatie veel minder materiaal nodig heeft, omdat er nooit 50+ mensen aan een en hetzelfde toernooi meedoen.

Dag Indur,

Ik ben het niet helemaal met je eens. Je gaat er nu vanuit dat iedereen meedoet in een poging te winnen. Maar ik kan me heel goed voorstellen dat er mensen in Zwolle wonen die daar best een dag mee willen doen aan een tournooitje, maar niet van plan zijn er voor naar Den Haag af te reizen. Ik denk dat je daardoor met deze opzet meer mensen terugwint dan dat je verliest op de finaledag.

en btw: jij bent vanzelf geplaatst voor de finaledag, omdat je vorig jaar 2e was. Je kunt natuurlijk meedoen als je het gewoon leuk vindt te spelen, maar niet om je te plaatsen.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Indur on June 13, 2013, 07:22:07 am
Hoi Stef,

Goed dat je het zegt; ik had de thread op gemist waar dit werd verteld. Dan moet ik nog eens nadenken of ik zondag meedoe :)

Wat betreft de toernooiopzet:
Als de prijs bestaat uit byes (dus autowins de eerste x ronden van het hoofdtoernooi) i.p.v. plaatsing is het verschil voor de mensen die aan de voorrondes meedoen niet zo groot. Het voornaamste verschil zit hem dan in het feit dat er een aantal ronden extra gespeeld moeten worden tijdens het hoofdtoernooi. Dit is meteen het grootste nadeel; zeker als je 1 tegen 1 wil spelen.

Mijn ervaring komt vooral uit de Magic-wereld, waar
- meer mensen aan meedoen en
- mensen hun eigen materiaal meebrengen.

Ik denk in ieder geval dat de opzet zoals die nu gehanteerd wordt een stuk beter is dan vorig jaar.

Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on June 17, 2013, 08:44:43 am
En hoe is de voorronde in Utecht verlopen?

Mijn vriendin en ik hadden geen zin in een soort van herhaling van vorig jaar dus zijn maar niet gegaan.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: -Stef- on June 17, 2013, 09:17:04 am
Yesterday we played the preliminaries in Utrecht. It was fun to play with real cards in a competitive setting.
And strange to play with only Base and Intrige after so many other sets have been released.
We all played 2 matches against each other: Floris (florrat), Philip (SheCantSayNo) and Gijs (no account here)

My first match (p1) was against Gijs, on a pre-selected kingdom: Adventurer, Bridge, Laboratory, Library, Masquerade, Militia, Shanty Town, Steward, Throne Room, Trading Post.
Gijs turned out to be really new to the game but he had a very good feeling for playing BM-like boards. Unfortunately for him, this wasn't one of them. I got a fair share of the Laboratories and at some point the Bridge-megaturn was inevitable.

From here on we played veto-mode.
Game #2 was against SheCantSayNo. The board had Witch, Nobles, Gardens and 7 more that seemed completely irrelevant. No trashing, no other village, and no gainers. We were both playing BigMoney with 2 witches. At first I was really lucky, because my Silver/Silver opening lead to $5 twice on t3/4. He had to settle for only 1 Witch and another Silver. But the rest of the game was horrible: my witches collided, my witches collided both missing the reshuffle, and then my witches collided. I had a very early $8 (gold) and many many $5's. I ended up with 6 curses and only 3 provinces. I lost without much hope.

Game #3 against Florrat featured Conspirator, Market, Masquerade, Pawn, Bridge, Shanty Town, Spy, Cellar
Without real villages/draw, we both opened Masquerade/Silver going for the conspirator chain. Again I got a lucky start: I traded an estate for his copper, resulting in Market-Shanty town on turns 3/4. I went on to buy 7 of the Markets, and things were looking really good. By some shuffle miracle though I still got stuck twice in a row very late, and all of a sudden I was 0-2 behind on Provinces. On yet another dead turn I sneaked in a Bridge, and he copied that move on his dead turn. Then finally my deck did what it was supposed to and with everything in play I was able to clear out the Estates and buy a Province for the win.

Game #4 against Gijs had Village, Nobles, Woodcutter, Steward, Masquerade and 5 more I don't remember.
I wanted to build an engine where I definitely shouldn't have. Without those cute Guilds-coins, it's really bad if you only want to have $3 or $6. He bought 1 Masquerade, 1 Steward and lots of golds. I fell behind badly, 4-0 on Provinces and a Duchy versus maybe 2 Nobles. But as his deck turned more and more green I slowly got some hope back. I was very lucky that his last two hands were $7, and I could sneak out the win with 7 nobles, 3 provinces, 3 duchies and an estate (versus 5 provinces, a nobles and 3 duchies).

Game #5 against SheCantSayNo had exactly the same theme, although the engine was a bit better here. Cellar, Pawn, Moneylender, Remodel, Gardens, Spy, Laboratory, Torturer
He started of with $5 for a torturer, playing BigMoney with eventually 2 Cellars and 2 Torturers. I opened Moneylender/Silver, adding a Remodel a few turns later. I think the engine should win easily here, but my early draws were very bad (torturer always hitting the money hand, remodel missing estates for a long time). Nevertheless at some point my deck really got going; with 10 laboratories and 2 cellars it was hard to get a bad draw. I ended up with 7 Gardens (41 cards), 3 provinces and some small things, for a 3-point victory.

Game #6 (florrat) was the 4th time I tried to play engine while my opponent didn't. The board had Council Room, Remodel, Wishing Well, Bridge, Throne Room, Spy. The lack of villages convinced him no engine was available, but I really love the wishing well-Remodel engine, and it has some great support here. Spamming Wishing Wells means Throne Room will be a very good village actually. My start wasn't exactly good (remodel with 4 coppers) but this time I never worried. In the last turn I had 15 buys with a cost reduction of $8.

SheCantSayNo won 4 of his games, resulting in a 2nd place so he'll be there on the next round as well.

I tried to build an engine 5 times, and a BM deck once. I won 5 games and lost one. Hmmm ;)

@ArjanB: sorry you weren't there. It wasn't really a copy of last year, because now we played 1 vs 1 games. And much more important: you could lose a game (or 2) and still make it through.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Watno on June 17, 2013, 11:52:11 am
What? SheCan'tSayNo is not a woman? Somehow I always assumed he was.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on June 18, 2013, 02:46:34 am
Nice Report Stef. I am allready regretting for not participating :p
I do like that they make it a 1 vs 1 tournament.
So I guess I might be competing in the pre round in Uden.

Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Dubdubdubdub on June 21, 2013, 07:39:33 am
Gisteren gehoord dat de voorronde in Zwolle morgen niet doorgaat ivm te weinig aanmeldingen. Erg jammer, vooral omdat ze niet aangeven wat de mensen die zich wel hebben ingeschreven dan moeten doen om aan de finale mee te mogen doen.

Ik vermoed dat er verwacht wordt dat ik me voor een andere voorronde inschrijf. Dat zou balen zijn; ik kan dan eigenlijk niet.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: SCSN on June 21, 2013, 09:34:28 am
Als er een vast aantal finaleplaatsen zijn die verdeeld worden over 2 per voorronde, zou je bij 1 of 2 aanmeldingen toch automatisch geplaatst moeten zijn, en bij 3 aanmeldingen hadden ze het gewoon door kunnen laten gaan?
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Davio on June 27, 2013, 02:32:34 pm
SCSN is dutch too? Man, what a beastly Dominion country.
You said it! It's going to be hard to defend the title this year because all of the players will have at least some skill since they placed in a preliminary round.

Still going to try my best though! I hope very much I can make it, I already noted the date and am quite looking forward to it.
I like online Dominion, but I loooove real life Dominion (especially 3p), it's just sad I don't get to play much of it other than at the nationals. And at least I'll meet some of the guys I battle online and talk on these forums with in real life again, that's always nice.

It's been great being the champ, especially because the event was held only two weeks after our baby boy was born, I'll never forget it. I can't wait to tell him the story of his dad who was very tired, still decided to go, and won a Dutch championship. It doesn't really matter that it was Dominion, that's just nice for me, because I happen to like the game, I just hope being able to tell I was a national champion of anything makes him proud of his old man. :)
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: grobblewobble on June 28, 2013, 08:57:26 am
Hee dit klinkt super tof, is het nog mogelijk je te plaatsen of ben ik al te laat?
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ipofanes on June 28, 2013, 09:56:21 am
Based on the number of games played, it is hard to defend the title as luck plays some role. Not to say Davio is a worthy champion but variance is just greater than with pure strategy games, so it's more likely sb else will win than if the game was pure strategy.

As for other games  ( the distribution of cards plays a role (, the succession of different winners is quite noticeable.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Davio on June 28, 2013, 10:28:12 am
Luck definitely plays a role, as I said in my report last year. I didn't claim that since I had won I was automatically the most skilled player or the luckiest, but I think I had a good combination of both.

The same applies to the WSOP champions: They seem to have at least some moderate skill - heck, even Chris Moneymaker dared to bluff Sammy Farha - but I'm pretty sure most of them were called all-in and survived at least one time.

This doesn't mean we can't have fun tournaments of course, you just have to take them for what they are. Yes, it's more likely that somebody else will win, I'm fine with that. The reason I'm going is not that I want to prove to everyone that I'm a worthy champion, it's still the same as last year: To have some fun and challenging games, to get to play in real life and to hang out with some fellow Dominion fans I know from the online scene.

But yeah, besides the luck aspect which is quite significant, the overal skill level I'm going to be facing is a bit higher this year I think. As a game has been out longer, you'll see a tendency of people getting better at it. More strategies are discovered, more information is shared. And the people who keep playing it after all those years instead of moving on, are the ones who still enjoy getting better at it.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Geronimoo on July 13, 2013, 04:11:26 pm
tl;dr I qualified for the Dutch/Belgian Championship

Today I played in a qualifier tournament for the Dutch/Belgian championship. There were 8 players and the organisers decided to let us play 7 rounds heads up so everyone would play each other. The top 2 players would get a qualification ticket. Each round would have 5 random cards from base set and Intrigue so not the full Dominion experience but at least not the horror that is pure base Dominion.

First round I played against a n00b, but the board was pretty interesting featuring Conspirator, Mining Village and Throne Room. I looked for a Big Money enabler, but found none so I decided to flex my engine building muscles and go for big Conspirator chains building up to double Province. I opened Woodcutter/Workshop. I did eventually get the big chains, but 1 Woodcutter was apparently not enough so I had several turns where I spent $13 on single Province. Oh well, I'm no Stef, but my engine seemed good enough to beat my newbie opponent.

Second round I faced a slightly more seasoned player as he admitted to playing on Goko. We mirrored the opening with Baron/Silver then continued to try to win the Minions split. My opponent detoured for a single Torturer but that seemed pretty useless without Villages. I did take one Curse in the early game to ensure buying a Minion. We split the Minions evenly and I started focusing on golds while my adversary went for Markets and Wishing Well hoping to keep his Minion deck rolling. I liked my plan better, but we split the Provinces 4/4. This meant I lost by 1 point (the Curse!!!). Ugh.

Round three featured a Bridge mega turn with Village, Throne Room and Smithy to enable it. I pulled off the 8 Bridges turn pretty fast (my opponent didn't have Provinces yet). This game proved to me once again that Dominion is actually an online game that happens to also exist in the real world. You should have seen my play area in the final turn. A big mess of Villages, Throne Rooms, Smithies and Bridges.

Round four I played against a girl. Yes, unlike Magic, girls play Dominion. I wasn't happy though. She opened Witch/Cellar on a dry board (I mean no engine in sight) while I had to settle for Swindler/Silver. I did get 2 Witches in the second shuffle and she didn't get a second Witch so we split the Curses 5/5. It was a tense match with me hoping she'd make a mistake (like buying Villages) but she kept on buying Silvers and Golds. In the end We split the Provinces and Duchies evenly, but she ended the game and was first player so I was awarded the win. Phew!

Round five featured Minions again, but also Duke. I opened Masquerade/Silver and went on to win the Minions split 7-3. That was pretty much good game, but him going for Provinces and me going for Duchy/Duke made the win even more pronounced. In the end I had 80 points to my poor opponent's 42.

Round 6 I played against another Goko player who seemed to know what he was doing. I opened a nice 5/2 with Mine into Library BM. My opponent tried to counter the Mine opening by opening Thief. Pretty desperate move, but he did steal 2 Silver in the course of the game. Eventually he pretty much mirrored my game plan, but my good start gave me a comfortable win.

Round 7 another girl. This one was very newbish as she bought pretty much each card on the board while I settled for a single Library and money. Easiest win in the tournament.

I ended up winning the tournament, so Stef and all you other Duchies better watch out, because Geronimoo is coming to crush your dreams at the national championship!
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: mail-mi on July 13, 2013, 04:15:17 pm

Third round featured a fun board with Village, Smithy, Throne Room and Bridge a
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Davio on July 14, 2013, 01:17:33 am
Well, at least you're coming to play now and not just to write a report that never gets published.  ;D
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: TheMirrorMan on July 19, 2013, 08:12:19 am
Hi Geronimoo,

First of all, my congratulations on your first place in the tournament. You deserved the win.

I had a few comments on your post.

Let's start with your village - smithy - bridge combo in round three. I found it great to see your table full of those cards (think there was about 23 - 24 cards in one turn) - yeah that was clear who had the better strategy.

As for my own tournament, I think I did fairly well except for one round. With a board of scout, shanty town, nobles and harem I thought I was going to be smart and bought 2 scouts (to get the harems and nobles in my hand) and 2 shanty towns from the beginning. Ye god, what was I thinking !!! I think it last until turn 11 until I got $6 in my hand, waaaaaaaay too late. Well, lessons learnt, never doing that again.

As for our game in round 2. The idea of the torturer was to use it at the end of the minion chain. The purpose ? Either giving you some trash in your deck, slowing your minion chain down, either having you to discard and force you to use the minion as a exchange into 4 cards instead of getting +$2 and picking up a new minion. I don't know whether or not this was a good idea, I'll have to download your simulator and see what it tells me.

The other thing was the secret chamber that I bought - if it were to appear at the end of my minion chain and I were to have rubbish in my hands, at least I could get some extra money out of it.

I think one of the reasons why I kept up was due to a bit of a disputable "rule" concerning the secret chamber I bought.

Minion is an attack card so each time it is played, I could use the secret chamber. Now the strange thing is that each time you played the minion, you already announced the action you were going to take. On Goko, this happens the other way around - first the opponent uses his secret chamber, then you announce the action.

The difference ? Each time you now announced that you were going to discard the cards and I used the secret chamber, of course I put my minion back on the deck and kept the rubbish in my hand. After the discard + take 4 cards, I was sure to have at least one minion there and possible get the chain going again. Worth a discussion I think.

Anyways, the difference in level was quite apparent between the players - 5 inexperienced and 3 experienced. Hope to test out my talents at the BK/NK Dominion in september (or get my ass kicked and learn !!!).
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ArjanB on August 04, 2013, 04:49:50 pm
LoesU heeft zich ook geplaatst voor de finale door met een 7 uit 7 te winnen van iedereen in de voorronde in uden vandaag. Ik heb het helaas niet gehaald maar ben er zeker bij 8 september.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: TheMirrorMan on August 28, 2013, 09:53:31 am
Net post gezien op Facebook :

Voor mensen die willen weten hoe de opzet zal zijn van de dominion wedstrijd op 8 september.
-18 man ( en vrouw)
-zwitsers, 6 rondes (1 on 1)
-dan finale met laatste 2, best of three

Het tijdschema etc komt eraan. Daar wordt door onze wedstrijdleiding hard aan gewerkt!

Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Davio on September 08, 2013, 02:00:41 pm
Stef won, deservedly as he won all 6 of the Swiss matches and he beat Geronimoo 2-0 in the final. So Stef will follow in my footsteps as the Dutch champion and Geronimoo, although coming second in this tourney, is the Belgian champion.

My 4-2 record in the Swiss wasn't enough for a place in the finals, but I had a blast and playing Dominion for an entire day is a reward for me in of itself.

Good to see the guys from last year again and some other from this site I hadn't seen before.

Maybe I'll write a full report later, maybe not, we'll see. :)
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: ipofanes on September 09, 2013, 04:08:08 am
Stef won, deservedly as he won all 6 of the Swiss matches and he beat Geronimoo 2-0 in the final. So Stef will follow in my footsteps as the Dutch champion and Geronimoo, although coming second in this tourney, is the Belgian champion.

Belgian or Flemish? Was this tournament advertised in the non-Flemish speaking regions of the country?
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Davio on September 09, 2013, 04:24:33 am
I don't know how they did the Belgian prelims, but it seems to me it was targeted towards the Flemish-speaking region as we were also playing with Dutch cards and players, etc.

But I think the Flemish part of the country is also the one that is the most into boardgaming as there are a lot of Flemish boardgaming clubs.
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: TheMirrorMan on September 09, 2013, 05:25:52 am
Well to be honest we had ... ONE (!) preliminary. Which wasn't even announced that much too (not really the fault of the organizers, if it weren't for them, we would have had no preliminaries at all).

As for the championship, I had a blast and I completely agree with Davio - was nice to see everybody in person and to e.g. find out that SheCantSayNo is not a woman :-)

Thought I was on a roll (got 3/3 in the first three rounds with wins against bekse and dubdubdubdub). And then played like a dufus in the next three - I trapped myself quite quickly against Indur, I ignored ALL engine options against Martijn (yeah, who needs nobles, right ? Oh you've got 7 already ...) and I think Davio used the Dark Ages set because by the time I got some stuff in my deck, it resembled more a pile of ruins than anything else.

I think it's also a good time to get some ideas out in the open for next year - we all want to play with more sets, I think Stef proposed possibly organizing parts of it online on Goko too ...

Anyways, great day, great location, great competitors. I will most certainly be back next year!
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: MaartenRobinson on January 02, 2017, 03:00:25 pm
I saw this message:

Any guys attending?
The last dutch championships was really nice.
I expect Stef to be dominating there or Davio defending his title?

So if you have seen the link, what do you think about the pre rounds?
I think it will be a mistake. I don' t think much people will go to a pre round tournament.
Or at some location maybe turns up alot of people and at another location maybe 4 people. Not really fair imo

Does anyone know when the next Dutch championship will be held?
Title: Re: Dutch Championships 2013
Post by: Aleimon Thimble on January 12, 2017, 07:47:00 am
I saw this message:

Any guys attending?
The last dutch championships was really nice.
I expect Stef to be dominating there or Davio defending his title?

So if you have seen the link, what do you think about the pre rounds?
I think it will be a mistake. I don' t think much people will go to a pre round tournament.
Or at some location maybe turns up alot of people and at another location maybe 4 people. Not really fair imo

Does anyone know when the next Dutch championship will be held?

It's unlikely that there will be another. The last one was in 2015, which was Base set only. The 2016 Dutch championship was cancelled because nobody wanted to organize it.